Characterization of ASTER Data for Mineral Exploration - UTM

Characterization of ASTER Data for Mineral Exploration - UTM

Characterization of ASTER Data for Mineral Exploration - UTM


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2.1 <strong>ASTER</strong> Satellite <strong>Data</strong>Two scenes <strong>of</strong> <strong>ASTER</strong> data were used in this study are acquired on July 20, 2007. The imageshave been pre-georeferenced to <strong>UTM</strong> zone 40 North projection with WGS-84 datum. Both datasets are in level 1B <strong>for</strong>mat and are geometric and radiometrically corrected. The crosstalkcorrection was per<strong>for</strong>med to both data sets in this study, aimed at removing the effects <strong>of</strong> energyoverspill from band 4 into bands 5 and 9 (Kanlinowski and Oliver, 2004). We have done thiscorrection by Cross-Talk correction s<strong>of</strong>tware and then VNIR and SWIR data re-sampled so thatall 9 bands have the same 15×15 m pixel size by ERMapper 6.4 System. In addition, the VNIR-SWIR regions <strong>of</strong> Level 1B dataset were also radiometrically calibrated using the InternalAverage Relative Reflection (IARR) method, in order to normalize images to a scene averagespectrum.2.1 <strong>Data</strong> Image AnalysisDigital image processing techniques have been widely used in the search <strong>of</strong> mineral depositsusing multispectral remote sensing images. The basic idea is that the spectral in<strong>for</strong>mation relatedto minerals represents a very small fraction <strong>of</strong> the total in<strong>for</strong>mation content <strong>of</strong> these images.Hence, the useful in<strong>for</strong>mation is <strong>of</strong>ten buried within a vast amount <strong>of</strong> data, mostly unrelated tothe minerals <strong>of</strong> interest, and is usually not identifiable unless the data is properly processed. Thetask is there<strong>for</strong>e per<strong>for</strong>m a systematic selective extraction <strong>of</strong> the in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>of</strong> interest.There are three widely reported approaches to this task, namely: band ratioing technique; andminimum noise fraction (MNF).2.2.1 Spectral Band RatioingBand ratio techniques are useful in discriminating mineral types and vegetation density in remotesensing image data by suppressing the proportionally constant radiance values in the bands andenhancing the differences (Gupta, 2003; Crosta and Filho, 2003; Rowan and Mars, 2003;Ninomiya, 2003a,b). Ratio images may correlate to one or more surface materials such aslithologic types and vegetation density (Crowley et al., 1989; Sabine, 1997; Gupta, 2003). Theband ratio technique has been widely used to extract hydrothermal mineral in<strong>for</strong>mation in theanalysis <strong>of</strong> Landsat MSS, TM and ETM image data (Perry, 2004). Because <strong>ASTER</strong> has 14spectral channels, more ratio images, and there<strong>for</strong>e more lithologic indices, more accurate resultscan be derived from <strong>ASTER</strong> than from Landsat data. The optimal band selection <strong>for</strong> ratio imagesdepends on the spectral properties <strong>of</strong> the surface material <strong>of</strong> interest and its abundance relative toother surface cover types (Sabine, 1999). The spectral bands <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ASTER</strong> SWIR subsystemwere designed to measure reflected solar radiation in one band centered at 1.65 μm, and fivebands in the 2.10–2.45 μm region in order to distinguish Al-OH, Fe, Mg-OH, H-O-H, and CO3absorption features. Several investigators have documented identification <strong>of</strong> specific minerals,such as calcite, dolomite, and muscovite, as well as mineral groups, through analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>ASTER</strong>data (Rowan and Mars, 2003; Rowan et al., 2003; Mars and Rowan 2006; Sanjeevi, 2008).Al(OH)-bearing minerals such as kaolinite, muscovite, alunite show absorptions in bands 5 and6, as well as calcite in bands 8 and 9 <strong>of</strong> ASTE data. Ninomiya (2003) looked at spectral features

<strong>of</strong> different minerals in <strong>ASTER</strong> data and <strong>for</strong>mulated this index <strong>for</strong> identification Al(OH)-bearingminerals (OHI) = (Band 7) / [Band6]) × ([Band 4] / [Band 6]). These index was applied to our<strong>ASTER</strong> Level-1B data sets, as well as simple band ratioing <strong>for</strong> specific interested mineral(muscovite=7/6 ) and vegetation(3/2) and iron oxides (gossan=4/2).2.2.2 Principal Components AnalysisThe principal component trans<strong>for</strong>mation is a multivariate statistical technique that selectsuncorrelated linear combinations (eigenvector loadings) <strong>of</strong> variables in such a way that eachsuccessively extracted linear combination, or principal component, has a smaller variance (Singhand Harrison 1985). This is a well-known method <strong>for</strong> lithological and alteration mapping inmetalogenic provinces (Crosta et al, 2003, Crosta and Filho, 2003;Tangestani and Moore 2000,2001,2002; Ranjbar et al. 2004; Gomez et al, 2005; Kargi, 2007; Massironi et al, 2008,Tangestani et al, 2008; Amer et al, 2010). In this study, PCA is per<strong>for</strong>med on <strong>ASTER</strong> data.2.2.3 Minimum Noise FractionMinimum Noise Fraction analysis identifies the locations <strong>of</strong> spectral signature anomalies. Thisprocess is <strong>of</strong> interest to explorationists because spectral anomalies are <strong>of</strong>ten indicative <strong>of</strong>alterations. The minimum noise fraction (MNF) trans<strong>for</strong>m is used to determine the inherentdimensionality <strong>of</strong> image data to segregate noise in the data and to reduce the computationalrequirements <strong>for</strong> subsequent processing (Boardman and Kruse, 1995). This method is similar toprincipal component (PC) analyses that have been used <strong>for</strong> a long time in multispectral imageprocessing, but involves an extra preceding step. The MNF procedure was examined on Resampledata and three sub-system VNIR and SWIR and TIR separately.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONFigures 3 to 4 show the output results <strong>of</strong> spectral band ratioing, PCA and MNF trans<strong>for</strong>msrespectively. Al(OH)-bearing minerals such as muscovite, kaolinite, alunite and iron oxide andvegetation covers can be extracted using spectral band ratioing. These in<strong>for</strong>mation are shownwith highest DN values in <strong>ASTER</strong> satellite data and they are ascoictaed associated withalteration zones around porphyry copper deposits (Fig. 3a). Spectral characteristics <strong>of</strong> vegetationis main obstacle <strong>for</strong> alteration zone identifications. It is observed that Fig.3b shows vegetation’serror as bright pixels that is resulted by band ratioing <strong>of</strong> 3/2. The most important mineral in thealteration zones is muscovite because Phyllic alteration spectral characteristics include muscovitereflectance spectra that exhibits an intense <strong>of</strong> Al-OH absorption feature. This occurred withinwavelength value <strong>of</strong> 2.20 μm (<strong>ASTER</strong> band 6). This result confirmed the study <strong>of</strong> Mars andRowan 2006. Thus, identification <strong>of</strong> muscovite by band ratioing <strong>of</strong> 7/6 can be as good indicator<strong>for</strong> copper mineralization (Fig 3c). This study is similar to Abdelsalam et al., (2000) andTangestani and Moore, (2000). Consequently, Supergene alteration can create extensive ironoxide minerals that is called Gossans. Band ratioing <strong>of</strong> is useful and 4/2 can recognize the ironoxides.(Fig3d). Spectral trans<strong>for</strong>ms involving PCA and MNF, both show similar results andverified band ratioing results especially in, PC4,PC5, PC6 and MNF5, MNF6, MNF7.Fig 4ashows the result as RGB color composite PCA trans<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> PC4,PC5, PC6 and fig 4bRGB color composite MNF trans<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> MNF5, MNF6, MNF7, respectively.

abcdFig 3. Spectral indicies generated using band ratioing: (a) (OHI) inde , (b) vegetation, (c) muscovite (d) iron oxides(gossan) zoom.4. CONCLUSIONSThis paper has shown that the <strong>ASTER</strong> imagery application in locating and enhancing alterationzones associated with ore deposits such as gold and cooper. Conventional image processingmethods such as band ratioing, (PCA), (MNF) applied on our <strong>ASTER</strong> data. These results areabsolutely correspond with maps provided by Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Iran and pervious remotesensing investigations that were carried out by Tangestani, and Moore,2001, 2002 on TM dataand Tangestani, et al. 2008 on <strong>ASTER</strong> data in Meiduk region and Ranjbar et al. 2004 on ETM +data in Sarcheshmeh region and Mars and Rowan,2006 on <strong>ASTER</strong> data in the Zagros magmaticarc.

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