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provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Ho tea 622 Walter Luetgebrune Luetgebrune;FilesMiscellaneousfolders2-3,5-1323 FTFT 11*81125Dr. Theo Morell FT 11*83527FT 1483659Folders, often not in order, containing material on a vide varietyof matters, primarily of the Weimar and early Nazi periods*Folder 2, miscellaneous political matters 1930-32 (includes Ludendorff);Folder 3, clippings and publications, 1926-28; Folder 5,1920-33; Folder 6, 1930 newspapers; Folder 7, Weimar period lettersand newspapers, including letters from Ernst von Salomon; Folder 8,1928; Folder 9 f general correspondence in 1933 when Luetgebrune hadsecured a position in the Reichsmlnisterium des Innern, apparentlyas Ministerialdirigent and later as Staatssekretfir, very interesting;Folder 20, 1926-355 Solder 11, 1922-28; Folder 12, 1922; Folder 13 tentirely miscellaneous*Personal correspondence of Luetgebrune, 1925; and a file on hisincome tax troubles, 1921-22.HOTEj Rolls 3*M& and R-45 of T-253 contain the papers of Dr. TheoMorell, Lelbarzt des Ffihrers* Host of the documents deal withMorell f s practice and the various factories he took over or influenced*There is extensive documentation on his efforts to push hisproducts and his correspondence with government and Party officialsin the furtherance of his widespread activities* There are also manyletters and appeals to him for intervention and help* References toHitler are few and widely scattered* There are frequent discussionsof the health of other high officials*The collection of Morell papers has been filmed as & whole with theexception of a few books, blank forms, and advertising circulars*The medical records of Hitler alluded to in the later editions ofTrevor-Roper's The Last Days of Hitler are not in this collection;it must, therefore, be assumed that tne collection does not representall the Morell papers that came into Allied hands at the end ofthe war*Correspondence between Morell and his Berlin clinic and variousother individuals, 19^3-44. Various medical matters. Officials whowere patients. Purchase of equipment*Correspondence and other material, 19*12-45. Business affairsof chemical and medical concerns controlled by Morell, primarily theKosoluper Farbenfabriken.

Serial Boll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes25 35Dr. Theo Morell13 p*If11^365Material on Morell ! s firms—Hamma GmbH, Hamburg, and KosoluperFarbenfabriken GmbH, Kosolup (Sudetenland), 19^3-UU»Eeport on the Kosoluper Farbenfabriken GmbH by the BetriebswirtschaftlichePrttfungstond freuhandgesellschaft, 20 March 19^.Material on More 11 1 s concerns, Hamma, Kosolup, and the MiloWerke, Olmfltz, 19*&.Material 19^3^^» Extensive correspondence concerning the experimentswith and introduction under Sfihrerbefehl of the Russiapowder, developed by Morell, for use by the German armed forcesagainst lice* Differences between Morell and General o"bers tab ear ztDr. Handloser (Chef Wehrmachtssanitlttswesen). Bormann's views onthe Heuordnung der Mediziner-Kompanien. Material on Dr. Werner Bockhacker,Leiter des Amtes Gesundheit und VoIks schutz of the DeutscheArbeitsfront* Miscellaneous other correspondence.Miscellaneous material, 1929-^2* Prames No. 1^8^366 and 1^8^367not used*Miscellaneous correspondence, 19^1-^5» primarily 19^U. Businessaffairs. Taking over of buildings for new projects of Morell.Draft of a new year's letter to the Duce (16 Dec. 19*&). Morell ! stroubles with various Party officials*Miscellaneous material and correspondence, 19^1-^1. IncludesMorell 1 s comments to Ley on the Gesundheitswerk des Deutschen Volkes,(see also folder 52).Miscellaneous material, 19^3-^. Much information on M's "businessventures* A letter concerning Prof* Hoffmann t s possible carryingof typhus.Miscellaneous material, 19^2-^U. Extensive documentation onM ! s businesses* His management of various institutes in the occupiedUSSR. Conversation with Beichsgesundheitsftfhrer Conti about medicalproblems in the Weibliche Arbeitsdienst (19 1 &)* Letter to Gdring of31 July 19^2 about M ! s troubles with Generaloberstabsarzt Dr. Hippke(Inspekteur des Sanitgtswesens der Luftwaffe) about his vitaminproducts. Other material*Miscellaneous material, mostly about M's medical and chemicalproducts, 19^3-45*Miscellaneous material, 19^1-^* Includes a letter to theHeilgymnast Paul Horn of 3 July 19^ who was temporarily in Italyfor Morell, probably to treat Mussolini.

Serial Boll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes25 35Dr. Theo Morell13 p*If11^365Material on Morell ! s firms—Hamma GmbH, Hamburg, and KosoluperFarbenfabriken GmbH, Kosolup (Sudetenland), 19^3-UU»Eeport on the Kosoluper Farbenfabriken GmbH by the BetriebswirtschaftlichePrttfungstond freuhandgesellschaft, 20 March 19^.Material on More 11 1 s concerns, Hamma, Kosolup, and the MiloWerke, Olmfltz, 19*&.Material 19^3^^» Extensive correspondence concerning the experimentswith and introduction under Sfihrerbefehl of the Russiapowder, developed by Morell, for use by the German armed forcesagainst lice* Differences between Morell and General o"bers tab ear ztDr. Handloser (Chef Wehrmachtssanitlttswesen). Bormann's views onthe Heuordnung der Mediziner-Kompanien. Material on Dr. Werner Bockhacker,Leiter des Amtes Gesundheit und VoIks schutz of the DeutscheArbeitsfront* Miscellaneous other correspondence.Miscellaneous material, 1929-^2* Prames No. 1^8^366 and 1^8^367not used*Miscellaneous correspondence, 19^1-^5» primarily 19^U. Businessaffairs. Taking over of buildings for new projects of Morell.Draft of a new year's letter to the Duce (16 Dec. 19*&). Morell ! stroubles with various Party officials*Miscellaneous material and correspondence, 19^1-^1. IncludesMorell 1 s <strong>com</strong>ments to Ley on the Gesundheitswerk des Deutschen Volkes,(see also folder 52).Miscellaneous material, 19^3-^. Much information on M's "businessventures* A letter concerning Prof* Hoffmann t s possible carryingof typhus.Miscellaneous material, 19^2-^U. Extensive documentation onM ! s businesses* His management of various institutes in the occupiedUSSR. Conversation with Beichsgesundheitsftfhrer Conti about medicalproblems in the Weibliche Arbeitsdienst (19 1 &)* Letter to Gdring of31 July 19^2 about M ! s troubles with Generaloberstabsarzt Dr. Hippke(Inspekteur des Sanitgtswesens der Luftwaffe) about his vitaminproducts. Other material*Miscellaneous material, mostly about M's medical and chemicalproducts, 19^3-45*Miscellaneous material, 19^1-^* Includes a letter to theHeilgymnast Paul Horn of 3 July 19^ who was temporarily in Italyfor Morell, probably to treat Mussolini.

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