Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...

Page 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865 Edited by G. Goos ...


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98 E.W. Grundke and A.N. Z<strong>in</strong>cir-Heywood(c) When a node moves, it may enter or leave the radio range of one or more othernodes. We assume that nodes are able to detect the mak<strong>in</strong>g and break<strong>in</strong>g of radiol<strong>in</strong>ks, and that such l<strong>in</strong>k events occur at each node at a rate p W per unit time. Thesymbol W is meant to suggest a user walk<strong>in</strong>g while carry<strong>in</strong>g a mobile device.We def<strong>in</strong>e a = p W /p T to be the walk/talk ratio, the ratio of a node's rate of l<strong>in</strong>kevents to its rate of produc<strong>in</strong>g user data packets. Notice that a depends only on thenodal behavior and not on the network configuration. The value a is a usefuldimensionless measure of the impact of node mobility.(d) It is important to model the radio transmission range of a node because of afundamental tradeoff <strong>in</strong> ad-hoc networks: a large range can reduce the number ofhops required to transport a packet to its dest<strong>in</strong>ation, but it also reduces the number ofnodes that can transmit simultaneously. We assume that the transmission range of anode is R: at distances exceed<strong>in</strong>g R, a node's signal cannot be received and does not<strong>in</strong>terfere with other reception, either because the signal is too weak or because someaspect of the physical layer restricts the nodes' participation. (For example, afrequency hopp<strong>in</strong>g scheme may form a logical small-scale network of this size.) Weassume that d 1 £ R £ D, s<strong>in</strong>ce (i) for R < d 1 the network becomes largely disconnected,and (ii) for R > D all N nodes are already with<strong>in</strong> range. The number of nodes with<strong>in</strong>range of any transmitt<strong>in</strong>g node is a group of approximately g =(R+r 1 ) 2 /r 2 1 nodes,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the transmitt<strong>in</strong>g node.(e) The quantities p T and p W cannot be arbitrarily large because the packet transmissionrate for each node is f<strong>in</strong>ite. Let b be the maximum possible value for p T ,realized when a node transmits new user data packets cont<strong>in</strong>uously and handles noother traffic. (Assum<strong>in</strong>g one packet per l<strong>in</strong>k event, p W must also satisfy p W £b.) Thenb is node's bandwidth expressed <strong>in</strong> packets/second. However, because of the natureof a typical physical layer, a node cannot atta<strong>in</strong> a packet transmission rate of b. If weassume that the g nodes with<strong>in</strong> radio range share a channel at any moment, theaverage maximum packet transmission rate per node is only b/g.4 User Data TrafficOur network is assumed to have only two types of traffic: application (user) datapackets and rout<strong>in</strong>g packets. We assume that there is no gateway to other networks.We beg<strong>in</strong> <strong>by</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g the above network geometry and node model to f<strong>in</strong>d the trafficdue to user data alone.First we def<strong>in</strong>e b (>1), the forward<strong>in</strong>g overhead, to be the average number of hopsrequired for a packet to travel from source node to dest<strong>in</strong>ation node. (We ignore datatraffic between local applications.) With the assumption of uniformity, this impliesthat for every user data packet <strong>in</strong>jected <strong>in</strong>to the network <strong>by</strong> a node, the node mustperform on average b packet transmissions. This is a cost of participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> an adhocnetwork: <strong>in</strong> order to orig<strong>in</strong>ate data packets at a rate p T , a node must transmit datapackets at a rate of bp T .The average distance from the source to the dest<strong>in</strong>ation [4] is about D/2. Weassume that rout<strong>in</strong>g is optimal, i.e. a packet travels roughly <strong>in</strong> a straight l<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> hopsof length R. Then the distance D/2 can be covered <strong>in</strong> b = D/(2R) hops. S<strong>in</strong>ce D=d 1 (÷N-1), we have

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