GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Ho teeWalter Luetge"bruneFilesLuetgebrune;Beerfelde-Lichnowskyfolder 1Luetgebrune;Silgradt folder1FTITLuetgebrune; Eohde FTv* Wolff folders1-31^53002NOTE: Rolls 1-32 and R-33 of T-253 contain the papers of Dr* WalterLuetgebrune, noted lawyer in German political cases in the Weimarperiod* These files were found in "bad condition; an effort was madeto put them in order, but many of the folders are obviously not intheir original form* All the material is of great interest. Newspapers,clippings t fugitive publications, and similar items have beenincluded in the film as they are often unavailable elsewhere* Attentionis called to the miscellaneous folders at the end; they containinformation on many of the cases covered by other files* Miscellaneousfolder 13 contains an old inventory of the records*This collection has been filmed in its entirety with the followingexceptions: duplicates, 2J folders of purely private cases (perjury,murder, fraud, etc*), and miscellaneous folder U containing purelyprivate matters pertaining to Luetgebrune f s home* All the materialfilmed is on open film except for miscellaneous folder 1 which is inthe *R n category.Luetgebrune; Beerfelde-Lichnowsky folder 1* Luetgebrune f s fileon various cases involving Hanns Cteorg von Beerfelde, accused ofattempted treason for spreading material based on the Lichnoswky memo*randum on German foreign policy before World War I; for attacks onthe government; and for the distribution of leaflets connected withthe munitions strike* Luetgebrune was defense attorney; the casesinvolve Oberst Nicolai. 1918-19*Luetgebrune l s file on the case of August Wilhelm Silgradt,Ohefredakteur of the Bergisch-Markische Zeitung, 1923-2^. Silgradtwas accused of slandering Severing in matters connected with theSchlageter case* An extensive file of newspaper clippings on thematter is included*Files of a case Paul Eohde v« Firma Otto Wolff concerning thesale of the Sachsische Gusstahlwerke Dohlen-Aktien, 1930~33« Involvesthe Ver^inigte Stahlwerke and the Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft*

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