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Page 89 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamtendency be with them and let your attention be to them. Let him, who looks for thedefects of people, be the farthest one from you and the most odious to you becausepeople have defects that the wali is the first one, who has to cover them. Do not try todisclose what is hidden of those defects but you have to purify what is appeared of themto you and Allah decides upon what is unknown for you. Cover the defects (of people) aspossible as you can and Allah will cover of your defects as what you like to cover of yourpeople’s defects. Remove every grudge from the people’s hearts by behaving fairly withthem and get rid of every enmity. Ignore whatever is not clear to you and do not hastento believe any slanderer because a slanderer is deceitful even if he imitates the sincerepeople. Let neither a miser participate in your consultation because he makes you beaway from virtue and frighten you of poverty if you want to spend, nor a coward becausehe disheartens you nor a greedy one because he graces greed for you with wrongfulness.Miserliness, cowardliness and greed are different instincts but they participate in onecommon thing, which is distrusting Allah. The worst of your viziers are they, who wereviziers of the wicked rulers before you and who participated in their sins; so do not letthem be of your retinue because they were the supporters of the sinners and thebrothers of the unjust. You will find better than them, who have the same experience butwithout sins and guilts and who haven’t helped the unjust with their injustice nor thesinners with their sins. They will be less burdensome on you, more helpful for you, morekind-hearted to you and less intimate with other than you (the opponents). So you dependon such people as your retinue and then let the most preferable one to you that, who isthe most truthful in saying the bitter truth to you and the least helpful when you do whatAllah hates for His guardians to do whether it agrees with your fancy or not. Stick to thepious and truthful people and inure them not to praise you or make you feel proud aboutsomething that you haven’t done because much praise leads to vanity and arrogance. Donot consider the benevolent and the evil as equal because you will discourage thebenevolent to do benevolence and courage the offensive to commit more offenses. Youhave to reward every one according to his doing. Know that nothing makes the ruler thinkmuch of his people better than to be kind to them and to lessen their burden and not toforce them to do what they are not able to do. Let you, by doing that, cause a mutual trustbetween you and your people because confidence will keep you away from manytroubles. As long as you do good to them they will confide in you and as long as you do evilto them they will distrust in you. Do not break a good tradition followed by the leaders of

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