Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...


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204 S. Patil5 Simulation ModelSource node submits a search query to the network D times, spread over an<strong>in</strong>terval, where maximum D = 7. The network assumes that each node can havea maximum of 8 neighbors and for experimental reasons the flood<strong>in</strong>g has a limitof 7 hops from the source node.The ma<strong>in</strong> aim of this algorithm is the energy efficient operation. The simulationshave given vary<strong>in</strong>g weights to the energy consumed <strong>by</strong> different message.Some of the important messages <strong>in</strong> this algorithm are Query Messages, Query-Response, Query-Result, Cont<strong>in</strong>ue with arbitrary maximum messages sizes of100 <strong>by</strong>tes, 80 <strong>by</strong>tes, 70 <strong>by</strong>tes each and 40 <strong>by</strong>tes each. The energy required <strong>by</strong>each node is constant and is 1 micro-Joule per <strong>by</strong>te. These values are takenbased on the approximate ratio of the packet sizes <strong>in</strong> packet networks which <strong>in</strong>cludesheader, identifier and query-str<strong>in</strong>g (which is variable length). So <strong>in</strong> somecases it is possible that the packets might be of sizes smaller than the mentionedabove. But the most important factor here is the energy required per <strong>by</strong>te, thatdeterm<strong>in</strong>es the efficiency of the algorithm.5.1 Aggregate Energy Consumption ModelEach query be<strong>in</strong>g propagated through the mobile network consumes energy. Thismetric gives us results about the energy consumption due the query process<strong>in</strong>g.Let,E q be the energy required to communicate the query message;N q be the number of nodes that process query k hops awayE q be the number of nodes that process the query aga<strong>in</strong> k hops away i.e. redundantqueries.where,T otal Energy per Query , T E q = E q × (T q + T r ) (1)Total Query Messages, T q = N (q,x) + R (q,x) andTotal Response Messages, T q = Resp (q,x) + Rslt (q,x)andN (q,x) is the number of nodes that process query Q, k hops away fromR (q,x) is the number of redundant edges when the query Q is processed.Resp (q,x) is the number of response messages received per query Q from a nodex which is k hops from the source.Rslt (q,x) is the number of results received per query Q.This model is modified to accommodate the changes based on IDEA andT-IDEA methods5.2 Energy Model for IDEAIn case of IDEA, the aggregate energy consumed per query must take <strong>in</strong>to accountthe cost of send<strong>in</strong>g cont<strong>in</strong>ue messages, as well as the possibility that a

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