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Page 85 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamfirst days of Imam Ali’s caliphate, some of his close friends were angry because of thattwo companions (Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqass and Abdullah ibn Umar) had not paid homage toImam Ali. Imam Ali said: “Those, who do not like to co-operate with me, are free as longas they do not excite sedition against people.'' He believed that a human being was freeand independent in thinking, deciding and in practicing. He had expressed himself in hiswill to his son Imam Hasan by saying: “You have to investigate and think over what hasdescended to you from your ancestors and then to beg God’s help in order not to fall intodoubts.” There is a general rule in Islam that the believers have to fight againstoppression and injustice. The Holy Qur’an says: (Permission (to fight) is given to thoseupon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well ableto assist them.) 22:39. Imam Ali encouraged people to get back their rights by force aspossible as they could. He thought that nobody should tolerate injustice; therefore he hadsaid: “Be against the oppressor and support the oppressed.” The oppressors always ruleaccording to their minds instead of the law. They always cause misfortunes anddistresses by spreading injustice with its undue influences. Nowadays the colonialcountries exert pressure inhumanely upon the backward nations and, in order to keeptheir illegal interests, they keep them pauper by spoiling their natural resources andpreventing them from the scientific development. Regretfully they pretend themselvesthe champions of freedom and the defenders of the human rights. Imam Ali (s) wouldnever give an opportunity to his officers to abuse their power to violate people's rights,because he esteemed man in all respects. He had instructed the tax collectors by saying:“Do not walk through the people’s farms because it destroys their efforts and it makesthem feel unhappy. Do not take from them more than the legal share. When you arrive ata village, you are to go to their watering places and not to go in front of their houses. Firstof all, you are to greet them and to talk with them kindly. You say: “O servants of God, thecaliph of God has sent us to you to collect the zakat and the alms from you.” If the answerwas no, you are not to be sever with them and then you are not to repeat your demand.But if they respond and wanted to apportion their yields, let them take the share that theyhave set aside for themselves. Be careful not to enter their cattle-pens without theirpermission and take care not to browbeat or frighten any Muslim.” He said in anotherletter: “This is my instructions to you; fear Allah (avoid sins) in your secret matters andhidden actions, where no one is present except Allah and no one watches except Him.You have to obey Allah in the same way when openly or secretly. You are not to harm

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