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Page 99 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islama worthy proclamation it is! All the worldly passions have been put in a scale-pan of thebalance and loving God and His Apostle and striving in the way of Him in the other scalepan.Of course the pan of godliness is heavier because of the moral distinction of the faithin God. Islam, in its first steps, tried to free man from superstitions and false imaginations,because the world was immersed in superstitions and delusions before the advent ofIslam. Some of those superstitions were innovated by people and some others wereattributed to God by some distinguished religious men and all of those superstitionsarouse from ignorance that people were afflicted with from old times. It was mentionedin Nahj al-Balaghah that when Imam Ali (s) determined on setting out to Siffeen, one ofhis companions said to him: “According to astrology, you will not be successful in your aimif you set out at this moment.” Imam Ali (s) exclaimed with anger and said: “Do you thinkthat you can tell which moment one may go out without facing any evil or can you bringgood news of which moment one may go to obtain good?” Then he turned towards hismen and said: “O people, avoid learning astrology [5] except that by which you are to beguided on the land or in the sea, because it leads you to divining. An astrologer is a divinerand the diviner is like the sorcerer, the sorcerer is like the unbeliever and the unbelieverwould be in hell.” Anyhow Islam came to release the nations from the false imaginationsthat were engraved in the figures of the idols. Islam invited people to worship the Oneand Only God, who is free from false delusions, and called them to use their mentalfaculties as a guide towards the truths of life and to depend upon the scientific facts to becertain about the truth of the existence of Allah It is undeniable to say that when Islamappeared, the world was immersed in corruption and oppression and people hadsubmitted themselves to debauchery and carnality. The two empires of Rome and Iranwere involved awkwardly in immoral habits, the people were treated inhumanely andunjustly and the rulers used to encroach upon the other's rights. Then Islam came andreformed the corrupted conditions and changed that disgraceful situation into a peacefullife full of delight and motion and it prepared people to live morals and virtues. Hence theworld of Islam became the source of learning and instruction for a long time, so theMuslims were known as an obvious example of humanity, but as a result of the undueinfluence of the colonial policy of the West and because of the ignorance of the Islamicstatesmen the Islamic morals and ideals began to disappear gradually throughout thisnation. Consequently the Muslims were captured by passions and laziness and they fellinto the actual misfortune at last. The colonial policy of the West, in the last two centuries,

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