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Project Financial Status (January 2010)Cumulative Advances to Special Account A$ 55.83 million (Balance on 31-Jan-10 A$ 25.056 million) Cumulative expenditure to-date from loan: A$ 30.772 million Cumulative expenditure to-date from GOI: A$ 3.256 million FMR No. 5 for the 4th Quarter 2009 (Oct-Dec) prepared in January 2010Other mattersProcurement Plan Version 5 finalised and NOL from AusAID issued on 8-Jan-10.Preparation of Management Action Plan (MAP) for possible extension to loan closing date finalized andformally submitted to AusAID on 26-Jan-10. Due to limited budget and land acquisition issues, four packages in South Kalimantan (EKS-03, 04, 05,06) likely to be dropped from EINRIP program.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 4

1 EINRIP ProjectThe Australian Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIPRD) is administered by theAustralian Agency for International Development (AusAID) in partnership with the Government of Indonesia(GOI). As part of AIPRD, both governments have committed loan funds (A$300 million) to the Eastern IndonesiaNational Road Improvement Project (EINRIP).EINRIP supports a program of National Road and bridge improvement projects, with major focus on roadsupgraded to National roads from previously Provincial or non-status roads and limited road capacity expansions.Approximately 4,300 km of roads are affected, of which around 500 kilometers and 14 steel truss bridges arecovered by this project (packages ESU-01, ESH-01 and ESR-02).1.1 Project ObjectivesThe project development objective is “To support regional economic and social development in Eastern Indonesiaby improving the condition of the national road network.”The main objective is to improve road links to an acceptable standard, suitable to their new status, to help ensurethat the National road network provides acceptable standards of service and accessibility, and is capable ofsupporting local and regional economic development.1.2 Project General Dataa. Loan Number : AIPRD - L002b. ID Project : 21594001c. Total Project Value : AUD 330 milliond. AusAID Loan portion : AUD 300 millione. GOI Loan portion : AUD 30 million (as sharing for the applicable taxpayment under EINRIP project)f. Sharing Ratio : AusAID:GOI = 89%:11%g. Loan negotiation : 3 July 2007h. Loan Signing : 7 September 2007i. Loan Effectiveness : 4 March 2008j. Implementation Period : 2008 - 2012k. Loan Closing date : 1 June 2011l. Executing Agency : Directorate General of Highways (DGH)m. Treatment Length : About 500 km roads and 3504 meters of bridgesn. Treatment Type : Betterment of existing road with widening, roadcapacity expansion; and replacement andrehabilitation of bridgeso. Provinces in project : Bali, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, SouthEast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi,Central Sulawesi, NTB (Nusa Tenggara Barat) &NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur)PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 5

PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 6

1.3 Project ScopeThe scope of the civil works is the selected roads in Eastern Indonesia and includes the following components:Betterment treatments including minor widening on inter-urban roads;Replacement or improvement of bridge and other structures that lie within the selected road sections;A limited road expansion project (capex); andA steel truss bridge replacement/rehabilitation program for existing deteriorated bridges throughoutIndonesia.The list of projects is presented in Appendix 1.1.4 Status of EINRIP Project ComponentsThe overall progress of EINRIP projects is reported under following broad activities (components):‣ Civil works- Preparation (<strong>Detail</strong>ed Design & Bid Documentation)- Status of Environmental and Social Studies- Procurement Status- Implementation Status (Awarded contracts)‣ Goods‣ Implementation Support ConsultantsPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 7

2 Civil Works - Design and Bid DocumentsThe design of all sub-packages has been completed and legalized by BinTek.3 Civil Works - Status of Environmental StudiesThe ESS studies are discussed in the two broad categories of studies; environmental studies and land acquisitionprocess.1. EBL- 01 Tohpati – Kusamba, BaliUKL/UPL required for bridge components has been completed andBLHD/Bapedalda.There was no land required for this package.approved by DGH and2. EBL- 02 Tohpati – Kusamba Section , BaliNo AMDAL (or UKL/UPL) study required for this package.There was no land required for this project.3. ESH- 01 Lakuan – Buol , Central SulawesiUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.For LARAP additional data has been sent by PU Kabupaten and Pleno meeting took place in Dec-09. Therevised LARAP is under preparation and it is expected that Final LARAP will be issued in early February2010.4. ESU- 01 Molibagu – Mamalia – Taludaa , North SulawesiUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.Land acquisition process is complete. LARAP monitoring report completed and submitted.5. ENB- 01AB Sumbawa Besar Bypass , NTB (Sumbawa)UKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.Land acquisition process is complete. LARAP monitoring report completed and submitted. Land certificationis under process by Local Government and will be monitored.6. ENB- 01C Pal IV – Km 70, NTB (Sumbawa)UKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.Land acquisition process in now complete and LARAP report completed and submitted in Dec-09. Landcertification is planned in 2010 by Local Government and will be monitored.7. ENB- 02 Km 70- Bts. Cabdin Dompu , NTB (Sumbawa)UKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.All PAPs for this project have received compensation except for 10 PAP in which the owners were notdomiciled in Ds. Penginapan Pindang. Seven of the 10 PAPs have now received compensation whilepayment for other three remaining PAP is in process. LARAP monitoring report was completed andsubmitted in Dec-09. The issue of remaining 3 PAPs is being followed up as Commencement date cannotbe issued without completion of the land compensation process.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 8

8. ENB- 03 Bts. Cabdin Dompu – Banggo , NTB (Sumbawa)UKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.Land acquisition process in now complete and LARAP report completed and submitted in Dec-09. Landcertification is planned in 2010 by Local Government and will be monitored.9. ENT- 01 Ende – Aegela , NTTUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.LARAP and pleno meeting has finished. Data of payment evidence has been received but examination byPMSC shows that the data is still incomplete. LARAP Monitoring report will be submitted in Feb-10 uponverification of payment evidence, possibly by field visit.10. ESR- 01 Tinanggea – Kasipute, South East SulawesiUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.Land acquisition process is complete. LARAP monitoring report completed and submitted. Land certificationis planned in 2010 by Local Government and will be monitored.11. ESR- 02 Kasipute – Bambaea, South East SulawesiUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.LARAP and Pleno meeting was finished and payment was processed in Dec-09 with evidence sent toPMSC for review. However complete data was not sent. The outstanding data is not yet followed up with LGin Jan-10 and it is planned in Feb-10. Final report will be submitted after land acquisition data is complete.12. ESS- 01 Sengkang – Impaimpa – Tarumpakke , South SulawesiNo AMDAL (or UKL/UPL) study required for this package.LARAP and Pleno meeting is finished and payment process has finished. Comparison of compensationpayment evidence to PAP with the LARAP’s list of approved PAP shows that all PAPs have been paidcompensation expect for seven in land dispute cases. The parties involved in the dispute have indicated thatthey will not obstruct the road construction and that the winner of the dispute case will receive thecompensation. LA monitoring report was completed in Dec-09.13. ESS- 02 Bantaeng – Bulukumba , South SulawesiNo AMDAL (or UKL/UPL) study required for this package.Land acquisition process is complete. LARAP monitoring report completed and submitted.14. ESS- 03 Jeneponto – Bantaeng , South SulawesiUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.There are 1187 people affected by project. LARAP and pleno meeting was finished. LG is in process ofcompensation payment. As new PPK has been appointed, payment process is still on-going.15. ESS- 04; ESS-05 & ESS-06 Bulukumba – Todong – Sinjai, South SulawesiThere is one AMDAL for three packages. Terms of Reference (KA ANDAL) of AMDAL has been approvedby BLHD/Bapedalda. Draft ANDAL, RKL and RPL were sent to Bapedalda in Jan-10. Comments areexpected from BLHD BapedaldaRevised LARAP is drafted but there is no pleno meeting yet, formalizing the agreement of PAP to the plansby LG Kabupaten Bulukumba to provide financial compensation to PAP for loss of buildings without landcompensation but instead replacement of old and construction works for new property fences towards theroad. The LG Kab Sinjai has provided a budget for land acquisition. However, the budget falls short of thePMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 9

estimated LA costs. Additional budgets from the LG Kab Sinjai will be allocated with APBD 2010. Plenomeeting is planned after PPK/Satker completes the staking out of ROW boundaries on ground.16. EKB- 01 Pontianak – Tayan , West KalimantanNo AMDAL (or UKL/UPL) study required for this package.Land acquisition process is complete. LARAP monitoring report completed and submitted. Land certificationis under process by Local Government and will be monitored.17. EKS- 01 Martapura – Ds. Tungkap , South KalimantanNo AMDAL (or UKL/UPL) study required for this package.There are 54 peoples affected by project. LARAP study and Pleno meeting was finished and 52 of PAPhave been paid by revised APBD 2008. Of the remaining 2 PAP, 1 PAP has been paid and there is only onePAP outstanding. Payment to one remaining PAP is expected by 15 Feb-10.18. EKS- 02 Banjarmasin – Bts. Kalteng, South KalimantanNo AMDAL (or UKL/UPL) study required for this package.There are 775 peoples affected by project. LARAP and Pre Pleno meeting is finished. There are semipermanentstructures made from wood within the ROW. Land acquisition within the ROW has been done in1995. Since then land has been occupied within the ROW and is being used for small-scale commercialactivities with ~80% new PAP as per recent LARAP. LG Kabupaten Barito Kuala has conductedsocialization to the people whose land and structure will be affected by the project. Clearing of ROW hasbeen conducted. PMSC and PMU conducted a site visit on 18-22 Jan-10 to confirm site conditions andattend pleno by LG/Balai.After a PMSC survey conducted in January 2010, the estimated additional area of land required by PEMDAoutside to the existing ROW is 3,680 m 2 . Revised LARAP will be submitted in Feb-10.19. EKS- 03 Jl. A.Yani (Martapura – Ds. Tungkap) , South KalimantanUKL/UPL was required, has been completed and approved by DGH and BLHD/Bapedalda.LARAP and pre-pleno meeting has been finished. There is no process of compensation payment. Plan ofbidding process is in 2010 but there is no budget for land acquisition.20. EKS- 04 Ds.Tungkap – Rantau , South KalimantanUKL/UPL was required but not approved yet by Bapedalda.LARAP and pre-pleno meeting has been finished. There is no process of compensation payment. Plan ofbidding process is in 2010 but there is no budget for land acquisition.21. EKS- 05 & EKS-06 Barabai – Mantimin – Dahai, South KalimantanThere is one AMDAL for two packages. Terms of Reference (KA ANDAL) of AMDAL has been discussedwith Bapedalda in November and the process for RKL/RPL will be prepared by the consultant.There are 4584 peoples affected by project and LARAP and Pre Pleno meeting was finished. Process ofcompensation payment is not yet available. There is no budget for land compensation. Discussion of Termsof Reference is waiting for budget availability.Table 1 presents the status of environmental studies and land acquisition process.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 10

TABLE 1 : STATUS OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS STUDIES31/Jan/2010ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDSSOCIAL SAFEGUARDSNoPACKAGE IDLINK NAMEPROVINCE/KABUPATENENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESREQUIREDKA-ANDALSUBMISSIONAMDAL PROCESSKA-ANDALAPPROVALUKL-UPL/ ANDAL/UKL-UPL/ ANDAL/ RKL-RPLRKL-RPL SUBMISSION APPROVALBAPEDALNUMBERS OFHOUSEHOLDSLAND AREA TO BEACQUIRED (m2)LA COST ESTIMATE(RP. Million)LA ALLOCATEDAMOUNT (Rp.Million)LARAP STUDIESREQUIREDLARAP PROCESSLANDACQUISITIONPROCESSPAYMENTEVIDENCERECEIVEDPAYMENT EVIDENCE/LARAP COMPARISONCOMPLETEDFINAL LANDACQUISITION REPORTAPPROVAL/ NOL(Actual)1 EBL - 01 Tohpati-Kasumba Bali UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)Jun-082 EBL - 02 Tohpati-Kasumba Bali None requiredXNo land requiredNo land required3 ESH - 01 Lakuan - Buol4 ESU - 015 ENB-01ABMolibagu – Mamalia– TaludaaSumbawa BesarBypass6 ENB - 01C Pal IV - KM 707 ENB - 028 ENB - 03KM 70 - Bts CabdinDompuBts Cabdin Dompu -BanggoCentral Sulawesi/BuolMar-08 817 55,398 2,567North Sulawesi UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)Aug-08 16 2,383 40West NusaTenggara/SumbawaWest NusaTenggara/SumbawaWest NusaTenggara/SumbawaWest NusaTenggara/DompuUKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)Aug-08 349 49,182 4,016APBN Rp. 500('09)RevisedLARAPDec-08 749 35,082 2,574 7445 LARAPDec-08 58 39,561 222,000 1635 LARAPNov-08 154 5,426 781,090APBD Kab.Rp. 200 ('09) &581 ('10)LARAPLand acquistion complete.Land acquistion complete.Land acquistion complete.Data not complete (3 PAP not domiciled in area)Land acquistion complete.9 ENT - 01 Ende - AegelaEast NusaTenggara/ NgadaUKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)Mar-09 218 138,310 2,314APBN 1500('09)& APBD 500('09)LARAPJan 10(incomplete)10 ESR-01 Tinanggea – Kasipute11 ESR - 02 Kasipute - BambaeaSouth EastSulawesiSouth EastSulawesi/BambanaUKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)Feb-09 25 1,532 22Sep-09 553 123,565 3,155 2000 LARAP Apr-Dec '09Land acquistion complete.21 Dec-09Incomplete21-23 Dec-0912 ESS - 01Sengkang - Impaimpa- TarumpakkaeSouth Sulawesi/WajoNone requiredX 1479 65,641 4,623 5350 LARAPData not complete (7 PAP in land dispute)13 ESS-0214 ESS - 03Bantaeng –BulukumbaJaneponto -BantaengSouth Sulawesi None requiredX 454 10,602 2,316South Sulawesi/JanepontoBantaengUKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)Jul-09 1187 34,511 2,039APBN Rp. 2000('09)LARAP Sep-Oct '09Land acquistion complete.15 ESS - 04Bulukumba -TondongSouth Sulawesi/Bulukumba1174 61,440 4,280 LARAP Jul-Sep '0916 ESS - 05Bulukumba -TondongSouth Sulawesi/Bulukumba SinjaiDraft ANDAL, RKL&RPLhas been sent to DGHKA ANDALapproved byBLDHDraft of ANDAL,RKL, RPL to besent to BLDH1480 81,498 6,112 LARAP Jul-Sep '0917 ESS - 06Tondong -Bulukumba - SinjaiSouth Sulawesi/Sinjai908 93,656 4,027 LARAP Jul-Sep '0918 EKB - 01 Pontianak – Tayan West Kalimantan None requiredX 135 37,739 417Land acquistion complete.19 EKS - 0120 EKS - 0221 EKS - 03Martapura - DesaTungkapBanjarmasin - BtsKaltengA Yani (Martapura -Ds. Tungkap)22 EKS - 04 Ds. Tungkap - Rantau23 EKS - 05 Barabai - Matimin24 EKS - 06 Mantimin - DahaiSouthKalimantan/BanjarSouthKalimantan/Barito - KualaSouthKalimantan/BanjarSouthKalimantan/TapinSouthKalimantan/ HuluSungai TengahSouthKalimantan/BalanganDraft ANDAL, RKL&RPLhas been sent to DGH.TOR has not beendiscussed withcommission teamNone requiredNone requiredUKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)UKL/UPL completed & approved by DGH and BLHD (Bapedalda)X 54 98 70 LARAPX 138 3,680 700Under process 1554 22,143 11,425Feb-09 2442 167,029 23,4012893 187,392 57,3211691 112,378 30,943APBN Rp. 1,000('10)not available in2009not available in2009not available in2009not available in2009LARAP(Revised)Aug '09LARAP Jul-Sep '09LARAP Jul-Sep '09LARAPLARAPDec '09 - Jan'10Dec '09 - Jan'101 PAP payment still incomplete.

4 Civil Works - Procurement StatusDuring December 2009, following key procurement activities occurred:Contract AwardSeven new packages were awarded and Contracts signed in December 2009. All seven packages havereceived NOL Disbursement from AusAID and advance payments processed in December 2010.Procurement of EKS-01After the issue of formal bid failure notification, a new Procurement Committee was formed and biddingprocess has re-commenced. The bidding documents were revised in Jan-10 and submitted to AusAID forNOL to start procurement.Procurement of ESH-01Addendum No 2 for ESH-01 was submitted to AusAID on 14-Jan-10 and NOL issued on 14-Jan-10.After finalization of post qualification evaluation criteria, the bid opening was shifted to 27 January 2010.Bids were opened on this date and are under evaluation by PC PC and assist by PAS.Procurement of ESS-03The bids were opened on 6-Nov-09. PAS provided technical support in review of bid evaluation. The BERwas forwarded to AusAID on 23-Dec-09 and the NOL to BER was issued on 11-Jan-10. Bidding planned in 2010Bidding planned for EKS-02, ENT-01, ESS-04, ESS-05, ESS-06Packages not to be procuredIt is likely that four packages in South Kalimantan - EKS-03, EKS-04, EKS-05, EKS-06 – will be droppedfrom the program due to limited budget and land acquisition issues. There is no procurement planned forthese packages in 2010.5 Procurement Plan & Implementation ScheduleThe Project Procurement Plan is the key document that sets out the planned procurement activities for varioussub-projects. This Plan is required to be updated frequently, submitted to AusAID for no-objection and once NOLfrom AusAID is received, is to be uploaded on the EINRIP web site.The Procurement Plan Version No. 5, dated 5-Jan-10 was finalised and sent to AusAID. NOL to the ProcurementPlan Version No.5 was issued on 8-Jan-10.The Procurement Plan (Ver 5) and actual dates as on 31-Jan-10 are shown in Appendix 2.The implementation schedule in broad phases of procurement, construction and Defects Notification Period isshown in Appendix 3.6 Civil Works - Implementation Status (Awarded contracts)6.1 Contracts awarded before Nov-2009The status of five contracts awarded and where construction work has commenced is summarized below. Thedetailed contract data for five contracts is shown in Appendix 4.Contracts are listed in ascending order of Commencement Date.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 11

EBL-01 Tohpati–Kusamba Stg. 1, BaliContract signed05-Dec-08NOL for Contract/Disbursement11-Dec-08Pre-Construction Meeting23-Jan-09Advance payment16-Dec-08Letter for notification of Commencement date 18-Feb-09Commencement Date25-Feb-2009Physical Progress at end of month Actual Planned Deviation34.111 % 38.926 % - 4.815 %Summary RSC TL suspended the works for spreading of Aggregate Class A, B and S without any blending plantthrough letter of 16-Oct-09 Re-design for pier at Tukod Was Bridge is complete in project level (SNVT, RSC and Contractor). Boring at Udang Udang Bridge stopped due to hard rock at 10.15m. Design depth is 16m, Contractor hasbeen instructed to change boring equipment. Contractor has started to organise aggregate blending plant. Rigid pavement (trial works) at Ketewel intersection damaged and has been replaced by ContractorENB-01AB, Sumbawa Besar Bypass, NTBContract signedNOL for Contract/DisbursementPre-Construction MeetingAdvance paymentLetter for notification of Commencement dateCommencement DatePhysical Progress at end of month(based on approved revised Time ofConstruction - 640 days & revised program)16-Mar-091-Apr-0915-Apr-0920-Apr-0927-May-095-Jun-09Actual Planned Deviation9.862 % 9.703 % 0.159 %Summary Coordination with Pemda Kabupaten on the utilities relocation in the project. NOL for contract amendment has been issued by AusAID. RSC TL suspended the works for spreading of Aggregate Class A, B and S without any blending plantthrough letter of 16-Oct-09 Problem with relocation of PLN electric poles and PDAM pipe within widening areaESR-01, Tinanggea – Kasipute, South East SulawesiContract signed02-Apr-09NOL for Contract/Disbursement4-May-09Pre-Construction Meeting19-May-09Advance payment28-May-09Letter for notification of Commencement date 6-Jul-09Commencement Date13-Jul-09Physical Progress at end of month Actual Planned Deviation5.462 % 19.100 % - 13.638 %PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 12

PackageNoProvinceLocationContractSignatureNOLDisbursement1 ESU-01 North Sulawesi Molibagu - Taludaa 2-Dec-09 9-Dec-092 ESR-02 SE Sulawesi Kasipute - Bambaea 2-Dec-09 23-Dec-093 ENB-01C NTB Sumbawa Pal IV - Km 70 9-Dec-09 11-Dec-094 ESS-01 South Sulawesi Sengkang - Impa Impa - Tarumpakae 10-Dec-09 14-Dec-095 ENB-03 NTB Cadbin Dompu - Banggo 10-Dec-09 14-Dec-096 EBL-02 Bali Tohpati - Kusamba Stage 2 10-Dec-09 14-Dec-097 ENB-02 NTB Km 70 - Cadbin Dompu 14-Dec-09 16-Dec-09Pre-Construction meeting for ESU-01 was held on 21-Dec-09, and for EBL-02 on 21-22 January 2010.For remaining five contracts, PCM is planned in early February.7 Goods - StatusThere is only one Goods Contract ESB-02 for Supply of Prefabricated Steel Bridges. <strong>Detail</strong>s are:Status:Supplier : PT. Karunia Berca IndonesiaContract cost : Rp. 50,529,504,300Contract duration : 210 daysContract signed : 15-Dec-09Target completion : 13-Jul-09 (completed on schedule)Procurement for steel material, fabrication, galvanization and delivery to Citeureup warehouse is complete. Finalpayment was paid to supplier.The detailed contract data for this package is also shown in Appendix 4.8 Implementation SupportThe three Consultants providing implementation support to EINRIP program have now been fully mobilized andfollowing is summary of key activities carried out under each.Consultancy:Firm:Project Management Support Consultant (PMSC)SMEC International. Pty. Ltd.Contract duration: 39 months (Commenced January 2009)Key activities in reportingmonth:Consultancy:Firm: Coordination with PMU and support in various tasks Uploading of documents on EINRIP website Continue monitoring of ESS studies Assist in finalization of FMR for 2009 4 th Quarter Assist in finalizing of Management Action Plan (MAP) proposalRegional Supervision Consultant (RSC)Egis BCEOM InternationalContract duration: 39 months (Commenced December 2008)Key activities in reporting Continued supervision activities on awarded contracts.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 14

month: Organized PCM for EBL-02 on 21/22 Jan-10Consultancy:Firm:Procurement Advisory (PAS)URS Australia PTY, LTDContract duration: 16 months (Commenced December 2008)Key activities in reportingmonth: Procurement activities continued on all packages. Continued reviews of bid documents and BERs Proposal for extension of PAS services under preparation9 Financial Progress9.1 Project Financial StatusAs at 31 January 2010, the financial status of the project is:NoCategoryPayments GOA(In Million)Payments GOI(In Million)January 2010 Cumulative to Date January 2010 Cumulative to DateIDR AUD IDR AUD IDR AUD IDR AUD1 Civil Works 0,00 0,000 154.850,39 18,773 0,00 0,000 21.052,69 2,5522 Goods 0,00 0,000 40.882,96 5,006 0,00 0,000 5.558,25 0,6773 IOC 0,00 0,000 1.648,60 0,209 0,00 0,000 208,32 0,0264 Implementation Support 0,00 0,000 53.065,87 6,783 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,000Total 0,00 0,000 250.447,83 30,772 0,00 0,00 26.819,26 3,256Progress of total expenditures (AusAID and GOI) up to January 2010 as follows:35.000,00EINRIP Cummulative Expenditure Up To 31 Jan. 2010(A$ 000)34.027,59 34.027,5930.000,00Expenditure (A$ 000)25.000,0020.000,0015.000,0010.000,0012.548,5011.841,9310.159,947.871,78 8.684,8217.516,7722.248,6420.198,3320.914,665.000,00-37,48 47,91 71,53Sep. 08 Oct. 08 Nov. 08 Dec. 08 Apr. 09 May 09 Jun. 09 Jul. 09 Aug. 09 Sep. 09 Oct. 09 Nov. 09 Dec. 09 Jan. 10MonthPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 15

9.2 Payment Processed in January 2010No payments processed in January 2010.Primary reason for no payments was that new Satkers started in late January 2010 and there was an error innames of Satkers in the revised DIPA.9.3 Summary of Special AccountThe Special Account status of EINRIP as on 31 January 2010 is:Cumulative Advances to Special Account to date is A$ 55.83 million consisting of:WA No. 1 (23 April 2009) : A$ 8,177,894.00WA No. 2 (23 March 2009) : A$ 19,049,965.00WA No. 3 (23 June 2009) : A$ 24,999,965.00WA No. 4 (15 January 2010) : A$ 3,599,965.00Balance in Special Account on 31 January 2009 is A$ 25.056 million. No Expenditure charged to Special Account in January 2009.9.4 Disbursement Plan Vs ActualAs Procurement Plan No. 3 (released on February 2009), the amount required to cover disbursements up to 31January 2010 is estimated at A$ 80.07 million.But, actual payment on the same period is A$ 30.77 million, about 38.43% of planned disbursement up to 31January 2010. The primary reasons for lower expenditure are delays in completion on environmental studies andreports, delays during procurement process and actual progress too slow.This expenditure gap is expected to be considerably reduced after 7 addition packages commence constructionand remaining packages are procured and enter implementation phase during 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2010.The S-curve based on this plan is shown below.350,00EINRIP Loan Budget Plan (Based on Proc. Plan Ver. 3) and Actual(A$ million)300,00273,56286,37294,24 298,49300,66 302,32 302,61250,00242,14200,00193,52PlanActual150,00146,58100,00104,7580,0750,00-19,7541,8611,01 18,4330,77PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 16

10 EINRIP Monthly Coordination MeetingThe EINRIP Coordination Meeting No. 4 was held at AusAID office on 12-Jan-2010. Meeting was attended byPMU, AusAID and EMU, PAS, PMSC and by RSC TL (by telephone link).Items discussed in meeting included:Progress of on-going contracts and issues with progress and delaysStatus of environmental studies and land acquisition progress, especially those related with contractsawarded in December 2009Maximising the value of PCM and planning dates ensuring proper preparation by ContractorsField visits of RSC staff and mobilisation of field teams for recently awarded contractsVariation of EBL-01Status of procurement activitiesManagement Action Plan statusHIV/AIDS campaign, FMIS and web site development.11 Management Action Plan (MAP)In the last few months, informal discussions have taken place for possible extension to the EINRIP loan. InOctober, it was advised that additional monitoring measures be adapted to fast track the ongoing land acquisitionand procurement process.For this purpose, it was desired that a Management Action Plan (MAP) will be prepared by PMU to strengthen theexisting institutional and procedural arrangements to expedite completion of ESS studies, procurement and earlycommencement of construction contracts for sub-packages in EINRIP project. PMSC was asked to assist in thismatter.The final version of MAP has been formally submitted to AusAID on 26 January 2010. Following the approvalfrom AusAID, the MAP schedules will be completed for ongoing activities and presented in a MAP report.12 HIV/AIDS Program for EINRIPThe AusAID HIV/AIDS Advisor has provided further assistance by supplying typical Terms on Reference as wellas a tentative estimate of cost for a campaign at Bali. As well, indicative costs for campaigns carried out by SRIPhave been obtained.The TOR for the campaign were discussed in the reporting period, and as a starting point an informal meetingwas held with IPPA Jakarta Chapter (PKBI DKI Jakarta) who provided a presentation on the different HIV/AIDScampaigns and programs currently undertaken by them. This presentation was extremely useful, and it is plannedthat the TOR will be finalised in early February and proposals will be sought form the list of approved serviceproviders.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010 Page 17

APPENDICESPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

AbbreviationsACAP : Anti-Corruption Action PlanAIPRD : Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and DevelopmentAMDAL : Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan – Environmental Impact Assessment ProcessAusAID : Australian Agency for International Development which administers AIP, AIPRDAWP : Annual Work ProgrammeBina Marga : Directorate General of Highways within the Ministry of Public WorksDGH : Directorate General of Highways within the Ministry of Public WorksDit Bintek : Directorate of Technical Affairs within DGHDit Bipram : Directorate of Planning within DGHEINRIP : Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement ProjectESS : Environmental and Social SafeguardsFMR : Financial Monitoring Report – quarterly expenditure report and cash forecast for sixmonthsGOI : Government of IndonesiaIBRD, WB : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World BankICB : International Competitive BiddingLARAP : Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action PlanMOF : Ministry of FinanceMPW : Ministry of Public WorksNOL : No Objection LetterP2JJ : Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Jalan dan Jembatan – Road and Bridge Design andSupervision UnitPAS : Procurement Advisory ServicesPC : Procurement CommitteePMM : Project Management ManualPMSC : Project Management Support ConsultantPMU : Project Management Unit (to be qualified by Project name, e.g. PMU-EINRIP)PPC : Project Preparation ConsultantRSC : EINRIP Regional Supervision ConsultantSLARAP : Simplified LARAPTOR : Terms of ReferenceUKL : Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan – site specific Environmental Mitigation PlanUPL : Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan – site specific Environmental Monitoring PlanBLHD : Balai Lingkungan Hidup DaerahPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

APPENDIX 1List of EINRIP ProjectsNo Package No. Name Province LengthCIVIL WORKS1 EBL- 01 Tohpati – Kusamba Bali 10.79 km2 EBL- 02 Tohpati – Kusamba Section Bali 8.20 km3 ESH- 01 Lakuan – Buol Central Sulawesi 16.24 km4 ESU- 01 Molibagu – Mamalia – Taludaa North Sulawesi 5 bridges (480 m)5 ENB- 01AB Sumbawa Besar Bypass NTB (Sumbawa) 11.20 km6 ENB- 01C Pal IV – Km 70 NTB (Sumbawa) 31.79 km7 ENB- 02 Km 70- Bts. Cabdin Dompu NTB (Sumbawa) 14.09 km8 ENB- 03 Bts. Cabdin Dompu – Banggo NTB (Sumbawa) 23.61 km9 ENT- 01 Ende – Aegela NTT 15.60 km10 ESR- 01 Tinanggea – Kasipute South East Sulawesi 33.77 km11 ESR- 02 Kasipute – Bambaea South East Sulawesi 23.63 km12 ESS- 01 Sengkang – Impaimpa – Tarumpakke South Sulawesi 24.18 km13 ESS- 02 Bantaeng – Bulukumba South Sulawesi 26.90 km14 ESS- 03 Jeneponto – Bantaeng South Sulawesi 25.83 km15 ESS- 04 Bulukumba – Todong South Sulawesi 20.74 km16 ESS- 05 Bulukumba – Todong South Sulawesi 19.98 km17 ESS- 06 Bulukumba – Todong – Sinjai South Sulawesi 24.45 km18 EKB- 01 Pontianak – Tayan West Kalimantan 31.50 km19 EKS- 01 Martapura – Ds. Tungkap South Kalimantan 18.89 km20 EKS- 02 Banjarmasin – Bts. Kalteng South Kalimantan 12.90 km21 EKS- 03 Jl. A.Yani (Martapura – Ds. Tungkap) South Kalimantan 23.08 km22 EKS- 04 Ds.Tungkap – Rantau South Kalimantan 26.97 km23 EKS- 05 Barabai – Mantimin South Kalimantan 24.10 km24 EKS- 06 Mantimin – Dahai South Kalimantan 23.60 kmGOODS1 ESB- 02 Prefabricated Steel Bridges Various 895 mPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

APPENDIX 2Procurement Plan Version 5CURRENT STATUSPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

APPENDIX 2 :STATUS OF PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR WORKS/GOODSVersion No: 5Date: 5 January, 2010Status at 31-Jan-2010CIVIL WORKS / GOODSBIDDING PROCESSCONTRACT PROCESSNo.Package No.DescriptionProcurement MethodAlloc.RupiahbillionAllocatedAmountAUDMillionPlanversusActualBidding DocumentationSubmittedDateNOLProcurementInvitation forBidsDateBid OpeningDateBid Evaluation Report &Draft ContractSubmittedDateNOL AwardContractSignatureDateDisbursement ApprovalSubmittedDateNOLDisbursementCivil Works - Contracts awarded 2008 & 200912 EKB-014 ENB-01AB57ENB-01C6 ESR-018 ESS-02910 ENB-0211 ENB-0313 ESR-0221 EBL-02Civil Works - Contracts to be procured in 20103EBL-01ESS-01ESU-01(Re-bid)EKS-01(Re-bid)12 ESH-0114 EKS-0217 ESS-0318 ESS-0419 ESS-0520 ESS-06Packages likely to be dropped from EINRIP.15 EKS-0316 EKS-0422 EKS-0523 EKS-06ICB for Goods PacketsNCB for Goods PacketSouth Sulawesi :Janeponto - BantaengSouth Sulawesi :Bulukumba - TondongStage 1South Sulawesi :Bulukumba - TondongStage 2South Sulawesi :Tondong - Sinjai24 ENT-01 NTT : Ende - Aegela1 ESB-02Bali : Tohpati -Kusamba Stage 1West Kalimantan :Pontianak - TayanNTB : Sumbawa Besar- BypassNTB : Sumbawa Pal IV- Km 70South East Sulawesi :Tinanggea KasiputeSouth Sulawesi :Sengkang - Impa Impa- TarumpakaeSouth Sulawesi :Bantaeng - BulukumbaNorth Sulawesi :Molibagu - TaludaaNTB : Km 70 - CadbinDompuNTB : Cadbin Dompu -BanggoSouth East Sulawesi :Kasipute - BambaeaBali : Tohpati -Kusamba Stage 2South Kalimantan :Martapura - Ds.TungkapCentral Sulawasi :Lakuan - BuolSouth Kalimantan :Banjarmasin-Bts.KaltengSouth KalimantanPrefabricated SteelBridge MaterialICB 192 25.6ICB 165 22.0ICB 65 8.7ICB 137 18.2ICB 123ICB 147 19.5ICBICBICBICB46ICB 9016.4ICB 108 14.4ICB 43 5.76.175 10.012.0110 14.7ICB 102 13.648 6.5ICB 54 7.1ICB 107 14.2ICB 73 9.7ICB 73 9.7ICB 86 11.5ICB 90 12.0Jl. A. Yani - Ds. TungkapDesa Tungkap - RantauBarabai - MantiminMantimin - DahaiICB 43 5.7Plan 25-Jul-08 28-Jul-08 1-Aug-08 15-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 29-Oct-08 19-Nov-08 5-Nov-08 12-Nov-08Actual 1-Aug-08 4-Aug-08 6-Aug-08 19-Sep-08 6-Nov-08 20-Nov-08 5-Dec-08 10-Dec-08 11-Dec-08Plan 12-Oct-08 17-Oct-08 20-Oct-08 4-Dec-08 3-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 15-May-09 22-May-09 29-May-09Actual 22-Aug-08 5-Sep-08 9-Sep-08 29-Oct-08 27-Feb-09 24-Mar-09 20-Apr-09 15-May-09 19-May-09Plan 12-Oct-08 17-Oct-08 20-Oct-08 4-Dec-08 3-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 9-Feb-09 26-Jan-09 2-Feb-09Actual 22-Aug-08 2-Sep-08 4-Sep-08 3-Nov-08 3-Feb-09 10-Feb-09 16-Mar-09 30-Mar-09 1-Apr-09Plan 24-Apr-09 1-May-09 8-Jun-09 23-Jul-09 24-Aug-09 7-Sep-09 14-Sep-09 1-Oct-09 8-Oct-09Actual 24-Apr-09 30-Apr-09 12-Jun-09 4-Aug-09 15-Oct-09 5-Nov-09 9-Dec-09 10-Dec-09 11-Dec-09Plan 29-Aug-08 3-Sep-08 6-Sep-08 21-Oct-08 5-Dec-08 19-Dec-08 11-Jan-09 28-Dec-08 4-Jan-09Actual 12-Aug-08 25-Aug-08 28-Aug-08 5-Nov-08 9-Feb-09 12-Feb-09 2-Apr-09 17-Apr-09 4-May-09Plan 17-Apr-09 24-Apr-09 22-May-09 15-Jul-09 14-Aug-09 28-Aug-09 15-Sep-09 5-Oct-09 12-Oct-09Actual 17-Apr-09 23-Apr-09 1-May-09 11-Jun-09 30-Sep-09 9-Oct-09 10-Dec-09 11-Dec-09 14-Dec-09Plan 17-Aug-08 24-Aug-08 27-Aug-08 11-Oct-08 10-Dec-08 24-Dec-08 25-May-09 12-Jun-09 19-Jun-09Actual 27-Aug-08 29-Aug-08 3-Sep-08 6-Nov-08 12-Mar-09 8-Apr-09 19-May-09 22-Jun-09 23-Jul-09Plan 14-Mar-09 21-Mar-09 31-Mar-09 21-May-09 10-Jul-09 24-Jul-09 4-Aug-09 12-Aug-09 20-Aug-09Actual 2-Mar-09 20-Mar-09 31-Mar-09 4-Jun-09 29-Jul-09 11-Nov-09 2-Dec-09 8-Dec-09 9-Dec-09Plan 29-Apr-09 7-May-09 12-Jun-09 31-Jul-09 1-Sep-09 15-Sep-09 2-Oct-09 9-Oct-09 16-Oct-09Actual 19-May-09 26-May-09 17-Jun-09 4-Aug-09 15-Oct-09 18-Nov-09 14-Dec-09 15-Dec-09 16-Dec-09Plan 16-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 10-Aug-09 11-Sep-09 1-Oct-09 8-Oct-09 15-Oct-09 22-Oct-09Actual 3-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 25-Aug-09 5-Nov-09 2-Dec-09 10-Dec-09 11-Dec-09 14-Dec-09Plan 12-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 14-Aug-09 14-Sep-09 1-Oct-09 8-Oct-09 15-Oct-09 22-Oct-09Actual 13-May-09 20-May-09 5-Jun-09 22-Jul-09 28-Sep-09 8-Oct-09 2-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 23-Dec-09Plan 19-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 1-Jul-09 25-Aug-09 1-Oct-09 15-Oct-09 22-Oct-09 29-Oct-09 5-Nov-09Actual 3-Jun-09 10-Jun-09 23-Jun-09 26-Aug-09 19-Oct-09 5-Nov-09 10-Dec-09 11-Dec-09 14-Dec-09Plan 29-Jan-10 1-Feb-10 4-Feb-10 23-Mar-10 13-Apr-10 23-Apr-10 7-May-10 11-May-10 14-May-10Actual28-Jan-10Plan 8-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 19-Jun-09 15-Jan-10 15-Feb-10 8-Mar-10 7-Apr-10 14-Apr-10 21-Apr-10Actual 3-Jun-09 11-Sep-08 5-Oct-09 27-Jan-10Plan 1-Mar-10 4-Mar-10 8-Mar-10 22-Apr-10 14-May-10 24-May-10 7-Jun-10 11-Jun-10 14-Jun-10ActualPlan 24-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 6-Jul-09 20-Aug-09 1-Sep-10 7-Jan-10 8-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 19-Feb-10Actual 7-Aug-09 21-Aug-09 27-Aug-09 6-Nov-09 23-Dec-09 11-Jan-10Plan 9-Apr-10 12-Apr-10 15-Apr-10 1-Jun-10 22-Jun-10 2-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 20-Jul-10 23-Jul-10ActualPlan 13-Apr-10 16-Apr-10 19-Apr-10 3-Jun-10 24-Jun-10 5-Jul-10 19-Jul-10 23-Jul-10 26-Jul-10ActualPlan 16-Apr-10 19-Apr-10 22-Apr-10 8-Jun-10 29-Jun-10 9-Jul-10 23-Jul-10 27-Jul-10 30-Jul-10ActualPlan 12-Feb-10 15-Feb-10 18-Feb-10 6-Apr-10 27-Apr-10 7-May-10 21-May-10 25-May-10 31-May-10ActualPackages likely to be dropped from EINRIP.Plan 17-Aug-08 24-Aug-08 27-Aug-08 11-Oct-08 10-Nov-08 24-Nov-08 17-Dec-08 3-Dec-08 10-Dec-08Actual 22-Sep-08 22-Sep-08 25-Sep-08 6-Nov-08 26-Nov-08 2-Dec-08 15-Dec-08 15-Dec-08 15-Dec-081 IT NCB Decision by DGH that procurement of IT support not required for the Procurement CommitteesComplete

APPENDIX 3Implementation ScheduleCURRENT STATUSPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

AAPENDIX 3 : EINRIP - IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING CHARTBased on Procurement Plan No. 5 (5th Jan 2010)Progress at 31-Jan-10ProjectCivil Works - Contracts awarded 2008 & 2009PDescription PPPC2008 C2009DNP20102011 20122013J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N DCDNPC1 EBL-01PPBali : Tohpati - Kusamba Stage 1C (Original 540 days)CDNPPPCDNP2 EKB-01PWest Kalimantan : Pontianak - Tayan PCCDNPPPCDNP3 ENB-01ABNTB : Sumbawa Besar - BypassPPCCDNP4 ENB-01CNTB : Sumbawa Pal IV - Km 70PPPPCCDNPDNP5 ESR-01South East Sulawesi : Tinanggea KasiputePPCDNP6 ESS-01South Sulawesi : Sengkang - Impa Impa -TarumpakaePPPPCDNPCDNP7 ESS-02South Sulawesi : Bantaeng - BulukumbaPCDNPPPCDNP8ESU-01(Re-bid)North Sulawesi : Molibagu - TaludaaPCDNPPPCDNP9 ENB-02NTB : Km 70 - Cadbin DompuPCDNP10 ENB-03NTB : Cadbin Dompu - BanggoPCDNPPCDNP11 ESR-02South East Sulawesi : Kasipute - BambaeaPCDNP12 EBL-02Bali : Tohpati - Kusamba Stage 2Civil Works - Contracts to be procured P in 2010PCCDNP13EKS-01(Re-bid)South Kalimantan : Martapura - Ds. Tungkap14 ESH-01Central Sulawasi : Lakuan - Buol15 EKS-02South Kalimantan : Banjarmasin-Bts.Kalteng16 ESS-03South Sulawesi : Janeponto - Bantaeng17 ESS-04South Sulawesi : Bulukumba - Tondong Stage 118 ESS-05South Sulawesi : Bulukumba - Tondong Stage 219 ESS-06South Sulawesi : Tondong - Sinjai20 ENT-01NTT : Ende - AegelaPackages likely to be dropped from EINRIP.21 EKS-0322 EKS-04South Kalimantan23 EKS-0524 EKS-06Planned procurement Planned construction Defects Notification PeriodActual procurementActual construction

APPENDIX 4Contract Data Sheets(Awarded Contracts)PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

A. CIVIL WORKSName of PackageProvinceEBL-01, TOHPATI – KUSAMBABaliCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAContract No. KU.08.08-727-40/EBL-01/NR/L/A/L002/1208 Contract Signed December 5, 2008ContractorJAYA KONSTRUKSI – DUTA GRAHAINDAH, JOCommencement Date February 25, 2009Contract Amount Rp. 180,819,429,297 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 730 daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTEffective length – 10.79 kmsDual carriageway, 14 m10 Bridges, 30 Culverts, 16 SyphonsDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::38.925 %34.111 %- 4.815 %365 days341 days46.71 %Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp. 18,081,942,928IPC#1, 2, 3 Rp. 2,414,453,292IPC # 4, 5 Rp. 10,567,996,932IPC#6 Rp. 9,280,124,695IPC#7 Rp. 4,111,037,332IPC#8 Rp. 2,881,470,894IPC#9 Rp. 8,906,763,405IPC#10 Rp. 5,384,773,949Total: Rp. 61,628,563,426 (34.1%)Spreading of Aggregate Class A, B and S suspended by TL RSC until blending plant is mobilisedRe-design for pier at Tukod Was bridge is complete in project level (SNVT, RSC Field Team and Contractor)Contractor instructed to improve boring equipment for achieving 16m pile depth at Udang Udang bridgeRigid pavement (trial works) at Ketewel intersection damaged and has been replaced by ContractorName of PackageProvincePMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010CONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAENB 01AB, SUMBAWA BESAR BYPASS (NTB)West Nusa TenggaraContract No. KU.01-23/ENB-01/NR/A/L002/0309 Contract Signed March 16, 2009ContractorPT. JAYA KONTRUKSI MANGGALAPRATAMA TbkContract Amount Original: Rp. 66,983,600,000Amendment 1 & 2 approved in Dec-09Revised: Rp 71,511,445,000 (incl VAT)Project ScopePROGRESS REPORTEffective Length : 11.2 Km(9.029 km @ 7.0 m; 2.171 km @ 6.0 m)Culverts: 10 new, 18 replacement, 19 syphCommencement Date June 5, 2009Time for CompletionDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical Progress(based on revisedprogram)ScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::9.703 %9.862 %+ 0.159%540 days (original)640 days (revised)365 Calendar Days241 days37.66 %Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp. 6,698,360,000IPC#1,2,3,4,5 Rp. 2,969,340,557IPC#6,7 Rp. 4,770,952,876Total: Rp. 14,438,653,433 (20.2%)

Aggregate mixing plant under constructionNOL to Contract Amendment for relocation of utilities has issued by AusAIDProblem with relocation of PLN electric poles and PDAM pipe within widening areaName of PackageProvinceCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAESR-01, TINANGGEA – SP. KASIPUTESouth East SulawesiContract No. KU.08.08-55/ESR-01/056/NR/A/L002/0409 Contract Signed April 02, 2009ContractorPT. MULTI STRUCTURE – PT. TRIFAABADI, JOCommencement Date July 13, 2009Contract Amount Rp. 115,730,355,000 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 730 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORT6 m carriageway with 1.5 m shouldersEffective length – 33.75 kms5 Bridges, 21 CulvertsDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::19.100 %5.462 %- 13.638 %365 calendar days203 days27.81 %Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp. 11,573,035,500IPC#1,2,3 Rp. 1,512,088,272IPC#4,5 Rp. 2,074,596,120Total: Rp. 15,159,719,892 (13.1%)AMP and aggregate blending plant under construction, some equipment still not completePermits for quarries under processContractor’s Quality Control Plan (QCP) to be submitted in first week of Feb-10A show cause meeting is scheduled for February to discuss substantial delay in physical progressName of PackageProvinceEKB-01, PONTIANAK – TAYANWest KalimantanCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAContract No. 03-30/EKB-01/NR/A/L002/0409 Contract Signed 20-Apr-09Contractor PT. WASKITA KARYA Commencement Date 24-Jul-09Contract Amount Rp. 137,336,950,000 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 730 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTFunctional length – 31.50 kmsEffective length – 31.50 kms6 m carriageway with 1.5 m shoulders39 Box Culvert/RCP, 67 Corrugated PipeCulvertDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::10.767 %11.487 %+0.720 % Mobilisation period has finished but mobilization equipment not yet complete Blasting permit has not been obtained from Police Laying of geotextile has commenced for preloading of STA 3+000 to 5+500 Installation of aggregate plant is in progress365 days192 days26.30 %Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp. 13,733,695,000IPC#1,2,3 Rp. 4,448,123,185Total: Rp. 18,181,818,185 (13.2%)Name of PackageCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAESS-02 BANTAENG – BULUKUMBAPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

ProvinceSouth SulawesiContract No. 01-54/ESS-02/NR/A/L002/0509 Contract Signed 19-May-09ContractorPT. WASKITA KARYA - PT. BRANTASABIPRAYA JOCommencement Date15-Oct-09Contract Amount Rp. 124,600,055,000 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 730 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTFunctional length – 26.90 kmsEffective length – 26.90 kms7 Bridges, 19 Culverts, 3 SyphonsDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::2.113 %0.752 %- 1.361%365 calendar days149 days (Jan-10)14.93 %Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 12,460,005,500 (10%)Engineer’s Assistants and delegations issued on 28-Sep-09 & Commencement date letter issued on 8-Oct-09Mobilisation period expired on 12-Jan-10,Mobilization activities was completed, no physical activity from ContractorRoutine maintenance has not started, should be from commencement dateTemporary bridges to be provided at Contractor’s cost, claim rejected.Contracts Awarded in December 2009Name of Package ENB-01C, PAL IV – KM 70ProvinceWest Nusa TenggaraCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAContract No. 02-23/ENB-01C/NR/A/L002/1209 Contract Signed 9 Dec 2009ContractorPT. JAYA KONSTRUKSI – DUTA GRAHA,JOCommencement Date1-Mar-2010 (planned)Contract Amount Rp. 145,604,273,000 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 730 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTFunctional length : 65,3 kmEffective length : 31.787 kmCarriageway : 6m wide 2x1.5m shCulverts: 5 newDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::365 days0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 14,560,427,300 (10%)PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

Name of PackageProvinceCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAESS-01, SENGKANG – IMPA IMPA – TARUMPAKKAESouth SulawesiContract No. 02-54/ESS-01/NR/A/L002/1209 Contract Signed 10 Dec 2009Contractor PT. MULTI STRUCTURE Commencement Date 1-Mar-2010 (planned)Contract Amount Rp. 100,650,347,589.67 (incl 10%VAT) Time for Completion 720 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTFunctional length : 34.00 kmsEffective length : 25.1 kmsCarriage way : 7m (3.075km), 6m(22.025km) and 2x1.5 shouldersRehabilitation of 6 Bridges, Replacementof 1 bridgeDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviation:::365 calendar days0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 10,065,034,759 (10%)PROJECT ISSUES & ACTIONName of PackageProvinceContract No.ContractorCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAESU-01, MOLIBAGU-MAMALIA-TALUDAANorth SulawesiKU.08.08-01-50/ESU-01/NR/A/AIPRD-L002/1209PT.NINDYA KARYA (Persero)– PT BUMIKARSA, JOContract Signed 2 Dec 2009Commencement DateContract Amount Rp. 42,663,776,000 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 540 daysProject Scope 5 Bridges replacement Defects Notification Period 365 daysPROGRESS REPORTReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviation:::1-Mar-2010 (planned)0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp. 4,266,377,600 (10%)PROJECT ISSUES & ACTIONPMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

Name of PackageProvinceCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAENB-02 KM 70 – Bts. CABDIN DOMPUWest Nusa TenggaraContract No. 04-23/ENB-02/NR/A/L002/1209 Contract Signed 14 Dec 2009Contractor PT. SUMBER SARI CIPTA MARGA Commencement DateContract Amount Rp. 68,261,116,000 (incl 10%VAT) Time for Completion 540 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTFunctional length : 14.09 kmEffective length : 12.77 kmCarriageway: 7 m with 2x2m sh.Rehabilitation of 7 Bridges, 33 Culvertsand 30 new culverts.Defects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::365 calendar days0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 6,826,111,600 (10%)Name of PackageProvinceCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAENB-03 Bts. CABDIN DOMPU – BANGGOWest Nusa TenggaraContract No. 03-42/ENB-03/NR/A/L002/1209 Contract Signed 10 Dec 2009ContractorPT. WASKITA KARYA – PT. ADHIKARYA, JOCommencement Date1-Mar-2010 (planned)Contract Amount Rp. 101,927,591,000 (incl 10%VAT) Time for Completion 540 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTFunctional length :38.2 kmEffective length : 23.52 kmCarriageway: 6m and 2x1.5m sh.1 new bridgeDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::365 calendar days0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 10,192,759,100 (10%)PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

Name of PackageProvinceContract No.ContractorCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAESR-02 BAMBEA – SP. KASIPUTESouth East SulawesiKU.08.08-530/ESR-02/056/NR/A/L002/1209PT. BUMI KARSA – PT.NINDYA KARYA,JOContract Signed 02 Dec 2009Commencement DateContract Amount Rp. 95,598,144,012.27 (incl 10%VAT) Time for Completion 540 calendar daysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTEffective length : 23.9 kmCarriageway: 6m plus 2x1.5m sh.1 new bridge, 10 bridges rehabilitation and13 new culvertsDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::365 calendar days0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 9,559,814,402 (10%)CONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAName of Package EBL- 02, TOHPATI – KUSAMBA (Stage 2)ProvinceBaliContract No. 02-40/EBL-02/NR/A/L002/1209 Contract Signed 10 Dec 2009ContractorPT. ADHI KARYA – PT.WASKITA KARYA(Persero), JOCommencement Date1-Mar-2010 (planned)Contract Amount Rp. 175,610,522,000 (incl 10%VAT) Time for Completion 730 Calendar DaysProject ScopePROGRESS REPORTEffective length : 8.2 kmDual Carriageway, 2x2m + 7m + 0.5m)rigid.5 new bridges, 1 aqua duct, extension of54 culverts and 17 syphonsDefects Notification PeriodReporting Period January 2010 Contract Time elapsed(days and %)Physical ProgressScheduledActualDeviationPROJECT ISSUES & ACTION:::365 Calendar Days0 days%Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)Advance Payment: Rp 14,048,841,760 (8%)(Shortfall of 2% advance payment) Shortfall of 2% advance payment due to GOI budget less than 10%. Will need to be reconciled in 2010.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

B. GOODSCONTRACT SUMMARY & PROGRESS DATAName of PackageESB-02, PREFABRICATED STEEL BRIDGE MATERIALProvince --Contract No. 01-20/ESB-02/BT/L002/1208 Contract Signed December 15, 2008Contractor PT. KARUNIA BERCA INDONESIA Commencement Date December 15, 2008Contract Amount Rp. 50,529,504,300 (incl VAT) Time for Completion 210 Calender daysJuly 13, 2009Project ScopePREFABRICATED STEEL BRIDGEMATERIALWarranty Period360 daysPROGRESS REPORTReporting Period August 2009 (last Report) Contract Time elapsed(days and %)PhysicalProgressPROJECT ISSUES & ACTIONProcurement for steel material, fabrication,galvanization and delivery to Citeureupwarehouse is complete.Disbursement/Payment Status (incl VAT)210 days, completed(100%)Advance payment Rp. 9,827,988,5152nd Payment Rp. 32,616,795,0973rd Payment Rp. 8,084,720,688Total Rp. 50,529,504,300 (100%)Complete payment made to supplier.RSC have indicated that the condition of supplied material is adequate.The Final Report by the Supplier is yet to be submitted.PMU-EINRIP Project Progress Report, January 2010

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