Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...


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216 T. Chu and I. Nikolaidis12: end for13: end for14: while (true) do15: m<strong>in</strong>Node ←−116: m<strong>in</strong>C ← <strong>in</strong>f17: for all x ∈ V do18: if (C[x] < 0 and C[x] < m<strong>in</strong>C) then19: m<strong>in</strong>Node ← x20: m<strong>in</strong>C ← C[x]21: end if22: end for23: if (m<strong>in</strong>Node = −1) then24: return (F EASIBLE)25: end if26: for all Ps i,j <strong>in</strong>P s do27: for k =1to |Ps i,j |−2 do28: s ← Ps i,j [k]29: via ← Ps i,j [k +1]30: d ← CurrentP ath[k +2]31: if (P [s][via] ≤ P [s][m<strong>in</strong>Node] andP [via][d] ≤ P [via][m<strong>in</strong>Node]) then32: for all v ∈ V do33: if (D[via][v] ≤ D[via][d]) then34: C[v]+ = T i,j35: end if36: Ps i,j ← Ps i,j − via37: end for38: end if39: end for40: end for41: if C[m<strong>in</strong>Node] < 0 then42: return (INFEASIBLE)43: end if44: end whilePsuedocode 2: All Pairs M<strong>in</strong>imum Energy PathsIn the second heuristic, All Pairs Shortest Paths(V,D,Ps) is an all pairsshortest path algorithm applied on aVvertex completely connected graph. Thecosts of the edges are provided <strong>in</strong> D and the result<strong>in</strong>g paths returned <strong>in</strong> Ps. Psis a set of paths. With slight abuse of syntax, Ps i,j represents the path from i toj <strong>in</strong> set Ps, and Ps ij [k] isthek th vertex along the paths from i to j from set Ps.This algorithm is based on the idea of all-pairs shortest paths algorithm suchas the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which runs <strong>in</strong> O(N 3 ) time. We exam<strong>in</strong>e thenodes where the bandwidth constra<strong>in</strong>t is violated. We first f<strong>in</strong>d out a node such

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