Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...


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52 M. Diha and S. Pierre3. All procedures associated with an MN (registration, discovery, tunnel<strong>in</strong>g and rout<strong>in</strong>g)represent different tasks with a specific priority.4. Multiprocessor agent (HA or FA). In this paper the emphasis is put on the HA.Also the Home Agent is redundant to allow failure recovery.5. A ma<strong>in</strong> processor dispatch<strong>in</strong>g the different tasks arriv<strong>in</strong>g on an agent.6. A set of faster processors is def<strong>in</strong>ed to process high-priority tasks.7. Architecture allow<strong>in</strong>g different speeds for the processors.3.2 Proposed AlgorithmsBased on the architecture described above, a set of new algorithms has been def<strong>in</strong>edfor mobility management. These algorithms are derived from Mobile IPv4 algorithms[6]. They <strong>in</strong>troduce the notion of priority management <strong>in</strong> a real-time context. The newdiscovery algorithm adds the rang<strong>in</strong>g concept <strong>in</strong> addition to the lifetime used <strong>in</strong> MobileIPv4. Also it allows the MN to <strong>in</strong>itiate Foreign Agents search at startup <strong>in</strong> steadof wait<strong>in</strong>g advertisements. In addition, this algorithm allows the MN to keep a list ofthe most recent Foreign Agents that it tries to contact first before <strong>in</strong>itiat<strong>in</strong>g any broadcastsearch.3.2.1 Tasks Schedul<strong>in</strong>g and Assignment Algorithm-Given i counter of tasks and j counter of processors.-Given n tasks TSK 1, …,TSK i, …, TSK nwith the priorities p 1, … p i, … p n.-Given S a set of faster processors and p sthreshold of a critical task.-Given u(i) the utilization rate of the task TSK iand U(j) a vector of u(i) on P j.BEGIN-i= 1, U(j)= 0, S =1.-Sort the n tasks based on u(i) on P 0.WHILE i ≤ n DOj = m<strong>in</strong>{k|U(k) + u(i) = 1}IF ( (p i> p s) && ( ∃ P R∈S | ∑ U(P R) < 1)) ) THEN TSK i→ P RELSE TSK i→ Pji ← i + 1END WHILEEND BEGINFig. 3. Task schedul<strong>in</strong>g and assignment algorithmThe schedul<strong>in</strong>g part of the algorithm is based on the EDF algorithm [2] while theassignment part is a totally new concept s<strong>in</strong>ce it based on a multiprocessor architecture.The tasks are sorted based on the deadl<strong>in</strong>e and assigned to the processors. If atask is critical (short deadl<strong>in</strong>e), it is assigned to a faster processor. If not it is assignedto a normal processor. A task is assigned to a processor only if its current utilization

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