Reed-Muller Codes for Single Bit Error Correction in 16-bit

Reed-Muller Codes for Single Bit Error Correction in 16-bit

Reed-Muller Codes for Single Bit Error Correction in 16-bit


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,'IIIA ZUIUlliyfl zct67-33U(Pususr{ED ByElectrical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g DepartuentFaculty of Industrial Technology€r1Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)Campus ITS, Keputih, SukoliloSurabaya 601 I IISSN 2087-331XThe'lfrsem<strong>in</strong>ar on rnte[igent Technorogr aud rts Appricationscopyneht @ 2010 by Elechical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g Department, Institut rurrrBiNopemberTeknologi r w^uuruE'r Sepuluh DElAll rights reserved. No part of this book, may be reproduced, stored, or fiansmitted, <strong>in</strong> any<strong>for</strong>ms or by any means without the prior permission <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g from the publisher..Jli?

PnocpEDINGs oF THE t lm SBrnoNaR oN INrerucENTTscrNoI,ocy AND Irs ApprrcATroNsEDITOR.trY.CHTEIIDr. I Made Yulistya Negara, ST., M.Sc.E-mail : yulistya@ee.its.ac.idSECRETARYI Ketut Eddy Purnama, ST., MT., ph.DE-mail : ketut@ee. its. ac.idEDITORIAL COORDINATORSTelematicsI Ketut Eddy Purnama, ST., MI., ph.DE-mail : ketut@ee.its.ac.idBiomedicat Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>|Achmad Arif<strong>in</strong>, ST. M.Eng., ph.DE-mail : arif<strong>in</strong>@ee.its.ac.idControl SystemMochammad Sahal, ST. M.Eng.E-mail : sahal@ee.its.ac.idElectronics and InstrumentationDr. Mochammad Rivai, ST., MT.E-mail : muhamm ad_ivai@ee. its. ac. idTelecommunicationDr. Ir. Wirawhn, DEAE-mail : wirawan@ee. its. ac.idPolver SystemHeri Suryoatmojo, ST., MT,. ph.DE-mail : suryomgt@ee.its.ac.idEDITORIAL ADYISORY BOARI)Prof Dr. Ir. MochammadAshari, M.Eng_ .H"{lf Deparhnent ofElectrical Eng<strong>in</strong>erLgInstitut Teknologi Sgnul-uh N_opember (IT'S), S*iUuyuE-mail : ashari@ee.its.ac.idProf, Dr. Ir. Mauridhi Hery purnomo, M.Eng.SITIA's Proceed<strong>in</strong>g is published once every yearlt

u ttA lutullittN z0E7-33ttCorrnarrEE or SITIA 2010Honorary Chairman:Prof.Ir. Priyo Suprobo, MS,, ph.D.Rector of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)General Chairman:Dr. I Made Yulistya Negar4 ST., M.Sc.Technissl Committee:Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nuh (ITS)Prof. Dr. Soebagio (ITS),Prof. Dr. Ontoseno penangsang (ITS),Prof. Dr. Mauridhi Hery purnomo (ITS),Prof. Dr. Abdullah Alkaff (IIS),Prof. Dr. Achmad Jazidie (ITS),Prof. Dr. Moh. Ashari (fts),Prof Dr. Imam Robandi (mS),frof, Dr. Adi Soeprijanto (ITS),lr! PrGamanryo Hendrantoro (ITS),Prof. Dr. Tsuyoshi Usagawa (KumamotoUniversity, Japan),Prof. Dr.Ir. G.J. Verkerke (Gron<strong>in</strong>gen,Netherlands),Dr. Ir. M.H.F. Wilk<strong>in</strong>son (Gron<strong>in</strong>gen,Netherlands),Prof. Dr. T. Nakamoto (Tokyo lnstitute ofTechnology, Japan)Dr. I Ketut Eddy purnama (ITS),Dr. M. Rameli (ITS),Dr. Wirawan (ITS),Dr. Ari Santoso (ITS),Dr. Djoko Purwanto ([S),Dr. Achmad Affandi (ITS),Dr. Achmad Arif<strong>in</strong> gts),Dr. M. Rivai (ITS),Dr. Moch. Hariadi (ITS),Dr. Tri Arief Sarjono (ITS),Dr. Son Kuswadi (ffs),Dr. Titon Dutono (ITS),Dr. Dadet Pramadihanto (ITS),Dr. Endra Pitowarno (ITS),Dr. Agus ZaenalArif<strong>in</strong> (ITS)Organiz<strong>in</strong>g CommitteeAtar Fuady BabgeiPranata Ari BaskoroRiyan SujatnikoKev<strong>in</strong> Nyoman putraAryo NugrohoAndi Nur Arief WibowoGumilang WicaksonoMedian HpNiko Permana R.WFebri ArdiantoRidry PratamaPutraRadika Henry WrjayaFery Efendi HermawanSiti AisyahDiah KusumawatiAlf<strong>in</strong>a ZvzzidaIvan KarstenM. Nur RohmanHamo PratomoM IkhsanDebby Pratiwi Meiyesti T.lll

LLrolv zuo/-)J/,lPnBracrDear Colleagues,I am honored to welcome you to the l lth Sem<strong>in</strong>ar on Intelligent Technology and ItsApplications (SITIA). This annual sem<strong>in</strong>ar is organized by Electrical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>gDepartmen! Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 6rfs) Surabaya. The objective of thissem<strong>in</strong>ar is to promote the fruitful gowth of researches <strong>in</strong> various fields <strong>in</strong> ElectricalEng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g and its related fields presented <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>temational oral presentatiorl domestic oralpresentation, and poster presentation. This sem<strong>in</strong>ar also provides <strong>for</strong>um <strong>for</strong> researchers,scientists, and eng<strong>in</strong>eers to exchange ideas and their current achievements.In this <strong>in</strong>ternational sem<strong>in</strong>ar, we have received 140 paper submissions categorized <strong>in</strong>to fivegroups: Computer Bng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g and Telematics, Control System, MultimediaTelecommuiication, rndustrial Electronics, and Power System. There were 56 papers ofBiomedical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g soup that were diverted to another <strong>in</strong>ternational sem<strong>in</strong>ar,International conference on Biomedical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g (BME Days) 2010. Hence, <strong>in</strong> totalwe have received 196 papers. This number significantly <strong>in</strong>creased, compared to the previousSITTA.1Dur<strong>in</strong>g the sem<strong>in</strong>ar, 30 papers will be presented <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternational presentation session, 62paperc to be <strong>in</strong> the domestic presentation session, and 48 papers will be <strong>in</strong> the posterpresentation.Last, the success of this sem<strong>in</strong>ar is due to the "ffo.tof many people especially students ofElectrical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g Department of ITS which we gratefully acknowteige. we must thankalso to the authors whose papers are presented <strong>in</strong> &is sem<strong>in</strong>ar, the <strong>in</strong>vited speakers, and allparties that we are not able to mention here.we wish you all an excit<strong>in</strong>g sem<strong>in</strong>ar and an un<strong>for</strong>gettable stay <strong>in</strong> surabaya. we hope to meetyou aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the next sem<strong>in</strong>ar, The 12th Sem<strong>in</strong>ar on lntelligent Technolory and ItsApplications 2011.Surabaya, October 9ft 2Ol0General?,,wCha<strong>in</strong>nan of SITIA 2010UhNIP. 197007t2199802 I 001lv

vr. .r..r...6o... ! c9arr,vav6)/ wu ttottJN /ud/-J5tAScrrsour,E or SITIA 201007.30 - 08.00RegistationOpen<strong>in</strong>g Ceremony08.00 - 08.05Welcome Speech from MC08.05 - 08.15 Traditional Dance08.15 - 08.25 Welcome Speech: General ChaffiDr. I Made Yulistya Negara, ST., M.ScWelcome Speech: General Chairman ofBME Days 2010Prof. Dr. Ir. Mauridhi Hery purnomo, M. Engwelcome speech: Head of Electrical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g Departrnent, ITSProf. Dr.Ir. Mochammad Ashari, M. Eng08.25 * 08.30 Welcome Speech: Rector o@Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, MS., ph.DL1" Keynote Speaker:lr.Io$ Chen (National Taiwan University of Science andTechnology - Taiwan)08.30 - T9t 08.55 Yr*ier Digital-to-Time converrer with 1.5gps Resolution and59.3 M<strong>in</strong>ttes Operation Range08.55 -09.20 Prof. Dr. Ir. Koopman, H.F.J.M.(University of Twente - Netherlands)Decoupled Pelvis Rotation <strong>in</strong> sitt<strong>in</strong>g: A passive Motion Technique thatRegulates Buttock Load Associated with pressure ulcer Develoiment

qu tD lyytrwqtauro, Ot rlrl avr.V09.20 - 09.45 3" Keynote Speaker:Achmad Arif<strong>in</strong>, ST.,1llEng., Ph.I)(Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember - Indonesia)Discussion09.4s - 10.00 Break10.00 - 11.30 Parallel Session I12.30 -13.30 -13.30 Poster Session15.00 Parallel Session II15.30 -<strong>16</strong>.45 Parallel Session IIIt6.45 - t7.ts Clos<strong>in</strong>g Ceremonyvl

Lrsr or PapERSCsAprrn r. Co*rpurER ExcrxsnRrNc c TEr,ruarrcs001Anelysis of Steganograpi <strong>for</strong> Hid<strong>in</strong>g Messages <strong>in</strong> Digital Image Facilities byUs<strong>in</strong>g MMS (Mobile Message Service) and Determ<strong>in</strong>ation Level of EmbeddedImage and stego-objectWarnia Nengsih Sikumbang005Synergr Between Geographic In<strong>for</strong>mation System and Image Classification ofRemote Sens<strong>in</strong>g (Case Study of Ciliwung Rivers)Riki Mukhaiyar007Development of Network Firewall Based on Multilevel security policyCahyo Crysdian008The Integration of Multi Gradient Operators and Mathematical Morphology tormprove segmentation Algorithm Based on watershed rrans<strong>for</strong>mCahyo Crysdian009Infra-red Tomography <strong>for</strong> Imag<strong>in</strong>g Concentration Profiles of Two phase FIow <strong>in</strong>a Flow Rigs. Ibrahim, M. Y. Mohammad Amri, M. M. ElmajriN. s. Zahid<strong>in</strong>t4t925010Identification of the Quality of Non-Po<strong>in</strong>t Source Pollutant Us<strong>in</strong>g Digital Imageand Remote sens<strong>in</strong>g rmage (case study ciliwung watershed)Riki Mukhaiyar011Pengenalan rndividu Berdasarkan Gait Dengan Menggunakan.wavelet danJar<strong>in</strong>gan saraf riruan Adaptive Resonao..th.o"y 2"(iRfitReza Budiawan, Achmad Riial, Tjokorda BWot2Ekstraksi suara Gamelan menggunakan Adaptive cross correlationYoyon K. Suprapto013sistem rn<strong>for</strong>masi Persediaan Bahan Baku untuk Men<strong>in</strong>gkatkan EfisiensiProdulai Pada Industri Suku Cadang HandtractorFajar fututi Hermawati, Roenadi foesirlarto-384349xl

tootltvo/-J)lrl018Q Learn<strong>in</strong>g as I Re<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>cement r,earn<strong>in</strong>g Method <strong>in</strong> Emotion Driven AgentStevie Giovanni, Nur Ulfa Maulidevi02tPerancangan sistem In<strong>for</strong>masi Akuntansi penjuaran TuneiDony Waluya Firdaus022Perancangan Server E-mail Berbasis Protokol Delay Tolerant Network @TN)Emir M. Husni, Agus Urip Ari Wibowo026Sistem Penulisan & Pembacaan Karakter pada pixels Gambar yang Ter-Enkripsi Dengan Algoritma Circulant MatricesRudy Setiawan54606773030Estimasi Motion vector Menggunakan Metode coarse to F<strong>in</strong>e BerbasisMultiresolusi Wavelet Untuk Video Animasi KunoAri Kusuman<strong>in</strong>gsih, Dwi Ratna sulistyan<strong>in</strong>grum, Mochama( Hariadi, Mauridhi HeryPurnomo03rDistribusi Gaussian perilaku ]arung NpC prajuritd - -- pada Game peperanganMenggunakanr---Metode Box-<strong>Muller</strong>Nur Kholis Majid, Moch. Hariadi, Supeno Mardi S. N032rmplementasi sistem Temu Kembali citra Berbasis Isi dengan Metode Jarakfn<strong>for</strong>masi yang D<strong>in</strong>ormalisasiAnny Yuniarti, Ressty yuniartiHandayani Tj andrasa808793036Rekonstruksi Inbetween Frame video Animasi Kuno Menggunakan rnterpolasi ggMursyidah,Mochamad Hariadi,Dwi Ratna Sulistiyaniggrum037virtuat Private sI"T (VPs) sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Dedicated serverRi"Ly Eka P,Andy Rachman Tri Wafryu Hlo4038Klesifikasi citra Berdasarkan Parameter Estetika Menggunakan Metode AI{F,rS 109Arik Kurnianto,Surya Sumpeno,Mochamad Hariadi039Pengembangan Sistem Pendeteksi, Pengekstraksi, dan pengidentilikasi Fitur rrisMataxll115

lou.tt ZUO / -)) t.,1,L<strong>in</strong>a, Danu Widatama,Gafar Tandadj aj a,Tony Mulia,Benyam<strong>in</strong> Kusumoputro041Deteksi Citra Sidik Jari Terotasi Menggunakan Metode Phase.Only Correlation l2lCahyo Daruj ati,Rahmat Syam,Mochamad Hariadi044Identifikasi Jenis Kendaraan Berbasis Webcam dan Pengolahan Citra DigitalMenggunakan Metode Template Match<strong>in</strong>gMochamad Teguh Kurniawan, Koredianto Usman,,A.chmad Rizal126046Enhancement Citra Sidik Jari Kotor Menggunakan Hybrid Method dan Gabor 132FilterMuhammad Nasir,Rahmat Syam,Mochamad Hariadi047Pengembangan Sistem In<strong>for</strong>masi Kepariwisataan Berbasis Web Dengan Konsep 138Group Technology (Studi Kasus Pada D<strong>in</strong>as Kebudayaan dan pariwiiataProp<strong>in</strong>si Maluku Utara)Mohamad Jamil,Pumomo B udi,Arief An(V050swakalibrasi Kamera Menggunakan Matriks Fundamental 143Eza Rahmanita,Eko Mulyanto,Mochamad HariadiL051Registrasi Permukaan obyek riga Dimensi Menggunakan Fitur AngularInvariantMeidya Koeshardianto,Eko Mulyanto,Mochamad Hariadil4g056Method <strong>for</strong> Multi-person Decision on Build<strong>in</strong>g system selectionChristiono Utomo057Pencarian Thesaurus I)engan Menggunakan Teknologi Web Semantik (StudiF!r. Bibliografi perpustakaan)Mukhamad Nurkamid, Khabib Mustofa061fmphmentasi Watermark<strong>in</strong>g Citra Digital Dalam Doma<strong>in</strong> Trans<strong>for</strong>masi Cos<strong>in</strong>eDiskritSaparud<strong>in</strong>,Abdiansah062<strong>S<strong>in</strong>gle</strong> Scale Ret<strong>in</strong>ex dan Histogram Remapp<strong>in</strong>g untuk perbaikan recognition rateg3d1 Eigeuspace-based Face Recognition153156<strong>16</strong>5t70xlll

,oollzvo/-)J063Perancangan dan Implementasi Perangkat Lunak Visualisesi Model SepedaMohamad Dani065F"9r.y walk Agent pada Serious Geme RTGS menggunakan stochasticSandpile Modetsaiful Bukhori,Moch. Hariadi,I Ketut Eddy purnama,Mauridhi Hery purnomo067Yo"TglnAplikasi rnteropera bilitas Sistem In<strong>for</strong>masi lnter DepartemenHero Yudo Martono068The Development and rmprementation of Expert systems Approech with Grsbased on Remote sens<strong>in</strong>g Data <strong>for</strong> Fish<strong>in</strong>g crouna prediction ModetMuhamad Sadly,Yoke Faizal O.189195069Model<strong>in</strong>g Wiki as E-Collaborative L,earn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Eigher Education Environment 202Soetam Rizky Wicaksono07tservices M-odell<strong>in</strong>g Approach Based soA And BPM For Service provider rvYruer To Support B2B206Ahmad Nurul Fajar073Deteksi Dan Klasifikasi cacat Glass Menggunakan segmentasi Teksture Berbasis 215Filter GaborAgung widodo,I Ketut Eddy purnama, Mochamad Hariadi076Rekontruksi Tulang 2D-3D Berbasis pengukuran FiturIndrawati078Pengelompokan Data Kualitas Air Sungai Berbasis parameter MultidimensiMenggunakan Self Organiz<strong>in</strong>g MApDorkas Yetfy Mulyaty,Mochamid Hariadi079rdentilikasi sidik Jari Dengan Data Berskara Besar Menggunakan MetodeHybrid M<strong>in</strong>utiae Dan Filter GaborSiswo Santoso,Mochamad Hariadi080rdentifikasi sidik Jari menggunakan Metode Hybrid berbasis M<strong>in</strong>utiae danPhase-Based fmage Correlation untuk Ort" g.;.k i n"rr.220227231237xtv

sttt.1_wtwtouttaVO/-)JtrlIpoet Novianto,Mochamad Hariadi082Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Data M<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g lvfenggunakanMetode Hybrid FP-Growth dengan Back-PropagationS i lvy Oktaviyani,Mochamad Hariadi,Diah puspito Wul andari240083Monitor<strong>in</strong>g Reklamasi Areal Tambang Menggunakan Peng<strong>in</strong>deraan Jauh danSIG24sHotma Silalahi, I Ketut Eddy Purnama, Mochamad Hariadi084Klasifikasi Peserta Pelatihan Bagi Industri Kecil dan Menengah MenggunakanFu.zzy C-MeansWellie Arrahmadi,Mochamad Hariadi085Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Kontrol dan Monitor<strong>in</strong>g Infus Untuk pasienBerbasis Jar<strong>in</strong>gan Nirkabel (ZigBee)Fathur Za<strong>in</strong>i Rachman,Wirawan,Ahmad Zairu2492s3086Model<strong>in</strong>g of Dynamic System <strong>for</strong> Identificetion on Soybean plant Growth Us<strong>in</strong>g 25gArtificial Neural NetworkAtri s Suyantohadi,Mochamad Hariadi,Mauri dhi Hery purnomoI090Analisa Kebutuhan sistem Dashboard untuk Keperluan Monitor<strong>in</strong>g danEvaluasi K<strong>in</strong>erja di perguruan T<strong>in</strong>ggiEva Hariyanti,Kridanto Surendro,Indii' Werd<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gsih264092Mobile Learn<strong>in</strong>g Synchronization Based Moodle and MLE <strong>for</strong> InteractiveLearn<strong>in</strong>g Us<strong>in</strong>g eR Code ApplicationCandra Ahmadi,Ahmad Sirojudd<strong>in</strong>,Achmad Affandi272095Scalable Video Cod<strong>in</strong>g pada Jar<strong>in</strong>gan peer to peerRakhmi Budi Fathonah,Wirawan278101Pengujian Hasil Temp_late Match<strong>in</strong>g Untuk Deteksi Posisi Mata MenggunakanReceiver Operat<strong>in</strong>g Characteristic (ROeSangap Mulyadi,Mochamad Hariadi,Mauriit i Hrry purnomo282r04laygngan dan rmplementasi simulasi usaha Kos pada Game Juragan KosKadek Surya Pranata,Aciek Ida wuryan

vt s / LJ Al/ya,tgatvlD, L)l I ln tDolt avo/-JJ!105 2gsDese<strong>in</strong> dan Implementasi Rute Pengambilan sampah ke TPS pada GameKalpataruTenia wahyun<strong>in</strong>grum,Ac iek Ida wuryandari,A gun g Harsoyo,pranoto H. Rusm<strong>in</strong>106Connected Component Analysis Sebagai Metode Pencarian Karakter Plat Dalam 300Sistem Pengenalan Plat Nomor KendaraanAsyra Rizki, Anto Satriyo Nugroho, Ade Jamal, Dwi Handoko, Made Gunawan,Achmad Witjaksono, Wayan,Wira Yogantara108Background Recontruction Pada Intelligent Transportation System Kota 306SurabayaMuhtad<strong>in</strong>, Tonmy Alma'arif,Dias Nawatan Gita109Framework Model Perencanaan Strategis SVTr untuk perguruan T<strong>in</strong>ggiSafitri Juanita3ll11<strong>16</strong>Session Hijack<strong>in</strong>g Pada Sistem Jar<strong>in</strong>gan Komputerdi Web Server (Studi Kasus 318Penggunaan E-Mail dan Chatt<strong>in</strong>g)Imran Suciawan Fitra,Achmad Affandilt8A Three Stages Approach of Evolutionary Algorithm and Local-Search <strong>for</strong> 324solv<strong>in</strong>g the Eard- and Soft constra<strong>in</strong>ed course Schedul<strong>in</strong>g problemAde Jamal1r9Implementation of (32,<strong>16</strong>) <strong>Reed</strong>-<strong>Muller</strong> <strong>Codes</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>S<strong>in</strong>gle</strong> <strong>Bit</strong> <strong>Error</strong> <strong>Correction</strong> <strong>in</strong> 32glc<strong>bit</strong> Sound Data Us<strong>in</strong>g LabView SoftwareUdayanto Dwi Atnojo,Sri Sun<strong>in</strong>g Kusumawardanit24Anelisa Kesenjangan Berbasis CMl\fl dan COBIT Untuk Perbaikan Proses Kerja 335Pada Perusahaan Pengembang perangkat Lunak pT KSIYohan Widyakencana127Analysis of the effect of chang<strong>in</strong>g parameters <strong>in</strong> the render<strong>in</strong>g with GpGpuChristyowidiasmoro,Anton S.R. a_trAoch. Hariadi338t28Executive In<strong>for</strong>mation System <strong>for</strong> Selection of Profession System by Us<strong>in</strong>g 342Analytical Hierarchy process on pr (persero) port of Indonesia Irfxvl

Dhanika Budhi Atyanto,Wiwik Anggraeni129Perancangan Distribusi Java Servlet Pada Mobile GIS Dengan WAP ProxyAgung Kridoyono,Achmad Alfandi130Perbaikan Citra Ret<strong>in</strong>a Dengan Trans<strong>for</strong>masi Contourlet dan Estimasi StandarDeviasi NoiseAgtsZa<strong>in</strong>al Arif<strong>in</strong> Ekky Natalia Wilmasari,Bilqis Amaliah3503s4132Membangun Layanan I(omunikasiYolP dan Chat pada MAIIIET (Mobile Ad- 360hoc Network) dengan menggunakan Protokol OLSRMareto Sopandi,S.N.M. P. S imamora,Anang Sularsa142A Per<strong>for</strong>mance Evaluation of Classifiers Employ Language Dependent Tools <strong>for</strong> 365Indonesian Textsurya Sumpeno,Agus Za<strong>in</strong>al Arif<strong>in</strong>,Mochamad Hariadi,Mauridhi Hery p.148Color-Histogram Based Particle Filter <strong>for</strong> Track<strong>in</strong>g Object <strong>in</strong> vid'eoD.M. Wiharta, G. Hendrantoro, Wirawanl5lSoftware Design of Data Collection Configuration as a Provider of Numerical 376and Graphical Data <strong>for</strong> Biological TissueR.Edy Purwanto,Imam Mashudi,Imron Ridzki372t523D Segmentation of Bone structure on CT rmage us<strong>in</strong>g Region Grow<strong>in</strong>gI Ketut Eddy Purnama,Sutrisno,Mochammad Hariadi,Mauriani-Hery r.381CuaprnR tr. ELECTRoMCs & INSTRUMENTATToN004ldentification of Gas Flavor us<strong>in</strong>g Artificial Neural Network System by!_oqnar<strong>in</strong>g Applications Befween Back propagation Method and KohonenMethodRiki Mukhaiyar035Prelim<strong>in</strong>ary Result of 12l*ad 12 channel smart Mo<strong>bit</strong>e ECG <strong>for</strong> support<strong>in</strong>gTelemedic<strong>in</strong>eoerip santoso,Arga Aridarma,Rian Heriand<strong>in</strong>o,Astri Maria,Tati L. R. Mengko387394xvii

awo / -J) tA042Pembuatan dan Pengujian Karakteristik Resistansi Sensor Gas Dari BahanKomposit Polimer-KarbonBudi Gunawan, MTpr. Muchammad Rivaiflendro Juwono, MS059Electropolymerization of Pyrrole <strong>in</strong> Aqueous Solution on Cerbon Electrodes <strong>for</strong>Ion Nitrate SensorRobeth Viktoria Manurung,Hiskia060Analysis of Effectivity and Elliciency Comparison Between Pre-Process<strong>in</strong>gNormalization, Segmentation, and Noise Removal <strong>for</strong> F<strong>in</strong>gerpr<strong>in</strong>t RecreationUs<strong>in</strong>g Orientation Field EstimationSaparud<strong>in</strong>"A.bdiansah398406409091flyaruna Pengukul Medan Magnet Berbasis Sensor Magnetik Fluxgate dan 415Mikrokontroler ATMega8535Agfianto Eko Putra,Rosmal<strong>in</strong>i Harahap098!1o-ses S_putter<strong>in</strong>g dan Karakterisasi Lapisan Plat<strong>in</strong>a untuk Aplikasi CounterElektroda pada Dye.Sensitized TiO2 Soiar CellLia Muliani,shobih,Jojo Hidayat,R angga422099Pengaruh Kelembaban pada Lapisan Tipis ZnO Sebagai Bahan Sensitif Sensor 427Gas N'H3Lilis Retnan<strong>in</strong>gsih,R Arief Ferdiansyah113Pengaruh Dimensi Dalam Fabrikasi Magnet Permanen Barium Ferit UntukAplikasi Komponen ElektronikNanang Sudrajat,Widhya Budiawan,Tony Kristiantoro115Rancang Bangun Arat Hitung ukuran pakaian otomatis BerbasisMicrocontroller AT Megag5J5Antonius Wibisono,Bagus Asharyanto,Bimo Gumelart26sistem Kontrol den Monitor<strong>in</strong>g AIat uji D<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g Rumah rahan GempaSuwito432438445135Perancangan Sistem tlonitor<strong>in</strong>g T<strong>in</strong>gkat Efisiensi K<strong>in</strong>erja pompa paralel diSumur Intake PDAM GresikRonny Dwi Noriyati, Totok soehartanto,siska Kamiat<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gsih4stxvlll

t00t't IVO/-JJtzlt37Action Selection Mechanism <strong>for</strong> RoboSoccer Management and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g System 459(ROSEMARy)Safreni Candra Sari}rief Syaichu RohmarUyoga priyana138Mak<strong>in</strong>g Tool Condition Monitor<strong>in</strong>g Body and when Someone Existance ofActivity Display with WebRatna Adil,Wilis Ajie NU Projo139Pembelajaren Robot dengan Fuzry e-I-earn<strong>in</strong>g pada sistem Navigasi RobotOtonom Multiplat<strong>for</strong>m468478Made Santo Gitakarma, Son Kuswadi, Rusdhianto Effendi, Indra Adji Sulistijono,Achmad J azidie, Mitsuj i Sampei147Analysis of Dielectric -propertyus<strong>in</strong>g rts scatter<strong>in</strong>g parametersMohammad Ridwan Effendi,Chairunnilsa$chmad M<strong>in</strong>ir48s149Implementasi Algoritma Cordic Untuk Pembangkit S<strong>in</strong>yal Kuadrature pada t490FPGATotok Mujiono,Bagus Rijalul Haq150Eardware Design <strong>for</strong> A Universal Current Injection is Used to Measure The 496Im_pedance Distribution <strong>in</strong> Biological TissueR.Edy Purwanto,Eka Mandayatma"tr.l.nas.lad Indra155Development of A Portable Measur<strong>in</strong>g System For Amperometric Biosensors 501Erry D. Kurniawan,Arief S. satyawan,Hi-stia,Robeth v. tutanurungCnarrrRm. pownn Sysrru002Analisis Penentuani"jiog Rele Pengaman Arus Lebih di rndustri Menggunakan 510Y"1oaj I"Tog Saraf Tiruan Consrru-ctive Backprop,gltiooAmirullah, Sankara C<strong>in</strong>tha Diliaga003simulation of Magnetic Flux Density <strong>in</strong> power Trans<strong>for</strong>mer E-core ModetDidi Istardis22014Metode Direct Synthesis pada Kontrol Cascade untuk pengendalian Temperatur 526xlx

3 j:i-Prayunanta Ahusda, Katjuk Astrowulaq Ali Fatoni0t7Perancangan dan Simulasi Sistem Kontrol Posisi Panel Surya Dengan Adaptive S3ZNeural Network PID Slid<strong>in</strong>g Mode ControlPutu Kesama Purnam Wijaya020The Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Method to Solve EconomicDispatch Problem <strong>in</strong> Electric Power System BaliRulani S Hartati,IBG Manuaba537023Modified Backpropagation Neural Networks to Solve Economic Dispatch 543ProblemM. Yusuf wibisono, A.M. Beniezakaiyal, M. Avid Fassamsi,Imam Robandi043Solar Energy Conversion Devices Based on Natural Dyes-sensitized Solar CellKasyful Fuadi,Fahiem Fanani,Brian yuliarto,Evan Kamaratul Insani,Nugaha54g058Optimisasi Daya Pada Photovoltaic Menggunakan Maximum Power po<strong>in</strong>t 552TrackerH. Suryoatmojo,A. P. Kurniawan,v. Lyistian<strong>in</strong>grum,M. Ashari,Arif Mustofa087LAnalisis Keandalan Trafo Daya 5fi) Kv pada sistem Transmisi pr. pLN p3BJawa - Bali Berdasar sweep Frequency Response Analysis (srRA) DenganMetode StokastikDendi Pramana,I.G.N Satriyadi H,I Made yulistyaNegara558088Analisis Batas Stabilitas steady state Pada Sistem Kelistrikan Jawa Bali 5fi) Kv 566Menggunakan Radial Equivalent Independent (REI) DIMOJefri Liandalndar chaerah Gunad<strong>in</strong>,ontoseno penangsangAdi Soeprijanto102Koord<strong>in</strong>asi PID Controlled Supereonduct<strong>in</strong>g Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) 57Odan Automatic voltage Regulator (AvR) pada sistem Tenaga Listrik-Menggunakan Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)Mochamad Avid Fassamsi,Muhammad ebdiliah,Imam Robandi103Peng3l_okasian Optim{]an Compensator Menggunakan Clonat Atgorithm (CA) 577untuk Mereduksi Rugi-Rugi Daya pada Jar<strong>in</strong>g Transmisi Jawa nanEooLYunitika Trisiana,Mochamad Avid Fissamsi,Muhammad Abdillah,DanangSulistyo,Imam Robandi107

t.vr.,.u.u6)/ qu tD ayyt,qatults, Jl llA zuluIJTN ZU6/.5JIAIdentifikasi Lokasi Partial Discharge Pada Motor Tegangan T<strong>in</strong>ggi 583Menggunakan Trans<strong>for</strong>masi Wavelet dan Jar<strong>in</strong>g Saraf Tiruan BerdasarkanSpektrum RTDI Made Yulistya NegaraJndra Budi Hermawan"Ir,fauridhi Hery Purnomoll4Perhitungan Aliran Daya Menggunakan Metode Gauss-Seidet pada Sistem 589Transmisi Jawa Tengah dan DIYSri Heranurweni,Ganes Diwantorott7Electromagnetic Field Effect on a MHD Generator 596Triwahj u Hardianto,Muh. Nurkoyim Kustanto145Studi Penuaan M<strong>in</strong>yak Trans<strong>for</strong>mator Distribusi 600Salama Manj ang,Jumiati IlhamCgAprER rv. Tr,r,ncoMMUNICATroNS015fnterwork<strong>in</strong>g Model<strong>in</strong>g of IEEE 802.I6d and IEEE 802.11e us<strong>in</strong>g Base Station 606Hybrid Coord<strong>in</strong>ator to serve Subscriber Stations and QoS StationsYus Natali, Dadang Gunawan0<strong>16</strong>lWoP<strong>in</strong>g: Pengukuran L,ayanan Paket Data Pada Jar<strong>in</strong>gan Selular 612Ady Wahyudi Paundu, Zahir Za<strong>in</strong>udd<strong>in</strong>019'\-- TV on 3G cellular with RTSP Stream<strong>in</strong>g Protocol and YLC Server - L<strong>in</strong>ux 6lgYunianto Purnomo, Andrew Jaya Efendy02sSSVEP Detection from Multiple Channels BCI System 623Indar Sugiarto033Build<strong>in</strong>g Damage Assessment Us<strong>in</strong>g Remote Sens<strong>in</strong>g, Aerial Photograph and GIS 628Data case study <strong>in</strong> Banda Aceh after sumatera Earthquake 2004Edy Irwansyah070Desa<strong>in</strong> Radio L<strong>in</strong>k untuk Komunikasi Data Redar satuan Radar 242 TwR 634Dengan Kosek Hanudnas IV BiakGatot Kusrahardjo,Djoko suprajitno,Firmansyah,Achmad Affandi072xxt

l))t\ zu6/-J5lAD"lqo and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Multimedia Network Nodes Based 639on L<strong>in</strong>ux 0SN Putra SasrqWirawaqGamantyo Hendrantoro074Desa<strong>in</strong> Awal Sistem Track<strong>in</strong>g Antena stasiun Bumi untuk satelit LEo pada pita 644Radio AmatirGembong Edhi Setyawan,Gamantyo Hendrantoro075Prediksi Kebutuhsn Penomoran pada Jar<strong>in</strong>gan Telekomunikasi Menggunakan 650Metode AprioriMustafi d Khilmi/.chmad Affandi,Diatr puspito wulandari077Klesifikssi Citre Satelit Menggunaken Algoritma Genetik Berbasis AturanLaksana umanda sitanggang,I Ketut &ldy pirnama,Mochamad Hariadi653081Studi Awal Perhitungan Jumlah S€l di Wilayah Kabupaten Deli Serdang Dalam 663YTgk" Penerapan xunil"t m Penggunaaan Mena"a Be.sama TelekomunikasiElidawati Samosir,Gamantyo Hendranioro093Identifikasi Land Surface Temperature (LST) dari Citra Satelit Landsat TMBudi Batubara, Wirawan094Penentuan Jalur Backhaur wiMAx Menggunakan.Algoritma Kruskal : StudiKasus Kota MakassarBagus W<strong>in</strong>arko,Wirawan100Estimation Problems <strong>for</strong>Autonomous underwater vehicle under F<strong>in</strong>iteCommunication Constra<strong>in</strong>tsNanang Syahroni,Jae Weon Choi110characterization of rwo-stage urtra-wideband BpF Based on rnverted-FStructureAchmad Munirtt2PTIn dan Implementasi Penyearah Modulasi r,eber pulsa Dengan ModulasiDeltaLilik Setiyawan,Leonardus Heru pt2tDesign and simuletion of a stepped-Frequency cont<strong>in</strong>ous-wave Radar <strong>for</strong>Trough-IYall Applications667672678663682687xxu

|Iti.._.--.....* _,.. ,,,u,,u,^, u,,,n.u,utoolv zv6/-)JtATommi Hariyadi,Andriyan B' Suksmono,Endon Bharata,Achmad Munir,Kusworo Adi131study of Network Plann<strong>in</strong>g Based on wiMAX Technology <strong>in</strong> seribu rstand 692Hardi Nusantara,Achmad Muni r133ir'Hiifital Divide untuk Aplikasi el.earn<strong>in</strong>g pada Sekotah Menengah di 696Dj oko Supraj itno Rahardj o,Achmad Affandi,candra Ahmadi, AhmadS iroj ud<strong>in</strong>,Nirwan Adhiatma,t34Perancangan Komunikasi Data Flight Plan untuk Kepent<strong>in</strong>gan rdentifikasi 702Korerasi Data Sasaran Berbasis wJr onr<strong>in</strong>Jntara Angkam ru.. il;;;;,Posek Hanudnas I JakartaPanca prawira,Djoko Suprajitno,H.A. Danang Rimbaw4Achmad Affandi136rrtegrasi r,earn<strong>in</strong>g system Dengan Menggabungkan videoDatabase E-Learn<strong>in</strong>gconference dan70gNirwan Adhiatma, candra Ahmadi,Ahmad s iroj udd<strong>in</strong>,Dj o',/JvAvAJIandioko s uul'r'rJrtrr upraj itno,Achmadt43E-r'earn<strong>in</strong>g uni-Synchronization via Radio Packet conimunication to overcome 713Limitation ChannelFarah Ar<strong>in</strong> Nugrahani,Nurman Fauzi,Achmad Affandi\,144video call synchronization to support Blended Learn<strong>in</strong>g Based on MoodleTanwiqFauzan Saiful Haq MukanamAchmad Affandi7lg146Analisis K<strong>in</strong>erja YPN MPLS Pada Test-Bed Jar<strong>in</strong>gan pendidikan Non Formal 70gUdik pudj ianto+A.chmad Affandils3Hlgi:.*atter<strong>in</strong>g Effects of Electromagneric Propagation Through the Ra<strong>in</strong>farr 723ts4Perancangan server vorP Menggunakan Metode parallel process<strong>in</strong>gMen<strong>in</strong>gkatkan Kehandatan U.iiogroip;";;;" untukAchmadAffandi,yuniehaao<strong>in</strong>,ojofioiupiujifio].,gtosetijadiT0CuaprnR v. CoNrRoL Sysrnuxxlll

045Optimasi Kontroler PID Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization (pSo) Untuk 740Sistem dengan Waktu TundaAlrij adj is, Kaduk Astrowulan048Real Time Application of Neuro Fuz,zy Controller Based on Radial Basis Function 744<strong>in</strong> The Pressure Rig 3&714Mahardhika Pratama,samsul Rajab,Er Meng Jo049Pengaturan Posisi Motor DC Menggunakan Kontroler PID Berbasis GenetikAlgoritma (GA)Bambang Siswanto, Dr. Ir. MochammadRameli750053Perancangan Neural Network Control untuk Menggerakkan posisi Laras 756Y:ril- pada Plat<strong>for</strong>m yangBergerakWiwik Wiharti,Rusdhianto EAKAIi Fatoni054Perancangan Slid<strong>in</strong>g Mode control untuk Menggerakkan posisi Laras Meriam 763Pada Plat<strong>for</strong>m yang BergerakSanti Anggra<strong>in</strong>i,Rusdhianio EAI(Imam Arif<strong>in</strong>055Perancangan dan simulasi Kontroler Jar<strong>in</strong>gan sya.ai Tiruan untukPengendalian Gerakan HoverR. Ade Supriyadi,Katjuk Astrowulan,Rusdhianto EAK066Desa<strong>in</strong> Kontrol Duzzy Berbasis per<strong>for</strong>mansi LeR untuk Sistem Nonl<strong>in</strong>ear:Pendekatan LMITrihastuti Agust<strong>in</strong>ah,Krisna Raha{a,Achmad Jazidie089comparative study of Pr controller Parameter Tun<strong>in</strong>g Method <strong>in</strong> NetworkedControl System with Multi-plant Configuration --EAditf Tejo Widagdo,Imam Arif<strong>in</strong>t22switch<strong>in</strong>g control Pada Paralel Pump submersible di sumur Intake rnshlasiPengolahan Air (tr'A) PDAM GresikT. Soeharantog. Luthfiyah123Disa<strong>in</strong> Kontroler Kasklde untuk Pressure Control Tra<strong>in</strong>er Fedback 3g-714Menggunakan Direct SynthesisAli Fatonixxlv768774780786791

94tr.a rvlt!+.*.tgr i .s.fii.. :,';125Integrasi Frf s? Lite 300de,n DC$ centum cs r0flt untuk sisteu KontrorAliran Udara Melalui Control ValveSamsul RajabJoko Susila"Im; Gfi;796Ir\*z,'ItlE,F'-i*ir, r..[..is]fri:.to(v

l lth Semiaar on Intelligence Tec4nologt and It Applications, SITH-_2010ISSN : 2087-3itXImplementation of (32,<strong>16</strong>) <strong>Reed</strong>-<strong>Muller</strong> <strong>Codes</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>S<strong>in</strong>gle</strong> <strong>Bit</strong> <strong>Error</strong><strong>Correction</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>16</strong>-<strong>bit</strong> Sound Data Us<strong>in</strong>g LabView SoftwareUdayanto llwi Atmoior)z), Sri Sun<strong>in</strong>g Kusumawerdani2)l) Gaoa Cendekja" Student Activity Unit <strong>for</strong> Interdiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary Research and Studies, Gadjah Mada UniversityYogyakarta, tndooesiaEmail mas-ud@mail.1s.n gm ac-id2) Deparment of ElectricaL Eog<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g and tn<strong>for</strong>mation Technology, Gadjah Mada UniversityYog5rakarte, IndonesiaEmail: srm<strong>in</strong>g@E.rrgm.ac-idAbstract--Thb paper considerc the prototyp<strong>in</strong>g ofliaear block codes encoder and decoder <strong>for</strong> sounddota us<strong>in</strong>g National lwtnrments LabYiew sofiware-L<strong>in</strong>ear block cob can be def<strong>in</strong>ed by two paraneterc,which oe code size n and ir{ormalion <strong>bit</strong> size k-LabView is an easy to use, multiryrpose sofiwarewhich has marry fearures <strong>for</strong> design<strong>in</strong>g ordprotory<strong>in</strong>g. Thk research is a prelim<strong>in</strong>ary researchon channel cod<strong>in</strong>g implementation on LabView. In lhisresearch, <strong>Reed</strong>-<strong>Muller</strong> codes ore used to implementthe design- lG<strong>bit</strong> sound data are used as test sabjects<strong>for</strong> block code encod<strong>in</strong>g decod<strong>in</strong>g and errorcorrection. The result shows that the design workswell- The design cot correct s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>bit</strong> ertor <strong>in</strong> oqtpositions. Aulhors' n6t project is to implemet cyclicotd more advanced code <strong>for</strong> enor correcl<strong>in</strong>gimp I eme nt otion <strong>in</strong> l,a b liew.Keyoords: L<strong>in</strong>ear block code; LobView; encoder;decoder ; error correction ; <strong>Reed</strong>- <strong>Muller</strong> codes.l.IntroductionModern aqmmnnication systens require erorcorrectioa mechanism to exclude noise <strong>in</strong> the receiveddata L<strong>in</strong>ear block code is one of the simplest errorcorrect<strong>in</strong>gmethods available. L<strong>in</strong>ear block code is thepredecessor of modem error correction method suchas BCH (Bose, Choudhuri, and Hocquenghem') er:des,RS (<strong>Reed</strong> Solomon) codes, and Convolutional codes,which are be<strong>in</strong>g widely used <strong>in</strong> today's666prrni6:6ti6n s)6tems.This paper considers the prototlp<strong>in</strong>g of l<strong>in</strong>ear blockcodes us<strong>in</strong>g Natioual Inshuments labView software.L<strong>in</strong>ear block codes can be defrned by two parameters,which are code size z and <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation <strong>bit</strong>s t In thisresearch, <strong>Reed</strong>-<strong>Muller</strong> code is used to geoeratecodeword because of its construction simplicity <strong>for</strong>large n and t.A design <strong>in</strong> I-abView can be easily reprogrammed-The software also comes up with reprograrnmableGraphical User Interface (GUI), whicb is ao additionalfeature to provide <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the operation andresultL<strong>in</strong>ear block code employs simple algorithrn, butthese codes catr corrcct s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>bit</strong> random errorconta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the <strong>bit</strong> sequence ofthe data. This researchis a prelim<strong>in</strong>ary research of error correct<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tabView software.2.Basic TheoryThis research requires theory of Galois Field modulo-2 operation, l<strong>in</strong>ear block codes, and <strong>Reed</strong>-<strong>Muller</strong>codes. Mathematical operation <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> thisresearch is modulo-2 operatioq which is based onXOR operatioa- For the encod<strong>in</strong>g and decod<strong>in</strong>gprooess, this research implements <strong>Reed</strong>-<strong>Muller</strong> codeswhich is one of l<strong>in</strong>ear block codes t1ges.2.1. Galois Field (GF) and modulo-2 OpcrationA field F is a non-empty set of elements with twooperators ssually called addition and multiplication,denoted **" and "r" rcspEctively. For F to be a field auumber of conditions must hold ttl [Z] tSl [6]:l. Closure; For every a,D <strong>in</strong>Fc=a*b;d= ar b(l)Where cde E2. Associative,Foreverya,6, <strong>in</strong>Fc=(a +D)+ c:a+(b+c)(2)a*(b*")=(a*b)*c(3)3. Identity, There exists an identity element .0'<strong>for</strong> addition and .l' <strong>for</strong> multiplication thatsatisfu:379

I lh Sem<strong>in</strong>or onISSN: 2087-jilXO+a:a+0=a(4)a. l=1. a(s)<strong>for</strong> every a <strong>in</strong> F4. Iwene; If a is io.F, there exist elemeDts D atrdc <strong>in</strong> F such thata+b=0;a'c:l(6)Element D is called the additive <strong>in</strong>verse, 6:(-a), elemeat c is called multiplicativei[verse, c:at (a7Oy.5. Commutative; For every a,b <strong>in</strong> Fa+b=b+a;a*b=b:a(7)6, Distibutive; For every a,b,c':n F(a+b)*c:a*c+b*c(8)The existence of a multiplicative <strong>in</strong>verse al enablesdivision operation, because <strong>for</strong> a,b,c € F, c = bla isdef<strong>in</strong>ed as c : b + al. Simile.ly the existeoce of aoadditive <strong>in</strong>verse (-a) enables the use ofsubtraction. Inthis case <strong>for</strong> a,b,c € F,6 : b - ais def<strong>in</strong>ed as c :, +(a) <strong>16</strong>l.It can be shown that the set of <strong>in</strong>tegers 10, l, 2,..., p-! where p is prime, together with modulo p additionand multiplicatiou <strong>for</strong>ms a field Such a field is calledthe f<strong>in</strong>ite field of orderp, or GF(p). fu this paper onlyb<strong>in</strong>ary arithmetic is considered, wherep is constra<strong>in</strong>edto equal 2. Arithmetic n GF(2) is there<strong>for</strong>e del<strong>in</strong>ednodulo 2 <strong>16</strong>).2J. L<strong>in</strong>ear Block <strong>Codes</strong>Each codeword generated from l<strong>in</strong>ear block code is avector qrace, which the codeword itself is a vector. Aset ofthese vectos oflength n is called a l<strong>in</strong>ear blockcode if and only if it is a subspace of the vector spaceofn-hples t2l t3l.The code is easily described us<strong>in</strong>gmafix representation- An (Uk) l<strong>in</strong>ear code iscmpletely specified by k x n geoerator matix G [3][9] . For each <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation data d, geoerated codewordc can be described <strong>in</strong> (9) below [3].c = 4& + drSr + ... + dr-rgt-r (9)where diO < i St-land g, 0 < i < t-1, is anyrowvector of G [3]. Coosider a t-<strong>bit</strong> <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation scqueoced : (dodr,..-dr-r) tbat is to be encoded, thus tbecorrcspond<strong>in</strong>g codeword is denoted by the a-<strong>bit</strong> vectorc = (co,cr,...,c*r) = (dodr,...dr-r) .G, where G is a txrt gsnerator matrix which <strong>in</strong> systematic <strong>for</strong>m coata<strong>in</strong>smatix P6q that determ<strong>in</strong>es redundant <strong>bit</strong>s, and tx tidentity marix 11 [3]-Thls, the encod<strong>in</strong>g procednre can be rcpresentcd_usrtrS T 1x uiltiplicatioo operation descri*d h (10)below [3].(co,c r,...,c*r-r,c.-s...,c*r ) = (&dt,... dr-r )-[pr

eI tth Semhar on Intelligence Technologr otd It Applicotions, SIIU 2010 /SS/V : 2087-331Xtn= z;: | +'c1 1'cz + ... a -c.a - t=.Co 1.Cr + ... * aCp_rooh: zwherc r < ,r, <strong>for</strong> aoy ioteger rz.The generatc matrix <strong>for</strong> the 2th-order RM code oflength f is then def<strong>in</strong>ed as the follow<strong>in</strong>g [3].c Lg(8,Wbere v1 = (vi,ovir,...Jr,o-r).3. System DesignPrevious re*qch has been dooe regard<strong>in</strong>g chaonelcod<strong>in</strong>g implemstrtation on l:bView [7] [8]-Blockcode Encoder and Decoder are desiped us<strong>in</strong>gIabView software. The desip is implemeoted us<strong>in</strong>gI-abView graphical programm<strong>in</strong>g comb<strong>in</strong>ed with someMathscript fuoctioos <strong>for</strong> some simplificationsrequired. Sound data r.rscd <strong>for</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g purposes are lG<strong>bit</strong>, so the result<strong>in</strong>g codeword should produce 32-<strong>bit</strong>.The desiped system is divided <strong>in</strong>to several parts,which are illustrated <strong>in</strong> Fig.l and Fig.2 below.Figure l. Sptcrn block diagnm (first part)I :;* F,:t- X-t:Which:1."----I,

llth Sem<strong>in</strong>s onISSN: 2087-33LXThe rcsult<strong>in</strong>g codeword is reverted backto data <strong>in</strong>fqmatioa us<strong>in</strong>g comb<strong>in</strong>ations ofmodulo-2 a.Her.prograrnm<strong>in</strong>g.Scbematic used to gsnqate md add s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>bit</strong> error togenerated codeword is shown <strong>in</strong> Fig.7 below, which isimplemented us<strong>in</strong>g Mathscript, along with thecodeword gercr-at<strong>in</strong>g o,peration- Schematic sbown <strong>in</strong>FigT pro'duces s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>bit</strong> error which may conta<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>aDy <strong>bit</strong> with<strong>in</strong> 32-<strong>bit</strong> codewordk-t.l.Tbe lG<strong>bit</strong> bioary data are cooverted backto decimal uumbers, which ae theacqverted back to digital wave<strong>for</strong>m-Dgital wavefom produced is convertedback to annlog wave<strong>for</strong>m, which is thendisplayed and played bacL4. Experimenhl ResultsThe schematic of Analog to Digitat Converter isshown <strong>in</strong> Fig.3 below. The schematic extractswave<strong>for</strong>m from the ssund file and converts it todigital. There is also functioo <strong>for</strong> sound data pla$ack(Play Wave<strong>for</strong>m), which is also shown <strong>in</strong> Fis,3.Figue 5. Codcword gpffrat<strong>in</strong>g scbematicTo make tbc implemeotation <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mative to use,r, asimple Graphical User tnterface (G[IO is alsodesigned to displsy wavefom of tbe orig<strong>in</strong>al sounddat4 wave<strong>for</strong>m of error coota<strong>in</strong>ed sormd data, andwave<strong>for</strong>m of recovered sound data- GUI will provide<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about processed datat-,.liFigurc 6. <strong>Error</strong> generator schernaticFigure 3- Aralog to digial converter schematicSchematic us€d to create II and Itr is showu <strong>in</strong> Fig.gbelow. The schematic shown <strong>in</strong> Fig.8 creates paritycheck matrix II by tak<strong>in</strong>g matrix G withoui anymodifications sisnce (32,1Q RM codes are self dualcodes. Thus, taospos<strong>in</strong>g II will produce Hr.The schematic of Decimal to Bioary Converter isshowu <strong>in</strong> Fig.4 below. The schematic coosists of <strong>16</strong>divid<strong>in</strong>g operation to cotrvert decimal ntrmberoroduced to tc<strong>bit</strong> bimrv data-Figure 7. Padtycheck gcneration schenraticFigure 4. Decirml to b<strong>in</strong>aqr convefier schcmticSchematic used to produce codeword, which mn<strong>in</strong>tycusists of geoerator matrix multiplicatiog is showa<strong>in</strong> Fig.6 bslow. Gen€rator mauix rsed to generatecodeword is also shown <strong>in</strong> Fig.6. Mathscriil iJused tosimpliS some operatioos 19fts1 than qs<strong>in</strong>g graphicalScbematic used <strong>for</strong> erru estimation is shown <strong>in</strong> Fig.9bclow. Schematic showu <strong>in</strong> Fig.9 below implementsthe lookup table to €stimatc eror conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> thereceived codeword bascd oo correspond<strong>in</strong>g syndromeproduced. In this irylerneatation, every possibles<strong>in</strong>gle-<strong>bit</strong> error is <strong>in</strong>cluded from MSB to LSB.

1 trt Sen<strong>in</strong>q on Intelligence Technologt otd It Applicatbns, SITM 2010 /SSM ; 2087-3i lXFigue 10. Comb<strong>in</strong>atioo of modulo-2 addersFigure 8. <strong>Error</strong> cstimation schermticlnside the lookup table are possibilities ofconectablcerrors, which arc vectors eacb coota<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gle nonzero element and also one vector sqgta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g all zeroelements. By multiply<strong>in</strong>g each possibility with II1which issyn&ome loohrp table will beused fq estioat<strong>in</strong>g eror conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> thecorrespond<strong>in</strong>g received codeword by compar<strong>in</strong>g thesyndrome fu the received codewod wilhthe syndrome from the lookup table-Schematic used <strong>for</strong> correct<strong>in</strong>g received codeword isshown <strong>in</strong> Figl0 below. Schematic shown <strong>in</strong> Fig.l0will add the correspond<strong>in</strong>g received codeword withthe produced estimated error to rcvert the receivedcodeword back to the orig<strong>in</strong>al codeword-132,:..:,i:i; :': trb- !{.:r'.:!- '.:'O ,

Ilth Sen<strong>in</strong>q on lntelliganczTechnolog odls Applications,SlTlA 2010

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