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Page 98 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamoppressed against the oppressor.” But the worldly governments try to change the law forthe benefit of them and hence they cause harms to their peoples because they are crueland merciless and they have no faith in the merciful God; consequently they violate theprinciples of the law and then they run after the pleasures of their short life. Hence theprivate and individual interests come forth and the rule of struggle for getting benefitsand avoiding losses start to run and the human beings are involved in quarrels andcompetitions. Then the human affection and the sense of friendship and brotherhooddisappear and man falls into laziness and carnality at last whereas the faith in God andbelieving in the afterworld gives man the security and peace of mind; that peacefulnesswhich causes man to be attentive to God, to undertake the responsibility of his owndoings, to fight against evils for the sake of God and does his best to build and make theworld habitable and consequently he will be expectant of good rewards in the future life.Such faith in God with the aim of being friend and brother with the others and fightingagainst oppression for the sake of spreading justice and defending goodness to honor ofgoodness itself is the very faith that takes man to welfare and peacefulness. Thereforethe Jews and the Christians are highly recommended to resign themselves to the MosaicLaw and the gospel and to adopt them as a belief to be saved from worries and anxieties.But Islam is different from the other religions. It directs man to the Most High and the Oneand Only God, Who has the control over all the circumstances, and to believe that He hascreated the whole creatures and all people are His servants. He deserves the realsovereignty and no human being can secure his benefit or avoid harm without His will.Consequently a freehearted Muslim doesn’t worry about the quarrels of the world anddoesn’t deem it necessary to injure the others. From a study of Imam Ali's words throughNahj al-Balaghah we conclude that Islam, in the first step, purifies people from badqualities and in this way it makes them free from all passions and fancies. Such people willnever submit to abjection and will never leave the field of fighting against cruelty andoppression because they are not captured by passions. And for this reason Islam lookskindly to those people, who are free of passions, and ranks them with the mujahidin andnot with the wretched and hypocrites. The Holy Qur’an says: (Say: If your fathers andyour sons and your brethren and your mates and your kinsfolk and property, which youhave acquired, and the slackness of trade which you fear and dwellings which you like,are dearer to you than Allah and His Apostle and striving in His way, then wait till Allahbrings about His command; and Allah does not guide the transgressing people) 9:24. What

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