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Page 92 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamhis (the judge) judgments always and be openhanded to him to satisfy his needs so thathe won’t be in need of the people. Give him a position in your court so high that none caneven dream of coveting it and so high that neither backbiting nor intrigue can touch him.Think of this so much for this religion was captive under the control of the evildoers. Theyused it according to their fancies and as a means to obtain the vain pleasures of thisworldly life. Then think about your officials. Employ them after trying. Do not appoint themfavoringly or autocratically because they are full of injustice and treason. Seek after theexperienced and coy men of the benevolent families and the previous in Islam becausethey are more honest, less greedy and more prudent. Then supply them with sufficientliving for it helps them to purify themselves and prevent them from seizing what is thereunder their control and it will be an evidence against them if they break your order orbetray the trust. Then check their jobs and send truthful and sincere inspectors to watchthem. Watching them secretly leads them to be honest and loyal in doing their jobs and tobe kind to the people. If one of them betrays the trust, you will be informed of that byyour spies and this will be enough witness to let you punish him, disgrace him, defamehim and girt him with the shame of the guilt according to what he commits. Take muchcare for the revenue so as to prosper the producers because their prosperity leads toprosper the others. There is no prosperity without them because all the people aredependent upon them. Let you think of reclaiming the lands more than to think of gettingthe revenue. Whoever seeks after revenue without reforming, will ruin the country anddestroy the people and his rule won’t last long. If they (the farmers) complain ofdeficiency or lack of water (of the rivers or the rains) or that their farms are damaged byfloods, you have to aid them with what may lessen their sufferings. Do not be vexedabout what you give them to relieve their distress because they will, in return,recompense in prospering your country and strengthening your rule besides getting theirgoodwill and being delighted by spreading justice among them. They will join their powerto yours and will confide in you after doing them favors and being fair with them. One dayif something happens, you may charge them with a heavy burden and you find that theyundertake it willingly. Prosperity bears whatever you burden it with. The desolation of theland comes out of the indigence of its people and the indigence of the people comes outof the eagerness of the walis for heaping up monies for themselves, their distrust aboutremaining in their positions and that they do not learn from the previous examples. Thenthink about you clerks. Trust your affairs to the best of the people. Trust your special

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