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Page 91 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamby the violent provocation and who will not falter at any stage. Keep to those of goodreputation, integrity and glorious past. Depend upon those of courage and bravery and ofmagnanimity and generosity because they are the base of liberality and the sources ofbenevolence. Care for them as parents care for their children and do not exaggeratewhat you have done to them. Do not leave any little kindness to them you think it may beworthless because any kindness towards them will lead them to confide in you and tooffer you the sincere advice. Attend to every bit of their wants. Do not be content withgeneral help that you may have given to them, for sometimes, timely attention to a littlewant of theirs brings them immense relief. Let your commander in chief be the one, whohelps his men and gives them from his wealth what suffices them and suffices theirfamilies left behind so that their intention will be the same in their jihad against theenemy. Your being kind to them will turn their hearts towards you. The best delight of thewali’s eye is by spreading justice in the country and by the expression of the people’scordiality. They do not express their goodwill except when their hearts are contented andthey will not be sincere unless they are willing to safeguard their walis and are contentedwith their rule and are hopeful of their aims so try to achieve their hopes and keep onpraising them and mentioning their good deeds because praising the good deedsprovokes the brave and incites the laggard inshallah. Keep every one’s right and do notascribe someone’s excellence to another. Do not belittle one’s great deed. Do not letsomeone’s nobility lead you to glorify his slight deed and do not let the meanness ofsomeone’s lead you to belittle his great deed. Turn to Allah and to His Prophet forguidance whenever you feel uncertain about what you have to do. Allah had said to somepeople, whom He wished to guide: (O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Apostleand those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it toAllah and the Apostle). Referring to Allah is to obey His Book and referring to the Prophetis to follow his Sunnah, which calls for unity and warns of separation. Choose, for judgingamong people, the best of them to you, who is not obsessed by distresses, doesn’tbecome importunate before the opponents, doesn’t keep on mistakes, doesn’t missreason, doesn’t hesitate to follow the truth when he finds it, doesn’t think of greed,doesn’t satisfy with the least perception without looking for the farthest, the mostpondering on the confused matters, the most dependent upon evidences, the least boredin inspecting the opponents, the most determined when the truth appears, who isn’taffected by praise, who isn’t incited by any temptation and these are very few. Observe

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