Shell Exploration & Production Alaska Exploration

Shell Exploration & Production Alaska Exploration Shell Exploration & Production Alaska Exploration
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AGENDAALASKA EXPLORATIONWell Design– Casing points– Casing properties– Casing diameters– Hole sizesWellheadsBlowout PreventerIce keelsMLC

Geologic ConditionsALASKA EXPLORATION• Pore Pressure– Fluid Pressure in Pore Space– Normal Pressure (water)• Fracture Gradient– Rock Strength– In-Situ Stress

CasingALASKA EXPLORATION• Each hole section must be casedwith pipe to prevent caving.• Each pipe is cemented on theoutside to keep it in place andprotected.• Each pipe must be designed by• Each pipe must be designed byengineers to resist the forces actingon it.



Layers of PreventionALASKA EXPLORATIONNo single incident leads to theworst case blowout scenario• Phase IV – Loss of Control – Relief Well OperationsContingency plans in place for the worst case scenario• Phase III – Mechanical Barriers (including special arctic barriers)Testing and inspection criteria in place to ensure competencyPhase II – Early Kick Detection and Kick Response Procedures.Continuous Monitoring (including use of RTOC)Response…shut down pumps – flow check – shut in – kill well• Phase I – Proper Planning (DWOP), Risk Identification,Training, Routine Drills on Rig (BOP Tests, Pit Drills, Trip Drills)Phase I is used to build a strong foundation

Drill Well on Paper (DWOP)• Step 1: ProgramOptimization(Identify a set of actions tooptimise the programme –consider all areas of theactivity)Copyright 2007 <strong>Shell</strong> International, CACX – <strong>Shell</strong> in the World – FULL.ppt• Review individual notes• Discuss and prioritize theopportunities and the actionsrequired to deliver theopportunities• Capture a shared overview

Drill Well on Paper (DWOP)Step 2: Risk Mitigation(Identify key risks and mitigationopportunities to include in theprogram)Copyright 2007 <strong>Shell</strong> International, CACX – <strong>Shell</strong> in the World – FULL.ppt• Review individual notes - assessboth operational and HSE risks• Discuss and prioritize the keyrisks and develop actions tomitigate and control theidentified risks• Capture a shared overview

Copyright 2007 <strong>Shell</strong> International, CACX – <strong>Shell</strong> in the World – FULL.pptDrill Well on Paper (DWOP)Step 3: Program Challenge(Optimize the program anddevelop an agreed DWOP targettime)• Optimize the program based oninput from steps 1 and 2• Review the program step-by-step todevelop a DWOP target time• Capture an overview of theoptimized program using thestandard templateDepth (Feet)0200040006000800010000120001400016000180000DWO P Activity Output - Time TargetTime (Days)Time Depth Performance Curve5101520TL DWOP Actual PlannedHole Section TL Time DWOP Target Time26” 144 hrs 113.0hrs18 5/8” Casing 48 hrs 32.5 hrs17 ½” Hole Section 219 hrs 164.0 hrs13 3/8”Casing 60 hrs 38.5 hrs12 ¼” hole 120 hrs 100 hrsLogging (Including cond trip) 72 hrs 36 hrs9 5/8”Casing 72 hrs 60 hrs8 ½” hole 384 hrs 280 hrsLogging (Including cond trip) 96 hrs 48 hrsTotal Hours 1215 hrs 872 hrsTOTAL DAYS 51 days 36 days25303540

WellheadsALASKA EXPLORATION30-in low-pressure housing– Connected to guide base– Provides a way to connect riser20-in high-pressure housing– Lands in 30-in wellhead housing– Provides a way to connect the Blowout Preventer (BOP)

Subsea BlowoutPreventerALASKA EXPLORATION

Ice KeelsALASKA EXPLORATIONIce Keel MovementSeabed after Scour8-10 ftOriginal Seabed

The Drilling ProgramALASKA EXPLORATIONKulluk Interactive Presentation.exe

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