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Part A Digital Success in English Tag QuestionsWritten in accordance with the new syllabus prescribed by the National Curriculum and Textbook Boardfor the students of HSC levelDigital Success in EnglishCommunicative Approach to Learning EnglishEnglish Second Paper(For classes 11-12)Written and Edited by:Mohammad Sarbin MunshiBA (Hons), MA (English Literature), DUMBA (Management Information Systems), DUBoard Stand (Second position in Dhaka Board)Scholarship and Talent Award WinnerAbdul Jabbar Smritee Award WinnerIslamic Foundation Award WinnerSpecial Training on ELTIP at TT College, DhakaSpecial Training on Communicative English Language Teaching at NAEM, DhakaExaminer: Dhaka Board; Subject Specialist: NCTBLecturer in EnglishBir Shreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, DhakaFormerly: Lecturer in English, Al-Hera College, Shamoli, DhakaCo-ordinated, Supervised and Published by:Saiful Islam NirjhorBA (Hons), MA (English Literature), DUBoard Stand (Dhaka)Pioneer Digital PublicationsNilkhet, Babupura, Dhaka-1205Mobile: 01914743921, 01674924041m‡e©v”P LyPiv weµqg~j¨ (M.R.P) = 260.00 (`yBkZ lvU) UvKv gvÎ

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Written in accordance with the new syllabus prescribed by the National Curriculum and Textbook Boardfor the students of HSC levelDigital Success in EnglishCommunicative Approach to Learning EnglishEnglish Second Paper(For classes 11-12)Written and Edited by:Mohammad Sarbin MunshiBA (Hons), MA (English Literature), DUMBA (Management Information Systems), DUBoard Stand (Second position in Dhaka Board)Scholarship and Talent Award WinnerAbdul Jabbar Smritee Award WinnerIslamic Foundation Award WinnerSpecial Training on ELTIP at TT College, DhakaSpecial Training on Communicative English Language Teaching at NAEM, DhakaExaminer: Dhaka Board; Subject Specialist: NCTBLecturer in EnglishBir Shreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, DhakaFormerly: Lecturer in English, Al-Hera College, Shamoli, DhakaCo-ordinated, Supervised and Published by:Saiful Islam NirjhorBA (Hons), MA (English Literature), DUBoard Stand (Dhaka)Pioneer Digital PublicationsNilkhet, Babupura, Dhaka-1205Mobile: 01914743921, 01674924041m‡e©v”P LyPiv weµqg~j¨ (M.R.P) = 260.00 (`yBkZ lvU) UvKv gvÎ

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong><strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Question No. 7; Marks 5wKQy K_v:- Bs‡iwR fvlvq cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cixvq tag question-Gi Dci wKQy cÖkœ †`Iqv n‡q _v‡K| A‡b‡KB tag question-†K mnR I MZvbyMwZK g‡b K‡i AeÁv K‡ib| g~jZt tag question-Gi Dci intensive usages-mn mwVK Ávb bv _vK‡j mwVKDËi ‡`Iqv hvq bv| wkÿv_©x‡`i myweav‡_© cÖ_‡g general usages Ges c‡i intensive usages †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZvQvov, cÖwZwUintensive rule-Gi †ÿ‡Î D`vni‡Yi c‡i analysis ev we‡kølY _vKvq wkÿv_©x‡`i wbqg¸‡jv eyS‡Z myweav n‡e| cÖ`Ë wbqg¸‡jvAvq‡Ë¡ Avbvi ci wkv_©xMY tag question m¤ú‡K© mg¨K aviYv †c‡Z mg n‡e|<strong>Tag</strong> Question ˆZwiKiY:- e³v (speaker) †Kvb NUbv (statement) eY©bv Kivi ci D³ NUbvi mZ¨Zv hvPvB Ki‡Z tagquestion e¨envi K‡i _v‡Kb| mvaviYZ GKwU sentence-Gi †k‡l Kgv (,) e¨envi K‡i Zvici tag question Ry‡o †`Iqv nq|Auxiliary verb w`‡qB mvaviYZ tag question •Zwi Ki‡Z nq|Rules of General Usages of <strong>Tag</strong> Question:- wb‡gœ tag question •Zwii wbqg-Kvbyb D`vniYmn †`Iqv n‡jvt-(i) cÖ`Ë sentence-Gi g‡a¨ auxiliary verb _vK‡j D³ auxiliary verb w`‡qB tag question Ki‡Z n‡e| Avi auxiliaryverb bv _vK‡j †m‡‡Î cÖ‡qvRbvbyhvqx do, does ev did e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|(ii) cÖ`Ë sentence-wU affirmative n‡j tag question Ki‡Z n‡e negative w`‡q Ges cÖ`Ë sentence-wU negative n‡j tagquestion Ki‡Z n‡e affirmative w`‡q|(iii) tag question Kivi mgq tense NwUZ †Kvb cwieZ©b Kiv hv‡e bv|(iv) cÖ`Ë sentence-wUi subject Abymv‡i tag question-Gi subject A_©vr pronoun e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|(v) <strong>Tag</strong> question-Gi AskUzKz hLb negative nq ZLb mvaviYZ contracted form (‡hgb- don‟t, *ain‟t, can‟t, doesn‟t,didn‟t, shan‟t, shouldn‟t, hasn‟t, hadn‟t, won‟t BZ¨vw`) e¨envi Kiv nq|(vi) Imperative sentence Øviv cÖ¯Íve (proposal) eySv‡j tag Kivi mgq shall we e¨envi Ki‡Z nq; Zv bvn‡j will youwKsev won‟t you w`‡q tag Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l can you/can‟t you/shouldn‟t you/could you BZ¨vw` e¨enviK‡iI tag Kiv hvq|(vii) Exclamatory sentence-Gi †ÿ‡Î sentence-wU‡K g‡b g‡b assertive K‡i †mB Abymv‡i tag Ki‡Z nq|cÖ`Ë g~j Sentence Kgv <strong>Tag</strong> Question cÖkœ‡evaK wPýAffirmative Sentence (+) , Negative <strong>Tag</strong> (-) ?Negative Sentence (-) , Affirmative <strong>Tag</strong> (+) ?(viii) British English Ges American English-Gi cv_©‡K¨i Kvi‡Y ‡Îwe‡k‡l tag question wfbœ iKg n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-They have three children, haven‟t they? (According to British English)They have three children, don‟t they? (According to American English)The girl has not a pen, has she? (According to British English)The girl has not a pen, does she? (According to American English)*ain‟t kãwU c~e©-cÖPwjZ Bs‡iwR‡Z ‡ewk e¨eüZ n‡Zv| Z‡e AvaywbK Bs‡iwR‡ZI non-standard Ges colloquial English (K_¨Bs‡iwR) wnmv‡e am not, is not, are not, have not, has not BZ¨vw`i contracted form iƒ‡c GB ain‟t kãwU e¨eüZ nq|AvaywbK standard Bs‡iwR‡Z ain‟t e¨envi bv KivB †kªq|Examples of General Usages of <strong>Tag</strong> Question:-(i) She has done the work, hasn‟t she?(ii) Della bargained with the shopkeepers, didn‟t she?(iii) Never eat more than one thing for luncheon, will you?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>(iv) You won‟t be leaving for another hour, will you?(v) There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren‟t there?(vi) None can escape death, can they?(vii) There‟s an exam tomorrow, isn‟t there?(viii) Let‟s go out for a walk, shall we?(ix) The worst girl ought to be last, oughtn‟t she?(x) We all have to be patient, haven‟t we?(xi) Nobody should spoil his time, should they?(xii) How excellent she writes, doesn‟t she?(xiii) Money is sweeter than honey, isn‟t it?(xiv) Jemima and Jennie have been to Cox‟s Bazar, haven‟t they?(xv) You, she and I talked to our course teacher yesterday, didn‟t we?(xvi) You, Shelley, Polly and Molly <strong>com</strong>mitted the crime, didn‟t you?(xvii) Nothing satisfied me, did it?(xviii) Nothing of the integrated items works well, do they?(xix) Lilly wanted to purchase a purse, a frock and a pair of shoes from the shop. But nothing was selectedat length, were they?(xx) He need not attend the party now, need he?(xxi) Never touch the live electric wire, will you?(xxii) Go through this book now, won‟t you?(xxiii) Shut up, can‟t you?(xxiv) Open the door please, won‟t you? / will you? / could you?(xxv) Avoid mixing with bad boys, shouldn‟t you? / won‟t you?Rules of Intensive Usages of <strong>Tag</strong> Question:-Rule 01:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z hardly, hardly ever, scarcely, rarely, barely, narrowly, seldom, almostnot, almost never, only just, by a hair‟s breadth, a little, few, very few, not much, not often, not a lot, notenough, not sufficiently, insufficiently, infrequently, not so frequently, never, nowhere, nowhere else, noother, no longer, no more, nothing but, none but BZ¨vw` negative-†evaK kã _vK‡j tag question Kivi mgqaffirmative w`‡q Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-(a) For family purposes Sathi hardly goes to market for shopping, does she?(b) As Rayhan was tired, feeling drowsy he spent his time by a hair‟s breadth to go to bed, did he?(c) The lady has properties but not a lot, has she?(d) The learner even finding a lot has got a sage nowhere else for learning the secrets of the universe, hashe?(e) Even in a congenial environment the woman narrowly captured the lecture of the speaker, did she?(f) The foreigner wants nothing but his lost passport, does he?(g) Nowadays women in our country are no longer confined within the four walls of the house, are they?(h) At the time of great danger, the man financially aids his friend a little, does he?(i) Nothing but this pen is suitable for that purpose, are they?(j) No other island in the world is as large as Australia, are they?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z hardly _vKvq sentence-wU negative n‡q‡Q Ges g~j verb wn‡m‡e goesi‡q‡Q; weavq affirmative (does she) w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (j) bs sentence-wU‡Z No other _vKvq sentence-

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>wU negative n‡q‡Q Ges sentence-wU Zvrch©MZ w`K †_‡K plural-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q; weavq affirmative plural form (arethey) w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) A barking dog seldom bites, _________?(b) In the whole universe none but God can save us, __________?(c) Despite having other problems, the country meets natural disasters not so frequently, __________?(d) No other student in this class has been proved as meritorious as Sampa, __________?(e) The rich rarely assist the poor to be<strong>com</strong>e self-reliant, __________?Rule 02:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wUi subject wKsev object wn‡m‡e what, where, how, why, when, which, whose,whom, that, whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever, whosever, whomever BZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZclause _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© it a‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l whom, whomever, who, whoever, whoseBZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZ clause mivmwi e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j it e¨envi bv K‡i he / they e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam is known to us all, isn‟t it?(b) In the morning daily why the lady goes out for at least one hour has made her family membersperplexed, hasn‟t it?(c) Everybody knows what he has done for us, don‟t they?(d) Where you will meet your friend definitely can be an important issue, can‟t it?(e) Who would be the next chairman of their department was not decided up to the interim exam, was it?(f) The boy unconsciously did what he was forbidden to do, didn‟t he?(g) What has been done cannot be undone, can it?(h) Whatever has been drawn by the beginners deserves fair evaluation, doesn‟t it?(i) Whomever you nominate for the <strong>com</strong>mittee will be selected finally, won‟t he? (GLv‡b it n‡e bv)(j) Whose laptop supports this 3D game has definitely been invited to this <strong>com</strong>petition, hasn‟t he? /haven‟t they? (wKš‘)(k) Which / Whose laptop supports this 3D game definitely uses Intel dual core 2 processor, doesn‟t it?(l) Whom you know well is <strong>com</strong>pletely unknown to me, isn‟t he?(m) Who / Whom was awarded Nobel Prize last year has been invited to our party tonight, hasn‟t he?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z “That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam” GB clause-wUmgMÖ sentence-wUi subject nIqvq GwU‡K it aiv n‡q‡Q Ges wVK c‡iB verb wn‡m‡e is known i‡q‡Q; weavq sentence-wU‡Kisn‟t it w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Ab¨w`‡K, (f) bs sentence-wU‡Z subject wn‡m‡e “The boy”, verb wn‡m‡e did Ges objectwn‡m‡e “what he was forbidden to do” _vKvq sentence-wU‡K didn‟t he w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avevi, (i) bs sentencewU‡Zsubject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ “Whomever you nominate for the <strong>com</strong>mittee” Øviv †Kvb e¨w³‡K eywS‡q‡Q (he) Ges verbwn‡m‡e will be selected e‡m‡Q; weavq sentence-wU‡K won‟t he w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) In the examination hall how Susana answers all the unknown and difficult questions is a great mysteryto us, _________?(b) Whose car has got the permission to park here is not known to us, _________?(c) That scientists have landed on the moon need not have elucidation, _________?(d) In our country why people are not very active has been the core research theme of an NGO,_________?(e) Who has invented hydro-fuel kit for running car using water will be praised worldwide soon,_________?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Rule 03:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause _vK‡j †m‡‡Î †h clause-wUi Dci †ewk ¸i“Z¡v‡ivc Kiv nq(mvavibZ main / independent clause-wUi Dci) †m clause-wU Abymv‡i, wKsev clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i me©‡kl evP~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) The man who won the first prize in the <strong>com</strong>petition was hailed very warmly, wasn‟t he?(b) After Simi had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Exam though she was an irregular student, didn‟tshe?(c) Her pen friend told her that he might visit Bangladesh in the winter season for which they were ready,weren‟t they?(d) Walk fast lest you should miss the train, won‟t you?(e) The lady guest whom the writer had met at Foyot‟s, a fashionable restaurant in Paris, was more than40, wasn‟t she?(f) The boy unexpectedly failed in the examination though he was always engaged in study, didn‟t he?(g) Porna could not meet her friend when she went there, could she?(h) The girl who cut a brilliant figure in the last examination is now insufficiently attentive to study, isshe?(i) It‟s many years since we first met at Foyot‟s, isn‟t it?(j) Please wait here until I <strong>com</strong>e, won‟t you?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z “The man was hailed very warmly” Ges “who won the first prizein the <strong>com</strong>petition” GB `yÕwU clause i‡q‡Q| Clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i cÖ_‡g †jvKwU cyi¯‹vi wR‡ZwQj Ges c‡i Zv‡K¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv n‡qwQj| myZivs me©‡kl ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU (The man was hailed very warmly) Abymv‡i tagquestion Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (b) bs sentence-wU‡Z “Simi had studied a lot”, “she got A+ in the HSC Exam”Ges “she was an irregular student” GB wZbwU clause i‡q‡Q| Clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i cÖ_gZt wmwg AwbqwgZ QvÎxwQj, wØZxqZt †m A‡bK covïbv K‡iwQj Ges Z…ZxqZt ev P‚ovšÍch©v‡q †m GBP.Gm.wm. cixÿvq G + ‡c‡qwQj| myZivs me©‡kl(GLv‡b Z…ZxqZt) ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU (she got A+ in the HSC Exam) Abymv‡i tag question Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) If the people of Bangladesh were educated, they could live a healthy and planned life, __________?(b) He‟d have attended the party if he had been invited in time, __________?(c) Lora did not get A+ though she was very meritorious, __________?(d) As Bangladesh is a small country with large population, there remain a lot of problems, __________?(e) Lucy can shine in life if she studies sincerely, __________?Rule 04:- `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause-mg„× g~j sentence-wUi ïiæ‡Z think, suppose, say, tell, opine, <strong>com</strong>ment,remark, cite, inform, refer, influence, instigate, persuade, utter BZ¨vw` + (that) + clause _vK‡j †m‡‡Î that-Gic~‡e©i clause-wU Abymv‡i tag bv K‡i eis c‡ii clause-¸‡jvi NUbv µgvbymv‡i me©‡kl ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU Abymv‡itag question Ki‡Z n‡e| D‡jøL¨ †h, that-Gi c~‡e©i clause-wU negative n‡j affirmative w`‡q tag Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-(a) Jerry said that he was responsible for breaking the axe-handle, wasn‟t he?(b) I think, you are the right person for doing this job, aren‟t you?(c) The man thought that his sons might be involved in corruption, mightn‟t they?(d) The foreigner remarks that free and fair election is the precondition for forming democraticgovernment, isn‟t it?(e) We do not suppose that he is hungry, is he?(f) Sabuz informed that everything should have been processed prior to that, shouldn‟t they?(g) She persuades that I should help her younger sister anyway, shouldn‟t I?(h) The President opines that the bill ought not to be resubmitted, ought it?(i) The tourist-guide cites that the spot deserves to be a world heritage site, doesn‟t it?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>(j) It refers to that the poet can envisage such type of unknown picture in mind, can‟t he?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi cÖ_g clause-wU‡Z said _vKvq that-Gi c‡ii clause-wU (he was responsiblefor breaking the axe-handle) Abymv‡i tag question (wasn‟t he?) Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (e) bs sentence-wUi cÖ_gclause-wU‡Z negative form-G suppose _vKvi Kvi‡Y that-Gi c‡ii clause-wU (he is hungry) Abymv‡i affirmative tagquestion (is he?) Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) He does not think that his younger sister is guilty for that, __________?(b) The lady said that she had been asked to pay for it illegally, __________?(c) The chairman of the department never opines that <strong>com</strong>puter lab facility should be lessened,_________?(d) The poet utters, the wretched people should not be kept hungry, __________?(e) The economist <strong>com</strong>ments all hoarded merchandises have to be sold at a reasonable price, __________?Rule 05:- cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z subject-Gi As‡k together with, along with, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by, as well as,including, tied in with, in somebody‟s <strong>com</strong>pany, in addition to, with BZ¨vw` _vK‡j tag Kivi mgq Gme kãmg~‡niAv‡Mi I c‡ii AskwU‡K subject wnmv‡e ai‡Z nq| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, cÖ`Ë gyj sentence-wU‡Z verb-wU singular n‡jI tag-Gi As‡k subject I verb DfqB plural n‡e| †hgb-(i) Supti as well as Dolly was responsible for that, weren‟t they?(ii) I, with my friends, teachers and other colleagues, am going to enjoy the match, aren‟t we?(iii) The man, along with his manager and some friends, is going to the party, aren‟t they?(iv) Karina together with her friends has attended the party, haven‟t they?(v) Rita, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by her husband and three children, has left Dhaka today, haven‟t they?(vi) Salina in her friends‟ <strong>com</strong>pany attends the seminar today, don‟t they?(vii) Edge modem together with TV card and LAN card has been installed with motherboard, haven‟tthey? (wKš‘)(viii) Edge modem together with speakers and magnetic devices does not get network properly, does it?(e¨wZµg)Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (i) bs sentence-wUi A_© Ómywß Ges Wwj †mRb¨ `vqx wQjÓ| GB sentence-wU‡Z as well as _vKvq aswell as-Gi Av‡Mi (Supti) I c‡ii (Dolly) AskwU‡K subject wnmv‡e a‡i plural form (weren‟t they) w`‡q tag Kivn‡q‡Q| D‡jøL¨ †h, gyj sentence-wU‡Z as well as _vKvi Kvi‡Y GLv‡b Supti Abymv‡i g~j sentence-wUi verb was e‡m‡Q;wKš‘ tag-Gi As‡k mywß Ges Wwj Dfq‡K eySv‡bvi Kvi‡Y weren‟t they e‡m‡Q| Avevi (vii) bs sentence-wU‡Z Edgemodem, TV card Ges LAN card-†K GK‡Î eySv‡bvi Kvi‡Y plural form w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ (viii) bs sentencewU‡Zsubject wn‡m‡e ïay Edge modem-†K eySv‡bvi Kvi‡Y singular form w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖm½Z D‡jøL¨ †h, GLv‡bnetwork cvevi e¨vcviwU ïay Edge modem-Gi; speakers wKsev magnetic devices-Gi bq|Exercise:-(a) Nishat as well as her friend Nusrat has been given the highest marks, __________?(b) Nilufar ac<strong>com</strong>panied by her parents was going to market in the evening that day, __________?(c) Biometrics including some other important subjects has been introduced to this present course,__________?(d) Navana in her friends‟ <strong>com</strong>pany has got to the spot in time, __________?(e) Our Managing Director along with some high officials attended the seminar on VoIP, __________?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Rule 06:- g~j sentence-Gi subject-Gi As‡k prepositional phrase / participle phrase _vK‡j D³ phrase-Gic~‡e©i AskwU‡KB subject-Gi cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix wnmv‡e aiv nq| weavq D³ phrase-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU singular n‡j e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î itGes e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î he / she e¨envi K‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq; Avi D³ phrase-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU plural n‡j me©`v theye¨envi K‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) The learning of these new things is no longer interesting, is it?(b) Several theories of this subject have been accepted, haven‟t they?(c) People walking on the road are also inhaling this gas, aren‟t they?(d) The sound of the workers dragging the logs was nothing but rhythmic, was it?(e) During these years, the effects of this crime have been likely to be devastating, haven‟t they?(f) The fright of rape, outrage and robbery has caused many citizens to flee the towns, hasn‟t it?(g) The colour of these books and scripts looks fine, doesn‟t it?(h) Many novels written by this writer were not published in his lifetime, were they?(i) The affluent in many developed countries scarcely contribute to the development of the poor countries,do they?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi prepositional phrase (of these new things)-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU (Thelearning) singular nIqvq it w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q wKš‘ (i) bs sentence-wUi prepositional phrase (in many developedcountries)-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU (The affluent) plural nIqvq they w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) The importance of independence of different countries cannot be ignored, __________?(b) Many doctrines of Charles Darwin have already been proved right, _________?(c) The sound of the boy dragging the brush annoyed me, __________?(d) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) in banking sectors has revolutionised money exchange policies,_________?(e) Adverse effects caused by smoking cannot be denied, _________?Rule 07:- Bs‡iwR fvlvq Ggb wKQy kã i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv singular nIqv m‡Ë¡I Zvrch©MZ w`K †_‡K plural-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i|Gme kã n‡”Q anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, every, everybody, everyone, everything, neither,nobody, none, no one, no other, nothing, many a, somebody, someone, something, whatever, whoeverBZ¨vw`| G¸‡jv subject wn‡m‡e em‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î singular verb e‡m| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, †h‡nZz G¸‡jv Zvrch©MZ w`K †_‡KAwaKvsk †ÿ‡ÎB plural-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i ‡m‡nZz G¸‡jvi tag question Ki‡Z plural subject (they) I plural verb e¨enviKi‡Z nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l nothing, something, anything BZ¨vw`i Zvrch©MZ A_© singular n‡j it e¨envi K‡i tagquestion Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) Anything of these novels is very interesting, aren‟t they?(b) Somebody of these people has done this, haven‟t they?(c) None attended the seminar, did they?(d) Nothing of them is valueless, are they? (G‡ÿ‡Î Nothing-Gi Zvrch©MZ A_© plural n‡q‡Q, weavq they e‡m‡Q)(e) Nothing was right, was it? (wKš‘, G‡ÿ‡Î Nothing-Gi Zvrch©MZ A_© singular n‡q‡Q, weavq it e‡m‡Q)(f) Neither of these books is ready for sale, are they?(g) Either of these buses goes past our college, don‟t they?(h) Something of those items was very alluring, weren‟t they?(i) Everyone who majors in architecture and fine arts studies History of Art 450, don‟t they?(j) Someone (of them) has broken this glass, haven‟t they?(k) No other country in the world is as evergreen as Bangladesh, are they?(l) Each of the applicants is eligible for this post, aren‟t they?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi anything Zvrch©MZ w`K †_‡K plural-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q weavq aren‟t theyw`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (i) bs sentence-wU‡Z Everyone ej‡Z many (A‡bK Rb‡KB) eySv‡”Q, ZvB don‟t theyw`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) Anyone of them is <strong>com</strong>petent for this post, _________?(b) Every learner in this institution gets a reasonable amount of stipend, __________?(c) It seems to her that no other subject has so <strong>com</strong>plexity as philosophy, __________?(d) Nothing has been considered right, __________?(e) Nobody was praised and awarded by the <strong>com</strong>mittee, __________?Rule 08:- Bs‡iwR fvlvq Ggb wKQy kã i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv singular Ges plural Dfqfv‡eB e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| Gme kã n‡”Q alot of, all, any, either----or, neither----nor, some, the rest, no, none, one-third, two-fifth, three-fourth, onetenth BZ¨vw`| Gme k‡ãi c‡ii AskwU singular n‡j verb-I singular nq Ges c‡ii AskwU plural n‡j verb-I plural nq|D‡j­L¨ †h, uncountable noun gvÎB singular n‡q _v‡K| G ai‡bi sentence-Gi tag question Kivi mgq g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e†h D³ kãmgy‡ni c‡ii AskwU countable n‡j tag question Ki‡Z plural subject (they) I plural verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nqGes uncountable n‡j tag question Ki‡Z singular subject (it) I singular verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) All of the forged money was found at last, wasn‟t it?(b) None of the applicants have been selected, have they?(c) No instance was relevant to the case, were they?(d) No examples are relevant to the matter, are they?(e) One-third of the amount was spent and now the rest (of the amount) is mine, isn‟t it?(f) One-fifth of the students attended the seminar, didn‟t they?(g) Either Susan or Jennie is going to the party tonight, aren‟t they?(h) Either Suma or her friends have done this, haven‟t they?(i) Neither Shovel nor his parents are going to the sea-beach today, are they?(j) Neither Sohag nor Jemmy was awarded by the authority, were they?(k) Some students were permitted to consult with the teachers about this, weren‟t they?(l) Some water was dirty, wasn‟t it?(m) On the eve of Christmas, all students were absent, weren‟t they?(n) All rice was sold in the market, wasn‟t it?(o) The first four problems are very hard, but the rest (of the problems) seem to be easy, don‟t they?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi subject (All of the forged money) non-countable nIqvq Zv singularn‡q‡Q, ZvB wasn‟t it w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Ab¨w`‡K, (j) bs sentence-wUi subject (Neither Sohag nor Jemmy)countable nIqvq Zv plural n‡q‡Q, ZvB were they w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) Any (amount of) contribution is acceptable, _________?(b) Any men are eligible for this post, _________?(c) The rest of the money was kept idle, ________?(d) Neither Hasnat nor Abeer was present in the meeting that day, _________?(e) Either Sushil or Sunil has done the work, _________?Rule 09:- Bs‡iwR fvlvq Ggb KZ¸‡jv kã i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv Øviv KZ¸‡jv wRwbm, Rš‘ wKsev e¨w³‡K GK‡Î eySvq| ‡hgbaudience,army, band, chorus, class, club, <strong>com</strong>mittee, congress, crowd, faculty, family, government,

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>group, jury, *majority, minority, orchestra, organisation, party, police, public, series, staff, team, flock ofbirds, flock of sheep, herd of cattle, pack of dogs, pride of lions, school of fish, 2 dollars, 3 dollars, ninetytwodollars, 2 miles, seventy miles, twenty-three kilometres, thousand kilometres, forty minutes BZ¨vw`|Bs‡iwR‡Z G‡`i‡K collective noun ejv nq| Gme collective noun mvaviYZ singular n‡q _v‡K| ZvB G‡`i mv‡_ singularverb e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ Gme collective noun-Gi m`m¨‡`i‡K Avjv`v Avjv`vfv‡e Kvh©kxj eySv‡j †m‡‡Î G‡`i‡K pluralwnmv‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq Ges verb-I plural wnmv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| G ai‡bi sentence-Gi tag question Kivi mgq g‡bivL‡Z n‡e †h, D³ collective noun Øviv m`m¨‡`i‡K (Rš‘ wKsev e¨w³‡K) eySv‡j plural subject (they) wn‡m‡e aiv nq, ZvBplural verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges e¯‘evPK GKK aviYv eySv‡j singular subject wnmv‡e it e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges verb-Isingular nq| †hgb-*wet `ªt majority kãwUi c‡i plural noun e¨eüZ n‡j †m‡‡Î plural verb e¨eüZ nq|a) Twenty dollars does not go far, does it?b) Five miles is the distance to the office, isn‟t it?c) The staff is meeting in the conference room, isn‟t it?d) The staffs are persuading their clients to sign up again new, aren‟t they?e) The congress has initiated a pragmatic step to solve the problem, hasn‟t it?f) Even the congresses have not the right to violate this rule for their own benefits, have they?g) The crowd was making an unbearable noise, wasn‟t it?h) The crowd have no thought of losing anything, have they? (British) / do they? (American)i) The audience keeps silent atmosphere in the hall-room, doesn‟t it?j) The audience play a vital role in stage-drama, don‟t they?k) The <strong>com</strong>mittee has decided about taking some immediate forceful actions, hasn‟t it?l) The <strong>com</strong>mittee have the bill passed for the rapid progress of the project, haven‟t they?m) The majority believes him to be honest, don‟t they?n) The majority of the members believed her to be innocent, didn‟t they?o) Our team is going to play tomorrow, isn‟t it?p) Our team with their new jerseys played well, didn‟t they?q) The jury was unique in the opinion, wasn‟t it?r) The jury were divided to that matter, weren‟t they?s) The family has not left Dhaka yet, has it?t) The family very often gave him financial as well as psychological support, didn‟t it? / didn‟t they?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi subject (Twenty dollars) singular nIqvq doesn‟t it w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Ab¨w`‡K, (p) bs sentence-wUi subject “Our team” ej‡Z wU‡gi m`m¨‡`i‡K eySv‡”Q hv plural wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ, ZvB didn‟tthey w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) Thirty minutes is not enough time to finish this work, ________?(b) A school of fish has been attacked by sharks, _________?(c) A flock of birds were flying in the sky, _________?(d) The jury gave their opinions separately, _________?(e) The class have served every teacher with delicious foods, _________?Rule 10:- Bs‡iwR fvlvq adjective-Gi c~‡e© the e¨envi K‡i subject / object •Zwi Kiv n‡j Giƒc subject / objectme©`v plural nq; weavq tag question Ki‡Z G ai‡bi plural subject-Gi Rb¨ they e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges verb-I pluralnq| †hgb-(a) The rich are not always happy, are they?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>(b) The brave always deserve the fair, don‟t they?(c) The pious will be rewarded in the next world, won‟t they?(d) The idle never can shine in life, can they?(e) In the society the dishonest can deserve respect from others a little, can they?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi subject “The + adjective” (GLv‡b rich nj adjective) w`‡q MwVZ nIqvqsubject-wU plural n‡q‡Q, ZvB are they w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (e) bs sentence-wUi subject “the dishonest”plural nIqvq can they w`‡q tag Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) The courageous make the difficult easy, impossible possible and unseen seen, _________?(b) Everywhere in the world the honest are respected by all, _________?(c) The talented very often endeavour to evaluate the merit of other scholars, _________?(d) All the while the strong depress the weak, _________?(e) The feeble should not be humiliated in such a manner, _________?Rule 11:- Bs‡iwR fvlvq the father, the mother, the brother BZ¨vw` ¸Yvejx cÖKvkK kãvejxi †ÿ‡Î it e‡m; themoon, ship, ferry, motherland, river BZ¨vw` feminine gender wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ kãvejxi †ÿ‡Î she e‡m; the sun,death, cold BZ¨vw`i †ÿ‡Î he e‡m; kid, baby, animal BZ¨vw`i †ÿ‡Î it e‡m| †hgb-(a) Seeing the street child, the father rose in him, didn‟t it?(b) The mother was found in her, wasn‟t it?(c) The Titanic sank at her first voyage, didn‟t she?(d) Bangladesh provides us with all amenities, doesn‟t she?(e) Death <strong>com</strong>es without one‟s notice, doesn‟t he?(f) Because of hunger the baby is crying for its mother, isn‟t it?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi A_© nj-Óiv¯Ívi †Q‡jwU‡K †`‡L Zvi g‡a¨ wcZ…Z¡ †R‡M DVjÓ| GLv‡b “the father”ej‡Z wcZ…Z¡ ¸YwU‡K eySv‡”Q, ZvB tag Kivi mgq Gi cwie‡Z© it e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, tag Kivi mgq (c) bssentence-wUi subject “The Titanic”-Gi cwie‡Z© she e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges (e) bs sentence-wUi subject “Death”-Gicwie‡Z© he e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) The kid should be fed immediately, _________?(b) The ship was carrying a lot of people from Dhaka to Barisal, _________?(c) Extreme cold sometimes snatches away the lives of some old people, _________?(d) Seeing the orphan boy weeping, the mother rose in the lady, _________?Rule 12:- ‡Kvb sentence-Gi subject infinitive phrase (to+verb...) wKsev gerund (verb+ing...) w`‡q MwVZ n‡j†m‡ÿ‡Î tag question Kivi mgq Giƒc subject-Gi cwie‡Z© it e¨envi Ki‡Z nq KviY G ai‡bi subject-wU‡K 3 rd personsingular number wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| †hgb-(a) To help the poor and the wretched is not less important than our regular prayers, is it?(b) Reading various types of journals helps a student make thesis paper, doesn‟t it?(c) Supplying electricity everywhere in Bangladesh is considered a mammoth task, isn‟t it?(d) To study properly for cutting a brilliant figure in the exam should be the prime concern of the students,shouldn‟t it?(e) In the evening everyday playing football helps us build up our body, doesn‟t it?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi A_© nj-ÓMwie I `ytLx‡`i mvnvh¨ Kiv Avgv‡`i •bwgwËK Bev`‡Zi †P‡q Kg ¸iæZ¡c~Y©bqÓ| GLv‡b “To help the poor and the wretched” nj subject hvi cwie‡Z© it aiv n‡q‡Q Ges sentence-wUi verbwn‡m‡e is _vKvq tag Kivi mgq is it e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, tag Kivi mgq (b) bs sentence-wUi subject “Readingvarious types of journals”-Gi cwie‡Z© it e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges (e) bs sentence-wUi subject “playing football”-Gicwie‡Z© it e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) To tell a lie is a great sin, _________?(b) Visiting different countries widens our knowledge, _________?(c) To develop infrastructure can help us improve social and economic conditions to some extent, ______?(d) Using Bluetooth technology is one of the ways to connect internet, _________?(e) To mail anybody anywhere is now nothing but a single click of <strong>com</strong>puter or a little touch of mobilekeypad, _____?Rule 13:- ‡Kvb sentence-G e¨eüZ so, too Ges also Øviv affirmative agreement eySv‡j wKsev neither Ges eitherØviv negative agreement eySv‡j tag question Kivi mgq Dfq clause-Gi subject wg‡j plural subject ai‡Z nq GesZ`byhvqx plural verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) She did not attend the party and neither did I, did we?(b) Sampa did not attend the conference, and her younger sister did not either, did they?(c) Shimla went there, and her friend did also, didn‟t they?(d) The girl hasn‟t worked out the sum, and her friend hasn‟t either, have they?(e) Professor Bulbul didn‟t ask any oral test instead of taking a final exam, and Jennie did not either, didthey?(f) Jane won‟t go to the party and neither will her younger sister, will they?(g) Your class has not started yet, and neither has mine, have ours?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi A_© nj-Ó‡m cvwU©‡Z †hvM †`qwb Ges AvwgI bvÓ| GLv‡b cÖ_g clause-Gi subject“She” Ges wØZxq clause-Gi subject “I” wg‡j tag Kivi mgq “we” n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (c) bs sentence-wUi cÖ_gclause-Gi subject “Shimla” Ges wØZxq clause-Gi subject “her friend” wg‡j tag Kivi mgq “they” n‡q‡Q Ges (g) bssentence-wUi cÖ_g clause-Gi subject “Your class” Ges wØZxq clause-Gi subject “mine” (GLv‡b mine A_© myclass) wg‡j tag Kivi mgq “ours” (GLv‡b ours A_© our class)” n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-a) She will talk to him, and I will also, _________?b) The manager did not attend the meeting, and neither did the director, _________?c) The <strong>com</strong>mittee changed the decision, and so did the others, __________?d) Laila helps him do the laundry, and so does her mother, __________?e) The boy hasn‟t done it, and neither has his friend, __________?Rule 14:- No sooner......than wKsev As soon as w`‡q sentence _vK‡j than-Gi c‡ii clause-wU Abymv‡i A_evindependent clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than all the students stood up, didn‟t they?(b) As soon as the police got to the spot, the swindlers ran away, didn‟t they?(c) No sooner had the student finished his writing than the bell rang, didn‟t it?(d) Nobody tried to go out as soon as the alarm was heard, did they?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi than-Gi c‡ii clause-wU (all the students stood up) Abymv‡i tagquestion Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (b) bs sentence-wUi independent clause-wU (the swindlers ran away) Abymv‡i tagquestion Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) As soon as the rumour spread out, everybody got frightened, _________?(b) No sooner had the Principal entered the auditorium than all the teachers stood up, _________?(c) Nothing could be controlled as soon as the robot got powered, _________?(d) No sooner had the bell rung than all the learners went out, _________?(e) Julia burst out laughing as soon as the result was declared, _________?Rule 15:- cÖ`Ë sentence-wU proverbial sentence (cÖev` ev‡K¨i) n‡j Ges D³ sentence-wU‡Z mywbw`©ó subject Iverb bv _vK‡j tag question Ki‡Z affirmative sentence-Gi †ÿ‡Î isn‟t it Ges negative sentence-Gi †ÿ‡Î is ite‡m| Avevi proverbial sentence-wU imperative n‡j won‟t you / will you w`‡q tag Ki‡Z nq| ZvQvov, †h meproverbial sentence-Gi subject I verb i‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv‡K ¯^vfvweK wbq‡g tag Kiv hvq wKsev †ÿÎwe‡k‡l Ab¨ †Kvb fv‡eItag Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-(a) Ill got ill spent, isn‟t it?(b) What is lotted cannot be blotted, can it?(c) Waste not, want not, will you?(d) Many men, many minds, isn‟t it?(e) All‟s well that ends well, aren‟t they?(f) Harm hatch, harm catch, isn‟t it?(g) Give him an inch, and he will take an ell, won‟t he?(h) The more laws, the more offenders, isn‟t it?(i) Tit for tat, isn‟t it?(j) Nero fiddles while Rome burns, doesn‟t he? / isn‟t it?(k) Grasp all, lose all, isn‟t it?(l) No pains, no gains, is it?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs proverbial sentence-wUi mywbw`©ó subject I verb bv _vKvq Ges Zv affirmative A_© cÖKvkKivq isn‟t it w`‡q tag question Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (l) bs proverbial sentence-wUi mywbw`©ó subject I verb bv _vKvqGes Zv negative A_© cÖKvk Kivq is it w`‡q tag question Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avevi (b) bs proverbial sentence-wUi subject(“What is lotted”) I verb (“cannot be blotted”) _vKvq Ges Zv negative A_© cÖKvk Kivq ¯^vfvweK wbq‡g can it w`‡qtag question Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet, _________?(b) Many men, many minds, _________?(c) Might is right, _________?(d) Faults are thick where love is thin, _________?(e) Man proposes but God disposes, _________?Rule 16:- ‡Kvb sentence-Gi †k‡li clause-wU which wKsev that w`‡q _vK‡j Ges Zv Øviv c~‡e©i clause I phrase-mncy‡iv AskwU‡K (intact) eySv‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î tag question Kivi mgq Giƒc intact subject-Gi cwie‡Z© it e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Geswhich wKsev that-Gi cieZx© As‡ki verb-wU Abymv‡i tag question-Gi verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) The man has severely beaten the boy which hurts his mother, doesn‟t it?(b) Her father always loves her more than her brothers that is the cause of conflict among them, isn‟t it?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>(c) In class IX Sreejon is helpful to the weaker students which even wins the love of his teachers, doesn‟tit?(d) Every mother loves her child that is not unknown to us, is it?(e) In the HSC Exam Nowshin has got A+ which pleases them all, doesn‟t it?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wUi which Øviv “The man has severely beaten the boy” GB cy‡iv AskwU‡KeySv‡”Q hvi cwie‡Z© tag question Ki‡Z it e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges which-Gi cieZx© As‡ki verb (“hurts”) Abymv‡i tagquestion-Gi verb (“doesn‟t”) e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (d) bs sentence-wUi that Øviv “Every mother lovesher child” GB cy‡iv AskwU‡K eySv‡”Q hvi cwie‡Z© tag question Ki‡Z it e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges that-Gi cieZx© As‡ki verb(“is not unknown”) Abymv‡i tag question-Gi verb (“is”) e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) Dr. Zinat Hossain can teach the learners very effectively that is a model for all teachers, _________?(b) In the evening daily she walks along the park-road which is good for her health, _________?(c) The proverb two and two makes four can‟t be denied, _________?(d) The lady did not give her child permission to play with the neighbours which still today pains me,________?(e) He went to the flood-affected areas and distributed different things among the homeless people that hasinspired other benevolent people, _________?Rule 17:- cÖ`Ë sentence-wU‡Z when, while, after, before, till, until, if, since, as, because, though,although, unless BZ¨vw` conjunction _vK‡j †m‡‡Î main / principal / independent clause-wU (†h clause-wUi ïiæ‡ZD‡jøwLZ conjunction _v‡K bv) Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-(a) The woman had won the first prize in the <strong>com</strong>petition before she was hailed very warmly, hadn‟t she?(b) After Nuzhat had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Examination, didn‟t she?(c) The boy went to college after he had <strong>com</strong>pleted his homework, didn‟t he?(d) The man attended the seminar after <strong>com</strong>posing the song, didn‟t he?(e) Before going to market for shopping, the gentleman always takes his credit card with him, doesn‟t he?(f) Pias cannot solve the problem unless he gets help from his friend, can he?(g) The patient had died before the doctor came, hadn‟t he?(h) If you study well, you can get better grade, can‟t you?(i) Please wait here until I <strong>com</strong>e back, won‟t you?(j) Since Bangladesh is a corrupted country, she can‟t produce honest devotees, can she?Analysis ev we‡kølYt- (a) bs sentence-wU‡Z “The woman had won the first prize in the <strong>com</strong>petition” GBindependent clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e, (f) bs sentence-wU‡Z “Pias cannot solve theproblem” Ges (i) bs sentence-wU‡Z “Please wait here” GB independent clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Kivn‡q‡Q|Exercise:-(a) The writer had received a letter from the lady guest before he entertained her at Foyot‟s, ________?(b) Nova will get A+ if she studies a lot, _________?(c) He‟d attend the party unless he got sick, _________?(d) Before appearing at the HSC Exam, every student should study sincerely, _________?(e) The patient died after the doctor had <strong>com</strong>e, ________?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Exercises on <strong>Tag</strong> Question to be worked out:-a) Being the pain-bearer, every mother in all countries and in all ages loves her child, _______?b) No sooner had the rocket landed on the moon than the three astronauts began to think themselvesgainers, _______?c) According to the rule of nature, altering any of the environmental elements will change the wholeatmosphere, _______?d) To do well in the examination and to get to the climax of success, one should be perseverant, _______?e) The wretched cannot deserve the due honour from society, _______?f) Nobody can escape death because it is the ultimate doom to everybody, _______?g) In this multinational <strong>com</strong>pany, each of the officials receives a handsome amount of money asremuneration, ______?h) No sooner had he seen the army than he ran away, ________?i) The lady speaks as though she knew everything, _______?j) This year in summer it‟s hardly rained though it was essential for irrigation, _______?k) In the evening daily Jafor as well as Joni goes to market for recreation, _______?l) Our native pop singer Mukti with her parents, friends and fans was supposed to attend the seminar,______?m) After returning from the party Simla became so much tired. That‟s why feeling drowsy she hardlyspent any time to go to bed, ______?n) Sunil need not attend the meeting now though he was invited, _______?o) The lady even at the eleventh hour has got the information about that top-secret nowhere else,_______?p) Professor Bulbul didn‟t ask any oral test instead of taking a final exam, and Jennie did not either,______?q) As it was raining heavily, Naina could scarcely go outside and post the letter to ask money from herfather, ______?r) Of course, I will <strong>com</strong>e back soon. Just wait here for only ten minutes. You need to do nothing here,______?s) How will you do it? I can‟t ponder over it anything. If you have a solution, never forget to have a phonecall as soon as possible, ______?t) If I were you, I would not do this, ______?u) There is a very interesting match on television today. Let‟s enjoy the match all together in no time justafter having <strong>com</strong>pleted the work at our hands, ______?v) Our National Football and Cricket Association dared not approve the drug-addicted players to join theteam, ______?w) In our country no other problem is as acute and irremediable as it, ______?x) It is I who am your friend, _______?y) Neither of these books is ready for sale, ______?z) Rimi has few excuses for staying here like Nishi, _______?Extra:a) What is lotted cannot be blotted, _______?b) Very few students are as meritorious as Nabil, _______?c) In the morning daily you used to take a cup of coffee and have a morning walk by the lakeside, _______?d) You, she and I talked with our course teacher yesterday, _______?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>e) In the new introduced section of class eleven each boy and each girl is very active and studious, _______?f) After getting promotion even on some rigid conditions none of the boys has got qualified marks in thosesubjects, ______?g) Though cut off from the rest of the world there lives a musician in this remote village, _______?h) Just seeing the strange picture why the new<strong>com</strong>er became puzzled and was in a fix even still todayoverwhelms each of the witnesses, ______?i) It is many years since I came to Dhaka, _______?j) As soon as the passenger got to the airport, the plane was about to take off, _______?k) In fact, everything glorious and dignified is achieved through much effort, _______?l) Few subjects are as easy as history, _______?m) You, Shelley, Polly and Molly <strong>com</strong>mitted the crime, _______?n) The man who won the first prize in the <strong>com</strong>petition was hailed very warmly, _______?o) After Shimi had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Exam though she was an irregular student, _____?p) No other island in the world is as large as Australia, _______?q) Rafija, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by her husband and three children, has left Dhaka today, _______?r) The sound of the workers dragging the logs was nothing but rhythmic, _______?s) Everyone who majors in architecture and fine arts studies History of Art 450, _______?t) Her pen friend told her that he might visit Bangladesh in the winter season for which they were ready,_______?u) Either Susan or Jennie is going to the party tonight, _______?v) In the whole universe nothing is sweeter than money, _______?w) Your class has not started yet, and neither has mine, _______?x) All that glitters is not gold, _______?y) Every member of this <strong>com</strong>puter club makes a fresher understand everything, _______?Extra:01) The driver of the bus had the passengers get off abruptly and unexpectedly.02) My dad will let me drive his car.03) No other nation in the whole world is so corrupted as ours.04) None could solve that critical problem.05) The drivers are going to repair their cars before they go to Malagasy.06) They had consulted with their lawyer about their decision.07) Lila, Lima and Suma must have read this novel last night.08) The immigration officers approved the appeal of the novices.09) The history of Bangladesh is not less important than that of other countries.10) Daisy has to read at least three books daily.11) I cannot let you do this work.12) Mummy would let me buy that new dress.13) Most of the candidates have their names printed on the ballot in the countrywide election.14) The National Football and Cricket Association of that country dared not approve the drug-addictedplayers to join the team.15) Most doctors agree that the fluid around the spinal cord helps nourish the brain.16) Jinni said that she would help them to find the new place.17) At first when I was learning to drive, my father did not let me use his car.18) He must have measured everything.19) Excessive water makes plants turning brown on the edges of their leaves.20) I want to get the house reconstructed before summer.

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>21) Nobody thinks that they can get Suzanne to take them all to Toronto.22) Marry had a friend type all of her papers.23) His mother lets her cook in a solar pond.24) The pen is mightier than the sword.25) Her father rebuked her extremely.26) There have been significant changes in the types of entertainment over time.27) Folk music or palligeeti is now sung with western instruments.28) People living near riverbanks have to bear the brunt of the erosion.29) The government has taken up a scheme to protect some of the areas from the greedy clutches of theRiver Meghna.30) For men, their traditional dress consists of a long robe and a piece of cloth covering the head.31) The men in India wear heavy and expensive achkan suits on formal occasions.32) When it is really hot, it is usual to take off the jacket.33) British eating habits are very different now from thirty years ago.34) In Britain most people use knives and forks for eating.35) But in fact it <strong>com</strong>es from Britain.36) The traditional breakfast ac<strong>com</strong>panied by toast with butter, jam and marmalade.37) On other days, the main cooked meal is usually in the evening.38) American society is geared to the three-meal system.39) All these make driving in Bangladesh a nightmare experience.40) The whole country has fairly good <strong>com</strong>munication network now.Passage Type / Dialogue Form <strong>Tag</strong>:01. Rishad as well as Bashir is going to visit the Fantasy Kingdom today, ________?Many of their neighbours are also going there. But nobody can start journey unless it stops raining,_______?The spot is quite far from here. The journey will take not less than one hour, ________?It‟s hardly possible to go there today, ________? So, next day how they will arrange everything hasbeen a critical question for them, ________?02. : Congratulations, Shila. Nobody has made such an excellent result from this college like you, (a)_______?: Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, (b) _______?: You‟re right. We ought to remain grateful to them, (c) _______?: Certainly. You wasted away your valuable time a little, (d) _______?: Yes. Proper study brings good results. None can cut a brilliant figure in the exam without studyingproperly, (e) _______?03. : Hi Shamim, why are you staying here alongside the road?: Actually Sujon is supposed to <strong>com</strong>e here and I am waiting for him, (a) ________?: Sujon? I also have <strong>com</strong>e to meet him, (b) _______?: Has he told you about anything?: No. He just told me to meet him here. Nothing has been told more than that, (c) _______?: So far as I know, he wants to go to the fair, (d) _______?: Really? Oh, here‟s Sujon <strong>com</strong>ing. Let‟s discuss this with him, (e) _______?

Part A Digital Success in English <strong>Tag</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>04. : Do you know anything about <strong>com</strong>puter?: Of course, it is fairly a recent invention, (a) _______?: In which sector <strong>com</strong>puter does not play a vital role is a big question for the present time, (b) _____?: Really, there exist very few spheres of our life which are not influenced by <strong>com</strong>puter, (c) _______?: Once abacus was the first step to <strong>com</strong>puter. In that sense, every device that helps people to performmathematical calculation can be called <strong>com</strong>puter, (d) _______?: But now its working spheres have spread and changed a lot. Daily it‟s changing. Let‟s hope for thenext revolutionary change, (e) _______?05. : Gradually my hair is getting grey. I don‟t like grey hair. I as well as my elder brother am fond ofblack hair, (a) _______?: I‟m also like you. But my younger sister likes black hair a little, (b) _______? Actually she likesgrey hair and so she very often bleaches her hair, (c) _______? But I dye my hair after every twomonths to look them black.: Dying or bleaching is very harmful for hair, (d) _______? You can use natural dying instead ofchemical ones, (e) _______?06. : Nusrat, have you read „Lalshalu‟?: Yes, I have. Methinks, no other Bengali novel has exposed the so-called social backward andprejudiced pictures as acutely as this, (a) ________?: You‟re right. Neither bigotry nor prejudice was ignored in this novel, (b) _______?: In fact, how skilfully the novelist delineated all those social pictures stills puzzles everybody, (c)_______?: Oh! Nishat, you‟ve <strong>com</strong>e. We were talking about „Lalshalu‟. Definitely you‟ve to read it.: I scarcely miss reading this type of book, (d) _______? I read it five years ago, (e) _______?07. : Reshma, are you going to join the picnic?: Yes, of course. I along with my elder sister am going, (a) _______?: But nobody will help you there, (b) _______? Nothing important is available there, (c) _______?Despite these obstacles, how you venture to go there really astounds me, (d) _______?: No problem. Near the picnic spot, there lives my brother-in-law, (e) _______? He has ensuredeverything.Answer01. aren‟t they? can they? will it? is it? hasn‟t it?02. (a) have they? (b) don‟t they? (c) oughtn‟t we? (d) did you? (e) can they?03. (a) aren‟t I? (b) haven‟t I? (c) has it? (d) doesn‟t he? (e) shall we?04. (a) isn‟t it? (b) isn‟t it? (c) do there? (d) can‟t they? (e) shall we?05. (a) aren‟t we? (b) does she? (c) doesn‟t she? (d) aren‟t they? (e) can‟t you?06. (a) have they? (b) were they? (c) doesn‟t it? (d) do i? (e) didn‟t I?07. (a) aren‟t we? (b) will they? (c) is it? (d) doesn‟t it? (e) doesn‟t there?

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