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Page 86 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islampeople. You are not to be rough to them and you are not to turn your faces away fromthem proudly because of your positions. They are your brethren in faith and you are inneed of their help in achieving your job. Of course you have certain shares and rights inthis poor-rate and the poor, the weak and the indigents have other shares. We shall payyou your rights and you too have to care for their demands.” He always asserted people'srights, small or big, secretly or openly. He wrote to one of his officers saying: “Do not sayto the people that you are their master or a man of authority and that they have to obeyyou. This will spoil your heart and weaken your faith in religion and furthermore it createsanarchy in the state.” He himself controlled everything of the state affairs so that no onecould infringe on others' rights at his time. It was reported to him that the wali of thedistricts had misappropriated the treasury. He wrote to him: “The goodness of your fathercheated me to think that you will follow his right manner and you will imitate him, butaccording to what was reported to me, you have followed your own passions. You leavethe religion and morality behind by doing your relatives favors. You better your life byspoiling your afterlife. (His saying was in compliance with the Holy Qur’an when saying:(Then as for him who is inordinate, and prefers the life of this world, then surely the hell,that is the abode) 79:37-39.)A man like you is good for nothing. You are not able to drive theharm away nor worthy of being given a promotion, nor trustworthy againstmisappropriation..... Come to me as soon as this letter reaches you inshallah.” Imam Ali, inone of his sermons, said: “By Allah, if I sleep on the Sa’dan [2] wakefully or I will be pulledbound in chains, is better to me than to meet Allah and His apostle on the Day ofJudgment wronging some people or extorting something of the vanities of the world.”Imam Ali (s) had given a right to the government to punish the offenders to be as awarning for the others. A man was heard crying for help about Hamadan (a city in thewest of Iran). It appeared that someone had bought a shirt and paid the seller somespotted coins and slapped him on the face. They were disputing with each other whenImam Ali (s) got there. At last the buyer was forced to change the forged money. It wasdecidedthat the seller avenge himself on buyer by slapping him on the face. Although the buyerwas forgiven by the seller but Imam Ali (s) slapped the buyer on the face and said: “This isthe right of the government too.”[3] Imam Ali wrote in his will for his son Imam Hasan: “Omy son, make yourself the judge between you and the others. Like for the others whatyou like for yourself and dislike for them what you dislike for yourself. Do not oppress

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