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Provenance Filmed let frame Noted 12ContinuedDr. Karl Haushofer HC 763 hh IT 1^99*430HO 767 k,767 «,-•767 1*768 mHC 783HOHC 831IT1^995731^995821^996131^99627HC 832 IT 11*99803Otto Kurz, Leiter des Amtes f• Technik, NSDAP Gau Schwaben,TDenkschrift €ber ein Deutsches Kanalkreuz als Kernstflck eineszentral-europaischen Wasserweges, n November 193&*Manuscript "by Dr. Erich Obst, professor of geography at theTechnische Hochachule Hannover, with three annexes: "Das DeutschtumSudwest- und Sudafrika; Gedanken tfber die Betreuung des Deutschtumsund die propagandist!sche Bet&tigung in die3em Lenderraum, " "Berichtauf Ansuchen dem Herrn Beichsminister Dr. Goetbels erstattet."Probably dates from about 193 1 *~35* Tn Q last page or two of the manuscriptare missing*A list of Haushofer ! s reviews in the Zeitschrift fttr Geopolitik,1937-39- See HC 913 d."Tagebuch literarischer Arbeiten. n A list of works by M.Hauahofer, presumably Karl Haushofer's father, written or publishedin 1856-1906."Mitteilungen des China-Instituts> n 19^1, Nummer 1-6 (als Manuekrlptgedruckt). Includes the Tatigkeitsbericht des China-Institutsflber das GeschaTtsjahr vom 1, April 19^0 bis 31* Marz 19^1.H Geopolitica* M A series of papers by Haushofer* Included area lecture on the campaign against Poland in 1939? correspondence with

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes 1336ContinuedEC 833 Jt 1^99898"border Hftr den Pall eines Akutwerdens achweizerischer Proble*$, * andparts of early drafts of ^Gedanken zur Priedensordnung" (see HC 833).A selection of douments apparently culled from the files ofAlbrecht Haushofer and grouped in this folder* Since AlbrechtHaushofer had "been arrested by the Nazis and was shot just "before theend of the war, it would appear likely that these papers had been inthe custody of his father and were found together with them. Includedare documents of great interest; carbon copy of a "Denkschrift,Gedanken zur Friedensordnung" submitted to Staatssekret&r Weizsackerin November 19^1 with the request to consider submitting it to Hitler(includes some pretty wild schemes)* A memo on a conference betweenAlbrecht Haushofer and Hess on 8 Sept* 19*40 about the possibility ofpeace with England. An authorization for Albrecht Haushofer to flyto the Fflhrerhauptquartier on 12 May 19^1 (in connection with Hessflight). A memorandum of April 1937 "Deutschland und die Kolonien,*with the Vermerk "Denkschrift fflr A.A. (Rahn)* » Initialled copy ofa memorandum on "Englische Beziehungen und die Mflglichkeit ihresEinsatzes" of 12 May 19^1 written for Hitler in connection with theHess flight; original of Nuremberg document PS-1671* A "Niederschriftfflr Hess, Frilhjahr 193^* Gedanken zu einer differenziertenLo'sung der Nicht-Arier-Frage," suggesting that Jews whose familieshad lived in Germany since 1799 legally be treated as non-Jews.Letter A. Haushofer to Hess (carbon) of 19 Sept. 19^0 answering oneof Hess of 10 Sept. concerning possible contact with the Duke ofHamilton; probably the original of Nuremberg document PS-1670. Amemorandum on the internal and foreign relations situation of Hungaryin the spring of 19^0 by Franz Springer, (rescMftsfahrender Vizepresidentder Vereinigung zwischenstaatlicher VerbUnde und Einrich^ungen. Copies of memoranda also included in HC 832* A carbon ofA. Haushofer's letter to his father written in stages, 10-13 Feb*1938, commenting and reporting on the changes growing out of theFritsch-Blomberg crisis; most interesting* Text of a secret speechof G-oerdeler to the Krupp-Direktorium, about 1937* A proposedNReichsgliederung 11 prepared in Nov*-Dec. 19^-1* A memo K Die Personalpolitikdes AuswaVtigen Amtes under dem Einfluss der Auslandsorganisation,tt 25 January 1938* A memo, Streng vertraulich, Nur zurpersdnlichen Verfdgung des Reichsministers, "Der Personalstand desAuswArtigen Dienstes, 11 2 March 193^» giving Ribbentrop A. Haushofer f s

Provenance Filmed let frame Noted 12ContinuedDr. Karl Haushofer HC 763 hh IT 1^99*430HO 767 k,767 «,-•767 1*768 mHC 783HOHC 831IT1^995731^995821^996131^99627HC 832 IT 11*99803Otto Kurz, Leiter des Amtes f• Technik, NSDAP Gau Schwaben,TDenkschrift €ber ein Deutsches Kanalkreuz als Kernstflck eineszentral-europaischen Wasserweges, n November 193&*Manuscript "by Dr. Erich Obst, professor of geography at theTechnische Hochachule Hannover, with three annexes: "Das DeutschtumSudwest- und Sudafrika; Gedanken tfber die Betreuung des Deutschtumsund die propagandist!sche Bet&tigung in die3em Lenderraum, " "Berichtauf Ansuchen dem Herrn Beichsminister Dr. Goetbels erstattet."Probably dates from about 193 1 *~35* Tn Q last page or two of the manuscriptare missing*A list of Haushofer ! s reviews in the Zeitschrift fttr Geopolitik,1937-39- See HC 913 d."Tagebuch literarischer Arbeiten. n A list of works by M.Hauahofer, presumably Karl Haushofer's father, written or publishedin 1856-1906."Mitteilungen des China-Instituts> n 19^1, Nummer 1-6 (als Manuekrlptgedruckt). Includes the Tatigkeitsbericht des China-Institutsflber das GeschaTtsjahr vom 1, April 19^0 bis 31* Marz 19^1.H Geopolitica* M A series of papers by Haushofer* Included area lecture on the campaign against Poland in 1939? correspondence with

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