Flight Simulator Manual - Emirates Aviation Experience

Flight Simulator Manual - Emirates Aviation Experience

Flight Simulator Manual - Emirates Aviation Experience


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<strong>Emirates</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Experience</strong> <strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>One of the most fun and unique experiences that you will encounter here at <strong>Emirates</strong><strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Experience</strong> is your chance to pilot one of our 4 simulators, either an AirbusA380 or a Boeing 777. In order for you to get the most out of your time in the cockpit,it is essential that you successfully prepare your students for their visit. By using thismanual, you will be able to teach your students about the important components ofthe cockpits, what they get to control, how components work, and what they willneed to do to prepare for a session. This will ensure that when they enter thecockpit, they will be able to begin their flying experience straight away.We also recommend that you watch the instruction video that comes with thismanual for further information and cockpit details.The CockpitBelow you will see the cockpit layout of our two simulator crafts. They have primarilythe same layout, however there are three major differences between the two.Firstly, the much more modern A380 has a different control stick to the 777, with theA380’s looking more like a one-handed joystick and the 777’s being a larger controlunit requiring both hands to operate.Secondly, the 777 only has two engines, meaning that it only has two Throttle levers,whereas the four engine A380 has 4.Finally, as the A380 has more wheel units, it has three Rudder Pedals, where the777 only has two.All of the labelled components of the cockpit are the ones that your students will useto pilot and control their aircraft simulation.


Sidestick / Control WheelPitch /Bank /Nose UpTurn RightPitch /Nose DownBank /Turn LeftBank /Turn RightBank /Turn LeftPitch /Nose DownPitch /Nose UpThe sidestick or control wheel controls the pitch and the bank of the aircraft. Pull itback to pitch the nose up and to climb. Push it forwards to pitch the nose down andto descend.Pushing it left and right will cause the aircraft to bank, turning the aircraft.These are the main flight controls that you will use once airborne.ThrottleIncreaseThrust /SpeedIncreaseThrust /SpeedDecreaseThrust /SpeedDecreaseThrust /SpeedThe throttle levers control the engine power. Pushing them forwards increase’s thepower and will increase the speed of the aircraft. Pulling them back will cause theaircraft to slow down.The 2 smaller levers in front are thrust reversers, which you will use after landing toslow down the aircraft. They only have effect when the aircraft is on the ground.

PFDPFD or Primary <strong>Flight</strong> Display, tell you all the important things you will need to knowwhilst you are flying.Bank /Turn AngleRed Zone –Over Speed /Stall SpeedSpeed InKnotsNose Of TheAircraft –Yellow DotPitch Anglein DegreesHeadingAltitude InFeet AboveSea LevelVerticalSpeedIndicator InFeet x100Per Minute1 knot = 1.15 mph = 1.85 kphLanding Gear LeverLanding Gear UpAfter Take-OffLanding GearDown BeforeLandingThis small lever is used to raise or lower the wheels.Gently pull the lever out and move it to the up position to raise the wheels after takeoff.Move the lever to the down position to lower the wheels before landing.

Rudder PedalsBrakesSteeringThese will be used on the ground. Pushing the pedals at the bottom with your heelsallows you to steer the aircraft along the runway.Pushing the left pedal to steer left and right to pedal to steer right.Pressing the top of each pedal with your toes applies the left and right wheel brakes.BrakingSteering Left and Right On The Ground

Take Off Procedure1. Push your thrust levers full forward (it takes a few seconds for theengines to spool up so the aircraft doesn’t start moving immediately).2. If the aircraft starts drifting or rolling off the runway, push the bottomof your opposite rudder pedal to steer it back in the middle.3. Watch your speed indicator (left side of your primary flight display).4. At 155 – 160 knots pull your sidestick or control wheel towards youand lift the aircraft.5. Using the sidestick / control wheel, position yourself at a pitch angleof 10 - 15 degrees, using the blue and brown box in the middle forguidelines.6. Pull you landing gear up.Flying Tips Now you are airborne, try your flight controls and make some turns. Watch your airspeed (if you need to increase the speed push thethrust levers forward, if you need to slow down pull them back).o If your speed goes under 120 knots the plane will stall and startfalling down.o If you climb too steep you will lose speed and stall. Watch your altitude.o Going to high can slow your plane down.o If you go to low, gravity will make you speed up and go into afast dive that you might not be able to recover from. Watch the pitch and bank angle (You will hear the warning ‘Bankangle’, this means you are turning too steeply and need to straightenup.

Landing Procedure1. Lower your landing gear.2. Begin to descend by pushing the sidestick / control wheel forward,however do not descend too steeply, you will be too fast for thelanding or will hit the ground before you get to the airport.3. Start pulling your throttle back and start to slow your speed down.4. Don’t forget there is a delay between your command (moving thesidestick) and the actual reaction of the plane.5. Continue to move the sidestick / control wheel forward to lower thenose and pulling you throttle back to slow the plane down.6. Touch the plane down to land.7. After landing use the toe brakes to stop the aircraft.

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