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Tag Questions - englishbd.com Tag Questions - englishbd.com

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Part A Digital Success in English Tag QuestionswU negative n‡q‡Q Ges sentence-wU Zvrch©MZ w`K †_‡K plural-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q; weavq affirmative plural form (arethey) w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) A barking dog seldom bites, _________?(b) In the whole universe none but God can save us, __________?(c) Despite having other problems, the country meets natural disasters not so frequently, __________?(d) No other student in this class has been proved as meritorious as Sampa, __________?(e) The rich rarely assist the poor to become self-reliant, __________?Rule 02:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wUi subject wKsev object wn‡m‡e what, where, how, why, when, which, whose,whom, that, whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever, whosever, whomever BZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZclause _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© it a‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l whom, whomever, who, whoever, whoseBZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZ clause mivmwi e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j it e¨envi bv K‡i he / they e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam is known to us all, isn‟t it?(b) In the morning daily why the lady goes out for at least one hour has made her family membersperplexed, hasn‟t it?(c) Everybody knows what he has done for us, don‟t they?(d) Where you will meet your friend definitely can be an important issue, can‟t it?(e) Who would be the next chairman of their department was not decided up to the interim exam, was it?(f) The boy unconsciously did what he was forbidden to do, didn‟t he?(g) What has been done cannot be undone, can it?(h) Whatever has been drawn by the beginners deserves fair evaluation, doesn‟t it?(i) Whomever you nominate for the committee will be selected finally, won‟t he? (GLv‡b it n‡e bv)(j) Whose laptop supports this 3D game has definitely been invited to this competition, hasn‟t he? /haven‟t they? (wKš‘)(k) Which / Whose laptop supports this 3D game definitely uses Intel dual core 2 processor, doesn‟t it?(l) Whom you know well is completely unknown to me, isn‟t he?(m) Who / Whom was awarded Nobel Prize last year has been invited to our party tonight, hasn‟t he?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z “That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam” GB clause-wUmgMÖ sentence-wUi subject nIqvq GwU‡K it aiv n‡q‡Q Ges wVK c‡iB verb wn‡m‡e is known i‡q‡Q; weavq sentence-wU‡Kisn‟t it w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Ab¨w`‡K, (f) bs sentence-wU‡Z subject wn‡m‡e “The boy”, verb wn‡m‡e did Ges objectwn‡m‡e “what he was forbidden to do” _vKvq sentence-wU‡K didn‟t he w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avevi, (i) bs sentencewU‡Zsubject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ “Whomever you nominate for the committee” Øviv †Kvb e¨w³‡K eywS‡q‡Q (he) Ges verbwn‡m‡e will be selected e‡m‡Q; weavq sentence-wU‡K won‟t he w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) In the examination hall how Susana answers all the unknown and difficult questions is a great mysteryto us, _________?(b) Whose car has got the permission to park here is not known to us, _________?(c) That scientists have landed on the moon need not have elucidation, _________?(d) In our country why people are not very active has been the core research theme of an NGO,_________?(e) Who has invented hydro-fuel kit for running car using water will be praised worldwide soon,_________?

Part A Digital Success in English Tag QuestionsRule 03:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause _vK‡j †m‡‡Î †h clause-wUi Dci †ewk ¸i“Z¡v‡ivc Kiv nq(mvavibZ main / independent clause-wUi Dci) †m clause-wU Abymv‡i, wKsev clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i me©‡kl evP~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) The man who won the first prize in the competition was hailed very warmly, wasn‟t he?(b) After Simi had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Exam though she was an irregular student, didn‟tshe?(c) Her pen friend told her that he might visit Bangladesh in the winter season for which they were ready,weren‟t they?(d) Walk fast lest you should miss the train, won‟t you?(e) The lady guest whom the writer had met at Foyot‟s, a fashionable restaurant in Paris, was more than40, wasn‟t she?(f) The boy unexpectedly failed in the examination though he was always engaged in study, didn‟t he?(g) Porna could not meet her friend when she went there, could she?(h) The girl who cut a brilliant figure in the last examination is now insufficiently attentive to study, isshe?(i) It‟s many years since we first met at Foyot‟s, isn‟t it?(j) Please wait here until I come, won‟t you?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z “The man was hailed very warmly” Ges “who won the first prizein the competition” GB `yÕwU clause i‡q‡Q| Clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i cÖ_‡g †jvKwU cyi¯‹vi wR‡ZwQj Ges c‡i Zv‡K¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv n‡qwQj| myZivs me©‡kl ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU (The man was hailed very warmly) Abymv‡i tagquestion Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (b) bs sentence-wU‡Z “Simi had studied a lot”, “she got A+ in the HSC Exam”Ges “she was an irregular student” GB wZbwU clause i‡q‡Q| Clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i cÖ_gZt wmwg AwbqwgZ QvÎxwQj, wØZxqZt †m A‡bK covïbv K‡iwQj Ges Z…ZxqZt ev P‚ovšÍch©v‡q †m GBP.Gm.wm. cixÿvq G + ‡c‡qwQj| myZivs me©‡kl(GLv‡b Z…ZxqZt) ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU (she got A+ in the HSC Exam) Abymv‡i tag question Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) If the people of Bangladesh were educated, they could live a healthy and planned life, __________?(b) He‟d have attended the party if he had been invited in time, __________?(c) Lora did not get A+ though she was very meritorious, __________?(d) As Bangladesh is a small country with large population, there remain a lot of problems, __________?(e) Lucy can shine in life if she studies sincerely, __________?Rule 04:- `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause-mg„× g~j sentence-wUi ïiæ‡Z think, suppose, say, tell, opine, comment,remark, cite, inform, refer, influence, instigate, persuade, utter BZ¨vw` + (that) + clause _vK‡j †m‡‡Î that-Gic~‡e©i clause-wU Abymv‡i tag bv K‡i eis c‡ii clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i me©‡kl ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU Abymv‡itag question Ki‡Z n‡e| D‡jøL¨ †h, that-Gi c~‡e©i clause-wU negative n‡j affirmative w`‡q tag Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-(a) Jerry said that he was responsible for breaking the axe-handle, wasn‟t he?(b) I think, you are the right person for doing this job, aren‟t you?(c) The man thought that his sons might be involved in corruption, mightn‟t they?(d) The foreigner remarks that free and fair election is the precondition for forming democraticgovernment, isn‟t it?(e) We do not suppose that he is hungry, is he?(f) Sabuz informed that everything should have been processed prior to that, shouldn‟t they?(g) She persuades that I should help her younger sister anyway, shouldn‟t I?(h) The President opines that the bill ought not to be resubmitted, ought it?(i) The tourist-guide cites that the spot deserves to be a world heritage site, doesn‟t it?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>wU negative n‡q‡Q Ges sentence-wU Zvrch©MZ w`K †_‡K plural-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q; weavq affirmative plural form (arethey) w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) A barking dog seldom bites, _________?(b) In the whole universe none but God can save us, __________?(c) Despite having other problems, the country meets natural disasters not so frequently, __________?(d) No other student in this class has been proved as meritorious as Sampa, __________?(e) The rich rarely assist the poor to be<strong>com</strong>e self-reliant, __________?Rule 02:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wUi subject wKsev object wn‡m‡e what, where, how, why, when, which, whose,whom, that, whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever, whosever, whomever BZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZclause _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© it a‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l whom, whomever, who, whoever, whoseBZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZ clause mivmwi e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j it e¨envi bv K‡i he / they e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam is known to us all, isn‟t it?(b) In the morning daily why the lady goes out for at least one hour has made her family membersperplexed, hasn‟t it?(c) Everybody knows what he has done for us, don‟t they?(d) Where you will meet your friend definitely can be an important issue, can‟t it?(e) Who would be the next chairman of their department was not decided up to the interim exam, was it?(f) The boy unconsciously did what he was forbidden to do, didn‟t he?(g) What has been done cannot be undone, can it?(h) Whatever has been drawn by the beginners deserves fair evaluation, doesn‟t it?(i) Whomever you nominate for the <strong>com</strong>mittee will be selected finally, won‟t he? (GLv‡b it n‡e bv)(j) Whose laptop supports this 3D game has definitely been invited to this <strong>com</strong>petition, hasn‟t he? /haven‟t they? (wKš‘)(k) Which / Whose laptop supports this 3D game definitely uses Intel dual core 2 processor, doesn‟t it?(l) Whom you know well is <strong>com</strong>pletely unknown to me, isn‟t he?(m) Who / Whom was awarded Nobel Prize last year has been invited to our party tonight, hasn‟t he?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z “That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam” GB clause-wUmgMÖ sentence-wUi subject nIqvq GwU‡K it aiv n‡q‡Q Ges wVK c‡iB verb wn‡m‡e is known i‡q‡Q; weavq sentence-wU‡Kisn‟t it w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Ab¨w`‡K, (f) bs sentence-wU‡Z subject wn‡m‡e “The boy”, verb wn‡m‡e did Ges objectwn‡m‡e “what he was forbidden to do” _vKvq sentence-wU‡K didn‟t he w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avevi, (i) bs sentencewU‡Zsubject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ “Whomever you nominate for the <strong>com</strong>mittee” Øviv †Kvb e¨w³‡K eywS‡q‡Q (he) Ges verbwn‡m‡e will be selected e‡m‡Q; weavq sentence-wU‡K won‟t he w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) In the examination hall how Susana answers all the unknown and difficult questions is a great mysteryto us, _________?(b) Whose car has got the permission to park here is not known to us, _________?(c) That scientists have landed on the moon need not have elucidation, _________?(d) In our country why people are not very active has been the core research theme of an NGO,_________?(e) Who has invented hydro-fuel kit for running car using water will be praised worldwide soon,_________?

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