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Page 82 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamyou have given them dowries ...) 5:5. It is clear by these Qur’anic verses that Islam hasgiven a chance to the followers of the other religions to associate with the Muslims freelyand that the Muslims should deal with them peacefully. Imam Ali (s) said: “When youovercome your foe, forgive him as a way of thanking God that He enables you toovercome him.” Considering this truth, Imam Ali (s) recommended people, especially hisofficers, to be just to every one, whether acquainted or not, and to fulfill their promisewhen they are in treaty with foreigners. Many of his men insisted on him to break hispromise concerning the agreement of the arbitration. Although he was obliged to acceptit, he did not pay attention to them and said: “It is not of justice to break my promise.” AChristian woman was attacked by the enemy in a frontier locality and they had snatchedher ornaments from her ears and hands. When Imam Ali knew about it, he exclaimedfrom on the pulpit and said angrily: “If one hears this and dies with grief, he won’t beblamed.” Islam is the only religion that calls for human beings to associate with each other.peacefully and with mutual respectThe Value of Man in Imam Ali’s ThoughtImam Ali (s) wanted to revive all the human values that were granted to people by theProphet of Islam and they were declined during the reign of the third caliph Uthman.Once, Imam Ali set out to Syria. The people of Anbar (a place between Syria and Iraq) methim. They had come out from the city to welcome him. When they saw Imam Ali, theybegan to prostrate themselves on the ground and then they ran in front of him. When heasked why they did so, they replied that they respected their chiefs in this manner. ImamAli said: “By Allah, this action does not benefit your chiefs but it makes them be proud andhaughty. We all are the servants of God. I do not have any preference to you, except thatmy responsibility is more than you since I have accepted the tenure of the caliphate. Bydoing this you trouble yourselves in this world and you will get misery in the afterworld.”Once, Imam Ali (s) was going back to Kufa. He met one of his followers, who was ofnobility in his town. He began to walk with him while Imam Ali was on the horseback.Imam Ali (s) said to him: “Get back! Going on foot by a man like you with one like me ismisfortune for the ruler and insult for the believer.” Imam Ali (s) said: “The worth of a manis as much as his courage. His valor is due to his self-respect ...” As it was said earlier thatcourage consisted of virtue, self-reliance, patience before terrible difficulties and suchqualities of magnanimity. In Imam Ali’s thought, the value of a man was according to his

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