English, Latin - Mondoy Music

English, Latin - Mondoy Music English, Latin - Mondoy Music

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AC07 $20.00for Church Chorusin English and LatinAnthems for Ordinary Time & Solemnities and Feastsby Robert M. Mondoy

AC07 $20.00for Church Chorusin <strong>English</strong> and <strong>Latin</strong>Anthems for Ordinary Time & Solemnities and Feastsby Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>

Anthems for Church Chorusin <strong>English</strong> and <strong>Latin</strong>Anthems for Ordinary Time & Solemnities & Feastsby Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>TABLE OF CONTENTSNew Testament Canticle "Worthy Are You, O Lord" ...................... 5Psalm 131/Hymn ...........................................19God Arises! (Psalm 68: A Song of Triumph) ............................... 29Upon You Does the Lord Shine................................41Mighty and Wonderful (A New Testament Canticle) ....................51A Canticle from Paul’s Letter to Titus ...........................63Ave Plena Gratiae ..........................................73Quam Admirabile (Geminiano Giacomelli [1686-1743] arr. <strong>Mondoy</strong>) ..........93We Are Reborn in Love (Guillaume Dufay,[1397-1474] arr. <strong>Mondoy</strong> .........97Easter Suite (1980) [for a sacred concert] ........................ typeset pendingi

FROM THE COMPOSER’S DESKI composed these many arrangements as a prayerful compulsion, as a celebration ofthe Holy Spirit moving among all of God’s people at prayer. I am guided by the spiritof the church’s intent to restore the liturgy to a prominence in our daily lives. Iendeavor, even in my own musical and harmonic vocabulary, to produce a responsethat is communal and collective; I am convincedthat all of us share that same strong need toexpress, to God directly, and to one another,those rich and prayerful emotions contained inthese choral / assembly works.Many of these anthems were conceived as veryfestive Entrance processions, or as choralpresentations during the Preparation of the Gifts.These are not “songs of reflection” displacing the meditative silence after theCommunion procession. All were used in our Honolulu diocesan celebrations over thepast decades.A word to the choir; do prepare your presentation, and sincerely convey the emotionsof your texts. Choir directors; for those anthems involving the assembly, your cantorshould be visibly present to assist. A word to the accompanist; enjoy the intent of theaccompaniment. If you need, simplify things to suit you.ii

New TestamentCanticleAN ANTHEM FOR CHOIR & ASSEMBLYBY ROBERT M. MONDOY©1985 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

SOPRANOALTOTENORBASSORGANBriskly Briskly q=96q=96New Testament Canticlemff - 3 mf Sw: Reeds, closed box Wor-thyWor-thyare areWor-thyare mff Man. II FlutesGreatRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>you, O Lord, you,you,OOLord, Lord, S.A.5 Wor-thyare you, our God! Glo-ry and hon-or andpow - erbeyours!T.B.Wor-thyare Wor -you, our God! Glo-ry and hon-orandpow- erbe yours!thyareyou, our God!Glo-ryandhon-orandpow - er beyours!Org. Antiphon 1: Revelations 4: 11Antiphon 2: Philippians 2:10-11. Verses: Ephesians 1: 3,4,5-6,9-10©1985 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com.If this is a photocopy, your teacher / music director has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty for each unit. Mahalo.

211Cantor(s): S.A.f Ho-ly,ho- ly, ho- ly is the Lord Godal- might - y, He who was, and who T.B.mfWor- thy areyou,O Lord,Wor - thy areyou, our God! Glo- ry andOrg. mf Man. II S.A.T.B.Org.16 is and3whohon-orand istopow-erbe ff come.fyours!fmff 3Sw: Reeds, closed box Wor-thyare Wor-thyareWor-thyaremf Great

S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.322 you, O Lord, Wor - thy are you, our God! Glo - ry and hon-orand pow-erbe you, O Lord, Wor - thy are you, our God! Glo - ry and hon-orand pow-erbe you, O Lord, Wor - thy are you,our God! Glo-ryand hon-orand pow-erbe 28 q=116 yours! yours!f Glo - yours!3f For you have cre- q=116 Sw: Reeds, closed boxGreatf 34 ff ry! Hon - or! Glo - ry! Hon - or! Ho - ffa - ted all things, By your will they came to be and were made! Glo - ff A bit faster: in grand "1"

4S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.42 ly ry! 51 f isHon Wor-thyare f theLord!Lord,- or! Glo you,O Lord, God,al-might- ry! Hon--y!or!q=96q=96subito a temposubito a tempo 3 mf Sw: Reeds, closed box Wor - thy are you,our God!Glo - ry and hon-orand S.A.57 T.B.Org.pow-erbeyours! 3

Org. ff 63rit. 5S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.68h=63mf - fmf fh=63Broadly Letev' -rytongue, Letev' -ryheart Man. II FlutesGreat Singtotheglo- ry of 74 1.God theFa - ther: Je- sus Christ is1.Lord! poco accel.poco accel.2.2.Lord!slightly detached h=72h=72

6S.A.Org.S.A.Org.82 mp Praised be (a bit faster than the antiphon)theGod and Fa-therof our Lord mp Man III: Strings 87 us in Christ,3ev' - ry spi-ri-tualbless-ingin Je - sus Christ, who has be-stowedon f f theheav-ens.subito close box; add reedsS.A.T.B.93mfh=63LetA tempo (antiphon)ev' -rytongue, letev' -ryheartfSingtotheglo- ry of Org.h=63 mfGreat f

S.A.T.B.Org.T.B.Org.99 God the Fa 105 us be-forethe - ther: Jeworld be - gan -susfChristisLord! f f topoco accel.beho mp-h=76h=76 ly(a bit faster than the antiphon)mfGodMan III: Strings no ped.chose and 7T.B.110fOrg. blame his-lessin sight,tobefulloflove ashischild -fped.ren.poco rit.ff

8S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.h=63116ffh=63A tempo (antiphon)Al - le - lu Let ev' -ry Altongue,Let- le - lu- ia!Alev' -ry heartSing- ia!Alto-the -leglole-- ry of ffGreat 122 lu - ia! molto rit.Godlu the -Faia!- ther: Je - sus Christmolto rit. isLord! -Soprano solo128 q=80 Andante Org.God has giv-enusAndanteq=80 Man III: StringsMan II: Flutesthewis - dom toun-der-standthe my-ste- ry, the

Org.Org.Org.132 planof sal - va - tionto be car - ried out 135 to bring all things in the 139 head-ship,in-toone in3 the full-nessof time: hea - vens and on earth 3un-derChrist's in-toone3un-derChrist's3 head-ship,in-toone,in - to one3 in9

10S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.144 accel. Christ,one accel.inChrist. 150ia!heartia! AlSingAlto-the -leglole -- ry of -fh=63h=63h=63A tempo (antiphon) Al Let ev' -ry Alf GreatluGod lu - the - le - lutongue,Let- le - lu-ev' -ry ia! ffFa - ther: -ia!Je- - sus Christ is ff

S.A.T.B.Org.S.A.T.B.Org.157Lord! 161rit. rit. 11 fff

Assembly cut-out (see www.mondoymusic.com for reprint details)If you have "paid" copies of the choir/songleader version, then you may reprint gratis for the assembly for a one-time useassembly-sheetAnt. 1Briskly: ÜÜ Ü 3 4 H: ÜÜ Ü GHthyH‹ÞHH‹HGHHÞHHHH‹HGyou, our God!: ÜÜ Ü G‹Ant. 3Broadly: ß H H HLet: G H HÞG‹ry!HGGodNew Testament CanticleG‹Ftongue,HHtheGev'-ryglo- ry ofFa-G‹or!HLetGHther:H HG‹HHHon-ev'-ryGJe-HGsusÞG‹Hry!FheartG‹G‹Wor-are you, O Lord, Wor- thy areHGlo- ry and hon- or and pow- er be yours!Holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, He who was, and who is and who is to come.Ant. 1; thenAnt. 2Glo-Hon-Glo-G‹ChristRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>For you have created all things, by your will they came to be and were made! Holyis the Lord! Lord, God almighty! Ant. 1GSingHisG‹or!HtoHtheFLord!Women: Praised be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who has bestowedon us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens. Ant. 3Men: God chose us before the world began to be holy and blameless in his sight, tobe full of love as his children. Ant. 3Solo: God has given us the wisdom to understand the mystery, the plan of salvationto be carried out in the fullness of time: to bring all things in the heavens and onearth into one under Christ’s headship, into one under Christ’s headship, into one,into one in Christ, one in Christ. Ant. 3©1985 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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Psalm 131 /HymnAN ANTHEM FOR CHOIR & ASSEMBLYBY ROBERT M. MONDOYA HOMAGE TO BRAHMS ON THE OCCASION OF THESESQUICENTENIAL OF HIS BIRTHdedicated to my father,John J. <strong>Mondoy</strong>Spring, 1983©1983 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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ûüûüCalmlyó 100Ú Ú 6: 8 H‹ H‹H‹ H‹= Ú ¬Ú 6 8 H H… …H H H HH‹H‹a homage to J. Brahms honoring the sesquicentennial of his birthdedicated to my father John J. <strong>Mondoy</strong>H H H H H H HPsalm 131 / HymnH‹ Þ H H H HH Þ HHcresc.H H… … H H H HH H … …H HH H2rall..... a tempoH‹ H‹ H‹H H H H‹H‹ÞH H H«ÞH‹ H H‹H H H HH‹H H HHHHrH‹Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1983HrH H ‹Þ H‹®HH HHr H‹ H‹HHHHrÚ ÚÚ ÚÚ Ú ß:H H Ú HrÞ ‹ ÚÚHHrÚ H ÚHÚ ÚH H Hr G‹ G‹HG‹ Ú G‹ H H HHG‹ ØH H G‹H‹ Ú H‹¬− ª ¬° ¢= Ú Ú Ú ÚÚ ÚßH‹ HHHHr G‹H‹HHHHrH‹ HHHHr H‹ HHHHrH‹ HHHHr H‹HHHHr ÚÞ ÞH H H H H G‹ H G‹G‹ H ‹ ÚH‹ÙFerventlyþ Ú ÚÚ Ú ßýÿ:ûüûüð 80ˆunison‡ †¢HOhG‹Lord,HmyGheartHisHnotFproud,G‹ H: Ú Ú Ú Ú ß HH G H HG H H G H HG H H G H HG H H G HG H H G H H G H ÜHH G H Þ= Ú Ú Ú ¢Þ G HÚßH G H H G H H G H H G H H G H HHGGHHH á: Ú Ú Ú rubato.....þ ÚÜFG ˆÞGH‹ýH H H H‹ H H HG H H HÞGeyes haugh- ty.I bu- sy not my- self with great things, norýýý = Ú Ú Ú ÜFÿÚ G Ú ÞG ˆ H H H H‹ H H H Þ G H H H: Ú Ú Ú ÚÜ Ü H H GG GHH H HH GG H ÞF ¼ G (Ú) G ÞGH H G H G (Ú)G Ú ÞG GGG Þ HHH= Ú Ú Ú H G H Þ G H ÚH ˆ ˆ ‡ H H H©1983 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com. If this is a photocopy,your teacher / music director has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty for each unit. Mahalo. 1983 First prize Hawaiian Ecumenical Choir composition contest.norG‹areHmywithPsalm 131 / Hymn pg.1

þ: Ú Ú Ú Ú Þ ÞÞ ÞH H HÚH ÞH GH ÞHG Ü (Þ)Fý(Þ) G H H H Hthings too sub- lime for me.Nay, ra- ther IýAb-ý= Ú Ú Ú Þ ÚÚ (Þ) Þ ÞÞ FýÿH H HÞHH F Þ Ü (Þ) FÚ Ú Ú ÚÞ Þ Þ Þ: H H H Ú GH ÞHGF Ü (Þ) (Þ) G HHH H H = Ú Ú Ú Þ ÚÚ (Þ) H H HÞHH Þ ÞÞ H H H H H HF Þ Ü (Þ) H F HFûüped.haveH H G H HH HH H H HstilledFFba,FandH HH H H HH H HH HHHF HFqui-F ab-FH Het-edH H HmyH HH H H H HH H HFFþ: Ü GG‹ÚÞ ÚýF G G H H G G‹ † H H HHHH FGGý soul. Ab- ba, ab- ba;ý ba. Like a weanedso is my soul with- iný G‹= Ü H HÞÚýÿG‹child on its moth- er's lap,G H H H rH‹ H G G‹H H H †H HG G Ú{: Ü ÞÚ ÚG‹ H H G H H H H‹ rH G G‹ ˆ ˆûü= Üþ: Ú Ú 6 ý 8ýýýÿ= Ú Ú 6 8H HH H H H HF HëFme.H H H H H H H HFH H H H H H H HFFH HHH H HHHG‹ ˆ ˆ ˆvG‹ˆ ˆ ˆHˆÞÚ ÚûüFirst: Ú tempo ó 100Ú 6 8 H‹H‹ H‹ H‹H‹ H‹ H H H H H‹ Þ H H H HÞHH H= Ú ¬Ú 6 2 cresc.8 H H… … H HH HH H … … H H H HH H … …H H H HH‹ H‹H H H H‹ÞH‹H‹H HHrall.....HPsalm 131 / Hymn pg.2

: Ú a tempoÚ H‹83 6 H‹ÞH H H HrH H cresc. molto....‹8ÞH‹ ÞH H Ú Hr®‹ ÚÚHHÚrH ÚH Ú ûüH«= Ú H‹Ú 83 6 8H H H HrH HH‹H H H Hr H H H H HrH‹ H‹ H H H Hr H H H HrH‹ H‹ H H H HrH‹ûüMove toward new tempoÚ Ú G‹ H‹ÞH‹ßÞ Ú: G G‹ ‹H‹ H Ú HÜ H ‹H‹ H‹ Þ H‹ ÚH‹ H‹ Þ HH H ÞH Ú H H H H H HH− °HH «= Ú Ú ß Þ ÚH‹ HHHHr H‹HHHHrÞ Þ H H HHr H H HHrH‹ H‹ H H ÜHÜHHr H H H Hrª ®H HH‹ H‹ H H H H H H H HH H H H H HWith confidenceþ Úýÿ:ûü«HHHð 90HHHHHHYou who wait now, hope in the Lord though dark this night and dark be the way.: Ú G ‡H H H H¬= Ú H H H Hþ Úýÿ:HHHH,HHHH H H H HHHHHHHH HH H HHHHGH‹H H H G H‹H‹ H GH H H H H H H H H H H H H HGHHHHHHHH‹rHFH{ HHSoon in time theH‹H‹rH H HH H H {ˆûü: Ú= Úpath will be bright, andHHH H H H HH H H H H,HHHall night's sor- rows changedto thejoysH H H H H H H H‹ H‹rHH H H H H H HHH‹ofday.H H‹ H H HH H GGGH H H H{H G GPsalm 131 / Hymn pg.3

: ÚYou whoH‹ H H H now hopeH H H in the HLord{ HwaitHthoughHdark Hthis nightH H HandHdark H H be the Hway. SoonG H‹ H in timeþHý{ rÚý: HH H HH H H H H H H H HH H HG H‹H H H H‹ H H HýG { ý «You who wait, now hope in the Lord though dark this night and dark be the way. Soon in timeýýÿ= Ú H H H H H H H H H H H HHHH H HH H G H‹ r H‹ H H H{ : ÚH H H H H H H H H HH HH H HH H HG H‹rH H‹ H H Hûü «G= Ú H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H‹G H‹ H H H {: Úpath willH Hbe bright,H H H and all night's sor- rows changed to the joys of day!þ,H‹ H H H Hr H ýH{H‹ H Fý: Ú, H° rH H H H HH H H HH‹ýH H H H‹ H Fý{path will be bright, and all night's sor- rows changed to the joys of day!ýýÿ= ÚH H H H H H H H HrH H H H‹ H FF{Ú: HH H H,°HH H H H H H H H H‹ H‹r BroadlyH Ü Ü Þ Ü ÜÜ Hûü H ÜHÜHH= Ú H H H H H H H H H°H H HHªH‹ H ÜHH H Ü{ ÜHH H H ÜHÚ, Ú ÚÚ Ú: Þ ÜH‹ÜHÜ H ÜÜÞ H H‹Þ HH H ÚÞH HH H H G H HG H H H HH H HG H ûüH H= Ú ÜHH,ÚHÜHÚ Ú Ú ÜHHÚ ÚHHH H G H H G HH H ÜHH H H H: Ú Ú Ú Ú Þ Þ Þ Ú2 4 ßH H H H H H H H ‹H‹ H H Þ Þ Ü HÞHHH H H H H H HûüÜ Þ H H H‹ H H H H G G G= Ú Ú Ú +reeds ©Ú H H H H H‹Þ Þ Þ ÚH2G HH H H HGH H H °H HHH 4 ßH H H Ü Ü HH H H‹H H‹ H H ÜHG GH H ÜHFdesc. «theHthemolto allargando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Psalm 131 / Hymn pg.4

desc.assembly:þ: Ú H H H H H H H H H H HýH H« Come, you ser- vants, come bless the Lord, you stand and watchý: Ú H‹ H{ H H H H H H H H H H H H H Hýý « Come, you ser- vants, come bless the Lord, you stand and watch through allý: ÚHH H Hý H H H «H H H H H H H Hý Come, you ser- vants, come bless the Lord, you stand and watchýýÿ= Ú H H H H H H H H H H H HH HHHHH H GÚ:«H H H HHHH H HHH H H HHH H H H GH H H ‹ûüG H‹= Ú H H HH H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H G H‹H H H G H‹H H H G H‹ H{ H HmadeH H H G H‹ H{ H Hof the night. God who rmadeHH G H‹H H H‹ H H H G {through all of the night. God whothethethrough all of the night. God who made theH‹ H r H HH‹ H{H HH rH H H H r HHH H Hþ Úý :ýý Úý :ýý: Úýýýýÿ= ÚûüÚ:= ÚHHHHearth and the skyHHHHearth and the sky,HwillHwill, HH H H H Hearth and the sky willH H H H H H H H H HHHHHblessH‹blessHyourH{yourHwait-Hwait-HingHingH H H Hblessyourwait-ingH H H HH H H HHwithHwithHallHallHhisHhisH‹loveH‹lovechoose one of two endings:rHandrHandFlight.Flight.rH H H H‹H‹ H F{with all his love andH H H H‹ H rlight.H H H H‹ H FF{choose one of two endings:HH H H H H H H HH‹H H H H H‹r ‹ HHF −HH H H H H HH H H HH G G H H H HH H G G H H H HPsalm 131 / Hymn pg.5

â 1þý : Úýýýýÿ= Úûü: Ú= ÚA-HGmen,Ha-H G H H G HHHHþ: Ú êFýýýýÿ= Ú êFûü: Ú= Ú(men.)GHÞHH H HÞHH H HÞ HHHHÜFGGÞFÞG Ü ªG H H G HH H HH ÞFH H H Þ Fˆˆ,,subitoØÜGGvÜGA-ÜGGv Þ GÜ Ù Gve lentoØÞGmen.GÞGÞGGGGfinefineªmen.FGÜÜFGmen.FFÜ Ü ÜFÜORâ 2Fª A-FFªFÜ G GÙF FFGmen.GFFFmen.FFFPsalm 131 / Hymn pg.6

Assembly cut-out (see www.mondoymusic.com for reprint details)If you have "paid" copies of the choir/songleader version, then you may reprint gratisfor the assembly for a one-time use assembly-sheetPsalm 131 \ HymnRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor are my eyes haughty. I busy not myself with greatthings, nor with thing too sublime for me. Nay rather I have stilled and quieted mysoul. Like a weaned child on its mother’s lap, so is my soul within me.Choir sings Vrs. 1, then all sing:: Ú ß HÚ:1. You2. Come,Hdarkstand: Ú H‹: Ú HSoonGodHwhoyouHthisandHH{inwhoHHwait,ser-HnightwatchHtimemadeHnowvants,Hall night's sor- rowsbless your wait-ingHHhopecomeHand darkthrough allHthetheHHpathearthchangedwithHtoallHHin thebless theHwillandHthehisHbeofHbetheHLordLord,HthetheH‹joyslove©1983 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.comHGway.night.HthoughyouHbright, andsky willrHofandFday.light.

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$2.00God Arises!Psalm 68: “A Song of Triumph”Le Christ Pantocrator de l'église de Daphni (Grèce, 1090-1100)AN ANTHEM FOR CHOIR AND ASSEMBLYBY ROBERT M. MONDOY©1983 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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XII.29.83Marching eighths; fiercely*God Arises!(Psalm 68; "A Song of Triumph") for choir, assembly, & organRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, XII.29.83Dedicated to Teresa <strong>Mondoy</strong>e=108 ff 1. God a-ri- ses!God a-ri- ses! His ff 1. God a-ri- ses!God a-ri- ses! His ff 1. God a-ri- ses!God a-ri- ses! His Marching eighths; fiercely*e=108 3 33 f 3 *N.B. the emotion is stately; the use of diminutive note-values is intended to aid in the reading of the rhythm.5 en - e-miesare scat - tered!All who hate en - e-miesare scat - tered!All who hate en - e-miesare scat - tered!All who hate 3 mf himhimhimff flee flee flee be - fore him!be - fore him!be - fore him! ©1983 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817 (808).845.8405. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com > Publications > Students.If this is a photocopy, your teacher has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty for each unit. Mahalo.

28 a bit slowere=100 mfAsa bit slowersmoke is3 dri-vena - way 33 so are they dri - ven!3 so are they dri - ven! fAswax melts be-forethe firee=100 3 11 so the wick ed so the wick 3 - pe - rish be - fore God!3 - ed pe - rish be - fore God! But 3subito joyouslyq.=52 ffftheBut thesubito joyouslyq.=52ffjust But the just But the just but the just rerere ---

14 joice, joice,joice, and ex-ultbe-foreour God! 19q=85 mf 2. Sing mf 2. Sing mfMarch mf2. Sing mf2. SingMarchq=85 to God, ffffffffslowing...q.=46theytheytheyTheyslowing...q.=46 chant praisetohis name, to God, chant praise to God, chantpraise to to his name, to his name, ex God, chantpraise to his name, are glade=88 are gladareare gladglade=88 ex - tol him ex - tol him - tol himex - tol him who rides who rideswho rides and re - joice! and re - joice! and re - joice! and re - joice! up-onthe clouds, whose up on who ridesup-onthe clouds, whose- the clouds, whoseup-onthe clouds, name is the Lord; name is the Lord; name whose name is the Lord; is the Lord; 3

424 rall. f f f f 3 ex-ultbe-forehim;3 the Lord! ex-ultbe-forehim, the Lord!3 3 fa -therof or-phansand the de-fend-erof wi-dowsisrall. ex-ultbe-forehim, the Lord!mfThe fa -therof or-phansand the de-fend-erof wi-dowsis3 3 ex-ultbe-forehim,the Lord!`mfThe3 3 is 28GodGodGodGod in in in in q=60mphis ho - ly dwell- ing. God his ho - lyhis ho - lyhis ho - lympmpmpq=60 dwelldwelldwellTenderlyTenderlyAdagio moltoq=46 - ing. God- ing. God- ing. Godto the for - sa - ken.Adagio moltoq=46 givesgivesgivesgivesaaaahomehomehomehometototo the for the for the for - sa - ken.- sa - ken.- sa - ken.

Marching eighths; fiercely35e=108 ff 3. Show forth pow - er! ff 3. Show forth pow - er! Marching eighths; fiercelye=108 33 f 3 ff 3. Show forth pow - er!ff 538 Show your pow - er! Show your pow - er! Show your pow - er! O O OGod, our God-de-fend- er! God, our God-de-fend- er! God, our God-de-fend- er! 3 3

640 mf For your tem -plein For your tem -pleinFor your tem -plein Je ruFor your tem -plein a bit slowere=100 Je - ru - sa-lem, Je - ru - sa-lem, - - sa-lem, Je - ru - sa-lem, let the kings bring you gifts.a bit slowere=1003 the herd of strong bulls,3 the herd of strong bulls, 3Re-bukethe beast of the reeds, 3 44subito joyouslyq.=52 3the herd of strong bul - locks; 3almost shouted:the herd of strong bul-locks; ffthe na - tions,Let them And the bul-locksff3 Let themsubito joyouslyq.=52

747 let them prosff - trate them-selves! fflet them pros - trate them - bow,letthem pros- trate themselves!- selves!ffletthem bow be - fore the Lord! slowing...50 q.=46 scatscat BreakBreakslowing...q.=46- ter the na f - ter the nae=88- tions who take themthem - tions who take whowhotaketakejoyjoyjoy joy in in inin war!war!war!war!e=88

853Marchq=85 mf 4. Sing mf 4. Sing mf4. Singmf4. SingMarchq=85 to God, you king-domsofthe earth, and chant his praise, who rides on in the heights oftoto God, you king-domsofthe earth, God, you king-domsof and chant the earth, and chant his mf his praise, who rides on in the heights of praise, who rides on in the heights ofto God, you king-domsofthe earth, and chant his praise, who rides on in the heights skies made long a-go; skies made long a-go;skies made long a - go;of skies made long a-go;58 f f ff f3 pro-claimthe pow-erof God!3 pro-claimthepow-erof God!pro-claimthepow-erof God!33 pro-claimthepow-erof God! mfmf 3mfmf mfLoud;Loud;Loud;hishishisvoicevoicevoiceLoud; his voice re - sounds with glo-riousmight;re - - sounds with glo-riousmight; re sounds with glo-riousmight; re-soundswith glo-riousmight; his his hishis

962 ff ma- jes - ty is ma - jes ty - isma - jes - ty is ma - jes - ty is ov- er Is-ra- el; blest ov - er Is-ra- el; blest ov-erIs-ra- el; blest ov - er Is-ra- el; blest ffbe ffbe ffbebeffourourourourGodGodGodGod whowhowhowho givesgivesgivesgiveshishishishispeopeopeopeo----pleplepleple 68molto rall. fff strength! A fff strength! Afffstrength! fffstrength!molto rall.AA - men,a- men,a- men,a - men,a3 3---- 3 3men!men!men!men!

Assembly cut-out (see www.mondoymusic.com for reprint details)If you have "paid" copies of the choir/songleader version, then you may reprint gratisfor the assembly for a one-time use assembly-sheetMarching God Arises! Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>1. God arises! God arises, his enemies are scattered! All who hate him flee before him! As smoke isdriven away so are they driven! As wax melts before the fire so the wicked perish before God! Butthe just rejoice and exult before our God; they are glad and rejoice!Hymn: Ú ß H2. SingÚ H‹:HtoHH‹rHH‹H HHGod, chant praise to hisHHH‹rHrides up-onthe clouds, whose name†3H H HrH H G‹ex- ult be- fore him; the Lord!: Ú H: Ú H4. SingHtoH‹rrHHH‹HHHHH‹H‹name,ex-H HisØGHtoltheH‹rHhim whoGLord;† [choral interpolation]2. Cont’d: The father of orphans, and the defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling. God givesa home to the forsaken.3. Show forth power!, Show your power, O God, our God-defender! For your temple in Jerusalem,let the kings bring you gifts. Rebuke the beast of the reeds, the herd of strong bulls, and the bullocks,the nations, the herd of strong bullocks. Let them bow, let them prostrate themselves, let them bowbefore the Lord. Break them, scatter the nations who take joy in war!rHÚ H ‹::Ú GH HHHHGjes-ov- er Is-ra-el; blest bepeo-GpleGstrength!GA-GGHHHskies made longourmen,ÜHa-G† HH‹GodHLoud;GH HwhorHsounds with glo-riousmight; hisma-ÜFHHa-HhisH‹Ggo;H‹H HGvoicetygivesÞFmen!©1983 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.comGHishisrHre-God, you king-domsoftheearth, andchanthispraise, whoÚ H‹ H H:H H H H‹rides on in the heights ofÚ3r† H H H r:H H H G‹pro- claim the pow-er of God!: Ú rH‹ H H H H‹ H

$2.00Upon You Doesthe Lord ShineAN ANTHEM FOR CHOIR & ASSEMBLYBY ROBERT M. MONDOY© 1977 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

Original title pagefrom manuscript, 1977. Dedicated to Jason K.M. Lee (1944-1979)No, I didn’t place in the Moravian anthem contest, but I like the piece just the same. rmm

after Isaiah 60Upon You Does the Lord Shine(An anthem for choir and assembly)Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong> X.28.1977SopranoAltoTenorBassPiano orOrganModerato, not all all fast q = 108mf 1. Rise,mfnow, insplen- dor, for your light iscome:theglo the- ry ofLordshines bright. Raise 1. Rise, now, in splen - dor, for your light is come: the glo-ryof the Lord shines bright.mf 1. Rise, now, in splen - dor, for your light is come: the glo-ryof the Lord shines bright.mf 1. Rise, now, in splen - dor, for your light is come: the glo-ryof the Lord shines bright. mf Manual I RaiseRaiseRaise7 mp now your eyes,Je- ru - sa - lem. Forna- tions gaze, whosepow-erandmightseemfad - ed 'gainstyour nownow your eyes, your eyes,JeJe mp- ru - sa - lem. Formp- ru - sa - lem. For na - tions gaze, whose na - tions gaze, whose pow - er andmightseem pow - er andmightseemfad - ed 'gainst your fad - ed 'gainst your nowyour eyes, Je mp- ru - sa - lem. For mp na - tions gaze, whose pow - er andmightseemfad - ed 'gainstyour ©1977 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com.If this is a photocopy, your teacher / music director has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty for each unit. Mahalo.

212 glo glo mp glo - rious light. Up - on you does the Lord shine, mpglo-ri-ouslight. Up - on yoump - rious light. Up - on yoump - rious light. Up - on you mp updoes the Lord shine; updoes the Lord shine; updoes the Lord shine; up - on you is his - on you- on youisishishis- on you is hisgloglogloglomf- ry! 2. They mf - ry! 2. Theyf- ry! 2. Na f - ry! 2. Namf ter,shall en - shallen - ter,- tions shall- tions shallManual II 18 nana en en - tions strong, to - tions strong, torere- terto- terto - build your ruin - ed walls, their kings - build your ruin - ed walls, theirre - build your walls,re - build your walls, kingstheir kingstheir kingsshall shall bend shall bendshall bendand bendand andand waitwaitwaitwaitononon on you; raiseyou, raise you, raiseyou, raise

23 3 now your eyes, Je - ru - sa - lem! Thoughpainedand pun- ished, parched, be- sieged, your heart will throb; now now your eyes, Je - ru - sa- lem! Thoughpainedand pun- ished, parched, be - sieged, your heart will throb; now eyes, Je - ru - sa- lem! Thoughpainedand pun- ished, parched, be- sieged, your heart will throb; now eyes, Je - ru - sa lem! - Thoughpainedand pun- ished, parched, be- sieged, your heart will throb; now f mp you are free! Up - on you does the Lord shine, up - on you is his mer - cy.f mp you are free! Up - on you does the Lord shine, up - on you is his mer - cy.f mp are free! Up - on you does the Lord shine, up - on you is his mer - cy.f mp are free! Up - on you does the Lord shine, up - on you is his mer - cy.Soprano solo mf 3. Once for-sa-ken,Tenor solo mf 3. Once for - sa-ken, f Manual III (flutes)mp p now your now your 28 you you no ped.

434 once des-pised,a once des-pised,a- ban - doned through your - ban - doned through yoursin,sin,thethe pride ofpride ofaa- ges, Yah - ges, Yah - weh's own, raise- weh's own, raise 39 and mp In- stead of bronze, I'llbringyougold,peaceun- end - ing, mpIn - stead of bronze, I'llbringyou gold, andpeaceun - end - ing, mp In- stead of bronze, I'llbringyougold, andpeaceun- end - ing, now now your eyes, Jeyour eyes, Je- ru mpmp In - stead of bronze, I'll- sa-lem. In - stead ofmp- ru - la - lem. In - stead of mpbronze, I'll bronze, I'llbringbringyou bringyouyougold, andgold, andgold, andpeacepeacepeaceunun- end - ing, un- end - ing, - end - ing,

44 rit. A tempopp ff lengthlength unun length un - length--told.told.told. Up - on you is his good-ness.ppUppp - on youis hisgood-ness.Up - on you is his good-ness.pp 4. Praiseff4. Praiseff4. Praisefftototothethethe5 length length 50 FaFa Fa Faun-told.f un-told.Up - on you does the f un-told.Up - on you does the Lord - ther, Son, and- ther, Son, and- ther, Son, andUp - on youpp Lord shine, up - on you pp shine, up - on youisisishishishisgood-ness.good-ness.good-ness.4. Praisetothe (Instrumental descant) pp Great ff Ho - ly Ghost;Ho - ly Ghost;Ho - ly Ghost;weweweped.singsing our riousour glo- prais-esbright; wesing ourglo-riousprais-esbright; weglo-riousprais-esbright; werise, therise, therise, thenew Je -new Je -new Je -- ther, Son, andHo - ly Ghost; wesing ourglo-riousprais-esbright; werise, the new Je -

656 ruru ru rumf- sa - lem. Themf - sa - lem. Themf- sa - lem. Themf- sa - lem. The sunsunsunsunand moon shall and moon shall and moon shall and moon shall ne-versetne down with - er set down ne - ver set ne - ver setwithdown withdown withGod's lightGod'sGod'slight lightGod's light shinshinshin--inging mfManual II shin --inging60 bright,bright, bright, bright, un - bound. Upun- bound. Up un - bound. Upun - bound. Up- on you does Manual I no ped. - on youdoes - on you does- on youdoesthethethetheLordLordLordLordshine. Praiseshine. Praise shine. Praiseshine. PraiseGreatped.DeliberatelyGod,God,God,God, ffal - le - lu - ia!ff al- le - lu - ia!ff al - le - lual-ia!ff- le - lu - ia! ff

Assembly cut-out (see www.mondoymusic.com for reprint details)If you have "paid" copies of the choir/songleader version, then you may reprint gratisfor the assembly for a one-time use assembly-sheetModerato Psalm 131 \ Hymn Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>: Ú Ú ß G: Ú Ú G: Ú Ú HH1. Rise, now,2. Na- tions4. Praise tocome:walls,Ghost;† H H‹HthetheirweHHinshalltheHHGGsplen-dor,en-terFa-ther,rHryshallourHHglokingssingofbendglo-HHHfortoSonHHHHyourre-andlightbuildHo-HisyourlyHÚH‹the Lord shines bright. Raiseand wait on you, raiserious prais-es bright; wenowyoureyes, Je- ru- sa- lem. For na- tions gaze, whosenowyoureyes, Je- ru-sa-lem!Thoughpainedand pun-ished,rise, the new Je- ru-sa-lem. The sun and moon shall: Ú Ú H: Ú Ú H: Ú Ú GHpow- erparched,ne-verLordLordLordHÞHandbe-setgloyoubright,riousareun-HHshine,shine,shine.HHmight seemsieged, yourdown withHlight.free!bound.Hup-up-PraiseHUp-Up-Up-HononGod,ÞHHHonononÜHyouyoual-Hle-isislu-HedwilllightÞHyouyouyouHH{ÜHhishisHHHHHHfadheartGod's'gainst yourthrob; nowshin-ingHdoesdoesdoesGglo-glo-ia!HthethetheGry!ry!(Choral duet) 3. Once forsaken, once despised, abandoned through your sin, thepride of ages, Yahweh’s own, raise now your eyes, Jerusalem. Instead of bronze,I’ll bring you gold, and peace unending, length untold. Upon you does the Lordshine, upon you is his glory!©1977 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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$2.00Mighty andWonderful(A New Testament Canticle)AN ANTHEM FOR CHOIR & ASSEMBLYBY ROBERT M. MONDOY©1985 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

Andante q = 116Soprano cantor (solo) 1. Might - y and won-der- ful are Mighty and Wonderful Are Your Works(A New Testament Canticle) your works, O might - y God! Right-eousand trueRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1985 are your ways, O King of all 8 hearts! Forfromyou, and through youand in you all ex - ist; Mayglo - ry be yours for ev-er.Al-le- lu- trompette 16 poco rit. ia,al - le - lu 1. Might 2. Since - ia! 1. Might2. SinceVerse 1,2: SATB w/ assembly unison1. Might2. Since1. Might2. Since - y and won-der- ful are youryou a - lone are Lord, you a - works,lone- y and won-der- ful are your works, Oyou a - lone are Lord, you a - lone the - y and won-der- ful are your works, Oyou a - lone are Lord, you a - lone the - y and won-der- ful are your works, Oyou a - lone are Lord, you a - lone the Vrs. 1: PrincipalsVrs. 2 + Mixtures Othe might-yHo - lymightHomightHomightHo- y- ly----ylyylyGod!One;God!One;God!One;God!One; Verses1, 2: Revelations 15: 3-4, Colossians 1:16Choral Interpolation: Colossians 1: 12-20

223 RightAll RightAllRightAll RightAll - eous and truena -tionscome - eous and truena - tions come- eous and truena - tions come- eousna -andtions truecome are your ways, O King of alland a - dore you, King of all are your ways, O King of alland a - dore you, King of all are your ways, O King of alland a - dore you, King of all are your ways, O King of alland a - dore you, King of all hearts!hearts!hearts!hearts!hearts!hearts!hearts!hearts!ForForForForForForForForfromfromfromfromyou,you, and throughand through you, and throughyou, and throughfromyou, andfrom you, andfromfromyou,you, throughthrough and throughand through youyou,youyouyouyouyouyou andandandandinin andandinin andandinin ininyouyouyouyouyouyouyouyouallallallallallallallallex -ex -ex -ex -ex -ex -ex -ex - 30 poco rit. 1. ist;ist; ist;ist;ist;ist; ist;ist; MayMayMayMayMayMayMayMaygloglogloglogloglogloglo--------ryryryryryryryry bebebebeyours foryours for yours foryours for bebeyours foryours for bebeyours foryours for ev - er.ev - er. ev - er.ev - er.ev - er.ev - er.ev - er,ev - er,AlAlAlAlAlAlAlAl------lelelelelele------lulululululu------ia,ia,ia,ia,ia,ia,alalalalalal------lelelelelele------lulululululu --lele--lulu--ia,ia,alal--lele--lulu--------1.ia!ia!ia!ia!

37A tempo2. ia!rit.3 ia! ia! ia! A temporit.2. 3 ped.mf[Choral Interpolation]Subito Largo42 q=54-60mf mfmf Let Subito Largoq=54-603 Let us giveus give thanksLet us give thanks tomfLetusthankstoGod mp 3toGodthegive thanksGodthe theFa Fato-3 therGod 3 3Fa - ther for- ther forthefor 3 33 [End of Verse 2]33 fffhav - ing made you wor hav -ingmade you wor - thy hav - ing made you Fa - therforwor-thy - thyto hav- ing made you wor-

446 rit.A temposubito Maestoso3 q=54q=72 3 to share the lot of the saints in light; He res-cuedusfrom the pow-erof dark-nessand to share the lot thy 3 share the lot of the saintsto3 3of the saintsin light;share in light;the lot rit.HeHeA tempoq=54 ness res-cuedusfrom the pow-erof dark- and He 50 3 3 brought us in to 3res-cuedusfrom the pow-erof dark-nessand ness3 3of the saints in light; res-cuedusfrom the pow-erof dark- and3 3 3 3 3 3 subito Maestosoq=72 3brought us in-tothe king-domof his be -lov-edSon. Through him we have re -demp- tion, and the for -give-nessofour sins.3 3 brought us in-tothe king-domof his be - lov - ed Son.3 3 3 3 3- the king-domof his be -lov-edSon. Through him we have re -demp- tion, and the for -give-nessofour sins. 3 3brought us in-tothe king-domof his be - lov - ed Son.3 3

56 rit. A tempoq=725fof all He is the im-ageof the peer-lessGod, the first - born ffcre of all cre - a - tion.- a - tion.He is the im-ageof the peer-lessGod,rit. fthe first - bornof all cre - a - tion.of all cre - a - tion.A tempoq=72 mf f 3 ff61 Coming to a stop... molto rit.q=44 In him all was made,subito mpno ped.Coming to a stop...through him all was made, molto rit.ped.8ve up for him all was made.for him all was made.q=44 Tenderlyq=63Heis mp Tenderlyq=63 mp no ped. be-foreall else that is. principals

666 mf3 3It is he who is headof3 the bo- dy; the Church, mp In him 3 3ev - ry-thingcon - ti-nuesin be 3 3 3 tierce -ing. 3 principals3 70 mf 3 3 he who is the be - gin - ning,the first tierce 3 3 - born of the dead,

772 3so that pri - ma - cy may be his in ev - 'ry - thing. mf 3 mf

875Solo soprano or tenor cantor It pleased God to makediapason ab - so-lutefull-ness re - side in him and,by meansofhim, to re3 -con-cile 79 rit. ev 'ry- -thingand 3ev -'ry-onein his per-sonthrough the blood of his cross,rit. 3 mp mak-ingpeace.mp 3Original hymn tempo84q=116 3. Who 3. Who3. Who 3. Whowouldwouldwouldwould Original hymn tempoq=116ig - nore this ig - nore this ig - nore thisdeed?deed?deed?ig - nore this deed? Who could dare dis - dain this love?Who could dare dis - dain this love? dain love? love?Who could dare dis - thisWho could dare dis - dain this WhoWhoWhoWhocouldcouldcouldcould de - ny allde - ny allde - ny allde - ny all thethethethe

90 glo glo -rydue to your name? For -rydue to your name? For glo glo-rydue to your name? For -rydue to your name? For fromyou from you andfrom fromyouyou and through and through and you and through you andyouand through you andin you all youin in you allin youexallexall 97 rall.- ist; May glo-ry- ist; May glo- ryglobeglobe - ry be yours for - ry beyours for yours for ev-er.Al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia! ev - er and ev-er!A-men,a-men,al-lelu - ia, al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia! yours for ev-er.Al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia! ev - er and ev-er!A- men, a-men,al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia, al-le- lu - ia!rall. 9

Assembly cut-out (see www.mondoymusic.com for reprint details)If you have "paid" copies of the choir/songleader version, then you may reprint gratis for the assembly for a one-time useassembly-sheetSoloist sings Vrs. 1, then all sing:: Ü ß G: Ü H: Ü H: Ü G: Ü Gmight-Ho-dainH HHH‹yyouwouldylythisthroughthroughthrough: Ü Gia,ia,ia,GrHGod!One;love?HKingKingdue toH‹youyouyouH‹ryryryHMighty and WonderfulHofofHallallyourrHandandandrHbebebeHHGRight-AllWhoHinininHyoursyoursyoursHlu-lu-lu-al-al-al-le-le-le-lu-lu-lu-HGGfulLord,deed?H‹hearts!hearts!name?HyouyouyouHforforforGForForForHHallallallex-ex-ex-glo-glo-glo-ev-ev-ev-H{eousna-couldandtionsde-HHHHH1. Might-2. Since3. Whoanda-ig-wonlonenorederarethisare your works, Oyou a- lone theWho could dare dis-Hways, Odore you,glo-ryer.er.er.H G Fia!ia!ia!GtruecomenyGfromfromfromHGist;ist;ist;HHare yourand a-all theH‹you,you,you,G[tag "Alleluia"]Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>GMayMayMayrHandandandHAl-Al-Al-le-le-le-[to Choral interpolation]Choir: Let us give thanks to God the Father for having made you worthy to share the lot of the saintsin light; He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his belovedSon. Through him we have redemption, and the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the peerle4ssGod, the first-born of all creation. In him all was made, through him all was made, for him all wasmade. He is before all else that is. In him everything continues in being. It is he who is head of thebody; the Church, he who is the beginning, the first-born of the dead, so that primacy may be his ineverything. Solo: It pleased God to make absolute fullness reside in him, and, by means of him, toreconcile everything and everyone in his person through the blood of his cross, making peace.©1985 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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$2.00A Canticle fromPaul's Letter toTitus"By the Kindness and the Love of God"A CANTICLE FOR ASSEMBLY & CHOIRBY ROBERT M. MONDOY©1994 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Mahalo for calling before photocopying 808.845.8405.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

ÿÿPiano EditionCantor:þ: ÜÜ ßýý «ýýý= Ü Ü ßýPianoH{1.2.3. By4.A Canticle from Paul's letter to TitusHHBy theIn thethe re-Jus- ti-ˆ: ÜÜ ß H H Hûü{«= ÜÜ H H Hß {Assembly: ÜÜ HBÜ1. kind-2. bap-3. new-4. fiedChoirþý : ÜÜýýýýý = Ü ÜûüHH H HH1. kind-2. bap-3. new-4. fied: ÜÜ= Ü Ünessti- smalby theHH H Hnessti- smalby theHB Ü (sus4)HHHkind- ness and the lovebap- ti- sm ofnew- al of the Hofiedby the grace ofGGHHHand the love ofof newof the Ho- lygrace of ChristHHHHand the love ofof newof the Ho- lygrace of ChristHGHE Ü /CHˆEÜ /B ÜH{H{God,birth,Spi-Je-GHGod,birth,Spi-Je-BÜ 9/DHHH H HHrit,sus,Hrit,sus,H-F7(sus4)/EÜHofnewlyChristGF9God;birth;Spirit;Jesus;‡¬rHSM 107.1Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1994F7HHALL: By theALL: In theALL: By the re-ALL: Jus- ti-H{H HHGG{G HHH H¬HHG HHH{††H{HHby thein theby the rejus-ti-H{HHby thein theby the rejus-ti-EÜ 6/FHkindbapnewfiedHH H HHkindbapnewfiedF7HrHHHHness and the love ofti- sm of newal of the Ho- lyby the grace of ChristHH H HHHHHness and the love ofti- sm of newal of the Ho- lyby the grace of ChristH H H H H H H GH H † H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H †H GH H H H HH H H HGHGH H HH H H H H H HG H G{{H H H HH H H H H H HH H H H H H HG H G1©1994 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music:www.mondoymusic.com. If this is a photocopy, your teacher / music director has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty foreach unit. Mahalo.

ÿÿBÜ: ÜÜ HHHF/AÞHHGm7HGHHC9H3HHC7GF† F/E ÜHHþý : ÜÜýýýýýý = ÜÜûü: ÜÜ= ÜÜ1. God2. birth3. Spi- rit,4. Je- sus,H1. God2. birth3. Spi-4. Je-B ÜHrit,sus,wewewewehave beenare madehave God'sare setÞHH H Hwewewewehave beenare madehave God'sare setH H H HHH: ÜÜ HHHHBÜ /DHsaved,heirspeace;free;Gsaved,heirspeace;free;to theH H HH H HGÞHHH H Gto theH H HH H HHH H G H3HHE ÜGal- le- luking-dom ofal- le- lual-le- lu-3H H ÞHal- le- luking-dom ofal- le- lual-le- lu-† E Ü /DH H H H HH3Þ H H3HH3HHHia!God!ia!ia!Gia!God!ia!ia!†Praise God'sPraise God'sPraise God'sPraise God'sH HPraise God'sPraise God'sPraise God'sPraise God's†G H H HG‹ H H H H H H HHH H H (Ü)HHHCmHCm7/EÜHHHHH3HHHHHþý : ÜÜýýýý = ÜÜûü: ÜÜ= Ü Ücy,al-le-3lu-ia;praise God'smer-H H H H H G † HH HHH H H H Hcy,al-le-lu-H H H H HG3H H H H H GH H H H H H H H H H Hia;praise God's†G H H HGHHHHHHHH†HHHHHHHHHHHHHmer-cy,cy,al-al-le-3le-mer-lu-mer-lu-H H H H H3GH H H H H GH H H H H H H H H H H2

ÿÿF: ÜÜ Gþý : ÜÜýýýýý = Ü Üûü: ÜÜ= Ü Üia;Gia;: ÜÜ G† F/E ÜHHDHpraise God's mer-Hcy,D/F ÚHal-3HHle- lu-† H HH H H H Hpraise God's mer-cy,al-3le- lu-«G † ÚH H HH H H H ÚHH HH H H H H H H H HH H H H H HCm71. saved,2. heirs,3. peace,4. free,ªF7Halalalal-H HHH H3lelelele-3H HHlulululu-þ: ÜÜG H H ýHªý 1. saved, al- le-ý2. heirs, al- le-3. peace, al- le-ý 4. free, al- le-ýý = Ü ÜHG H HH3: ÜÜålocoG H H Hª3= Ü ÜG H HHHûü3lulululu-«Gm7H‹ia!H{1. For2. For3. For4. ForHCm7weweweweHhavearehaveareHbeenmadeGod'ssetrH‹ H H H H{ia!3G HH H H H H H H‹H‹3Ú H H H H HH HH 3H HH H‹ÚH H‹FBÜia!ia!ia!ia!Fia!ia!ia!ia!FFFF31. For2. For3. For4. ForwewewewehavearehavearebeenmadeGod'ssetH‹ r H‹ H H H H{«H{HHHHHH{H H H(cantor's verses to follow, next page)

ÿÿÿÿVerses; cantor aloneBÜ( vrs 1; 2, 11-13 | vrs 2; 3, 1-3 | vrs. 3; 3, 8-10 | vrs. 4; 2, 7-8; 1, 6-9 | vrs 5; 2,5-8, 10 )BÜ maj7/Fþý : ÜÜ ßFFý 1. The grace of God has ap-2. The grace of God calls to be loyally subject to ourý3. Take this instruction to heart, that you wouldý 4. Be reponsible in teaching, and chooseý 5. So that the word of God can be proclaimed well, we need be models of integrity andý= ÜÜ ßý FallF: ÜÜCm7F9þý FFý 1. so that we reject godless ways, wordly desires, and live justly and de-2. not slandering or quarreling with anyone, being forbearing and showingý3. This truthful behavior serves all the people, andý4. Your priests should behave as members of a family, and your bishop be hospitable,ý 5. Your words must be true and holy, so that no opponent can find anything bad to say a-ýý = ÜÜFþý : ÜÜýýýýýý = ÜÜþý : ÜÜýýýýýý = Ü ÜBÜ maj7/AHG1. as2. for3. and4. YourHwewefreebi-Ha-our-fromshop5. Thus byGGHCm7F1. the2. but the3. brave to call4. and5. theEÜ /GF Fmust teach the au-wait ourselves were once disobedient andquarrelling and the dis-constant fidelityFcoming of our Savior,kindness and theforth theguide all for thedoctrine of God our Savior is a-FEÜ 6/GFrevised 2002 by rmmEÜ maj7peared, offering salvation toall,land, its just laws, and to do our part with in-tegrity,commit yourself to God, doing only what is right.leaders from among you irreproachable and grace-filled.Jesuslove of God hassinner to newsake of God'sdorned for God'sFFFCm7voutly in thiscourtesy tobrings forth wisdom andFG GFFGself-controlled, steady, holy andF thenticand soundFblessedfar from the truetractions of theFFFCm6/EÜGgoodness.FG GBÜFhope,faith,law,message,conduct,FChrist. [Antiphon 2]saved us. [Antiphon 3]life. [Anthiphon 4]truth [Anthiphon 1,2,3, or 4]glory.F[Antiphon 5, final]age,all;peace,just.bout you.FFä¹ä¹4

ÿÿFinal AntiphonCantorþý : ßý «ýý = ßHH5. We canHC7(sus4)countHonHtheF/DHtruthC9/EHofG7(sus4)/FHthisHG9glo-Hry;HChoir:¬G7SM 107.1 vrs 5HALL: Weˆ ˆ ‡H H: ß H H G Hûü «= ß H H G rHall:: Hþý :ýýý =countchoir:HcountCHHHon the truthHHHon the truthHofHofHthisHthisF/CHglo-Hglo-HHHry,Hry,HcanH H GG HHH Hr¬H H G HHHH ††HweHweHcanHcanF6/GHcountHcountHHG7Hon the truthHHHon the truthH H H H H H H H H H † H H H H H HHofHofHthisHthisûü:=H H H H H H H H † H HH H H H H H HG H G H H H H H H HG H GH H H H H HH H H H H HHH5

ÿÿC: Hþý :ýýýý =ûü:=HHry,Hry,HourG/BÚHhopeHisH ÚHH HourhopeisH H H HHHHAm7Gsure,D9Hal-3Hle-3Hlu-G H H ÚHsure,GÚ HH H H Gal-HH H H G Hle-lu-H H H H HH3Ú H3HH3HHD7GGia!Gia!† G7†HPraiseHGod'sHHPraise God's†G H H HG‹ HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHC: Hþý :ýýýý =ûü:=Hmer-Hcy,G/BHal-3Hle-3Hlu-FGia;†F/EHHDmHpraise God's mer-H H H H G † HH HHH H H H Hcy,al-le-lu-H H H H HH G H H H H GH H H H H H H H H H H3ia;praise God's mer-G H HG H H HGHHHHHHHHHcy,cy,Dm/FHal-al-3Hle-3le-† H H HHH†HHHHHHHHHHHHH3Hglo-glo-mer-lu-lu-GH H H H H GH H H H H H H H H H H6

ÿÿG: Gþý :ýýýý =ia!Gia!†G/FHHEHPraise God's mer-Hcy,E/G ÚH3HH«al- le- lu-3† H H H H H HH«PraiseGod'smer-cy,G H † Ú H HH H H H ÚHH HH : H H H Hûü H H HH H H H HHHHHHHH=GHHÚ H H: G Dm7G7 3CH H H Fªsure, al- le- lu-°3þ:G H H ýH Fý ªsure, al- le- lu-ýýHG ° H HFý =H Få loco 3: G H H H Fª3H HH=HûüG3HHia!ia!HHal-Hle-3H 3HÚH3lu-H H HHAm7H‹ia!H{OurHDm7hopeHisrH‹ H H H H{ia!OurhopeisH‹ H r H HH‹ H{H HH‹H‹H HH H‹H‹«H{H{HHHHHHH H H°F F7

Assembly cut-out (see www.mondoymusic.com for reprint details)If you have "paid" copies of the choir/songleader version, then you may reprint gratis for the assembly for a one-time useassembly-sheetA Canticle from TitusRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>1. The grace of God has appeared, offering salvation to all, so that we reject godless ways, worldly desires, andlive justly and devoutly in this age, as we await our blessed hope, the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.2. The grace of God calls us to be loyally subject to our land, its just laws, and do our part with integrity, notslandering or quarreling with anyone, being forbearing and showing courtesy to all; for we ourselves were oncedisobedient and far from the true faith, but the kindness and the love of God has saved us.3. Take this instruction to heart, that you would commit yourselves to God, doing only what is right. Thistruthful behavior serves all the people, and brings forth wisdom and peace, and free from quarreling and thedistractions of the law, brave to call forth the sinner to new life.4. Be responsible in teaching, and choose leaders from among you irreproachable and grace-filled. Your priestsshould behave as members of a family, and your bishop be hospitable, self-controlled, steady, holy, and just.Your bishop must teach the authentic message, and guide all for the sake of God's truth.5. So that the word of God can be proclaimed well, we all need be models of integrity and goodness. Your wordsmust be true and holy, so that no opponent can find anything bad to say about you. Thus by constant fidelity andsound conduct, the doctrine of God our Savior is adorned for God's glory.©1994 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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$2.00Ave PlenaGratiaeFor SATB Choir and Organ; full editionThe Annunciation; Coptic IconAN ANTHEM BASED ON A CHANT FROM Cantus MarialesBY ROBERT M. MONDOY©1986 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved.Mahalo for calling before photocopying 808.845.8405.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

Ave Plena GratiaeAn anthem based on a medieval chant by Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1986from Cantus Mariales, research pending**This composition dedicated to Jim Fredericks“Workable” translation by Rob <strong>Mondoy</strong>1. Ave plena gratiae, Mater misericordiae, sancta Maria.Hail, full of grace, Mother of mercy, holy Mary.2. Per quam omnis gratiae fons ortus est Ecclesiae, sancta Maria.Through you the fountain of all grace flows for the Church, holy Mary.3. Laude digna angelorum, sume laudes peccatorum, sancta Maria.Graced by the angels’ praises, accept the praise of us sinners, holy Mary.4. Spes reorum, spes lapsorum, laetitia beatorum, sancta Maria.The hope of the forsaken, the deceased, the joy of saints, holy Mary.5. Te Gabriel laetificavit, te Paraclitus obumbravit, sancta Maria.Gabriel rejoiced in you, the Holy Spirit overshadowed you, holy Mary.6. Pater summus magnificavit dum Filio matrem creavit, sancta Maria.The Most-High Father exalted you while creating you as mother of his Son, holy Mary.7. O gloria! O gaudium! Dum genuisti Altissimi Unigenitum, sancta Maria.O glory! O joy! That you would bear the Son of the Most-High, holy Mary.8. O Domina! O Dominum propitium fac nobis tuum primogenitum, sancta Maria.O mistress! Intercede for us with the Lord, your first-born, holy Mary.9. Tuum per transiit gladius animam, cum in crucifixi latere defixam cerneres lanceam, sancta Maria.A sword pierced your soul while the lance pierced the side of the crucified one, holy Mary.10. Vincula, colaphi, corona spinea, arundo, flagella clavique te matrem corde cruentarunt, sancta Maria.Chains, buffeting, the crown of thorns, the whipping; all bore upon your own heart, holy Mary.11. O laetitia! O resurrexit Dominus, en Virgo, vivit tuus Filius, sancta Maria.O joy! The Lord is risen! Behold, O Virgin; your Son lives! O holy Mary.12. O Regina! [O regnat,]* Vincit, imperat! Non moriturus tuus unicus, sancta Maria.O Queen! He reigns, he conquered, he rules! No more to die, your only Son, holy Mary.13. Nunc semper choros angelorum exaltata, a dextris Filii mater, regnas, caelesti gloria circumdata,sancta Maria.And now, exalted by the angelic choirs, you reign with your Son in the midst of heaven’s glory, holy Mary.14. Nostri memor esto in misericordia, in hac miseria, nos exules reduc ad aeterna tabernacula, sanctaMaria.Remember us, in your mercy, we poor ones, who are exiled; lead us to the heavenly sanctuary, holy Mary.15. O Virgo! O Domina! O Mater regina, sancta Maria.O Virgin! O Mistress! O Mother regal; O holy Mary.___________________________________________* These words were deleted from my setting for musical-phrase-balance reasons; doesn’t really alter the sense of the chant.** You can listen to the chant “Ave Plena Gratiae” on a 1995 CD by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos. Myinterest and musical work with this chant preceded the resurgent interest in chant in the mid ‘90's

Text based on a chant from "Cantus Mariales"Ave Plena ¿ Gratiaededicated to Jim FredericksRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1986, rev 1990, 1995ð 72Treble soloþ: Üß 43ýÿH H H H H HßH H H H H H H G‹¡ûüA-vegraHae,ple- nati-Ma-: Ü ß ˆ ˆ 43 ‡ ß= Ü ß 43 ßFF G ‹16' Flute Pedalterae,Hmi-se-ri-cor-di-4þ: Ü 43 ß 43ýÿH H H H G G‹ Fv(keep singing)sanc- ta Ma- ri-a.: Ü ˆ 43 ˆ ß H HH H HH H 43H H organ: flutes H ¢= Ü43Hß 43ëFG ‹ûüno ped.SAChoir:7þ: Ü ‡ ß 2 ýH H H H H H4¢H H H H H H H H Hý2. Per quam om- nis gra- ti- ae fons or- tus est Ec- cle- si- ae,ý: Ü ß 2ýÿ‡ H H H H H H4¢H H H H H H H H H2. Per quam om- nis gra- ti- ae fons or- tus est Ec- cle- si- ae,: Ü Ø ß 2G ‹ H H HH H H H H HH4H HH H Hûü G ‹ HÜ = Ü ß H H H H H H H H 2 4TRANSLATION1. Hail, full of grace, mother of mercy, holy Mary.2. Through you the fountain of all grace flows, for thechurch.©1995 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling before photocopying808.845.8405.Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.compg. 1 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ð 58Deliberatelyð 76In timeûü: Ü 2 H H 4 ß HH HH H Hv ¬°= Ü 2 H H G4 H H ßH H H H H H HH HHHH H HH H H H HHHH H H H°H H H H H H H Hð 72 15þIn time simple chant, as before; men ˆ ˆTBvH H H ‡H HGGH H G G: Ü ˆ6 4ýý: Ü ˆ ˆ ˆ 6ýÿ410þ: Ü 2 4 ëG ßvH3ýH H G F ˆ ˆýsanc- ta Ma- ri-a.ý: Ü 2ýÿ4 ë° 3G ßvH H H G F ˆ ˆsanc- ta Ma- ri a.þA Ü 2 4 ˆ°ß ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆýýýÿ= Ü 2 4 ˆ ß ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆþA Ü ¢6 H H HýH H H H H G H H H H H H H 4H Gý 3. Lau- da dig- na an- ge- lo- rum, su- me lau- des pec- ca- to- rum,ý H H = ÜH H H H H H G H H H H H H H 6ýÿH G 4¢: Ü 6ê Ü 4êG ëG G GG H H H HH HG ‹= Ü ê Ü H H H 6ëGG GG ‹: 4ûü3. Graced by the angels' praise, accept the praise of us sinners.pg. 2 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

Slowly and prayerfullyñ 63Suddenly bouncy18þ: Ü ß 6 ˆˆ 8 … H H H ” Hý{« 4. Spes re- o-ý: Ü ß 6ýÿˆˆ 8 … rH H H ”H« 4. Spes re- o-þA Ü vß 6 H H H G‹ F 8 H H H ” r…ýHý sanc- ta Ma- ri-a. « 4. Spes re- o-ýv= ÜH H ß 6ýÿH G‹ F 8 … H H Ü H ” H{4. Spes re- o-: Ü G ‹ß G ‹ F 6 8 … H H H Hûü v« {: Ü G G ‹ G ‹ ß F6 = 8H H H ÜHrHH ‹ ‡ped.rum,rum,rum,rum,………………CalmlyHH”HrHspes lap- so- rum,HHH”rHspes lap- so- rum,HHH”ÚH{spes lap- so- rum,HHH”H{spes lap- so- rum,H H H rHHH HÚH{22þ: Ü r43 H‹ H H H H H H ‹ H‹ † ‹ýH H H¡lae- ti- ti- a be- a- to- rum,sanc- taý: Ü r 43ýÿ H‹ H H H H H H‹ † ‹H‹H H H¡lae- ti- ti- a be- a- to- rum,sanc- taþA Ü ÚH‹ H H H ÚH H H‹ ÚH‹ 43 † ‹ý{H H Hý lae- ti- ti- a be- a- to- rum,¡sanc- taý= Ü H‹ H H H H H H‹ H‹43ýÿ{† ‹ H H H¡lae- ti- ti- a be- a- to- rum,sanc- ta: Ü H‹43H ‹ H HHH H rH H‹ H ‹ H‹ H ‹ † ‹H H Hûü= Ü Ú H ‹ H H H Ú HH H ‹H‹ Ú ¡ H ‹43{† ‹ H H H4. The hope of the forsaken, the deceased, the joy of saints.Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-pg. 3 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ñ 63Joyously [same tempo]26þ: Ü 6 89 86 ý G‹ G‹ ‡ 8 ‡ ‡ ‡ý ri- a.ý: Ü 6 89 86ýÿ G‹ G‹ ‡ 8 ‡ ‡ ‡ri-a.þA Ü 6 89 86 ý G‹ G‹ ‡ 8 ‡ ‡ ‡ý ri- a.ý G‹= Ü6 8G‹ 9 86ýÿ‡ 8 ‡ ‡ ‡ûü"Magnificat"ri- a.G ‹ H H r H H r: Ü 6 89 H H r 8H ‹ 6H H H ‹ HH H‹H‹H‹HH H‹ 8 H H r H rH‹ H ‹{G ‹ ¬= Ü68986H H H HH ‹ H ‹ H H H H H HH‹ H ‹ H‹ 8H ‹ H H H‹ H HH H H HH ‹ H‹H‹HH H ‹H H H‹ H ‹ G ‹ H ‹H ‹H H H HH ‹ H ‹ûü= ÜHH‹ HH ‹ H5. Gabriel rejoiced in you, the Holy Spirit overshadowed you.H986H H H H H H HHH ‹ H ‹ H ‹ 8 H ‹ H ‹H32þ: Ü ¬9 r86 H‹ H8”H H H‹ H H‹ H H H HýH” { H‹ý 5. Te Ga - bri- el lae - ti - fi- ca - vit,ý: Ü 9 86 rýÿ‡ H‹”H H H H‹ 8HH H‹ H H¬ 5. Te Ga - bri- el lae ”- ti - fi-þA Ü 9 86 r‡H‹8”H H H H‹ HH H‹ H Hýý¬5. Te Ga - bri- el lae ”- ti -ý”= Ü9 86ýÿ‡† ‹ † ‹ H‹ H 8H H H‹¬Sanc- ta Ma- ri-: Ü r r 9 H H r 8H ‹ 6H H H ‹ H H H‹H ‹H ‹ H H H‹ 8 H H r H rH‹ H ‹{fi-Hpg. 4 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ûüa,sanc-ta Ma-ri-: Ü H 9H‹‹ H H H ‹ H H G r r8H ‹H H H ‹ H HH ‹¬ {HH H H H H H H= Ü9H ‹ H ‹H‹HH‹HH‹HH ‹ H 8a.38þ: Ü r 6 H‹ H H‹ H H 8 H HýH{ H‹ý cli- tus o- bum - bra - vit,ý: Ü 6 rýÿ H‹”H H H H‹ 8HH H‹ H H« Te Pa - ra- cli-tus o- bum -þA Ü 6 r H‹ H8”H H H‹ HH H‹ H Hýý « Te Pa - ra- cli-tus o- bum -ýH‹ ”= Ü6ýÿ† ‹ † ‹H 8H H H‹«Sanc-ta Ma- ri-: Ü H H r H ‹ 6H ‹ H ‹ H H H ‹ 8H r H rH ‹ H ‹ûüH‹ H”sanc- taHbraHbraHa,HH‹H{ H‹-vit,H{ H‹-H{vit,H‹ ”H H35þ: Ü 9 ý H‹ H H H‹8”G‹H‹ H”H Hsanc- ta Ma- ri-a.« Te Pa - ra-ý: Ü 9ýÿH H8” { H‹ H‹ H H H‹ G‹”ca - vit,sanc- ta Ma- ri-a.þA Ü 9 H Hý ”8{ H‹ H‹ H H H‹ G‹”ý ca - vit,sanc- ta Ma- ri-a.ý= Ü9ýÿHH ” H‹ H H H H{{ H‹ H‹ † ‹ 8Ma- ri-sanc-ta Ma-H ‹ H H H ‹ H HH ‹ H ‹= Ü HH6 H H H HH ‹ H ‹ H ‹ 8HHH H HH ‹ H ‹HH ‹ H ‹H Hpg. 5 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

41þ: Ü Ú ÚÚ ”Þ H H9 ý G‹H H H{8ý a.ª 6. Pa- ter sum- mus mag-ý: Ü Ú ÚÞ Ú 9ýÿ H‹ H H H‹G‹8þý A Üýýýÿ= Üûü”sanc-”H‹sanc-Hri-taHtaMa-HMa-ri-ªH‹−ri- ª a.H −{ Ú ÚÚ H‹ ”H‹ Þa.a.Ú ÚÚÞ G‹9 8Sanc-taHHMa-H‹ri-−: Ü Ú ÚH‹ H H Þ Ú 9H‹H‹ H 8H ‹H‹H‹H ‹ H H ‹ H Hª= Ü Ú ÚH HH‹H H Þ Ú H HH HH‹ H‹ 98H ‹H H H ‹ H ‹{ûü:a,dumBecoming more enthusiastic...Ú ÚÚ 6 89H ‹H ‹H ‹H H H H H H H H H H H H 8= Ú Ú Ú H H H H HH H H 6 ÞHÞHHH H H89H ‹ H ‹ H H ÞG ‹8{Fi-43þ Ú ÚÚ 6:89 H H H HH H‹ H H H H rý8{{ H Hni- fi- ca- vit dum Fi- li- o ma - trem cre-ý: Ú Ú Ú H H6 ”89ýÿH H H H H HH H ”{H‹8{ª Pa- ter sum- mus mag- ni- fi- ca- vit,al -þA Ú Ú Ú H H6 ”89 H H H H H H{H‹ H H ” ý8{ý ª Pa- ter sum- mus mag- ni- fi- ca- vit,al -ý= Ú Ú Ú G‹H‹6 H‹ H H H H89ýÿ{ 8li-oma-trem9 86. The Most-High Father exalted you while creating you as the mother of his Son.pg. 6 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

45þ: Ú Ú Ú H H6”Þ 8 ÞÞ{Ü Ü ßH‹ H‹ H H H‹ H‹ýý a - vit, sanc- ta Ma- ri- a!ý: Ú Ú Ú 6 Þ 8 ÞÞýÿ H‹ H H H‹ H‹ H H G‹Ü Ü ßle - lu- ia! Al- le- lu-þ Ú ÚÚ 6 ÞA8 ÞÞÜ Ü ßH‹ H H H‹ H‹ H H ” H‹ H‹ýýle - lu- ia! sanc- ta Ma- ri- a!ý= Ú Ú Ú H H H‹ H‹ H H ”6 H‹ H‹8Þ ÞÞ Ü Üýÿß{ûücre- a- vit, sanc- ta Ma- ri- a!: Ú Ú Ú 6 Þ ÞH8 Þ” H H H H H H H H H H H H Ü Ü ß” ” H H H H H H H H H H H ” ” H H H H H−= Ú Ú Ú ÞHH HÞH H H H H H H H H H H H 6 8Þ ÞÞ” Ü ÜÞßG ‹Þ ” Þ H” H H H H H H H H ‹H ‹ Þ G ‹ ‹”ia!Triumphantly47þý : ÜÜýýýÿ: ÜÜþý A ÜÜýýýÿ= Ü ÜˆˆˆˆAdd reeds: ÜÜH ‹ûü ©= Ü ÜH ‹Fð 88H rH HH rH HHHHHH‡ †©‡ †©‡ †©‡ †FFH7. OH7. OH7. OH7. OHglo-Hglo-Hglo-Hglo-G ‹F G ‹ G ‹G ‹Hri-Hri-Hri-Hri-H‹a!H‹a!H‹a!H‹a!H{OH{OH{OH{OH3Hgau -3HÜHgau -H 3Hgau -H† G Ü GH3gau -Hdi-Hdi-Hdi-ÜHdi-Gum!Gum!Gum!Gum!H ‹† ÜGH Ü GG H ‹rHH r7. O glory! O joy! That you would bear the Son of the Most-High.pg. 7 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

51þý : ÜÜýýýÿ: ÜÜþý A ÜÜýýýÿ= Ü Üûü: ÜÜ= ÜÜêG‡ê G ‡ê G ‡êG‡««H3HDum gen-3ÜH HÜHu-HDum gen- u-3HHDum gen-ÜHDum3Hgen-ÜHu-Hu-His-His-His-His-HtiHtiHtiHtiHAl-ÜHAl-HAl-ÜHAl-H H H H ÜHH H H H H Ü G G G Ü«H H H H ÜHH H H H HÜÜGG G ÜGð 66Rallentando un poco...54þ: ÜÜ 3G H ÜG Ü3HÞ ÞH H G Ü Ø ØýFý«gen- i- tum, sanc- ta Ma- ri-a!ýý : ÜÜ 33ØÿÞH H H ÜG H ÞH H G FÞgen-3i-tum,sanc- ta3H HMa- ri-þA ÜÜ ÜG H GÜH ÞG ØFýÞ Þý gen- i- tum, « sanc- ta Ma- ri-a!ýý = Ü Ü 33G H G HÿH H GÜ Ø FÞ Þgen- i- tum, sanc- ta Ma- ri-a!: ÜÜ Ü Þ G ÞG Ü Ø ûüG G ÜF«= Ü Ü Ü G G ˆÜFFÙÞ ÞÙa!3Htis-3Htis-3Htis-3Htis-ÜHsi-Hsi-Hsi-Hsi-HmiHmiHmiÜHmiG GG ÜG3HUn-3HUn-3HUn-3HUn-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-pg. 8 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

Chant57þý :¢ýýÿ:¢þý A¢ýýýÿ=¢H8. OH8. OH8. OH8. O:ûü Fstrings=F60þý : Fýýÿ: Fþý Aýýÿ=ûü:=FFÞ FÜ Fð 76tum,tum,tum,tum,HHHdo- mi- na!HHHdo- mi- na!HHHdo- mi- na!HHHdo- mi- na!¢ÜHOÜHOÜHOÜHOÜÜFFÜ FHHHHHHHHHHHHH3HHGHHgla- di- us3sanc- taHHMa- ri-HGMa- ri-,Þ FÜ FHHHHFa.Fa.Fa.Fa.HHHHHHHH¢HHHHrHfacrHfacrHfacH{facÞ Þ FHF FHHHHno- bis tu- um pri- mo- ge- ni-HHHHno- bis tu- um pri- mo- ge- ni-HHHHno- bis tu- um pri- mo- ge- ni-HHHHno- bis tu- um pri- mo- ge- ni-HHHˆˆˆHHHHHHHHHHÜHÜFG Ü H H‹ H ‹,ÜÜFG ÞGGH H ‹HHHHHHHHHHDo- mi- num pro- pi- ti- umDo- mi- num pro- pi- ti- umDo- mi- num pro- pi- ti- umDo- mi- num pro- pi- ti- umsanc- ta Ma- ri-3H H Gsanc- ta Ma- ri-3H H Gsanc- ta9. Tu- um per tran- si- it8. O Mistress! Intercede for us with the Lord, your first-born.9. A sword pierced your soul while the lance pierced the side of the crucified one.pg. 9 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

TT64þýÿAHa-: êÜ H‹ûü ëÜ H ‹ê = ë H ‹65þýÿAûü:=68þý :ýýÿ:HHHÜGGHesHmam,HHHcumHinHHHHiHÜ Ü FH ‹FFHfix-cer- ner-lan-ce-ad libidumð 66SSlower yet; sorrowfullyATBþýÿAûü:HamF°FÜHFH H H H HH H H H H HÜH10. Vin-=70þ ÚHýÿ=¢ûüHÜÜ GvÜ Fa-: Ü G¢= Ú ÚGÚHHHla,Hla,Hne-run-do, fla- gel-HˆHHphi,Hphi,HHHreHH‹ ÜHH H ‹H 3HHGsanc- ta Ma- ri-Fa.ˆ° ¢ H ˆF ÜÜ FHni-cru-ci-fix-la-te-de-HHamHH ÜÜ HÜHH H Ü HH H ØHÜHHÜH H ‹H ÜH ‹ Ú Þ H‹ÜHÞ Þ ÞG10. Chains, buffeting, the crown of thorns, the whipping; all bore upon your own heart.ÜHHH……naHnaÜHnaHHÜ Ü GÜÜ GHHHÜHHH10. Vin-cu-co-la-co-ro-spi-ne-cu-co-la-co-ro-spi-ne-co-ro-spi-ÜHa,HØHa,ØHa,ÜHÙÞHÜG Ü G ‹Ü FH ÜHrH H ÜH H ÜH Hla cla- vi- que te ma- tremcor- decru-en-ta- runt,rHH{ØÜ H ‹H ‹ÙH HØHpg. 10 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ð 5871BRallentando molto....þýÿ=ÜHûü:=sanc-GÜG3HtaÜHMa-ÜGri-Ü GÜÜ GMolto LentoØ12Ø4 ÜF43a.12 4 ‡ 43Ü Ü ‡ G ‡ ØGŸ G12 ‡ ‡ ‡4 43‡ Ü ÜEGG G Ù32' ped.ð 8873Triumphantlyþý : ÚH«ý 11. Oýýÿ: ÚH« 11. Oþý A ÚH«ý 11. Oý ÚHýÿ=« 11. OHlae-Hlae-Hlae-HH{ti-H{ti-H{ti-H{Htia!Htia!Htia!Htia!rHOrHOrHOH{OHre-Hre-Hre-HÚH Hsur- rex-ÚHHsur- rex-ÚHHsur- rex-ÚHHHitHitHitHitH HDo- mi-H HDo- mi-H HDo- mi-HH2 42 42 42 4H‹nus,H‹nus,H‹nus,H‹nus,H{enH{enH{enH{enH H HHHHHgo, vi-HHHHHVir- go, vi-Vir-Vir- go, vi-lae-ti-re-sur- rex-Do- mi-Vir- go, vi-Hvit,Hvit,Hvit,Hvit,ûü"Regina Caeli":«=ÚHHHHÚ Hprincipals + reeds; close boxG ‹G ‹HG ‹G ‹Ú HHHHH2 42 4ÚHGGHH Ú Ú H ùGGHù11. O joy! The Lord is risen! Behold, O Virgin, your Son lives!pg. 11 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

77þý :ýýÿ:þý Aýýýÿ=ûü:=80þý :ýýýÿ:þý Aýýýÿ=ûü:=ê G,ªê G,ªê G,êªG,HÚHHHH{vi-H{vi-H{vi-H{H‹ Ú Ú H ‹HvitHvitHvitHvitHtu-Htu-Htu-HH rHHumHumHumHumH‹H‹H‹Ú H ùêGG H rG G HHsanc-Hsanc-Hsanc-HÜGGG3Hta 3Hta3HtaH3taopen (reeds) boxesG HMa-HMa-HMa-HHri-Hri-Hri-Hli-sanc-Ma-ri-Ü GG3333Ga.Ga.Ga.Ga.ØGØGØGØØGÜ GGGGÙHli-Hli-Hli-HFi-Fi-Fi-H‹vi-tu-Fi-,Hus,Hus,Hus,H°°°us,°Ü HHùH… , °ÜHÜHúúúúúú6 86 86 86 86868pg. 12 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ñ 63Vigorously, as before83þ …ý :ý ¬ý …ýÿ:¬þ …ý Aý ¬ý …ýÿ=¬ûü:H12. O12. O12. O…HHH12. O- reedsHHRe-HRe-HRe-HRe-HÚ” Hgi-H ”gi-H ”gi-H”gi-Ú HH{na!rHna!rHna!H{na!H{… ÚHH H‹ ” H H Ú ” H‹cit,im-pe-rat!Noncit,Vin-… ÚH H H‹ H H Ú H‹” ”Vin- cit, im- pe- rat! Non… ÚH H H‹ H H Ú H‹” ”Vin- cit, im- pe- rat! NonÚH H H‹ ” H ÚH Ú” H‹…Vin-im-¬ H Ú H H H HH H ÚH ‹Ú H‹= H‹{…ñ 56pe- rat!NonHmo-Hmo-HHmo-mo-… ÚH HH ‹ H ÚHÚ H ‹ H ÞHHH H H ÚÚHñ 46H ‹ ÚH ‹ ÚHri-Hri-HHri-ri-Htu-Htu-HHtu-tu-HrusHrusHHH HrusrusÚ H H H HBroaden...86þ ÚH H H H H Ú H‹” ” H‹ ” H‹ ” H‹Üý : {ý¢tu- us un- i- cus, sanc- taMa- ri- «ý rýÿ: ÚHH H H HÜ¢ H‹”H‹ Ú H‹ Ü H‹ ”” ”tu- us un- i- cus, sanc- taMa- ri-ÚH H ÚH H H Þ” H‹A {Ü H‹ ” Þ H‹ ” Ú H‹ ” «þýÜtu- us un- i- cus, ¢ sanc- taMa- riýý ÚH ÚH ÞH H H ” H‹ ” H‹ ” ÜH‹H‹ ”«ýÿ= ÜH‹ Ütu- us un- i- cus, ¢ sanc- taMa- ri- «: Ú H HH H H Ú H ‹ H ‹H ÚH ‹ ÜH Üûü {ÚÚHHH Ú H H HH ‹ Ü H ‹ = {H ‹ Ü Ü H ‹Ü12.O Queen! He conquered, he rules! No more to die, your only Son.pg. 13 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

A tempo ñ 6389þ: Ü ” G‹ ¬9 86 H H H8”H H H H H H H HH H‹ H Hýý «a!13. Nunc sem- per cho- ros an- ge- lo- rum ex- al- ta- ta,ý: Ü 9 86ýÿ G‹ ‡H H H8””H H H H H H«a!¬ 13. Nunc sem- per cho- ros an- ge- lo-þA Ü ” G‹9 86 ý‡ H H H ”H H H H H H 8ý «a!¬ 13. Nunc sem- per cho- ros an- ge- lo-ý ”= ÜG‹9 86ýÿ‡† ‹ † ‹ H” H H 8a!13. Nunc sem- per: Ü r r9 86H H H ‹ H H r rH r ¬H H H ‹ H H‹ H ‹ H ‹ H H H ‹ 8« { { ¬= Ü 9 86 H H H HH ‹ H ‹H H H H HHH ‹ H ‹ H H H HH ‹ H ‹ H‹ 8ûü92þý : Üýýýÿ: Üþý A Üýýýÿ= Üûü: Ü= ÜHaHrumHrumHcho-HHdex- trisHex-Hex-HHal-Hal-HrosrHFi- ” Hlii ëH‹ta-H‹ta-Han-Hge-H Hta,H Hta,Hlo-H‹ H r H ‹ H rH ‹ HHH‹H HH‹ma-HaHaHrumHdex-Hdex-HH H H‹”ter. reg-H r{ H Hex-H Hter,HtrisHtrisHal-H‹”regrHFi- ” HëliiHFi-”H‹rHëliiH Htata,G‹nasH‹ma-H‹Hma-ex-H Hter.H‹”reg-al-ta-H‹H‹ H H H ‹ H H G H ‹H ‹HH H H HH ‹ H‹HH ‹ H ‹13. And now, exalted by the angelic choirs, you reign with your Son in the midst of heaven's glory.ta,HHpg. 14 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

nas,”cae-þA Ü 9 86 ý G‹H‹”H H H H‹ 8ý nas,cae- les- ti glo-ý= Ü9 86ýÿ ë H‹ † ‹ H‹ ”† ‹ † ‹ H 8ûüles-tiglo-Hda-Hri-Hri-H{ H‹ta,rH H‹arH H‹aH H= Ü986H H H HH‹ H ‹ H H H H H HH ‹ H ‹ H ‹ 8H H H HH ‹ H ‹98þ: Ü 9 H‹ H H H‹ÚG‹” H H HýÞH H H H 8”ý«sanc- ta Ma- ri-a.14. Nos- tri me- mor es- to iný: Ü 9ýÿH H{ 8H‹ H‹ H H H‹ G‹da-ta,”sanc-taMa-þA Ü 9 H Hý8{ H‹ H‹ H H H‹ G‹”ý da- ta,sanc- ta Ma- ri- a.ý= Ü9ýÿHH H‹ H H H H ” H‹ ÞHÚHH‹{{ H‹8ûüri-acir-cum-da-ta,ri-a.sanc-taMa-cum-cae-les- ti glo-: Ü r r 9 H H r 86H H H ‹ H H H‹ H ‹H‹ H‹H‹H H H‹ 8 H H r H rH‹ H ‹{ri-cir-cir-H‹H HH H95þ: Ü 9 r86 H‹”H H H H‹ H H‹ H Hý8Hý cae- les- ti glo- ri- a cir- cum-ý: Ü 9 86ýÿ G‹H‹ H H H H‹ 8cum-: Ü H 9H‹‹ H H H ‹ H H H ‹ H H H‹H H Ú 8H ‹H H ‹‹ ÞH ‹H H HHH H H= Ü9H ‹ H ‹ H HH H HH ÚHÞH HH H 8H ‹ H H H ‹ H ‹{pg. 15 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

101þ: Ü 6 89 H‹ H H H HÞH ÚH H H ÚH H rý{ H H 8ý mi- se- ri- cor- di- a, in hac mi- se-ri- a, nosý: Ü Ú H””H H6 89ýÿÞH H H H H‹ H HÞH H Ú ” H” H H8{14. Nos- tri me- mor es- to in mi- se- ri- cor- di- a, in hacþA Ü Ú 6 89 ””H H H ÞH H H H H‹ H H8” H HÞH H Ú ” Hý{ý 14. Nos- tri me- mor es- to in mi- se- ri- cor- di- a, in hacý G‹Ú” H‹= Ü6 ÞH H H H‹89ýÿ8ûüa,sanc-: Ü ÚH‹6 89H ‹ ÞH‹H ‹H‹H‹H ‹ÚHÞHH H H H H H H H H H 8= Ü H H H H HH H ÚH6 H ÚHHH H H89 8H ‹ H ‹ H ‹ G ‹taMa-ri-103þ: Ü Ú H”ýý ex-ýýÿ : Ü H‹þý A Üýýýÿ= Üûü: Ü= Ü”mi-H‹”mi-H‹a!Hul-HesÞHÚHse- ri-ÞHÚHse-ri-H”re-H‹aH‹a,† ‹Hduc−−−Had”H‹ae-H‹nosH‹ ”sanc-” H‹Sanc-ÞH Hter- naHHex- ul-taHÞHtaHMa-HMa-ÚH”H HÚHHÞHH H H ” H H H H H H ”H H H H H−H ÚHHH H HH H HG ‹ H ‹H ”ta-HesH‹ ”ri-”H‹rir Ú H”Hber- na-rHre-HducH‹a!H‹a!HadH{ H‹”la,rH H”ter-† ‹cu-ae-† ‹H”naÚH”HÞHÚHHH H H H ” H H H H H H ”H H H H HH ÚHHH H HH H HG ‹ H ‹14. Remember us, in your mercy, we poor ones, who are exiled; lead us to the heavenly scanctuary.pg. 16 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ûüAl-le-lu-ia!15. O: Ü ÚH H” Þ H H”H H H H H H H H H ” H H H H H ÞÚ 12ÚG ‹ H H‹‹ 8«°−ªHG ÞHÚHHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H= ÜÚG ‹ H ‹ 12G ‹H ‹ÚG ‹ H‹ 8ñ 46107Broader yettreble soloØ tenutoOVir-: Ü 212H‹ Ú Øattaccaþ 8Þ H HH‹ H‹ H‹ 23 ÞGattaccaG G 6 ý4ah...† ‹ah...ýO Do- mi- na!2ý: Ü 12 8 H‹23 6ýÿÞH H H‹ † ‹ ˆÙ4Do-mi-na!ñ 52 Broadly105þ: Ü 12H‹ ” ÞHÚHH‹ ” H‹ ÚÚH‹Ú H‹ ÚýÞ H‹ 8«ªsanc- ta Ma- ri-a!15. O Vir- go!ý: Ü °12ýÿ H‹ H H H‹ H‹ ÞH‹ ÚH‹ ÚH‹ 8« ta- ber- na- cu-la! ª 15. O Vir- go!þA Ü H H H‹ ” °H‹12{Þ Ú HH‹‹ H‹H‹ H‹ýH‹ 8« Al- le- lu-ia!15. O Vir- go!ý= Ü H H ” °ªH‹ H‹ ÚÞH‹H‹ H‹ 12ýÿ{8°go!Suddenly calm, as in the very beginningA Ü 2 12 8 ÞH‹H‹ Ú H ØþH H‹23 6 † ‹ýˆ4ýO Do- mi- na!= Ü 122ý8 H‹ ÚHH Ú 236ýÿH Ú Þ H‹ H ‹ † ‹ ˆ4ÙO Do- mi- na!: Ü 12ØF ‹8 23 6 ÚH‹4H ‹H ‹ † ‹ G G GH ‹¢= Ü 12G8G ‹G GêÚ † ‹ 23 F F‹ ‹6ëÚ G ‹ÚH 4Ú H ‹ûü15. O virgin! O mistress! O Mother regal, O holy Mary.pg. 17 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

ð 58Slowly, prayerfullychoirð 42109þ: Ü 6,4 H8 H H H H H H G 4 ߢ v H3ýH H G Fý O Ma- ter re- gi- na, sanc- ta Ma- ri- a. Ÿý: Ü 6 48ýÿˆ4 ßvH3H H G Fsanc- ta Ma- ri- a.þA Ü 6 4 ˆ8 4 ßvH3ýH H G Fýsanc- ta Ma- ri- a. Ÿý= Ü 6 48ýÿˆ4H H G Fßvûüsanc- 3 HtaMa- ri-: Ü 6,483H H H H H H H G 4 H= ßØ GH H G ¢vŸ= Ü 6 G4GH ÜG G ‹ 8H H flutes4 G G H H FFH H H H H ßFstringsÙa.ØFmm.ØFmm.ØFmm.FØmm.ØG¿Mahalo to the Damien Choir of 1994-95 who through their support and talent helped me complete thispiece.pg. 18 of 18 Ave Plena Gratiae

$2.00QuamAdmirabileAN ANTHEM BYGEMINIANO GIACOMELLI[1686-1743]ARRANGED BYROBERT M. MONDOYChristos Pantocreator, Immauculate Conception Shrine,Washington, D.C.©1995 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

Geminiano Giacomelli [1686-1743]arr. for 4p. choir by R. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1995ð 69Quam admirabileHow wonderful your name throughout all the earthð 96þ: ß 3 H H HH4{ H H H{ H{ H H H Ø Hýý¬ Do- mi- ne Do- mi- nus nos- ter.ýý= ß H H HH3ýÿ{ H H H{ H °4Do-mi-neDo-mi- nus{ H nos-H H H Øter.H‡«‡‡Hmi-Hra-H‹‡‡ «H HQuambi-lerH Had-HModeratoQuam ad-mi-,estþ G‹ý : H«ýý «ýHÚH‹ýÿ=HQuam ad-Quam ad-Hra-ÚH{bi-HHH ,le,no-H‹H‹rara-H‹HQuambi-rHH{men,le,le,HH ,birHH H ,ad mi-H HQuam ad-Quam ad-H HH‹ H{ra-bi-Hmimi-HHleQuamHÚH‹rara-H‹G‹estad-HÚH{bibi-mimi-mi-HHlelerH ÚHþý :ýýýýÿ=ra-H‹HestestH‹G,Hbi- r leH HHno- menno- menrHH,Hest,Hno-HGtu-tu-nono-GGmen,Hno-GmenHH‹ H{H HH‹ G‹H r HmenmenHG‹tu-G‹G‹G‹umGGumum.GGin, H Gin††u-u-‡‡ni-Hni-no-men,no-mentu-um.©1995 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music:www.mondoymusic.com. If this is a photocopy, your teacher / music director has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty foreach unit. Mahalo..

þý :ýýýýýÿ=ð 69ver-G H H H Hver-‡‡sa,sa,inHinþý : H H H HH{ HýGlo- ri- aýý ¬ý H H H HHýÿ=Glo-{ H ari-ininu-Gu-H{Pa-H{u-u-ni-ni-ni-Hni-sa,G H HÚHG ,ver-ver-ver-saG,G H,ver-H{ { H H { H r Ø Het Fi- li- otriPa- triH{ H { H { H{et Fi-li-HØosasaH{etH{etter-ter-ter-H{ter-HÚGH H H H H H H H G‹ G‹H{ Hr rHiSpi- ri- tu-H{H{ H{Spi- ri- tu- iHØHSanc- to°H H{ØHSanc- to.H G G‹°G‹Allegroð 112‡GSi-«†ˆSi-GSi-GcutØra.G‹ÚG‹ra.ra.G‹G‹ra.ÙcutÚHþý :ýýýýýÿ=cutH‹ H G H HHG ÚG{e-e-H‹ˆe-GH r GGˆratratratG,inHprin- ci-HÚHG G‡«†G‡†inHinpi- orH‹ HHH†etprin-H Hprin-nunc…Hetci- pi- oH et r”H H H H”ci- pi- oetetnuncet sem-H HÚHG H GHsem-nunc”et ” ”H H G” ”nuncetsem-sem-2

þý :ýýýýýÿ=perHGperperGper,G ”et†men,inHH”et‡ ˆA-sae- cu- la”H HinH ” H Hsae-sae-cu-Hcu- laHG”sae-‡Hcu-A-men.þ‡ † H H :”Hý ˆˆGýýsae- cu- lo-ýýr rum.”† ” A-ëHÚHH‹ H H H, G H ÚGýÿ={”þý :ýýýýýÿ=H GÚHH H H H H Hmen.Hmen.A-men.,G ” HH, G”H HA-Hmen.A-”GH”A-men.ÚH‹lo-lo-rÚ H{rum.ÚGrum.‡et† H H H in ” H ”‡†††ªA-GA-H HGª† ”A-sae-ÚHH GHÚHGH H HH G°GGcu- laH H”HA-men!men!men!ÚGGmen!Quam [how] admirabile [wonderful] est [is] nomen [name] tuum [your] in universa terra [through all the earth. Glory tothe Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. now and forever. Amen.3

$2.00We Are Rebornin LoveText: Peter 3:23-24; 2: 9, 24 by Robert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>Tune: Guillaume Dufay, Burgundian Master [1400-1474]Early Fauxbourdon style. Based after his "Ave Maris Stella"AN ANTHEM IN EARLY RENAISSANCE STYLE,ARRANGED BY ROBERT M. MONDOYAFTER GUILLAUME DUFAY©1997 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Mahalo for calling beforephotocopying 808.845.8405. Go listen to this music: www.mondoymusic.com

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We Are Reborn in Love: ß HHH HHH HH HH H H,HHHHRobert M. <strong>Mondoy</strong>, 1997H H H H,W1. Wearere-borninlovebyGod'sen-dur-ingWord.M2. InChristoursinsarebroughtup-onthecrosstobear,All3. Weareacho-senrace,apriest- hoodro-yalnamed.:HHHHHHH H H H H,HHHHHH34Andthoughallglo- ryfades,God'sglo- rybloomsun-furl'd.Andbyhiswounds arehealedWewhohisglo-ryshare.Aho-lyna- tioncalledGod'sownbyGodpro-claim'dTutti: 3 4 GHHH‹r H H{G H H H H ÚHH1. Wearere-2. InChristour3. Wearea= 3 4 HHGH‹ r H H H H{ {G H H ÚH H HH©1997 <strong>Mondoy</strong> <strong>Music</strong> 1555 Pohaku St. B-104 Honolulu HI 96817. All rights reserved. Go listen to this music:www.mondoymusic.com. If this is a photocopy, your teacher / music director has arranged to pay $1.00 royalty for eachunit. Mahalo.

2: GHH G r rH H H H HH{ {†=born inlove.sins arecho-broughtsenrace.G H H GH H H H r rH‹ H H H H H †{: rGHH H‹ H GH HrH H‹ HH Ú {H{=a: GGod'spriest-onhoodthecrossG H H H‹ H r GH H‹ H G HH{{HWord.bear,named.= G GWord.bear,named.†G†AndAndAGAndAndAHHingtoalrH H‹ H{thoughbyallhislyH H‹ H rH Gthough allby hisho- lyingtoalH H‹ H HHHH H Ú HrGglo-woundsupbyen-dur-roy-ho-na-glo- rywounds arena- tionHryaretionG HH‹ H H{

: H H H H H‹ H H ÚHHHG†H HGH3fades,healedcalledGod'sWeGod's= H H H H H‹H HH H ÚH HH HGGod'sWeGod'sglowhoownGH{ryhisbyH H H{glowhoown: HH H H H H r H‹ H ÚH {ÚHG‹bloomsglo-Godpro-un-ryfurl'd.share.claim'd.=H H H H H HH H H{H H{ryhisbybloomsglo-GodH‹ r H H H H ÚHunrypro-ÚHG‹G‹furl'd.share.claim'd.

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