GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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Dr. Earl HaushoferItem Filmed 1st frame Notes 18IKJ 925 m 150775653 HC 926 c <strong>TO</strong> 15085^3HC 927 a FS 1508927HC 928 a FS 1508985HC 928 b yo« 1509126Ausland; the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (see Albrecht H. ! s letter tohis father of 2H Jan. 19^1 in which *B* is probably Behrends, "L"Lorenz, "M M Minke and "V.M." is used instead of Vomi). Of specialimportance for the activities and problems of the VDA in the 1939-U2period*Correspondence, 1928-36* A file of considerable importance* especiallyon the.period 1930-35• At the end of the folder is a copyof the Vertrauliche Mitteilungen Nr. 2 of the Deutsche Volkspartei,Vahlkreisverband Oberbayero-Schvaben, probably of the fall of 1923 •and quite interesting*"Geographische Mitarbeiter* 41 A file of correspondence andpapers, 1926-36, primarily 1927-29.A book of "Hotizen" has been filmed; it is apparently a kindof accession list Haushofer kept for his library, 193 1 ~37« Eneprinted materials included in this folder have been omitted* SeeHC 939*Out of a folder of miscellaneous publications, only the followinghave been filmed: HeiOhsarbeitsgemeinschaft ftir Baumforschungan der Technischen Hbchschule Berlin (Gottfried Feder), n Systematikder Eaumforschung als Orundlage praktischer Gremeinschaftsarbeit, alsEntwurf bearbeitet, Ebrrekturbogen als Hanuskript gedruckt, " Oct.1936* A series of publications issued, probably in 193 1 * or 1935, bythe Amt des Siedlungsbeauftragten der NSDAP: Heft 1, Haus derHeichsplanung; Heft 2, Wirtschaftskreise und Stufen der Selbstversorgung;Heft 3, Industrieverlagerung; Heft 5, Literatur tfber Standortfragen;and Heft 1, August 193^» of the nev serial publication "PlatnungswissenschaftlicheArbeitsgemeinschaft* ffThis folder consists of three parts* The first is a file ofmiscellaneous correspondence and papers of high interest, 1933~*&.Included is information on the Deutsche Akademie, various other aspectsof Yolkstumsarbeit, notes for a Vortrag by Hess, and correspondenceof the Beauf tragte ftir das Siedlungswesen im Stabe desStellvertreters des Fflhrers* The second is a collection of materialand correspondence on Saarbrflcken, 193&t including a Vortrag by themayor, SA-Gruppenfflhrer Schwitzgebel. The third is a file of thehighest importance on the problems of the Deutsche Akademie, especiallythe changes in the top personnel, 1936-37»

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