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Page 87 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamanyone as long as you do not want to be oppressed. Whatever you think as being bad forthe others to do, think of it as being bad for you too to do. Deal with people in a way asyou like them to deal with you. Do not talk about what you do not know well. Do not say tothe others what you do not like to be said to you.” Nowadays the eighth Islamic summitmeeting will be held in Tehran to find reasonable solutions for the difficult problems andtangled affairs of the Muslims all over the world. The presidents and the prime-ministerswill attend the meeting, which will be presided by President Muhammad Khatami. Amongthe main problems, which will be discussed in the meeting, is the Zionist aggressionagainst Palestine and the civil war in Afghanistan. Some other problems concerning theIslamic countries will be discussed too. Imam Ali (s) had instructed the Muslims with manyadvices in the field of governing and dealing with different classes of society such as thearmy, the merchants, the industrial community, the agricultural sect and the poor. Hefixed the basic sides of the Islamic government; administration, public services, judiciary,the financial affairs and the clerical affairs. It was useful not only for the officials of thegovernment but also when dealing with the various problems and situations. Some of hisinstructions were pointed out earlier but his most famous epistle to Malik al-Ashtar, thewali of Egypt, included all the mention instructions and a large number of highlyregardable rules. The letter is as the following: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, theMerciful. This is what the servant of Allah, Ali, Ameer-al-Mu’mineen, has ordered Malik al-Ashtar, who is appointed as wali of Egypt, ordering him to collect its revenue, to fight itsenemies, to manage its people's affairs and to improve the country. He is ordered to fearAllah and to obey Him and to follow what Allah has ordered in His book of obligations andnorms, which no one will be prosperous unless by following and no one will be wretchedunless by denying and missing, to support Allah (by supporting the rightness) with hisheart, hand and tongue, because Allah has promised to support whomever support Himand to glorify whomever glorifies Him. He is ordered to control his soul’s fancies and tosubdue his soul if it wants to recalcitrate, because the soul often incites towards evilexcept for those, whom Allah has mercy upon. O Malik, know that I have sent you to acountry that had experienced just and unjust rules before you. The people will think ofyour deeds as you thought of the deeds of the walis, who preceded you, and they will talkabout you as you talked about the walis ruled before you. The virtuous men will be knownby what is said about them by the people (by the favor of Allah). Let the loveliest provisionto your self be the benevolent doing. Control your fancy and prevent yourself from what

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