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Page 94 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islambecause you won’t be forgiven when wasting the slight thing for the sake of achieving thegreat thing. Do not be ignorant about their affairs and do not be proud before them. Seekfor those, whose news do not reach you because that people scorn them and hate to lookat them. Order some of benevolent and humble people to seek for those destitute onesand to inform you of their affairs and then you are to do to them what Allah may forgiveyou for when you meet Him because this sect of people is in need of fairness more thanthe others. Anyhow you have to give every one his right. Attend to the orphans and theold people, who are helpless and do not demean themselves by begging people. This istoo heavy for the walis and the whole rightness is heavy but Allah may make it easy forthose, who hope for the good end by being patient and believe in what Allah has promisedthem of. Assign some of your time to the plaintiffs. You sit humbly with them in a publicmeeting and keep your guards and soldiers away from them in order that they may talkfrankly without any fear. I had heard the Prophet (s) saying more than a time: “A nationwill not be sanctified if the right of the weak is not taken back from the powerful withoutthreat or fear.” Tolerate their severity and ineloquence. Do not show them intoleranceand disdain so that Allah spreads upon you his mercy and rewards you for your obeyingHim. If you give, give willingly and if you deny, deny kindly and apologizingly. There arecertain things that you have to do yourself; you have to answer your governors whenyour clerks are unable to, you have to answer the people’s wants as soon as they reachyou as your assistants may delay them. Achieve every day’s duty in time because eachday has its own duties. Choose for yourself the best time to be with Allah. Know that thegreatest of your doings, although that they all are to be for the sake of Allah, are thosethat you do with good will and those you do for the sake of your people. Let the best thing,with which you worship Allah sincerely, be the offering of his obligations, which are forAllah alone. Tire your body for your God during your day and night. Approach to Allahsincerely with all what you do for the sake of Him without any shortage or hypocrisywhatever you become tired. When you lead the people in offering the prayer, try neitherto lengthen it nor to lose anything of it because among the people there are some, whoare ill, and some, who have things to do. Once I asked the Prophet (s), when he hadordered me to go to Yemen, about how to lead people in offering the prayer and he said:“Offer it like the prayer of the weakest of them and be kind to the believers.” Do not hidetoo long from your people because the hiding of the walis from the people is a kind ofdistress and ignorance of their affairs. Hiding from the people prevents them from

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