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Page 77 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamproperty.” 112- “The kings are the watchmen of Allah on the earth.” 113- “The least right ofAllah on you is that you are not to make use of His blessings in committing sins.” 114- “Notbeing in need of asking pardon is better than putting forth true excuse.” 115- “Thegreatest wealth is not look forward to what the others have in their possession.” 116- “Atime will come when nothing will remain of the Qur’an except its writing and nothing ofIslam except its name. The mosques will be flourishing with building but empty ofguidance. Their builders and inhabitants will be the worst of the all on the earth. Seditionswill appear from them and all sins will turn towards them. If any one keeps himself alooffrom sins, they would bring him back to them and if any one falls behind, they push himtowards them. Allah, the Glorified, says: (I swear by myself that I shall send upon them anevil wherein the wise will be puzzled over it (how he can save himself from the perdition)and He will do so. We ask Him to forgive our mistakes during negligence.” 117- “O people,fear Allah (avoid sins) because man has not been created in vain to busy himself withamusement nor he has been set free to do nonsense.” 118- “Words are under your controlas long as you do not utter them yet, but when you utter them you will be under theircontrol. Therefore take care of your tongue as you take care of your gold and money,because sometimes a saying may take a blessing away and put you to trouble.” 119- “Donot say what you do not know and do not say all what you know.” 120- “He, who engageshimself in various affairs, will be obliged to seek remedies how to get out of them.” 121-“Take from this worldly life whatever comes to you and keep away from whateverrefrained from you. If you do not do so, be moderate in your quest.” 122- “A statementmay be more effective than an attack.” 123- “He, who opposes rightness, will be knockeddown by it." 124- Imam Ali (s) wrote to his officer, Ziyad ibn Abeeh: “Be just with the peopleand avoid violence and injustice because violence leads them to wander and injusticeleads them to insurge.” Of course, those who accustom themselves to a simple life, leavewithout getting anything and oppose their fancies, God pours the light of knowledge intotheir hearts, especially if the simplicity was linked with avoiding sins. To prove thisstatement, I point out the manner of the ascetics’ lives, who deny themselves for a timeand consequently they can foretell the happenings of nature which are going to occur.Imam Ali was a paragon of simplicity and virtue and the things mentioned above werequite applicable to him. (Those who accustom themselves to simplicity, God poursknowledge into them.) There are enough sayings to be said but let me point out some ofthe Prophet's sayings about the scientific position of Imam Ali (s) to end this matter. The

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