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06-07-2013 - trinitymirror.net


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EU to punish USfor eavesdroppingBrusells, July 6:The European Union isthreatening to suspend twoagreements granting the UnitedStates access to Europeanfinancial and travel data unlessWashington shows it is respectingEU rules on data privacy, EUofficials said today.The threat reflects Europeandisquiet about allegations that theUnited States has engaged inwidespread eavesdropping onEuropean inter<strong>net</strong> users as well asspying on the EU.Cecilia Malmstrom, the EU'shome affairs commissioner, wroteto two senior US officials yesterdayto voice European concerns overimplementation of the twoagreements, both struck in theVenezuela offers asylum toSnowden despite US warningsCaracas, July 6:Venezuelan President NicolasMaduro has offered to give ‘humanitarianasylum’ to US intelligenceleaker Edward Snowden, who iswaiting at a Moscow airport forsome nation to offer him sanctuary."As head of state of theBoliviarian republic of Venezuela, Ihave decided to offer humanitarianasylum to the young Snowden ...wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacksand regarded by Washington asimportant tools in the fight againstterrorism."Should we fail to demonstratethe benefits of (the agreements) forour citizens and the fact that theyhave been implemented in fullcompliance with the law, theircredibility will be seriously affectedand in such a case I will be obligedto reconsider (whether) theconditions for their implementationare still met," Malmstrom said.EU-US relations are goingthrough a "delicate moment", shewrote in the letter to US HomelandSecurity Secretary Ja<strong>net</strong>Napolitano and David Cohen,Treasury under-secretary forterrorism and financial intelligence.to protect this young man from thepersecution launched by the mostpowerful empire in the world,"Maduro said on Friday at an independenceday event.Moments earlier in Nicaragua,President Daniel Ortega said hisgovernment was willing to give asylumto the US fugitive, offering aglimmer of hope to Snowden, whohas been in limbo at Moscow's internationalairport since June 23.TRINITY MIRRORSATURDAY 6 JULY <strong>2013</strong>"Mutual trust and confidencehave been seriously eroded and Iexpect the US to do all that it canto restore them," she said in theletter, seen by Reuters.Malmstrom is dispatching ateam of officials to Washingtonnext week for previously scheduledreviews of both information-sharingagreements.The Terrorist Finance TrackingProgramme (TFTP) provides theUS Treasury with data stored inEurope on international financialtransfers. The Passenger NameRecord agreement covers dataprovided by passengers whenbooking tickets and checking in forflights. All such information ispassed to the US Department ofHomeland Security.Snowden has applied for asylumin 27 countries as he tries to evadeAmerican justice for disclosing avast US electronic surveillance program.But his bids have been rebuffedby several European nationsas well as Brazil and India.The 30-year-old former NationalSecurity Agency contractor, however,has received more sympatheticwords from leftist governmentsin Latin America.African Union suspendsEgypt over army coupAddis Ababa, July 6:The African Union votedoverwhelmingly today to suspendEgypt from all its activities after theEgyptian army ousted the electedpresident, Mohamed Mursi,following days of mass protestsagainst his rule.Suspension is the AU's usualresponse to any interruption ofconstitutional rule by a memberstate and it is generally lifted oncea country has held a free electiononce again, which is the Egyptianarmy's stated goal, though it hasgiven no timeframe."As mandated by the relevant AUinstruments, the African UnionPeace and Security Councildecides to suspend theparticipation of Egypt in AUactivities until the restoration ofconstitutional order," said councilsecretary Admore Kambudzi.Egypt is one of the biggestcontributors to the AU budget andits suspension will freeze it out ofjoint decision-making.In March the AU suspended theCentral African Republic afterrebels overthrew the government.It meted out similar treatmentNAME CHANGEI, Sheeba Babu George,W/o. Babu George, Date ofBirth: 15.11.1972, Residing atAI, Sams Court, Phase-2,No.88, Panchaliamman KoilStreet,Arumbakkam,Chennai-600 1<strong>06</strong>, shallhenceforth be known asSHIBA BABU GEORGE.Sheeba Babu GeorgeNAME CHANGEI, Anitha Kumari Babulal,W/o. Vinod Chhajer, Date ofBirth: <strong>06</strong>.10.1978, Residing atNo.60/114, E.V.K. SampathRoad, Vepery, Chennai-6000<strong>07</strong>, shall henceforth beknown as ANITHACHHAJER.Anitha Kumari BabulalNAME CHANGEMy Son Baskar RevathyShinesh, Date of Birth:04.08.2004, Residing atNo.114, 12th Street, 2ndSector, 2nd Sector, K.K.Nagar, Chennai-600 <strong>07</strong>8,shall henceforth be knownas BASKAR REVATHYARJUN SATHISH.Ravi Saroja Baskar(Father)previously to Madagascar and Malibut in all cases cited only a changeof power by "unconstitutionalmeans" as the offence, not a"coup". Mali's suspension was laterlifted.Diplomats said suspension isapplied over "unconstitutionalmeans" of power transitionregardless of the size and influenceof any African country.Egypt is the Arab world's mostpopulous nation and among thebigger economies on the Africancontinent."We have laws and it was clearfrom the beginning - it was anunconstitutional change ofgovernment," a West Africandiplomat who declined to be namedtold Reuters. "Such changes are aviolation of the AU's constitutiveact."But a diplomat from North Africacriticised the AU's automaticresponse to Egypt's case."It's a pity. They have to revisitthis law," he said. "These aredifferent types of situations andthey (AU) are turning a blind eye tothe aspirations of people."The Egyptian military removedNAME CHANGEI, Vijayalakshmi PanditVenkataraman, W/o.Subramanian, Date of Birth:29.12.1959, Residing at No.1/67, 1st Block, J.J.NagarMoggappair East, Chennai-600 037, shall henceforth beknown as VIJAYASUBRAMANIAN.Vijayalakshmi PanditVenkataramanNAME CHANGEI, Gnana Sekaran BanuRekha,W/o.V.Vivekanandan, Date ofBirth: <strong>07</strong>.01.1971, Residing atNo. 442, Income TaxQuarters, Aayakar Bhavan,Uthamar Gandhi Road,Nungambakkam, Chennai-600 039, shall henceforth beknown as VIVEKANANDANBHANU REKHA.Gnana SekaranBanu RekhaNAME CHANGEI, Mari, W/o. A.Balu, Date ofBirth: 22.11.1968, Residing atNo.305A, Surya Apartments,2nd Main Road, NatesanNagar, Virugambakkam,Chennai-600 092, shallhenceforth be known asPREMA.MariNAME CHANGEI, Govindarajulu ManjuBhargavi, W/o.Seshachalam Jayaraman,Date of Birth: <strong>06</strong>.01.1980,Residing at Old No.158, NewNo.3, F-Block, 5th Street,Anna Nagar East, Chennai-600 102, shall henceforth beknown as SESHACHALAMMANJU BHARGAVI.Govindarajulu ManjuBhargaviNAME CHANGEI, US.Anju, D/o. Sree Kumar,Date of Birth: 26.03.1994,(Native Place: Nemom,Kerala) Residing at No.30,Nandhanam, ThiruvengadaNagar, Lakshmipuram Road,Poonamallee, Chennai-600056, shall henceforth beknown as S.ANJU.Mursi after millions of Egyptiansrallied in protest at a crumblingeconomy and what they saw as hiseffort to turn the state into a fief ofthe Muslim Brotherhood despite alimited electoral mandate.The AU said it would soon senda team of "eminent personalities" -including Nigerian ex-presidentOlusegun Obasanjo, according toone official - as observers to Egyptto encourage moves back toelectoral democracy.After the swearing-in ofconstitutional court chief judge AdliMansour on Thursday as interimhead of state, the next step in theEgyptian army's proclaimed "roadmap" back to democracy is theformation of an interim governmentin the coming days.Tunisia and Turkey, bothgoverned by Islamists, wereamong Muslim countries todenounce Mursi's overthrowexpressly as a coup.The United States and EuropeanUnion sidestepped thatdescription, which wouldautomatically trigger punitivesanctions, but called for a swiftreturn to democratic rule.US.AnjuNAME CHANGEI, Megha Shenoy Katpadi,D/o. Prasanna Shenoy, Dateof Birth: 05.03.1992,Residing at No.2, NamagiriApartments, 12/41, AsokaStreet, Abhiramapuram,Chennai-600 018, shallhenceforth be known asMEGHA SHENOY.Megha Shenoy KatpadiNAME CHANGEI, Arthi Arjunan, D/o.Arjunan, Date of Birth:27.02.1992, Residing atO.No.12,N.No.18,Gajalakshmi Colony, 1stStreet, Shenoy Nagar,Chennai-600 030, shallhenceforth be known asAARTHI ARJUNAN.Arthi ArjunanNAME CHANGEI, Mukerjee Revathi, D/o.G.Swaminathan, Date ofBirth: 03.12.1946, Residing atKrishnankaranai Village,Pattipulam Post, Mahabalipuram, Kanchieepuram-603104, shall henceforth beknown as MUKERJEEREVATI.Mukerjee RevathiNAME CHANGEI, Reshma Panjwani, W/o.Naveen Khubchandani, Dateof Birth: 08.09.1975,Residing at Sunnya Vale, B-34, 3rd Floor, No.351, KonnurHigh Road, Ayanavaram,Chennai-600 023, shallhenceforth be known asSHIVANGI KHUBCHANDANI.Reshma PanjwaniAnglican headfavours womenbishopsLondon, July 6:The Church of England must followthrough on plans to ordainwomen bishops, its spiritual headsaid, as talks on the issue thathave divided the church were setto re-open.In his first address to its nationalassembly, the General Synod,Archbishop of Canterbury JustinWelby said the Church must adaptto a changing society in which congregationnumbers are falling inmany increasingly secular countries.'Let's be clear, pretending thatnothing has changed is absurd andimpossible. In times of revolutionwe too in the Church of Englandmust have a revolution,' saidWelby, a former oil executive whowas named successor to RowanWilliams as the head of the Anglicanchurch in late 2012.Suicide attackclaims 22 in IraqBaghdad, July 6:A suicide bomber killed 15 peopleas they left a Shi'ite mosque in theIraqi capital and a separate attackon Sunni protesters killed seven,police and medics said.In Baghdad's northwesterndistrict of Graiaat, witnesses saidguards at the exit to the Shi'itemosque stopped a woman whothen blew herself up amidstworshippers leaving after sunsetprayers yesterday. Suicidebombings are the hallmark of alQaeda.The attack on the Sunniprotesters took place in Samarra,100 km north of Baghdad, one ofseveral cities where Sunnis havebeen protesting against Iraq'sShi'ite-led government sinceDecember.Many Sunnis resent Shi'itedomination since the U.S.-ledinvasion that toppled SaddamHussein in 2003 and empoweredmajority Shi'ites through the ballotbox. That was followed by aninsurgency that brought Iraq to thebrink of civil war.WHO takes onMERS virusGeneva, July 6:The World Health Organization isforming an emergency committeeof international experts to preparefor a possible worsening of theMiddle East coronavirus (MERS),which has killed 40 people, WHOflu expert Keiji Fukuda saidtoday.Fukuda said there wascurrently no emergency orpandemic but the expertswould advise on how totackle the disease if thenumber of cases suddenlygrows. Most of the casesof MERS so far have beenin Saudi Arabia, whichhosts millions of Muslimvisitors every year for theannual haj pilgrimage.NAME CHANGEMy Son, S.Sanjeev, Date ofBirth: 27.05.2005, Residing atNo.94B, F1, B-Block,AnandamApartments,Pillaiyar Kovil Street,Lakshmipuram, Chromepet,Chennai-600 044, shallhenceforth be known asSANJEEV SRINIVASAN.R.Srinivasan (Father)NAME CHANGEI, Setu, S/o. Abdul Wahab,Date of Birth: 21.<strong>06</strong>.1979,Residing at No.20/34,Stranhans Road, 4th Lane,Chennai - 600 012,shall henceforth be knownas ABDUL SETUSetuNAME CHANGEI, Zakir Hussain MohamedAnwar Ali, S/o. A.ZakirHussain, Date of Birth:12.12.1991, Residing atBlock 8/11, CPWD Quarters,K.K.Nagar, Chennai- 600 <strong>07</strong>8,shall henceforth be known asANWAR ZAKIR GOWHERMOHAMET KARISZakir Hussain MohamedAnwar AliOdd world5 year old’sstunning paintings5A five-year-old girl whose stellar IQ amazed experts has blossomedinto a talented artist. Heidi Hankins was accepted into Mensalast year with a genius-level IQ of 159 – one point below famousphysicist Stephen Hawking.Now the little girl who could read and write aged two has shownremarkable artistic skill as well. Heidi first picked up a paintbrushsix weeks ago and has been creating beautiful watercolor landscapesever since.Her astonished family is considering holding an exhibition ofher work. Proud father Matthew, of Winchester, Hants, said: “Heidiwas always good at drawing but now she mixes watercolors andwill sit happily chatting to you and knock off three landscapes.”Forbidden movie goes on airA banned pornographic film in China has been accidentallyshown on a giant advertising screen in a public square in thecountry’s Jilin province.The film, ‘Xin Jin Mei’, which translates in English as ‘The ForbiddenLegend: Sex and Chopsticks’, was reported to have beenplayed out to a shocked public for around ten minutes. A technician,who was supposed to be repairing the screen, had been watchingthe film on his computer unaware that the explicit content wasbeing broadcast for hundreds of people to see. The advertisingcompany that owned the screen quickly notified the technician,named as Yuan Mou, of the live broadcast. According to reportsfrom Chinese media, Mr. Yuan then quickly unplugged his computerand threw the disc out of a window.News of the incident spread quickly though and pictures of thefilm on the main square near a busy train station went viral. MrYuan was taken into police custody for questioning .China hastight regulations controlling which films can be broadcast, includingpolitically sensitive films and some pornographic films.Doctor’s punching operationA doctor in Russia has been filmed punching a patient in thechest hours after he underwent heart surgery because he calledhim names.Dr Andrey Votyakov, an anaesthesiologist at a hospital in Perm,was filmed speaking to the restrained patient before hitting him inthe face and then slamming his fist onto the man’s chest.The patientis shown flinching, unable to escape the attack. The manlater died.The incident took place in February and Votyakov, who previouslyhad an unblemished record, was fired after the film wentviral online.Votyakov told investigators he was extremely tired after a 36-hour shift and grew angry when the patient started abusing him.Votyakov was sacked after the incident became public and it isbeing investigated by police.Demonstrators killed in CairoCairo, July 6:At least three demonstratorswere shot dead outside theRepublican Guard barracks in Cairowhere deposed Islamist PresidentMohamed Mursi is being held,security sources said.The sources said security forceshad opened fire. A spokesman forthe army said troops had only firedblank rounds and teargas. AReuters journalist sawdemonstrators hit by shotgunNAME CHANGEI,Edwin Stanislaus, S/o.Joseph Stanislas, Date ofBirth: 12.<strong>07</strong>.1942, Residing atNo.4/418, Arumugam Nagar,Kadambathur, Tiruvallur - 631203, shall henceforth beknown as EDWINSTANISLASEdwin StanislausNAME CHANGEI, Selvapandian Kannadasan, S/o. Selvapandian,Date of Birth: 28.03.1985,Residing at No.5/1, SriGanesh Villa, Thulukhanathamman Kovil Street,Kottur, Chennai - 600 085,shall henceforth be knownas SELVAPANDIANKANNADHASANSelvapandianKannadasanNAME CHANGEI, Jayakumari D/o.PalaniRajakumar, W/o. VelloreSambandam Ramamoorthy,Date of Birth:<strong>06</strong>.10.1954,Residing at No.L/10, C-Block,Tara Gardens, 4/318, OldMahabalipuram Road,Kottivakkam, Chennai-600041, shall henceforth beknown as JAIKUMARI W/o.Ramamoorthy.JayakumariNAME CHANGEI, Santhi Sundaram, W/o.Samson, Date of Birth:30.<strong>06</strong>.1969, Residing atO.No.1/56, E.V.K. HZ WisdomR.C.King Castle,Chelliamman Colony,Peravellore Chennai-600082, shall henceforth beknown as SHANTHISAMSON.Santhi SundaramNAME CHANGEI, Tarun Kumar ShreeBhurmal, S/o. Bhurmal,Date of Birth: 20.<strong>06</strong>.1987,Residing at No.1/4, ChakkaraiChetty Street, Kondithope,Chennai - 600 <strong>07</strong>9, shallhenceforth be known asTARUNpellets.It was not clear whether securityforces other than the army werepresent.Hundreds of supporters ofMursi's Muslim Brotherhood hadmarched towards thesuburban compound and gatheredoutside.A Reuters journalist heardshotgun fire and saw at least eightpeople among the protesters whohad been wounded.Tarun KumarShree BhurmalPUBLIC NOTICEMy client R. Balaji son ofR. Venkatadri Naidu, residingat No. 24/78, Chithirai Street,Stage -2, Chinmaya nagar,Chennai -92. And he ishaving Power of Attorney infavour of his name propertyat 2/29, Rangarajapuram, 4thstreet, saidapet, Chennai -600 15. The total propertyarea 1200 Sq Feet andcomprising survey No. 2/14,& 1/10, of Venkatapuramvillage Guindy, MambalamTaluk, and it was last originalPower of Attorney DocumentNo. 838/2010 Sub Registrarin Adyar and misplaced bymy client while he is travelingfrom chinmaya Nagar, tosaidapet on 29.6.<strong>2013</strong> ataround 9.a.m.I request if any found thisto in favour of my client kindlyhandover those to the abovementioned address or overphone 81442 36778. Ifanyone misleading ormisguiding or taking any stepsagainst this document it willnot bind my client and thecriminal and Civil Proceedingwill take against them by myclient.E.RajendranB.Com., B.L.DCAHigh court Advocate,No.16A, Nahru Nagar,Main Dhasarathapuram,Saligramam, Chennai-93NAME CHANGEI,Suresh, S/o. Shanmugam,Date of Birth:20.11.1973,Residing atNo.93/45,Sengazhaneer Pillaiyar KoilStreet, Mannady, Chennai-600 001, shall henceforth beknown as THARAKSHISHANMUGAM SURESHSureshIN THE ffiGH COURT OFJUDICATURE AT MADRAS(Testamentary andhltestate Jurisdiction)O.P .No.213 of <strong>2013</strong>In the matter ofIndian SuccessionAct XXXIX 1925In the matter of Last Willand Testament ofMr. G. Balaraman(Deceased)Mr. D. Paneer Selvam...PetitionerAll persons claiming to haveany interest in the Estate ofthe above named deceasedMr.G.Balaraman, who waslast residing at No.116, SajjaMunuswamy Street, OldWashermanpet, Chennai-600 021, are hereby cIted tocome and see theproceedIngs on 16.7.<strong>2013</strong> at10.30a.m. Before theLearned Master Sitting in theOriginal Side of the Highcourt of Judicature atMadras and file theirobjections if they think fitbefore the grant of Lettersof Administration.Dated at Chennai this the25th day of June <strong>2013</strong>.M. JayashreeAssistant Registrar,Original side-lHigh Court of JudicatureMadras-600 104.Counsel for petitionerMr. R. SundaramurthyAdvocate,No. 10, Kondl Chetty Street,II Floor, Chennai-1.

6 TRINITY MIRRORSATURDAY 6 JULY <strong>2013</strong>NAME CHANGEI, Manohar Sreenivasan,S/o. Sreenivasan, Date ofBirth: 23.08.1968, Residingat No.2A, RamakrishnaStreet,It will drive farmers to starvationFood Security Bill,a Cong gimmick beforeLS polls: MulayamLucknow, July 6:Describing the Food SecurityOrdinance as a poll gimmick,Samajwadi Party presidentMulayam Singh Yadav said that itwas brought by the Congress,fearing defeat in the coming LokSabha elections. 'Congress hasalways taken such steps before theelections in the past and this timetoo, they did the same though in ahurry as the party is apprehendingcertain defeat in the polls,' Yadavcommented.Addressing a press conferencehere, the SP president said hisparty was always against the FoodSecurity Bill as it would drive thefarmers to starvation. 'We haveopposed the Bill in the all partymeeting and some Union Ministershad supported our stand. But wedon't know why the UPA-IIgovernment is in a hurry to go foran ordinance when the monsoonsession of Parliament is on theanvil,' he said.Yadav said that when lakhs oftonnes of foodgrains were rotting,the Centre refused even theSupreme Court's order to providefree grains to the poor when morethan five lakh people have died dueto starvation.The Central government had alsoadmitted death of 2.20 lakh peopledue to starvation in the country.'Congress always brings new sopsfor the people like they did withMGNREGA and Loan waiver Billsbefore the elections and now theywere trying for the Food SecurityBill,' he said while, adding, that theBill would hit the farmers directlyas there was nothing to protect theirrights.The SP supremo made it clearthat the party would fight till the endKrishnamoorthyNagar, Kodungaiyur, Chennai- 600 118, shall henceforthbe known as MANOHARANSREENIVASANManohar SreenivasanNAME CHANGEI,Agarwala Arun Kumar,S/o. Agarwala Nandalal, Dateof Birth: 01.05.1958,Residing atNo.5-B,Manonmani Ammal Street,Kilpauk, Chennai- 600 010,shall henceforth be knownas AGARWAL ARUNKUMARto ensure the rights of farmers inthe Food security Bill. "We couldeven go to the extent of derailingthe Food Security Bill like we didin the Reservation in PromotionBill," he warned.Ruling out efforts to form the thirdfront before the Lok Sabhaelections, the SP chief said It wasnow certain that neither BJP norCongress will not get majority in thepolls hence, the smaller andregional parties would have the sayafter the polls.Yadav said the third front wouldcome in existence after theelections when the non-congressAgarwala Arun KumarNAME CHANGEI, Ashwanth Senniappan,S/o. Senniappan, Date ofBirth: 18.03.1991, Residingat Old No.169, New No.14,VGP Nagar, Mogappair,Chennai - 600 037, shallhenceforth be known asKALIAPPAN SENNIAPPANSABAREESHAshwanth Senniappanand non-BJP parties would sittogether for formation of the nextgovernment. The former UP CMalso denied that SP was a partnerof the UPA-II government and saidthe party had always stood againstthe government in almost all theanti-people issues. "We have beenditched in the nuclear Bill as theCongress failed to implement thepromises to generate power throughatomic plants."Now we are pushing ahead verycautiously and had supported theUPA-II only to prevent thecommunal forces to come topower," he added.I am getting publicity fromBeni's outburst: MulayamLucknow, July 6:Refusing to approach theCongress leadership against UnionSteel Minister Beni Prasad Verma,Samajwadi Party presidentMulayam Singh Yadavsaid Verma'soutburst against him was giving himwide publicity. 'There is no needto complain to the Congressleadership as Beni, my oldcolleague, is giving me publicitywithout any expense,' he toldmediapersons here. "The outburstof Beni was benefitting me and myparty," he added.Referring to yesterday'sstatement of Verma that he wouldprefer to resign from the Congressif he was stopped from speakingagainst Yadav, the SP presidentsaid the statement itself provedthat he has been 'scolded' by theparty leadership. The former UPChief Minister also contradicted theallegation of Verma about hisnexus with the BJP in thedemolition of the Ayodhyastructure. 'It is a baseless allegationwithout any truth,' he stated. TheSP chief also ruled out any impactof Gujarat Chief Minister NarendraModi in Uttar Pradesh during thenext Lok Sabha elections.'Narendra Modi is just a mediahype and it will fall flat in theelections just as he could not doanything worthwhile in Karanatakaassembly elections,' he stated.Yadav also denied differenceswith Shahi Imam of Jama MasjidAhmed Bukhari and claimed thatthey had met several timesrecently. 'There are no differencesbetween us and we frequently meeteither in Delhi or in Lucknow,' hestated. Earlier it was reported thatAhmed Bukhari was demandingseveral Lok Sabha tickets andministerial posts in UP for hisrelatives and supporters and waspressurising the Samajwadi Partyleadership, for this.Ordinance okayed to providefood security to 82 cr peopleNew Delhi, July 6:Foodgrain basket for 82 crorepeople at a whopping cost of Rs1,21,000 crore on the nationalexchequer was cleared byPresident Pranab Mukherjeesigning the Ordinance, officialsources said.The formal promulgation will benotified soon to pave way forimplementation of the flagshipprogramme of the ruling UPA toensure food security to the poorboth in rural and urban belts acrossthe country.Now massive preparations areunderway to implement theprogramme, the biggest-ever sopto commoners, after MGNREGA,which had ensured work in lieu ofcash payments. The Ordinance,which was approved by the Cabi<strong>net</strong>at its meeting here on Wednesday,was sent to the President last nightby Food and Public DistributionMinister K V Thomas. "I sent theFood Security Ordinance, whichincorporated several amendments,to the Rashtrapati Bhawan lastnight,"Dr Thomas told reporters.Sources in the RashtrapatiBhawan confirmed that thePresident has given his approvalto the Ordinance.The approval by the Presidentpaves the way for theimplementation of the FoodSecurity Ordinance, which aims toLanka announcespoll in NorthernProvince, informs IndiaNew Delhi, July 6:Sri Lanka has informed India thatthe island nation had announcedelections in its Northern Province.Basil Rajapaksa, Sri LankanMinister of EconomicDevelopment, met External AffairsMinister Salman Khurshid,National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon and ForeignSecretary Ranjan Mathai here andinformed them that his country hadannounced the conduct of electionsto the Northern province, officialsources said here.The External Affairs Ministerexpressed appreciation for theannouncement and emphasisedthe need to fully implement theprovisions of 13th Amendment. Hetold Rajapaksa to go beyond theimplementation of the 13thAmendment to ensure meaningfuldevelopment of Sri Lanka.He also urged Rajapaksa not todo anything to dilute the provisionsof the 13th Amendment.Rajapaksa expressed appreciationfor the vast number of projects thatare being undertaken by Indiaespecially in the Northern andEastern provinces. He said therewas great appreciation among thepeople of Sri Lanka for the projectsbeing undertaken, especially thehousing project which wasproceeding "extremely well," thesources added.provide subsidised foodgrains to 70per cent of the poor of the country.The Ordinance enables thegovernment to implement the foodsecurity scheme immediately butit will have to secure Parliament'sapproval in six months time.Indications are that thegovernment opted for theOrdinance route because it doesnot want any delay inimplementation of the scheme inview of the year-end assemblyelections in Madhya Pradesh,Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Delhi.The issue of ... picking up parathree, line one of DI19, President-Food Security-Lead Ordinance TwoNew Delhi.Nawaz Sharif'senvoy meets PM;hands over letterNew Delhi, July 6:Pakistan premier Nawaz Sharif'sspecial envoy Shaharyar Khan metPrime Minister Manmohan Singhhere and conveyed to himIslamabad's desire to further improverelations with New Delhi.Khan who was with the Prime Ministerfor about half an hour, alsohanded over a letter from Mr Sharifto the Prime Minister.The lettercontained Pakistan's "sincere desireto move forward" for improvingrelations with India. He alsoheld separate meetings with ExternalAffairs Minister SalmanKhurshid, National Security AdviserShivshankar Menon, ForeignSecretary Ranjan Mathai and PrimeMinister's Special Envoy SatinderLambah. The meetings are significantas both the countries haveevinced interest in carrying forwardthe dialogue process.NAME CHANGEI,Hasen, S/o. Abdul Majeed,Date of Birth: 05.04.1979,Residing atNo.309, MGRStreet, Kanathur, Reddykuppam, Chengalpet TK,Kancheepuram - 603 112,shall henceforth be knownas HASSAINHasenDid NIA manipulate report ?BJP asks Home Ministry toclarify Headley remark on IshratNew Delhi, July 6:The BJP demanded that UnionHome Ministry clarify a purportedremark by US-based jailed LeTmilitant David Coleman Headleythat Ishrat Jahan was described tohim as a terrorist by a seniorcommander of the terror group.The BJP asked the UnionGovernment to explain why theNational Investigating Agency(NIA)deleted paragraphs from a reportthat quoted Headley describing 19-year-old college student IshratJahan as a terrorist.Headley, the Pakistani-Americanin jail in the US after confessing tohis role in the Mumbai 26/11attacks, had reportedly told Indianinvestigators who questioned himNAME CHANGEI,Mohan VaithiPrabakaran, S/o.Mohan,Date of Birth: 04.04.1995,Residing at Old No. 1/25H,New No.2/37A, AgaaharamPost, Avathanapatti VillageKrishnagiri - 635001, shallhenceforth be known asMOHAN INIYANMohan Vaithi PrabakaranNAME CHANGEI,Kumaraswamy PappuNadar, S/o. Pappu Nadar,Date of Birth:01.<strong>06</strong>.1957,Residing at No.9/30,Sivanandhar Street,Nanmangalam, Chennai- 600117, shall henceforth beknown as THOMAS PAPPUNADARKumaraswamyPappu NadarPASSPORT LOSTThe general public that Ihave lost my original Passportbearing No. B 3763747issued on 09.10.2001 byRPO/Chennai on WhileTravelling by Two Wheelersin Lakshmipuram, at Chennai-600 099. Finder/s is/arerequested to hand over thesame to me at the belowmentioned address: O.No.68,N.No.52, V.O.C. Street,Lakshmipuram, Chennai-600099. Finders will be rewardedsuitably.Niamuthulu ShanavazMISSINGI, V.Vinoth, Son ofVithuvasigamanl, aged about28 years, residing at ThoppuStreet,Paravakkottai,Mannarkudi Taluk, TlruvarurDistrict-614 015. I am theholder of Indian Passport No.F2284432, dated27.01.2005, issued by R.P.O.Trichy and date of Expiry is27.01.2015. On 29.05.<strong>2013</strong>my abovesaid passport wasmisplaced by me while takingXerox CopIes of mypassport, HR at SkywalkShoppingComplex,Aminjikarai, Chennal-29. If itIs found my passport pleasegiven in the below mentionedaddress.in 2010 that Ishrat was describedto him as a terrorist by a seniorcommander of terror groupLashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)."Why were these paragraphsdeleted? The Congress cannotdecide who is terrorist and who isnot...it's for the courts to decide,"BJP spokesperson NirmalaSitharaman told a news conferencehere."Congress should stop playingpolitics on terrorism," she said. TheBJP said the CBI is deliberatelywithholding facts about Ishrat'sbackground to discredit GujaratChief Minister Narendra Modi andhis administration.The Union Government is usingthe CBI to hit out at Modi and thenGovt spending `8 lakh cron oil import: MoilyBangalore, July 6:Union Minister for Petroleumand Natural Gas M VeerappaMoily said the country isspending about Rs eight lakhcrore on import of petroleumproducts."Unless measures are takento give boost to domesticproduction, the cost of importwill have an adverse impact onthe country's economy, headded. Speaking tonewspersons after announcingthe 'Udyoga Mela' at his homeconstituency Chikabalapur onAugust 3 and 4, he said that allthe investment made onexploration of oil resource wasdone by the public sector and90 per cent of the discovery arefunded by the Centre and noprivate sector is comingforward.Referring to frequent increasein the prices of CNG, he saidthat it again depends oninternational market."If CNG is availabledomestically, it will cost about4.22 dollar, while imported willcost around 14 to 17 dollars.Though 1<strong>06</strong> gas discoverieswere made, only six were foundviable."He said in US and China, thedomestic exploration hadincreased by 40 and 60 per centrespectively, but in India theexploration is yet to increase.V.VinothS/O.VithuvasigamaniThoppu Street,Paravakkottai,Mannarkudi Taluk,Tiruvarur Dlstrict-614 015PASSPORT LOSTThis is to to inform to thegeneral public that I have lostmy original Passport bearingNo. E1733504 issued on16.05.2002 by RPO/Chennaiat my Home in Anna Nagar.Finder/s is/are requested tohand over the same to me atthe below mentionedaddress: D.MonishaGnanachandra, D/o.DanielChellapa Gnanaselvam,No.AP797, G-Block, 10thMain Raod, 1st Street, 2ndAvenue, Blue Star, AnnaNagar, Chennai-40. Finderswill be rewarded suitably.D.MonishaGnanachandraPUBLIC NOTICEThis is to inform the generalpublic that the original saledeed dated 13.11.75, regd. asdocument no. 3566/75, inBook -1, at the Office of theSRO Kodambakkam, inrespect of an extent of2710sq.ft., being house andground, bearing Plot No. 23,Rangarajapuram CorporationColony, comprised in SurveyNo. 161 Part, New T. S. No.2Part, Block No. 49, situated inPuliyur Village, is lost and itis not traceable. If anyonehaving any right or claim overthe said property are herebycalled upon to furnish thebasis of their claim in writingalong with properdocumentary evidence, withinfifteen days from the date ofthis publication. If no suchclaim or objection is receivedwithin fifteen days as statedabove, then it will beconclusively taken that thedocument is lost and nottraceable.SowmyaAdvocateB4, Navin's SudaramApartments,No.8, 9th Street,Nanganallur,Chennai -600 <strong>06</strong>1.Mob-9840178816Gujarat Home Minister Amit Shah,Ms Sitharaman said. The BJPspokesperson said, "On IshratJahan case, what were the reasonsthat led to the change of affidavitof 20<strong>07</strong> in 2009 and on whoseinstructions the Home Ministry dothis." She said there is a trustdeficit among investigatingagencies and the Home Ministrymust clarify on Headley's remarkon Ishrat."Has IB informed PM on IshratJahan case. We need PMO andHome Ministry to clarify this," theBJP spokesperson said. "Wecannot have the Home Ministrysilent on this and we want the HomeMinistry to come out clean on thisissue," she said.SC asks EC to keepcheck on promisesof political partiesNew Delhi, July 6:The Supreme Court directed theElection Commission of India to laydown appropriate guidelines toensure that political parties do notmake promises that take theelectorate for a ride.The apex court directed the ECto exercise some control overpolitical parties to check thecontents of their electionmanifestos.The petitioner had contended thatthere is no check over politicalparties and they keep on makingfalse promises which theyneither intend nor do they actuallyfulfil.The court said the electorate ofthe country cannot be allowed totaken for a ride by the politiciansat the time of elections.Advani, RSS chief discuss poll strategyNagpur, July 6:Senior BJP leader andNDA chief L K Advanimet top RashtriyaSwayamsevak Sanghleadership at Nagpur inwhat is seen as part ofthe ideological bigbrother's continuedefforts to maintaindialogue with the topleadership of its politicalarm ahead of the yearendAssembly electionsin four states and the2014 Lok Sabha polls.The RSS, although intouch with Advani andother BJP leaders time totime, has particularlyinitiated dialogue with thesenior most leader afterhe expressed dissentagainst the direction inwhich the BJP wasmoving at a time whenthe party was holding itsnational executive at Goathat was all set to chooseGujarat Chief MinisterNarendra Modi as itscampaign committeechairman.Despite Advani'sefforts, the party wentahead with its decision onModi rejecting his othersuggestion to formassembly campaigncommittee headed byformer BJP presidentNitin Gadkari. Advanisubsequently put in hispapers from themembership of the BJP'sParliamentary Board, theapex decision makingbody and the NationalExecutive. He was,however, mollified by RSSchief Mohan Bhagawatwho promised to look intothe concerns expressedby him but gave noassurance regarding thenext Prime Ministerialcandidate.The party hasbeen maintaining that theall important decision isthe sole prerogative of theParliamentary Board.Advani, who has openlyopposed the 'micromanagement'of the BJPaffairs by the RSS at thenational executive atChennai, however, had topay the price having togive up the President'spost. However in 2009,he was projected asBJP's Prime Ministerialcandidate but the partyfailed to garner thenumbers in the LS polls.Having virtually projectedModi as the BJP'scandidate, RSS nowwants the top BJPleadership to projected a'united image' to win overthe confidence of thepeople, sources close tothe RSS said.BJP president RajnathSingh and former BJPpresident Murli ManoharJoshi have all met theRSS leadership in therecent past. Advani,recalling his associationwith the RSS right as ateenager, toldnewspersons after hismeeting at Nagpur thathe has had usefuldiscussions with RSS topbrass including BhaiyajiJoshi. He said it wouldcertainly strengthen theBJP in facing the comingelections to stateassemblies and LokSabha polls and formingits political strategy.In The High Court ofJudicature at Madras(Testamentary andIntestate Jurisdiction)O.P. No. 625/2011In the matter of IndianSuccessionAct XXXIX of 1925AndIn the matter of Last Will &Testament ofT .Gopal Singh -deceased1) Tmt U.Leela Bai2) U.Rajesh Singh...Petitionersvs1) Tmt B.Saran Bai2) G.Durai Singh3) G.Savitiri Bai4) G.Amar Singh...RespondentsAll persons claiming tohave any interest in the estateof the above named T.GopalSingh who was residing atOld No.11, New No.48,Gangappa Street,Vadapalani, Chennai-26,who died thereon on15.11.2010 are hereby citedto come and see theproceedings before thelearned Master sitting in theoriginal side of the High Courtof Judicature at Madras on17.7.<strong>2013</strong> at 10.30 a.m andfile their objections,. if theythink fit, before the grant ofLetters of Administration.Dated at Chennai this the20th day of June <strong>2013</strong>M.JayashreeAssistant RegistrarOriginal Side-IHigh Court, Madras 104S.Francis AshokCounsel For Petitioners144 Addl Law ChambersHigh Court BuildingsChennai 600 104

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trustbegins major expansion driveTRINITY MIRRORSATURDAY 6 JULY <strong>2013</strong>7Mumbai, July 6:The Ministry ofShipping has drawn up anambitious plan toincrease port capacity toovercome the problem ofcongestion in IndianPorts. Union Minister forShipping G K Vasan saida record number of 32 portprojects were awardedduring 2012-13 at anestimated cost of Rs.6,765 crores to addcapacity of about 136Million Tonne Per Annum(MTPA).Union Minister said,during the current fiscalhis Ministry had drawn upplans to award 30projects to increase thecapacity by 282 MTPA.The total estimatedinvestment in theseprojects is approximatelyRs. 25,000 crores. Mr.Vasan was speaking at afunction to mark theSilver Jubilee of theJawaharlal Nehru PortTrust - JNPT in Mumbai."In the Port Sector, wehave directed out effortsto increasing capacityand operational efficiencyprimarily throughaugmentation ofcapacity, mechanizationand improving the draft atthe ports. We have takeninitiatives tosystematically identifyand analyse variousissues, formulateappropriate solutions andtake action to addressthe issues", said theMinister.Commenting upon theperformance of the JNPT,the Minister said, India'slargest container port iscurrently ranked 26thamong the top 100container ports in theworld. He said JNPT hasalso dawn up a plan toincrease its capacity tohandle container traffic ofMumbai, July 6:Public sector lender,Canara Bank has decidedto cut the bank's baserate of 30 bps from 10.25per cent to 9.95 per centfor all loans /advances inagriculture, MSME10 million TEUs by 2016-17. "The port needs tokeep on evolving in theface of prevailingeconomic uncertaintiesas well as futureexpansion of trade if itswants to remain a cutabove the rest" addedVasan.The Minister of Statefor Shipping, Milind Deorasaid reforming the TariffAuthority for Major Ports,TAMP was a majoreconomic reform of hisgovernment, which wouldcreate a level playing fieldand enable port capacityto be increased at aquicker pace withsignificantly improvedefficiency and qualitylevels. He said JNPT hasmany projects which willmake it a multi-purposehub for India'sinternational trade. "Thisis crucial not only for themaritime sector, but alsofor the economies ofMaharashtra and theMumbai MetropolitanRegion, in particular', hesaid.JNPTwasCanara Bank decidesto cut ratesForm No.155[See Rule 329]Members Winding Upsector, retail, and exportcredit with effect from July8.The bank has alsoreduced rate of intereston deposits on fewmaturity slabs, a releaseissued by the bank said.CCS INFOTECH LIMITEDCCS Towers, 14, Periyar Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-600 017.NOTICENotice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of theCompany is scheduled to be held on Tuesday the 30th, July <strong>2013</strong> at 2.30P.M at the Registered Office of the company at CCS Towers, No.14, PeriyarRoad, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600 017, inter alia to adopt and take on record,the un audited financial results for the 1st Quarter ended 30th June <strong>2013</strong>.Name of the Company: NATCOM FOODS LIMITEDNotice Convening Final MeetingNotice is hereby given in pursuance of Section 497 that a GeneralMeeting of the Members of the above named Company will be held onWednesday 21 st day of August,<strong>2013</strong>, at Plot No: 1740, First Floor, I-Block, 5th Street, Anna Nagar West,Chennai-600 040 at 11.00 A.M, for the purpose of having an account laidbefore the members showing them the manner in which the winding uphas been conducted and the property of the company disposed of and ofhearing any explanation that may be given by the liquidator and also ofdetermining by a special resolution of the company, the manner in whichthe books, accounts and documents of the company and of the liquidatorshall be disposed of.Dated this 27th day of June, <strong>2013</strong>.By Order of the Board of DirectorsPlace: Chennai M.A.Hasan Abdul KaderDate : 05/<strong>07</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>Managing Director.R.AlagarLiquidator.commissioned in 1989 bylate Rajiv Gandhi with avision to decongest bothMumbai city and theMumbai Port Trust. TodayJNPT handles more than60 per cent of India'scontainer cargoregistering an annualthroughput of more than4 million TEUs. JNPT isalso a pioneer inimplementing Public-Private Partnershipprojects, which hashelped it build terminalsconfirming to internationalstandards.On this occasion, theShipping Minister G KVasan also presentedawards for portcustomers in variouscategories. He alsoreleased the specialissue of 'Daily ShippingTimes' on JNPT.Secretary (Shipping)Vishwapati Trivedi,DG(Shipping) GautamChatterjee, JointSecretary N.Muruganandam,In The High Court OfJudicature At Madras(TestamentaryIntestate.Jurisdiction)O.P. No,478 of 2012(In the matter of IndianSuccession Act,3.925 (Act XXX1X of 1925)AND(In the matter of the LastWill and Testament ofN.KAMALAMMAL(deceased).dated 18.03.1992.1. Mr. J. PRAKASHS/o. late M. Jagadisan2. Mr. J. MOHAN RAJS/o. late M. JagadisanAll the Petitioners areresiding at No. 76/65, AppuStreetMylapore, Chennai -600004...PetitionersVersus1. Mr. J. JAGANMOHANS/o. late M. JagadisanNo. 76/65, Appu StreetMylapore, Chennai -600 0042. Mrs. J. SUSILAW/o. Mr. R. Suresh BabuA-IS, MMDA ColonyWater Tank RoadArumbakkamChennai -600 1<strong>06</strong>3. Mrs. J. NIRMALAW/o. Mr. PurushothamanPlot No. B-3, 10th StreetPeriyar Nagar,Chennai -600 0824. Mrs. J. SHARMILA0/0. late M. JagadisanNo. 76/65, Appu StreetMylapore, Chennai -600004...RespondentsAll persons claiming tohave any interest in the estateof the above named late Mrs.M.KAMALAMMAL, wife ofMr.Murugesa Naicker (Late)who was residing at 76/65Appu Mudali Street, Mylapore,Chennai, and died on 17thday of May 1997 are herebycited to come and see theproceedings before theMaster Sitting in the OriginalSide of High Court ofJudicature at Madras on 15thday of July <strong>2013</strong> at 10.30a.m. and file their objectionsif they think fit before the grantof letters of Administration.Dated at Chennai, this the25th day of June <strong>2013</strong>.M.JayashreeAsst. RegistrarOriginal Side-IHigh Court, Madras 600104M/s. V. SRIKANTHNo.351, Additional lawChambersMadras High CourtChennai -600104Chairman, Mumbai PortTrust Rajeev Gupta, CMDi/c of SCI Mandal,Chairman i/c, JNPT N.N.Kumar and Trustees of thePort were present.Governor Rosaiah presented Life Time Achievement Award to K.S. Venkatraman at the DiamondJubilee Celebration of All India Federation of Master Printers at Chennai (AIFMP). Govind Bhargava,President, AIFMP, Bikash Sarker, Chairman, Diamond Jubilee Celebration, Manoj B. Mehta, Convener,Diamond Jubilee Celebration, S. Ponraj, President, Master printers Litho Association (MPLA) werepresent.Honda sets a turnover target of `16,000 crBhuabaneswar,July 6:Eyeing exponential growth in itsbusiness in India,the HondaMotorcycles and Scooter IndiaPrivate Limited has set a target ofsales turn over of Rs.16,000 croresin 2014.Launching its new 110 cc DreamNeo here, HMSI Deputy Director(East) Tomoaki Nagayama said thecompany, was eyeing a 43 per centgrowth and a sale of nearly 40lakhs units in the country during thefiscal.He said presently the companywas focussing on expansion in themotorcycle segment and the thirdplant coming up in Karnataka wouldproduce nearly 12 lakhmotorcysles in a year.Nagayama described the DreamNeo as most affordable and mostGurudevSURANA INDUSTRIES LIMITED29,Whites Road, 2nd Floor Royapettah,Chennai - 14Audited Standalone & Consolidated Results for the Year Ended 31/03/<strong>2013</strong>fuel efficient two wheeler withrevolutionary Honda ecotechnology. He said the companyplans to make its presence felt inthe motorcycle segment. It hasregistered a lion's share of nearly50 per cent in Indian two wheelermarket.Honda, he said, aims to growover 150 per cent in 100-110 ccmotorcycle segment year to year.(Rs.in lakhs,except per share data)SI. Standalone ConsolidatedNo. Particulars Quarter Ended Year Ended Year Ended31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.12.2012 31.03.2012 31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.03.2012 31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.03.2012Audited Unaudited Audited AuditedPART I1 Income From Operationsa. Net Sales/Income from Operations 40,447.37 27,137.30 42,735.59 142,500.87 135,142.46 149,361.72 135,595.37b. Other Operating Income2 Total income from Operations (Net Expenses) 40,447.37 27,137.30 42,735.59 142,500.87 135,142.46 149,361.72 135,595.37a. Cost of Materials Consumed 31,186.16 21,962.30 41,779.12 114,055.61 112,984.33 126,477.86 112,874.97b. Purchases of Stock-in-trade 6,266.86 968.10 8,024.27 -c. Changes in inventories of finished goods,work-in-progress and stock-in-trade (3,675.90) (972.97) (2,797.63) (4,823.35) (3,785.28) (4,846.20) (2,510.98)d. Employee benefits expenses 601.98 420.95 362.45 1,848.83 1,829.34 1,958.92 2,015.03e. Depreciation and amortisation expenses 1,023.32 960.31 1,554.22 3,903.10 3,272.94 5,518.66 3,911.90f. Other Expenses (Any Item exceeding 10% of thetotal Expenses relating to continuing operations tobe shown separately) 2,167.96 983.43 597.62 5,901.22 7,273.38 4,096.00 5,803.80Total Expenses 37,570.38 24,322.13 41,495.78 128,909.68 121,574.71 133,205.24 122,094.723 Profit/(Loss) from operations before other income,finance costs and exceptional items 2,876.99 2,815.17 1,239.80 13,591.19 13,567.75 16,156.48 13,500.654 "Other Income“" 170.49 151.89 775.81 543.43 1,103.43 690.15 1,176.375 Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities before financecosts and exceptional items 3,047.48 2,967.<strong>06</strong> 2,015.61 14,134.62 14,671.18 16,846.63 14,677.026 Finance costs 3,131.34 2,566.18 2,018.27 11,383.81 10,197.67 14,214.75 11,054.767 Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities after financecosts but before exceptional items (83.87) 400.88 (2.65) 2,750.81 4,473.51 2,631.88 3,622.258 Exceptional Items - 558.779 Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities before tax (83.87) 400.88 (2.65) 2,750.81 4,473.51 2,631.88 4,181.0210 Tax Expenses 674.73 139.27 (331.49) 1725.92 1196.94 2378.09 1<strong>07</strong>6.1611 Net Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities before tax (758.60) 261.61 328.84 1,024.89 3,276.57 253.78 3,104.8712 Extraordinary items (<strong>net</strong> of tax expenses Lakhs) - -13 Net Profit/(Loss) for the period (758.60) 261.61 328.84 1,024.89 3,276.57 253.78 3,104.8714 Paid-Up equity share capital (Face value of theshare shall be indicated) 4,451.91 4,451.91 2,904.46 4,451.91 2,904.46 4,451.91 2,904.4615 Reserve excluding revaluation reserves as perbalance sheet of previous accounting year - 104,438.<strong>06</strong> 56,45116 Earnings per share (after extraordinary items )(of /- each) (Not annualised)(a) Basic (0.17) 0.59 1.13 2.44 11.90 0.61 11.28(b) Diluted (0.17) 0.59 2.30 2.44 9.31 0.61 8.82S. Quarter Ended Year EndedNo. Particulars 31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.12.2012 31.03.2012 31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.03.2012Audited Unaudited AuditedPart IIA Particulars of Share Holdings1 Public Share Holding-Number of Shares 24,211,565 24,211,565 8,737,120 24,211,565 8,737,120-Percentage of Holding 54.38% 54.38% 30.08% 54.38% 30.08%2 Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholdinga) Pledged/Encumbered- Number of shares 111,500,000 9,650,000 9,650,000 111,500,000 9,650,000-Percentage of Shares (as a % of the totalshareholding of promoter and promoter group) 54.91% 47.52% 47.51% 47.52% 47.52%-Percentage of Shares ( as a % of the total sharecapital of the company) 25.05% 21.68% 33.22% 21.68% 33.22%b) Non - Encumbered-Number of Shares 9,157,502 10,657,502 10,657,502 10,657,502 10,657,502-Percentage of Shares ( as a % of the totalShareholding of Promoter an Promoter group) 45.09% 52.48% 52.48% 52.48% 52.48%-Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total Sharecapital of the Company) 20.57% 23.94% 36.69% 23.94% 36.69%B Investor Complaints 3 MonthsEnded31.03.<strong>2013</strong>Pending at the beginning of the quarterNilReceived during the quarterNilDisposed of during the quarterNilRemaining unresolved at the end of the quarterNilNotes:1. The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved bythe Board of Directors at their meeting on 29.05.<strong>2013</strong>.2. The Financial results for the year ended have been audited by the JointStatutory Auditors of the Company . An unqualified report has been issued bythem thereon.3. Previous Year/Quarter figures have been re-grouped / re-arranged wherevernecessary.4. The Company does not have more than one reportable segment. Accordingly,segmental information is not required to be provided.5. The figures for the last quarter are the balancing figures between auditedfigures in respect of full financial year and unaudited published year to datefigures upto the third quarter of the current financial year. Figures for the prior/year have been regrouped and /or reclassified wherever considered necessary.6. The board of directors has recommended dividend of Rs. 0.70 per share.7. There was a disruption of production of raichur plant due to illegal strike calledby the workers with the executives during the end of March'<strong>2013</strong> and the strikewas called off during the first week of May'<strong>2013</strong>.8. During the financial year the company has invested around 4.42 lakh ofsingapore dollars in its subsidiary M/s. Surana Mines & Minerals Ltd,Singapore.Place : ChennaiDate : 29.05.<strong>2013</strong>For Surana Industries LimitedDineshchand SuranaManaging DirectorAudited Standalone & ConsolidatedStatement of Assets and LiabilitiesSI. Standalone ConsolidatedNo. Particulars As at As at As at As at31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.03.2012 31.03.<strong>2013</strong> 31.03.20121 EQUITY AND LIABILITIESAShareholders' Funds(A) Share Capital 445,190,670 290,446,220 445,190,670 290,446,220(B) Reserve and Surplus 10,508,457,596 5,716,385,117 9,744,129,679 5,036,478,615(C) Non Controlling Interest 40Share Application Money10,953,648,266 6,0<strong>06</strong>,831,337 10,189,320,389 5,326,924,835Pending Allotment 2,500,000,000 - 2,500,000,000Non-Current Liabilities(A) Long-Term Borrings 5,663,993,492 5,326,998,419 18,170,699,349 14,433,410,462(B) Deferred tax liabilities(<strong>net</strong>) 758,548,728 612,949,750 832,181,866 621,536,725(C) Other Long-Term Liabilities 594,482,651 594,482,651 594,482,651 641,583,719Sub-total-Non-current liabilities 7,017,024,871 9,034,430,820 19,597,363,866 18,196,530,9<strong>06</strong>Current Liabilities(A) Short-term borrowings 3,437,152,017 3,012,136,134 3,714,5<strong>06</strong>,581 3,348,<strong>06</strong>3,626(B) Trade Payables 1,213,831,680 2,417,149,268 4,684,499,882 4,289,091,140(C) Other Current Liabilities 584,428,153 451,668,565 897,439,887 729,719,732(D) Short-term Provisions 146,151,135 170,566,618 152,015,895 186,699,1422 ASSETASub-total-Current Liabilities 5,381,562,985 6,051,520,584 9,448,462,246 8,553,573,640Total - Equity And Liabilities 23,352,236,123 21,092,782,741 39,235,146,501 32,<strong>07</strong>7,029,381Non-Current Assets(A) Fixed Assets 11,297,129,851 7,982,315,493 28,266,879,862 19,969,499,235(B) Other Non -Current Assets 5,057,<strong>06</strong>0,654 4,872,279,766 309,300 309,300(A)Sub-total-Non Current Assets 16,354,190,505 12,854,595,259 28,267,189,162 19,969,808,535Current AssetsCurrent Investments(B) Inventories 2,987,743,666 2,964,<strong>06</strong>4,270 3,490,145,539 3,<strong>07</strong>4,033,770(C) Trade Receivables 3,113,339,949 3,955,055,909 4,<strong>07</strong>5,596,653 4,729,250,628(D) Cash and Cash Equivalents 254,836,575 175,088,205 762,784,645 612,481,637(E) Short-term loans and advances 642,125,427 1,143,979,097 2,639,430,502 3,691,454,811(F) Other Current Assets - -Sub-total-Current Assets 6,998,045,617 8,238,187,481 10,967,957,339 12,1<strong>07</strong>,220,846Total Assets 23,352,236,123 21,092,782,741 39,235,146,501 32,<strong>07</strong>7,029,381

8Jayalalithaa initiativesgive major boost tocity infrastructureChennai, July 6:Chennai is one of the fastestgrowing metro cities in the country.The Chennai real estate market hasseen phenomenal rise over the last2-3 years. The Chief MinisterJayalalithaa has initiated somemajor infrastructure developmentprojects across the city, which oncecompleted will improve the qualityof life for its citizenry and the city'sinfrastructure.A number of infra projects are atvarious stages of development inChennai. The completion of theseprojects will propel the growth ofresidential, commercial, retail andhospitality sectors in and aroundthe catchment areas.Traffic congestion is a majorproblem being faced by residentsof the city and government hasinitiated urgent measures todecongest the city. The ongoinginfra projects are part of this planto improve and enhanceconnectivity between the northsouthand east-west of the city.The metro rail project, which iscurrently under development,covers 45km of arterial roads atJawaharlal Nehru Salai (100 FeetRoad), Anna Salai and EVR PeriyarSalai (Poonamallee High Road) intwo corridors. The stations havebeen identified for the project,keeping in mind their access toterminals of other modes oftransport, including bus stops,MRTS and metro rail stations.Unlike in the metro rail project, therequirement of private land formono rail is minimal. Thegovernment has formed a team toearmark lands for construction ofthe stations.The ChennaiMetropolitan DevelopmentAuthority (CMDA) is planning toprepare a detailed developmentplan (DDP) for the areas adjoiningOuter Ring Road (ORR). The 62.3-km-long ORR connects NH 45(GST Road) at Vandalur, NH 4 (GWTRoad) at Nazarathpet, NH 205 (CTHRoad) at Nemilicherry(Thiruninravur), NH 5 (GNT Road)at Nallur and TPP road at Minjur.Interestingly, the proposal alsocomes in the wake of thedevelopment of a passenger-cumfreightrailway line, linking Ennoreto Vandalur on the ORR stretch,which planners feel will generateinterest among the real estatedevelopers. Besides this, the StateGovernment is planning to build anTRINITY MIRRORSATURDAY 6 JULY <strong>2013</strong>inter-city satellite bus terminal inVandalur for South-bound buses.CMDA is planning thedevelopment of Outer Ring Road(ORR) along the periphery ofChennai Metropolitan Area (CMA)with the objective of relieving thecongestion within the city and alsofor catalysing the even dispersalof urban growth.All these developments wouldlead to a tremendous boost in themicro markets of Vanagaram,Poonamallee, Nazareth pet,Chembarambakkam .Several developers are noweyeing these pockets. Apart fromlocal developers, national leveldevelopers are also aggressivelylaunching their projects to benefitfrom this infrastructure boom.One big name to enter Chennaiin recent times has been GodrejProperties which launched its firstresidential project, "Godrej PalmGrove". Spread across 12.5 acres,this premium project consists of 16and 19 storey towers, offering 2 to3 BHK apartments. For those whoare environmentally conscious,Godrej Palm Grove has been precertifiedGold by the Indian GreenBuilding Council (IGBC).Minister for Fisheries K.A. Jayapal presided over the Nagapattinam Town Development Review meeting.District Collector T. Munusamy is seen.On the birth anniversary of Tamil Scholar Paridhimar Kalaignar, Minister Sellur Raju garlanded thestatue in the Memorial at Vilachery, Madurai District Tiruparangunram Panchayat Union. Tamil NaduSpecial Representative in Delhi, S T K Jaggaiyan, MLAs M Muthuramalingam, M V Karupiah andDistrict Revenue officer Ravindran were present.Carnatica cricket for musiciansChennai, July 6:The Cricket Kutcheri has beena tradition in the Carnatic musiccircles for a while now. It is thattime of the year when musicianscome together for a day after ahectic schedule to cool off and re-Anna University prescribesnew engineering syllabusChennai, July 6:Board of Studies ofAnna University has approvedhas approved therevised curriculum andsyllabi for the Engineeringstudents of AffiliatedColleges of Anna University.270 members underthe eight different facultywere present at the 18thmeeting.The Anna Universitycurriculum is spread overfour years with eight semesters.The initial twosemesters are spent onbasic subjects of Physics,Chemistry, mathematics,fundamentals ofcomputing, programming,and the fundamentals ofcore engineering. Studentsstudy six theorysubjects and three practicalsubjects a semester,except in the eight semester.In all, there are 45theory subjects, besidesthe project.lax. What better way to achieve thisthan play the sport everyone loves- cricket. This year, Carnatica hasorganised a day match at theKumararani Meena Muthiah Artsand Science College CricketGround next to Adyar GandhiAward for Tiruchi NITTiruchi, July 6:The National Institute ofTechnology-Tiruchi (NIT-T) hasbeen selected along with sevenother institutions in the country forthe Obama-Singh 21st centuryKnowledge Initiative Award.An official release said thatthey will receive 2.50 lakhs dollarsfor its project in collaboration withthe University of Nevada, LasVegas, U.S.The Obama-Singh award is aninitiative to foster educationalpartnership between India and theU.S. by strengthening collaborationbetween American and Indianinstitutes of higher education.Called Cognitive-basedCurriculum Development Tool foremerging areas of computerengineering and managementstudies for improving teachinglearningprocess, a research groupfrom NIT-T comprising A. Vadivel,associate professor of Departmentof Computer Applications and M.Punniyamoorthy, professor,Department of ManagementStudies and Dr. Henry Selvaraj andLaxmi P. Gewali and researchstudents will be partners from theU.S institution, the releaseadded.Advantages of the RevisedCurriculum and syllabusare an effectivelearning of mathematics,physics and chemistryprofoundly enhance theirknowledge to solve engineeringproblems.As the EngineeringGraduates take up Englishin their Curricula,they will be able to speakclearly, confidently, comprehensiblyusing appropriatecommunicativestrategies. They will alsobe able to write cohesively,coherently andflawlessly.Graduates will acquireskills to use modern engineeringtools, softwareand equipment to analyzeproblems. They will alsobe able to identify, formulateand solve technicalproblems.Graduates will be madeready for the current scenario,practical componentincluding latest technologylike mobile applicationsdevelopment includingstate of art suchas multi-core architecture,grid and cloud computingand nano computingand game programming.Graduates will be ableto meet with the currentdevelopments in themanufacturing industriesand R&D establishments.Graduate will realize theimpact of engineering solutionson the society andalso will be aware of contemporaryissues. Graduateswill demonstrate anability to visualize andNagar Club on 6 July <strong>2013</strong> to beplayed at 8 a.m. Artistes will doncustomised team t-shirts and capsfor each of the four teams. Foodwill be sponsored by Sri KrishnaSweets. Musicians see parallelsbetween music and cricket "Yourare responsible to an audience inboth, and their expectations arevery high the practice and dedicationyou need to put in both is tremendous"says K.N. Shashikiran.The four teams will be captainedby P. Unnikrishnan, V.K.Manimaran, K.V. Gopalakrishnan,and N. Guruprasad. The format willbe as follows: Two 8 over groupmatches between the four teamsand the two winners will play the10 over finals. Man of the Matchawards for each match and a Manof the Series award will be handedout. Additional awards will be BestBowler, Best Batsman, BestFielder and Best All Rounder.These will be selected by the spectators.Entrance is free for all.work on laboratory andmultidisciplinary tasks.Graduate will developconfidence for self educationand ability for life-longlearning. In-plant trainingand the Project work willenhance the employabilityskills of the graduatesSairam Group of Institutions Auditor P.T. Ponnaiah's son P.Arvind and S. Kaveetha entered wedlockand at their wedding reception Sairam Group of Institutions Chairman Leo Muthu and Kalaiselvi LeoMuthu and Sai Prakash blessed the couple.

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