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TAB IWEATHERTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION TITLE PARA PAGEI DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES I-1Overview I1 I-1Hours <strong>of</strong> Operations I2 I-1SP Personnel I3 I-1Surface Weather Observations I4 I-2Mission Execution Forecasts (MEFs) I5 I-2Space Weather Data and Forecasts I6 I-3Mission Watch I7 I-3Weather Radar I8 I-3Weather Warnings and Advisories I9 I-3Severe Weather Procedures I10 I-3Weather Briefings I11 I-3Communication with <strong>Air</strong>bone <strong>Air</strong>crews I12 I-3Meteorological Data to Base Agencies I13 I-3Transient and Support Unit <strong>Air</strong>crew Briefing Terminals I14 I-3Alternate Work Centers I15 I-4Weather Equipment and Communications Systems Operation and Outage Reporting I16 I-4Weather Support Documents and Formal Agreements I17 I-5Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Duty Priorities I18 I-5Release <strong>of</strong> Weather Information to Non-DoD Agencies I19 I-5AFW Standardization and Evaluation Program (AFWSEP) I20 I-5Metrics Information and Reports I21 I-5Data Deficiency Bulletins I22 I-5DoD Flight Information Publications (FLIP) I23 I-5Non-Weather Personnel Training and Certification I24 I-5Supervisor <strong>of</strong> Flying (SOF) Weather Orientation I25 I-5<strong>Air</strong>craft Mishap or Ground Mishaps I26 I-5Climatic Data I27 I-6Aerospace Weather Data Requirements I28 I-6N-TFS/AMIS System Manager I29 I-6Forecast Reference Notebook (FRN) I30 I-6Publications I31 I-6TECHNICAL EXHIBITSPAGEI-TE-1 Service Delivery Summary I-7I-TE-2 Workload Estimates I-9I-TE-3 Data Deliveries I-10I-TE-4 Government Furnished Items I-11I-TE-4a Government Furnished Facilities I-11I-TE-4b Government Furnished Equipment I-11I-TE-4c Government Furnished Equipment (Special Conditions) I-11I-TE-4d Government Furnished Weather Equipment I-12I-TE-4e Government Furnished Telephones I-12I-TE-5 Technical Acronyms/Definitions I-13I-iP00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

WEATHERDESCRIPTION OF SERVICESI1. Overview. The SP shall provide all meteorological <strong>services</strong> as outlined in MARBI 15-101, AFMAN 15-111, AFI 15-128, AFMAN 15-129 and AFMAN 15-135 that apply to Combat Weather Teams (CWTs) with the exception <strong>of</strong>deployment requirements and those requirements specified in I-TE-4 as government-furnished property and <strong>services</strong>. Allreferences to “CWT" is synonymous to Weather Team (WT) for the purposes <strong>of</strong> this statement <strong>of</strong> work (SOW). Examples<strong>of</strong> meteorological <strong>services</strong> include, but are not limited to, surface weather observations, mission execution forecasts, missionwatch, weather briefings, severe weather processes. The SP provides these <strong>services</strong> to the 452 nd <strong>Air</strong> Mobility Wing; the163 rd <strong>Air</strong> Refueling Wing - California <strong>Air</strong> National Guard (CANG); Detachment 1, 144 Fighter Wing – CANG; the U.S.Customs - Riverside <strong>Air</strong> Interdiction Unit; the March Field Aero Club; transient aircrews; and other DoD, U.S. Governmentand government SPs on MARB. The SP shall perform to the standards <strong>of</strong> this contract.I2 Hours <strong>of</strong> Operation. The SP shall provide weather <strong>services</strong> 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.I3 SP Personnel.I3.1 Resumes. The SP shall submit to the CO the <strong>of</strong>ficial resumes <strong>of</strong> all prospective meteorological technician personnel, toinclude the weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor, prior to making any final commitment <strong>of</strong> employment. The SP shall attach to eachmeteorological technician’s resume a certification from an ophthalmologist or optometrist that the proposed meteorologicaltechnician’s eyesight is 20/20 or correctable to 20/20 with glasses or contacts. (See A-TE-3, A01)I3.2 Weather Services Supervisor. The SP shall designate a weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor whose meteorological technicianqualifications meet or exceed those <strong>of</strong> their subordinates and, has a minimum <strong>of</strong> two years management or supervisoryexperience. This individual shall be responsible for the overall management and coordination <strong>of</strong> weather <strong>services</strong>, tomaintain liaison and coordinate with all involved parties to ensure proper operational and functional interface on weather<strong>services</strong> matters. The weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall be located on site during normal base duty hours and be available,either in person or via telephone, to anyone desiring to conduct business with him or her. The name <strong>of</strong> the weather <strong>services</strong>supervisor shall be provided, in writing, to the CO NLT the start <strong>of</strong> the orientation period. After the initial submission, anychange or revision in the weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall be provided in writing to the CO NLT 30 days prior to change orrevision or as soon as the need for a change is known, whichever is earlier.I3.2.1 During the contract orientation period, the SP’s weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall satisfactorily demonstrate, for anAF representative, meteorological technician certification requirements listed in <strong>para</strong>graph I3.4. The SP shall notify the COin writing NLT than the beginning <strong>of</strong> the contract orientation period <strong>of</strong> the dates and times when their weather <strong>services</strong>supervisor will be available in the MARB weather station to demonstrate his or her knowledge <strong>of</strong> the certificationrequirements. The AF representative shall certify, in writing, the weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor’s satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong>the meteorological technician certification requirements in <strong>para</strong>graph I3.4. The SP shall maintain the original certification inthe SP’s records.I3.2.2 The SP’s certified weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall certify satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> the meteorological techniciancertification required for the SP employee during the contract orientation period and 17 calendar days prior to the contractstart date. The weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall certify, in writing, the satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> the meteorologicaltechnician’s certification requirements in <strong>para</strong>graph I3.4 and maintain the original certification in the SP’s records.I3.2.3 The weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall be responsible for certifying satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> the meteorologicaltechnician certification requirements for any new employees and the annual recertifications <strong>of</strong> existing employees except anew weather supervisor and his/her own annual recertification after the contract orientation period. An AF representativewill certify any new weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor. An AF representative will conduct annual recertifications <strong>of</strong> the weather<strong>services</strong> supervisor during annual AFWSEP/staff assistance visits. The AF representative will certify, in writing, the new, orexisting, as applicable, weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor’s satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> the meteorological technician certificationrequirements in <strong>para</strong>graph I3.4. The SP shall maintain the original certification in the SP’s records.I3.3 The SP shall ensure the following Meteorological Technician experience requirements are met:I3.3.1 Minimum <strong>of</strong> two years general forecasting experience, two years specialized aviation forecasting experience and twoyears experience in taking, recording, encoding, and disseminating surface weather observations within the past five yearsprior to the submission <strong>of</strong> the resume. Experience may be concurrent. (See A-TE-3, A01)I-1P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I3.3.2 Minimum <strong>of</strong> one year experience using a weather processing or dissemination system such as the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>’s N-TFS/AMIS, the Navy’s Meteorological Information Data Display System, or the NWS’ Advanced Weather InteractiveProcessing System.I3.3.3 Minimum <strong>of</strong> one year experience interpreting WSR-88D Doppler weather radar products.I3.4. Meteorological Technician Certification Requirements. The SP’s employees shall have an initial and subsequentannual checkride for position certification IAW AFMAN 15-129, <strong>para</strong>graph 10.7.1. Subsequent annual checkrides shall beaccomplished in the anniversary month <strong>of</strong> the employee’s previous checkride. Employees shall not work without directsupervision by a certified employee prior to successful completion <strong>of</strong> their initial checkride or upon failure to satisfactorilycomplete the annual recertification. The weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor shall certify, in writing, the satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong>the meteorological technician’s certification requirements and maintain the original certification in the SP’s records.I3.4.1 Certification Checkrides. The SP shall use the checklist items provided on the HQ AFRC/DOVA website to conductthe checkrides and have all employees demonstrate pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in all the service areas identified in this Description <strong>of</strong>Services prior to certifying the employees to work without another certified employee overseeing their work.I3.4.2. Currently Certified Meteorological Technicians. Currently certified meteorological technicians performing duties inthe MARB weather <strong>of</strong>fice, may, at the SP’s option, be exempted from the initial certifications requirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>para</strong>graphsI3.4 as long as their previous certification is not more than one year old. If the SP chooses to exempt currently certifiedmeteorological technicians at MARB from the initial certification requirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>para</strong>graph I3.4, the SP shall obtain andmaintain a copy <strong>of</strong> the employee’s previous certification.I3.4.3 Certification Records. The SP shall maintain the complete certification records for meteorological technicians, toinclude the weather <strong>services</strong> supervisor. Minimum contents shall include, but are not limited to, the checklists used for each<strong>of</strong> the initial and annual checkrides, other records associated with the conduct <strong>of</strong> the checkrides cited in <strong>para</strong>graph I3.4,records associated with the unsuccessful results <strong>of</strong> an initial or annual checkride and the written certification <strong>of</strong> eachemployee.I3.4.4 N-TFS/AMIS Manager/Alternate. The SP shall designate, in writing, an N-TFS/AMIS manager and alternate to theCO. These designees shall have documentation showing completion <strong>of</strong> a SP developed, in-house N-TFS/AMIS managertraining program or a minimum <strong>of</strong> 2 years experience within the last 5 years performing either manager or alternate duties.I3.4.5 Waivers. The SP shall submit requests for waivers to personnel certification and experience requirements to the CO.Waivers will be considered on a case-by-case basis.I4. Surface Weather Observations. The SP shall:I4.1 Conduct a Basic Weather Watch (BWW). Produce and disseminate all required weather observations to localcustomers and input data into the shared information database IAW AFMAN 15-111 and MARBI 15-101. This ensures aconsistency across the AF and keeps customers abreast <strong>of</strong> latest conditions, which may impact safety and their operations.I4.2 Take and disseminate observations using AF provided equipment. Maintain and execute communication andequipment back-up procedures IAW AFMAN 15-111 and MARBI 15-101 when primary systems are inoperable to ensureno degradation <strong>of</strong> service.I4.3 Record the observations on AF Form 3813 IAW AFMAN 15-111. The data recorded on the AF Form 3813 serves asthe source to determine local and longline (beyond local) dissemination accuracy. Forward the completed originalobservation forms IAW AFMAN 15-111. Maintain a copy <strong>of</strong> the completed forms in the WT’s files IAW AFMAN 33-322V4. (See I-TE-3, Data Item I01)I4.4 Input weather observations as requested from other bases into the shared information database during theircommunication outages.I4.5 Accomplish barometer standardizations as required by AFMAN 15-111. Standardizations shall be recorded on AFForm 3801 IAW AFMAN 15-111, Chapter 10.I-2P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I4.6 Establish a Cooperative Weather Watch (CWW) with the air traffic control (ATC) personnel and other appropriatebase agencies as required by AFMAN 15-111.I4.7 Maintain wind recorder records IAW AFMAN 33-322V4 and AFMAN 15-111. All wind information entered on theAF Form 3813 shall be obtained from the wind recorder record or backup equipment.I5 Mission Execution Forecasts (MEFs). The SP shall provide MEFs IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graphs 4.2.5, 4.2.12 and4.2.15 and MARBI 15-101. The Mission Execution Forecast Process (MEFP) is described in AFMAN 15-129, Chapters 4and 7 and AFMAN 15-135, Chapters 1, 3, and 4. Military Operating Area Forecasts (MOAFs) are described in AFMAN15-129, Chapter 2, <strong>para</strong>graph and AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 4. DD Form 175-1, Flight Weather Briefing andAMC Form 181, AMC Mission Weather Briefing shall be used when specified in the MEFP. The DD Form 175-1 andAMC Form 181 shall have an entry in every block. A dash shall be used to indicate no data for any specific block.I6 Space Weather Data And Forecasts. The SP shall provide space weather data and forecasts IAW AFI 15-128,<strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.7, AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 8, and MARBI 15-101.I7 Mission Watch. The SP shall conduct Mission Watch as required for specific missions IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph4.2.8, AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 5, and MARBI 15-101.I8 Weather Radar. The SP shall monitor all radar products and use them to support Mission Watch. Also, when the samedata is not available to the Operational Weather Squadron, provide the OWS forecaster real-time interpretation <strong>of</strong> weatherradar data IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.9.I9 Weather Warnings and Advisories. The SP shall:I9.1 Issue, amend and cancel all observed lightning warnings and observed weather advisories during operating hours IAWAFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.10, AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 3 and AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 7. The criteria for the observedlightning warnings and observed weather advisories are given in MARBI 15-101.I9.2 Issue weather warnings when necessary, IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph, AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 3, andAFMAN 15-135, Chapter 7.I9.3 Use and complete AF Forms 3807 & 3806 when issuing warnings and advisories IAW AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 3.I10 Severe Weather Procedures. The SP shall develop procedures to be followed by the WT in the event <strong>of</strong> severeweather to include any required operational reports IAW AFMAN 10-206, AFI 10-229, AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.11,AFMAN 15-129, Chapters 3 and 7 and AFMAN 15-135, Chapters 2 and 7.I11 Weather Briefings. The SP shall provide weather briefings IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.15, AFMAN 15-129,Chapter 7 and MARBI 15-101. Examples <strong>of</strong> this type <strong>of</strong> weather briefings include, but are not limited to, staff, missionplanning, safety, and instrument refresher IAW AFMAN 11-210.I12 Communication with <strong>Air</strong>borne <strong>Air</strong>crews. The SP shall operate a Pilot-to-Metro Service (PMSV) radio, answerrequests from and provide weather data to airborne aircrews and acquire, analyze, evaluate and disseminate pilot weatherand air reports (PIREPs & AIREPs) IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graphs 4.2.13 and 4.2.14, AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 4, AFMAN15-135, Chapter 5 and MARBI 15-101. The SP shall use an AF Form 3805, or a locally developed form, to record PIREPsIAW AFMAN 15-129, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.7.5.I13 Meteorological Data to Base Agencies. The SP shall provide meteorological data to base agencies IAW AFI 15-128,<strong>para</strong>graphs 4.2.16 and 4.2.17, AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 4 and AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 7.I14 Transient and Supported Unit <strong>Air</strong>crew Briefing Terminals.I14.1 Transient <strong>Air</strong>crew Briefing Terminal. The SP shall:I14.1.1 Provide coordination between the appropriate base agencies and HQ AFRC/DOVA, IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph4.2.18, to arrange for government installation and maintenance <strong>of</strong> a dedicated web-based transient aircrew briefing terminal,in a space readily accessible to transient aircrews, for them to obtain flight weather data from the appropriate OWS.I-3P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I14.1.2 Provide oversight <strong>of</strong> the transient aircrew briefing terminal to ensure the suite <strong>of</strong> data outlined in AFMAN 15-135,Chapter 7, <strong>para</strong>graph is available, only current data is displayed and that the terminal remains operational. Anyproblem with the data shall be reported to the data originator. Any problem with the terminal itself shall be reported togovernment designated computer maintenance personnel.I14.2 Supported Unit <strong>Air</strong>crew Briefing Terminals. The SP shall support unit aircrew briefing terminals IAW AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 4 and AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 7.I15 Alternate Work Centers. The SP shall develop a plan, IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.19 and AFMAN 15-129,Chapter 9, and AFMAN 15-111, Chapter 2, Para 2.3.4, to relocate the WT from the normal work centers and continueweather operations in the event the work centers must be evacuated. The location and procedures whereby weatheroperations will be continued shall be coordinated with the appropriate base agencies and documented in MARBI 15-101.I16 Weather Equipment and Communications Systems Operation and Outage Reporting. The SP shall:I16.1 Establish procedures with the 452 SC/SCM for operating and reporting outages <strong>of</strong> weather equipment andcommunications systems, except New Tactical Forecast System (N-TFS)/Advanced Meteorological Information System(AMIS). These procedures shall be established IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.23, AFMAN 15-129, Chapters 7 and 8 andAFMAN 15-135, Chapter 11.I16.2 Operate equipment identified in I-TE-4and perform applicable operator preventative maintenance IAW applicabletechnical orders (TOs), handbooks, manuals and operating directives. The SP shall be responsible for ensuring personnelare trained and certified to operate necessary government equipment before allowing the individual to operate the equipmentunsupervised. The SP shall maintain records evidencing the training and qualifications <strong>of</strong> personnel to operate equipment.I16.3 Maintain a copy <strong>of</strong> the operator’s portion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Technical Orders (AFTOs): AFTO 31M1-2GM-61,AFTO 31M1-2FMQ8-1, AFTO 31M1-2FMQ13-2, AFTO 31M1-2GMQ-34-1, AFTO 31M2-3ML102-1, AFTO 31M4-3ML101, AFTO 31P1-4-108-61, AFTO 31P1-4-108-78-1.I16.4 Maintain and comply with the following publications pertaining to the CAT II ILS runway visual range system: U.S.Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Training Guide (TG)–21-1, Controller User’sGuide, Runway Visual Range System, Controller DisplayI16.5 Operate N-TFS/AMIS IAW the AMIS User’s Guide, AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 8 and AFMAN 15-135, Chapter 11.Outages shall be reported to the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Weather Agency (AFWA) Help Desk IAW AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 8 and anyspecific directions provided by the AFWA Help Desk.I16.6 Document all weather equipment and communications systems outages on a locally developed form. The locallydeveloped outage form shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:I16.6.1 Circuit identification or equipment type.I16.6.2 Date/time(Zulu (Z)) <strong>of</strong> the outage (all outages recorded chronologically).I16.6.3 Date/time(Z) the maintenance notified.I16.6.4 Job control or work order number.I16.6.5 Initials <strong>of</strong> the person receiving the outage report.I16.6.6 Date/time(Z) <strong>of</strong> restored operation.I16.6.7 Remarks that fully explain the outage, projected restoral date, corrective actions and follow-up status.I16.6.8 Initials <strong>of</strong> the person logging the entries.I16.6.9 Document FOLLOW-UP status checks on a se<strong>para</strong>te line. Use the term “FOLLOW-UP” to indicate the statusI-4P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

check, refer to the original job control or work order number, include the date/time (Z) <strong>of</strong> the status check, and in remarksany changes concerning restoral. Document daily FOLLOW-UP contacts on outages lasting 24 hours or longer. DailyFOLLOW-UP calls are not required if the maintainer provides a projected restoral date. If the outage is not corrected by theprojected date, FOLLOW-UP calls are required daily unless the maintainer establishes a new projected restoral date.I16.7 Document all meteorological equipment outages on AF Form 3813 IAW AFMAN 15-111, Chapter 3.I17 Weather Support Documents and Formal Agreements. The SP shall act as an advisor only to the 452 nd OperationsGroup and any other interested government or government SP parties on the requirements <strong>of</strong> AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 11,during the development or annual reviews <strong>of</strong> the documents or agreements. Any OWS or AFWA related issues uncoveredduring coordination at the local level shall be resolved and documented between the OWS, AFWA, AFRC weatherfunctional manager, the SP and the Performance Management Office.I18 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Duty Priorities. The SP shall develop and maintain, IAW AFMAN15-129, Chapter 11, SOPs and duty priority lists affecting internal operations. The SP shall post a copy <strong>of</strong> the duty prioritieslist, as stated in MARBI 15-101, in the WT work area. The copy/copies shall be <strong>of</strong> sufficient size and placement for anycustomers in the WT work area(s) to read.I19 Release <strong>of</strong> Weather Information to Non-DoD Agencies. The SP shall forward any requests for weather information,<strong>services</strong> or products from any non-DoD agency to the 452 nd <strong>Air</strong> Mobility Wing Public Affairs Office (452 nd AMW/PA) foraction. The SP shall also ensure 452 nd AMW/PA is aware <strong>of</strong> the requirements <strong>of</strong> AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.24 andAFMAN 15-129, Chapter 4.I20 AFW Standardization and Evaluation Program (AFWSEP). The SP shall comply with the AFWSEP IAW AFI15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.22.I21 Metrics Information and Reports. Metrics Information and Reports. The SP shall provide metrics informationand reports, IAW AFI 15-128, <strong>para</strong>graph 4.2.20. The metrics information and reports provided shall be developed IAWAFI 15-114, with particular attention being paid to <strong>para</strong>graphs 1.1, 3.1, and 4. The Weather Support Evaluation Report(RCS: HAF-XOW (M) 9202) shall be submitted IAW AFI 15-114, <strong>para</strong>graph 6.1. (See I-TE-3, Data Item I02)I22 Data Deficiency Bulletins. The SP shall monitor and respond to data deficiency bulletins received over the N-TFS/AMIS system. The SP response to data deficiency bulletins shall be to take the action necessary to remedy thedeficiency, for example resend, recode, correct, or revise. .I23 DoD Flight Information Publications (FLIP). The SP shall ensure PMSV information is current and correctlydescribed in the FLIP. The SP shall advise Base Operations in writing <strong>of</strong> changes to PMSV information as soon as thechanges are known.I24 Non-Weather Personnel Training and Certification. The SP shall train and certify <strong>Air</strong> Traffic Controller (ATC)personnel to take tower visibility observations. The SP shall also train ATCs on the CWW program to include, but notlimited to, areas not visible to the weather observer from the <strong>of</strong>ficial observing site, famililiarization with local weatherphenomena and the use <strong>of</strong> weather equipment readouts IAW AFI 13-203, <strong>para</strong>. 12.6 and AFMAN 15-111, <strong>para</strong>. SP shall train and certify other appropriate base personnel in weather related tasks, as identified by the government.I25 Supervisor Of Flying (SOF) Weather Orientation. The SP shall provide SOF weather orientation and training, asrequired, to include, but not limited to, weather <strong>services</strong>, observing and forecasting limitations and SOF responsibilities toweather in order to keep them abreast <strong>of</strong> seasonal weather hazards and changes to weather support.I26 <strong>Air</strong>craft Mishap or Ground Mishaps. The SP shall, upon observation or notification <strong>of</strong> an aircraft or ground mishap,take all actions required by AFMAN 10-206, AFMAN 15-111, AFMAN 15-129, Chapters 4 and 7, AFMAN 15-135,Chapter 7 and MARBI 15-101.I27 Climatic Data. The SP shall maintain and update daily and monthly climatic records IAW AFMAN 15-129,Paragraph Also provide copies <strong>of</strong> monthly information to any government agencies or SPs requesting suchinformation. On-base agencies requesting climatic data are as listed in MARBI 15-101. Off-base agencies requestingclimatic data are the U.S. Army Corps <strong>of</strong> Engineers and the Riverside National Cemetery. (See I-TE-3, Data Item I03)I-5P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I28 Aerospace Weather Data Requirements. The SP shall be responsible for maintaining aerospace weather datarequirements IAW AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 8. The database is managed via the web-based Weather Subscription Service.Requirements shall be reviewed and updated at least annually or as directed by the database manager.I29 N-TFS/AMIS System Manager. The SP shall appoint an N-TFS/AMIS system manager and alternate who complywith the duties outlined in AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 8. The equipment and circuit configuration shall not be altered withoutthe consent <strong>of</strong> AFWA or the appropriate maintenance agency.I30 Forecast Reference Notebook (FRN). The SP shall provide updates to the OWS IAW AFMAN 15-129, Chapter 2.,Paragraph Publications. The SP shall maintain copies <strong>of</strong> the following publications as they have broad applicability to weatherteam operations: AFI 11-202, Vol 3 – General Flight Rules, FAA 7340.1 – Contractions, FAA 7350.6 – LocationIdentifiers and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 7910 – Location Identifiers.I-6P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

SDS#SDSI01SDSI02SDSI03SDSI04SDSI05SDSI06SDSI07SDSI08SDSI09SDSI10SDSI11SDSI12SDSI13I-TE-1SERVICE DELIVERY SUMMARYSOWPerformance ObjectivePara Performance ThresholdAll surface weather observations taken, recorded, encoded I4 98% error free rate.and disseminated accurately and timely. Hourlyobservations must be transmitted between H+55 - H+59(55 to 59 minutes past the hour), special and localobservations within 5 minutes <strong>of</strong> observing the weatherphenomena meeting special or local criteria and backupdisseminations completed within 5 minutes <strong>of</strong> any faileddissemination.Accomplish all barometer standardizations accurately and I4.5 No errors in the posted aneroidwhen required.barometer correction and noConduct all aspects <strong>of</strong> the CWW program with ATCpersonnel and other appropriate base agencies.Prepare and present complete and timely MEFs ascoordinated with or requested by the customer.Prepare and present complete and timely space weatherforecasts and data as coordinated with or requested by thecustomer.Provide accurate and timely mission watch <strong>services</strong> ascoordinated with or requested by supported customers andthe OWS.Provide accurate and timely weather radar interpretive<strong>services</strong> as coordinated with the OWS or as requested bysupported customers.Issue observed lightning warnings when lightning isobserved within 5 NM <strong>of</strong> MARB and within 5 minutes <strong>of</strong>the occurrence <strong>of</strong> the event.Issue observed weather advisories based on specifiedobserved weather phenomena within 5 minutes <strong>of</strong> theoccurrence <strong>of</strong> the phenomena.Issue accurate and timely weather warnings for specifiedforecast weather phenomena when imminent weatherconditions pose a hazard to life and property or whennotification to the supporting OWS is not practical orcommunications do not allow.Execute procedures to be followed in the event <strong>of</strong> severeweather.Provide accurate weather information in support <strong>of</strong>OPREP 3-BEELINE operational reporting procedureswithin 6 hours <strong>of</strong> the incident.Provide non-flight weather briefings as coordinated with orrequested by the customer.missed standardizations.I4.6 No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.I5I6I7I8I9I9I9I10I10I11No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.100% error free rate.100% error free rate.100% error free rate with nonegative lead times.No valid customer complaints on alack <strong>of</strong> adequate advance severeweather notification.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint on inaccurate or latedata per calendar year.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.SDSI14 Respond immediately to all PMSV calls from aircraft. I12 80% <strong>of</strong> PMSV calls must beresponded to within 30 seconds <strong>of</strong>initial contact.SDSI15 Complete all required PIREP dissemination actionsI12 98% error free rate.accurately and within 10 minutes <strong>of</strong> the receipt <strong>of</strong> a PIREPfrom an aircrew.I-7P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

SDS#SDSI16SDSI17SDSI18SDSI19SDSI20Performance ObjectivePerform and document a daily PMSV equipment checkNLT 0900 local time each day. An operational contactsatisfies this requirement.Provide accurate and timely meteorological data to baseagencies as requested by the customer.Provide all required coordination, oversight and support <strong>of</strong>transient aircrew and supported unit aircrew briefingterminals.Execute plans for alternate work centers with the alternatework centers manned and operational within 15 minutes <strong>of</strong>an evacuation order.All circuit and equipment outages are reported to theresponsible POC within 20 minutes <strong>of</strong> the occurrence <strong>of</strong>the outage with all log entries completed and documentedaccurately upon completion <strong>of</strong> reporting to POC.SOWParaI12I13I14I15I16Performance Threshold98% error free rate.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per quarter.No more than 1 valid customercomplaint per year.95% error free rate.SDSI21 Comply with the AFWSEP program. I20 Obtain a unit rating <strong>of</strong> at leastsatisfactory on all AFWSEPevaluations.SDSI22SDSI23Ensure MARB PMSV information is current and correctlydescribed in the FLIP at all times.Provide accurate and timely weather information insupport <strong>of</strong> all aircraft mishap investigations. All weatherinformation provided to an investigation board will beerror free. All weather information will be gathered andprovided to an investigation board within 1 work day <strong>of</strong>request.I23I26Forward memo to Base Operationswithin 1 work day <strong>of</strong> any change inthe information listed 100% <strong>of</strong> thetime.100% <strong>of</strong> the time.I-8P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I-TE-2WORKLOAD ESTIMATESService Qty/Month Hours <strong>of</strong> HeavyWorkloadConduct Barometry standardization1/qtrInput Weather Observations 2Issue Observed Advisories and Warnings 10 5 – 10 AMMishap Action1/yearMission Execution Forecast (MEF) 210 4-9 AMMISSIONWATCH 210Non-Weather Personnel Training2/QtrPMSV Calls to the Station & Unanswered Calls to Other Units 10Receive and Transmit PIREPS and AIREPs 5Space Weather Forecasts 210Staff Weather Briefings (452 nd AMW/163rd CANG/4 th AF) 10 8-10 AMTake record, encode and transmit surface weather observations(records, specials and locals)900 Specials: 3-11 AMLocals: 12 AM-4 PMTransit <strong>Air</strong>crew Support 8Update Pilot Briefing Display 60 Twice a dayI-9P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I-TE-3DATA DELIVERIESThe SP shall submit all required reports shown below using the complete mailing address (referenced by number)in the chart following the required report information. Only 1 copy <strong>of</strong> the report is required unless otherwisespecified.Item # Report Title Submit To Freq SOWReferenceI01 Surface Observation Records (AF Forms 3813) 1 Daily I4.3Report due at the end <strong>of</strong> each calendar day <strong>of</strong> operational performance. First due NLT the day after the firstcalendar day <strong>of</strong> operational performance. Subsequent due NLT the day after each succeeding calendar day <strong>of</strong>operational performance. Submittal shall consist <strong>of</strong> an electronic copy <strong>of</strong> the completed AF Form 3813 sent viaemail utilizing the dissemination capability built into the N-TFS/AMIS system..I02 Weather Support Evaluation Report (RCS: HAF-XOW (M) 2 Mthly I219202)Report due at the end <strong>of</strong> each month <strong>of</strong> operational performance. First due NLT 15 th day after the end <strong>of</strong> the firstmonth <strong>of</strong> operational performance. Subsequent due NLT 15 th day <strong>of</strong> each succeeding month <strong>of</strong> the operationalperformance period. Documentation shall be as directed by HQ AFRC/DOVA.I03 Climatic Data 3,4 Mthly I27Report due at the end <strong>of</strong> each month <strong>of</strong> operational performance. First due NLT 5 th day after the end <strong>of</strong> first month<strong>of</strong> operational performance. Subsequent due NLT 5 th day <strong>of</strong> each succeeding month <strong>of</strong> the operational performanceperiod. Report shall be submitted on an AF general-purpose form or on a SP-generated form approved by theACO.Complete addresses are as follows:1. AFCCC/DOB & QAE151 Patton Avenue, Room 120Asheville NC 28801-50022. HQ AFRC/DOVA155 Richard Ray BoulevardRobins AFB GA 31098-16353. By FAX: 4. By E-MAIL:452 MSG/CEOIA (951) 655-5551 163 CES/CEPR452 MSG/LGC (951) 655-3772 452 MSG/CERRiverside National Cemetery (951) 653-5233 452 MSG/CEV452 MSG/SGPB452 MXS/LGM752 AGS/LGGAI-10P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I-TE-4GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED ITEMSI-TE-4a: Government Furnished FacilitiesBldg Description Approx Sq Ft Location0470 Alternate Observing Site 200 Tower Cab1220 Weather Services Area 1,500 N/AI-TE-4b: Government Furnished Equipment (Standard Weather) The Government will furnish thefollowing standard weather equipment. This standard weather equipment will be maintained, repaired, andreplaced by the Government.Name Description QtyBarometer, Aneroid – ML-102 Portable Atmospheric Pressure Instrument 1CCTV System Weather Briefing System 1Ceilometer, Laser Beam – AN/GMQ-34 Cloud Height Measuring System 1Cloud Height Indicator – IP-1456 Displays Could Height Values 1Digital Barometer Altimeter Setting Indicator Atmospheric Pressure Sensing System 1(DBASI) – ML-58Doppler Weather Radar System – WSR-88D 1N-TFS/AMIS System – AN/FMH-1 Weather Data Processing System 1Pilot to METRO Service (PMSV) Radio Set Radio for Communication with <strong>Air</strong>craft 1Rain Gauge ML-17 1Temperature Dew Point Set – AN/FMQ-8 <strong>Air</strong> Temperature & Dew Point System 1Terminal, Very Small Aperture (VSAT) System Communication Link for N-TFS/AMIS System 1Uninterruptible Power Supply Backup power for weather equipment rack 1Wind Indicator Displays Wind Data 1Wind Measuring Set – AN/FMQ-13 Wind Speed & Direction Measuring System 2Wind Recorder Records Wind Data 1I-TE-4c: Government Furnished Equipment (Special Conditions)Name Description QtyBookcase 3Cabinet 5 Drawer, Legal, Metal File 2Cabinet Metal Storage, 2 Door 2Cabinet, Stantron Display 1Chair W/arms 3Chair W/o arms 2Counter Briefing, 3 sided wooden 1Desk 30” x 48” 1Desk w/extension 24” x 84” ext 24” x 46” 1Desk w/hutch 30” x 60” 1Facsimile Panasonic KX-F1000 1Modular Office Furniture System 1Stand Printer 24” x 30” 1UPS APC 1250 4UPS APC 650 1I-11P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I-TE-4d: Government Furnished ADPEName Description QtyDesktop Micron Client Pro 133 1Desktop Micron Client Pro 450 MHZ 3FMQ-19 1Laptop Micron Transport GX2 Pentium III 1Monitors 8OPUP 1Printer 1I-TE-4e: Government Furnished TelephonesLocationQtyAlternate Observing Site 1Equipment Room 1Weather Station Proper 4I-12P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

I-TE-5: Technical Acronyms/Abbreviations and DefinitionsADWS Automatic Digital Weather Switch FRN Forecast Reference NotebookAFW <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Weather FW Fighter WingAFWA <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Weather Agency ICAO International Civil Aviation OrganizationAFWSEP AFW Standardization & Evaluation Program L Local TimeAIREPs <strong>Air</strong> Reports MDC Maintenance Data CollectionAMIS Advanced Meteorological Information System MEF Mission Execution ForecastATC <strong>Air</strong> Traffic Control NM Nautical MileAWDS Automated Weather Distrtibution System NOTAM Notice to <strong>Air</strong>manAWN Automated Weather Network N-TFS New Tactical Forecast SystemAWS <strong>Air</strong> Weather Service NWS National Weather ServiceBWS Base Weather Station OPREP Operational ReportCANG California <strong>Air</strong> National Guard PIREP Pilot ReportCP Command Post PMSV Pilot to Metro Service (Radio)CWT Combat Weather Teams SOF Supervisor <strong>of</strong> FlyingCWW Cooperative Weather Watch SOP Standard Operating ProcedureDBASI Digital Barometer Altimeter Setting Indicator TAF Terminal Aerodrome ForecastFAA Federal Aviation Administration WT Weather TeamFLIP Flight Information Publications Z Zulu or UniversalFMH Federal Meteorological handbookADVANCED METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (AMIS). AMIS is the s<strong>of</strong>tware for the NewTactical Forecast System (N-TFS). This s<strong>of</strong>tware is the first step toward the DoD standard and Defense InformationInfrastructure and Common Operating Environment (DII COE) compliant weather information system. AMIS isfielded in both in-garrison and tactical versions to provide weather personnel “same in peace asin war” operating capability.AIR REPORT (AIREP). A pilot report made over areas where weather information is limited or nonexistent.BASIC WEATHER WATCH (BWW). A weather watch conducted from the weather observation site by anobserver who, because <strong>of</strong> other duties, cannot monitor the weather continuously.CHECKRIDE. The administration <strong>of</strong> a hands-on capability demonstration by a certifier to an individual for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> identifying strengths, weaknesses, trends, and to provide certification, de-certification, and additionaltraining needs.COOPERATIVE WEATHER WATCH (CWW). A weather watch that includes input primarily from ATCs trainedto recognize and report differences in local weather conditions.DATA DEFICIENCY BULLETIN. A computer-generated bulletin which identifies those transmitting stations fromwhich a scheduled report was not received, or was received with coding errors (either introduced by the originatingstation or by other causes).INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION (ICAO). A United Nations organization specializing inmatters dealing with international aviation and navigation.ICAO IDENTIFIER. A specifically authorized 4-letter identifier assigned to a location and documented in ICAODocument 7910 (used by N-TFS).MILITARY OPERATING AREA FORECAST (MOAF). A forecast guidance product that provides the weather orspace environmental conditions for a specific area in which military operations are occurring.MISSION EXECUTION FORECAST (MEF). An MEF is a customized weather product providing terrestrial andI-13P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

space weather data and forecasts for a specific mission, or set <strong>of</strong> missions. It fully integrates aerospace weather withthe customers tactics, weapon systems, environmental sensitivities <strong>of</strong> equipment, and other operational requirements.MISSION EXECUTION FORECAST PROCESS (MEFP). A systematic, repeatable process for forecasting thecustomer’s mission limiting meteorological <strong>para</strong>meters. This process provides a basic framework for fusingperishable meteorological data, operational and strategic forecast products, and an understanding <strong>of</strong> the customer’stactics which will be applied to any mission their customer may undertake. The MEFP describes an end-to-endprocess incorporating MEF management, MEF development, mission meteorological watch, and post missionanalysis <strong>of</strong> the unit’s forecasts.MISSION WATCH. The monitoring <strong>of</strong> aerospace weather for a specific mission (i.e., ground, air or space) andinforming supported agencies when unforecast mission-limiting phenomena could effect operations.NEW TACTICAL FORECAST SYSTEM (N-TFS). The computer system and associated interfaces that provide anautomated weather support and communications capability to the WT.NOTICE TO AIRMAN (NOTAM). A notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition, orchange in any aeronautical facility, service, procedures, or hazard, the timely knowledge <strong>of</strong> which is essential topersonnel concerned with flight operations.OPERATIONAL WEATHER SQUADRON (OWS). An organization comprised <strong>of</strong> management, technician andtraining personnel responsible for providing regional weather support. Their mission is to produce fine-scale tailoredweather forecast products and <strong>services</strong> to customers within their area <strong>of</strong> responsibilityPILOT REPORT (PIREP). A report <strong>of</strong> in-flight weather provided by an aircrew member.SPECIAL AVIATION EXPERIENCE. Direct operational forecasting to support flying operations and provideoperational weather forecast to such operations (as opposed to air pollution control forecasting).NOTE: A very comprehensive list <strong>of</strong> technical acronyms, abbreviations and definitions used by the AFWcommunity is available in AFMAN 15-135, Attachment 1.I-14P00036 Revised as <strong>of</strong> 8/1/2007

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