GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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57-52provenanceItem Filmed 1st.frameDr. Karl Haushofer HC 939 FS 151207UHC a FT 1512121HC 9UO FT 1512227HCHCIT 151323SIT 151357SHC $& a-c FT 1513659HC 9*f5 a FT 151U688HC 9^5 b |T 1515P97HC 9^5 c FT 1515505Notes 20Notebook containing part of the list of "books in H. ! s library,1928-30. Continued in HC 927 c. Printed material in the samefolder not filmed*Correspondence, 1930-31 and 1939-^2* Includes some importantitems* Also a list of periodicals to which H. subscribed*A folder containing a variety of important correspondence materials,primarily 1923-25 (Deutsche Volkspartei, including the 1925presidential election, Deutschtumsarbeit), 1933~**0 (educationalpolicy, Beichsstudentenfuhrungj Dozentenbund, Notgemeinschaft, etc*)and 1933-1& (Deutsche Akademie).Correspondence, 1933~^2» Information on the Deutsche Akademie,Hochschulpolitik, and miscellaneous subjects* Included is a letterfrom Hetman Skoropadsky,Correspondence, primarily 1933~*&« H. ! s political activityand relations with a variety of Party agencies, the military, andeducational matters*Correspondence, 1928-41. Includes a 1931 letter from Gattineauof !»£• Farben protesting an attack on I.G-. in an NSDAP publication;material on the Deutsch-Japanische Qesellschaft (see also T-82);material on organizations like the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fflr deutscheWehrvers t&rkung*Correspondence and other material of importance on the DeutscheAfcademie, 1935-38 (some 19^0).Some 193^- correspondence and a paper, written by a lieutenantStaedke in 1929, "Die Gefahr des Bolschewismus" 'proving 1 with allsorts of charts, diagrams and statistics that bolshevism and theworld's other troubles are due to heredity*Correspondence, 1933~^&* Includes many interesting itemsillustrating H.'a role in the VDA, the Deutsche Akademie, and hisother activities*Correspondence y 1926-36* Includes much interesting materialon internal German politics, the VDA, Deutsche Akademie, and otherorganizations*Correspondence, 1922-37« Material of interest for politicalmatters and for H* f s association with various veterans organizations*Correapondeoce, 1933-36, primarily 1933-35. Important politicalitaterlal. Some material on H;«S World War I service.

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