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Page 81 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamtheir promises about the social justice and tolerance and they would tread upon theMuslims' rights. For example, Ethiopia was formerly ruled by the church of Egypt, whichwas under the British authority. Its inhabitants were 35% Muslims and 65% Christians andothers. There was not any government school for the Muslim youths. Whenever theMuslims instituted a school on their own expense, it was closed because of the heavytaxes enacted by the high authorities. This hostile behavior continued so severely that noone else could build a school. If a Muslim was indebted to a Christian and was not able topay his debt, he would become automatically a slave for the creditor without hearing hispetition. Such debtor became the object of buying and selling before the eyes of peopleand no one said: “Oh, he is a human being too.” No Muslim was employed by thegovernment departments in spite of that the Muslims formed one third of the populationof this country. On the other hand, if the wali wanted to make an effort in the interest ofthe Muslims, he would not have the authority to do it because the church had the controlover all the state affairs and Ethiopia had to obey the commands issued by the church.Have the Christians ever faced such annoyance from the Muslims along the history? Arethey ready to be treated like their own treatment? Certainly not! Therefore, it indicates aruinous party-spirit that the Christians (colonial countries) accept it satisfactorily. ImamAli (s) said: “It is sufficient for you to educate yourself that you avoid what you dislike fromthe others.” History mentioned that the independence of the local Churches wasrespected by the Muslims when they occupied Spain. The Muslims associated with theChristians in a friendly manner, but after a time when the Spaniards got their countryback, they established many courts to inquire about the people's beliefs. The main duty ofthose courts was to inquire about the Muslims in order to accuse them of a bad precedentto be used later as a cause of condemnation. They used the most shameful acts of tortureto suppress the Muslims in a way that history had not mentioned its like at all. In a word,many hardships were imposed upon the Muslims to force them to turn Christians. TheHoly Qur’an says: (Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made waragainst you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes,that you show them kindness and deal with them justly, surely Allah loves the doers ofjustice) 60:8. And: (This day (all) the good things are allowed to you, and the food of thosewho have been given the Book (the Jews and the Christians) is lawful for you and yourfood is lawful for them; and the chaste from among the believing women and the chastefrom among those who have been given the Book before you (are lawful for you) when

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