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Page 75 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamthing because all people are free and equal). If a man reads the Holy Qur’an and is to beput into Hell after death, he is of those, who treat the verses of Qur’an with mockery. If aman's heart gets attached to this world, he will be afflicted with three things; continuousworry that will never let him be comfortable, an unending greed and an unachievabledesire. 76- Contentment is as good as wealth and good humor is as good as blessing ofGod. 77- Imam Ali was asked about the meaning of Allah's saying after praising a virtuousman or woman: (And we will most certainly make him live a happy life). He answered: “Itmeans those who are content.” 78- Participate with one, who has abundant livelihoodbecause he is luckier for getting more riches and he is expected to increase your sharetherein. 79- About the meaning of the Qur’anic verse: (Surly Allah enjoins the doing ofjustice and benevolence) he said: “Do not oppress the others (be kind to the people).” 80-He said to his son Imam Hasan (s): “Do not be the first to declare a war, but if you arecalled for it, give a contentful answer; because the caller for a war is a rebellious and therebellious is to be ruined.” 81- Imam Ali (s) was asked to define the wise man and he said:“A wise man is he, who puts things in their proper positions.” Then he was asked todescribe the ignorant. He said: “I have already done so.” (The ignorant is one, who doesnot put things in their proper positions). 82- Imam Ali (s) said: “By Allah, your world (inwhich you quarrel with one another like vultures and dogs), in my point of view, is meanerthan a piece of a hog’s bone in a leper’s hand.” 83- “Woman is evil; from which man cannotescape (he is in need of her).” 84- “One, who acts carelessly, loses his rights and one, whobelieves the storytellers, misses his friends.” 85- “An extorted piece of stone in a house (tobe within its structure) is a cause of its ruination.” 86- “The day of the oppressed over theoppressor will be severer than the day of the oppressor over the oppressed.” (Bearingoppression in this world is easier than bearing it in the next world.) 87- “When responsesare numerous the truth remains unknown.” 88- “When the possibilities increase, desiresdecrease.” 89- “Try to make one’s good idea about you remain as it is.” 90- “The mostpreferable doings are those that you are obliged to do them (God's obligations).” 91- “Iknew Allah through the breaking of determinations, change of intentions and whenproblems are resolved by themselves.” 92- “The affliction of this world leads to the cheerof the afterworld and the cheer of this world leads to the affliction of the afterworld.” 93-“Anger is a kind of madness because when a mad one returns to his senses, he doesrepent. If he does not repent, his madness is certified.” 94- “Good health comes from lackof envy (an envious person melts away in the heat of envy).” 95- “If the wise man's word is

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