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Page 79 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamthe grains among the people so that the all, far or near, could enjoy their shares equally.Nowadays the world's population is divided into two classes; a group living in extremepoverty that a bit of food is not possible for them and another group surrounded withaffluence and riches living at ease and luxury. The Islamic civilization does not allow suchdistinction of classes; therefore Imam Ali (s) in his famous epistle to the governor of Egyptwrote: “There are many indigents among people, who do not request for more than theirshare when they are badly in need of more. For God's sake, safeguard their rightsbecause the responsibility lays on you before God. Assign a portion from the treasury fortheir living and education wherever they are, whether near at hand or far from you. Therights of the all ought to be protected by you.” He often said: “Wherever there are palacesand affluences there are surely many lost rights beside them.” This is really the civilizedIslam, which calls for argument among the civilizations. It is clear that social justice isbased on righteous judgments of the judges. Therefore Imam Ali (s) had instructed thejudges with many legal instructions in order to spread justice everywhere. According toImam Ali’s instructions, every judge ought to treat the litigants equally in looking at them,talking with them and in seating them so that the judge’s relative would not exploit theopportunity to gain illegal benefits and that the judge’s enemies would not despair ofjustice. Once he said to the second caliph Umar: “There are three things that if you put inpractice, you won’t be in need of other thing; 1-Enforcement of the religious law upon thestranger and acquaintance equally. 2-Judging according to the book of Allah (Qur’an) instate of anger or consent. 3- Just division of the spoils between the lowly people and thenobles and between the black and the white.” Nowadays, in some civilized countries ofthe world a black-skinned boy or girl is not admitted in whites' schools. Regretfully in thehospitals of the U. S. A., even in the northern part where people used to fight againstslavery, the wards and surgeries of the whites differ from those of the blacks. Young andinexperienced doctors have no right to visit the white persons, whereas the various testsare performed in the blacks’ section. Now we go back to dry and sandy Arabia of fourteencenturies ago where ignorance and party spirits were spread. The noble privilege andgrandness were too much hateful and the ordinary people could never look forward tothe positions that were held by the nobles. Imam Ali (s) proclaimed freedom and equalityand those, who were entitled to virtue, became high-ranking officials during hisgovernment. He urged people to behave fairly towards each other without lettingdifferences trouble their life. Although such privileges were cancelled by the charter of

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