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Page 80 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamthe Human Rights organization under the name of freedom and equality, it took a longtime until the west got rid of the gloom of the ignorance of the Middle Ages. In spite of thisdeclaration of the Human Rights, we regretfully see the racial feelings and supremacyover other nations and bloody wars throughout the world. The shameful act of killing thePalestinians in Sabra and Shatilla camp and the felony of the Sorbs in Kosovo andHerzegovina are not just stories. These ugly and hateful events are written down in thepages of history like a stain on man's forehead. Imam Ali (s) used to keep the Muslimsaway from clinging to party-spirit and vanity. He says in his sermon al-Qasi’ah: “Praise beto Allah, Who puts on the dress of exaltedness and dignity and has allocated them toHimself. He has made them for Himself and has forbidden His creatures from them.” Thenafter reciting a few Qur’anic verses he said: (When your Lord said to the angels: surely Iam going to create a mortal from dust: So when I have made him complete and breathedinto him of My spirit, then fall down making obeisance to him. And the angels didobeisance, all of them. But not Iblis: he was proud and he was of the unbelievers. He said:O Iblis, what prevented you from doing obeisance to him whom I created with My twohands? Are you proud or are you of the exalted ones? He said: I am better than he; Thouhast created me of fire, and him Thou didst create of dust. He said: Then get out of it, forsurely you are driven away. And surely My curse is on you to the Day of Judgment) 38:71-78. Then Imam Ali (s) kept on his speech and saying: “The vanity of Iblis (Satan) and hisfeeling proud of his being created of fire made him be cursed by Allah. And so he arrivesat a good conclusion that this enemy of God (Satan) is the leader of those who boast andfeel proud towards others by virtue of their origin and descent and they, consequently,are subject to disfavor and curse of Allah.” There were many Jews and Christians livingunder Imam Ali's domination. They were free to practice their rituals and their rights weresecured by the government. One day when Imam Ali was exhorting people to jihad, hesaid: “It is reported that the enemy has taken ornaments off the legs and the ears of twoChristian women, who were under the Islamic rule. And then he said: “One, who hears thisstartling news and dies, is not to be blamed.” But regretfully today, in the twentiethcentury, the Muslims are treated inhumanely in many countries and more terribly inplaces where the people were ruled previously by colonial policy like India, Somalia,Guinea and others under the pretense of reforming the civil organizations and sometime,under the pretense of administering justice or settling discipline and peace. Wheneverthe unlawful interests of the colonial powers were encroached upon, they did not keep to

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