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Page 71 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamliberal education. At first, a person is purified from evilness and then is taught science andwisdom to do good for mankind. Recently some news came from America saying thatsome 14 or 15 years old students attacked their fellow students by gun and consequently anumber of them were killed. Thereupon the public prosecutor asked the local clergymanto think of a remedy and to restrain the present situation because men of authority couldnot do anything. Although it is a bit late to stem the tide of prostitution, drunkenness andlicentiousness among the people, it is much better doing nothing at all. In order to putdown such wicked acts among the youngsters, firstly, the educationists should graduallyinsert the religious teachings in school's programs and, secondly, papers and film editorsshould reconsider making erotic films and writing deviational stories, because T. V andmagazines are the real educators of people. They play an important role in teachingthem. Just as Europe had obtained many benefits from the civilization of Islam during theCrusades, the west, at the present time, needs to be in contact with the spiritual centersin the Islamic Republic of Iran to seek remedy for its shortcomings. Now it is the outset ofexchanging views among the civilizations and it can audaciously be said that the wordsand deeds of Imam Ali (s) are good guides to find the way of establishing peace andsecuring the human rights allover the world. Here I quote some of Imam Ali’s scientificand sententious words to shed more light upon his personality. Imam Ali said: 1-Everyone, who is in charge of the Muslim's affairs, neglects his charge, God will neglect him. 2-The worst men of all are the treacherous businessmen. 3-Destitution is the greater death.Having few children is relief. Practicing moderate economy is half of the living. One, whocontrols his economy, will not face poverty. 4-Avoid gluttony for it causes diseases andillnesses. 5-Weakness and listlessness are the calamity of the nations. Being patient withsufferings and struggling against hardships are courage. 6-Purify yourselves of dirtypassions to reach high ranks before God. 7-Keep equality among the all and do not addfuel to the fire of discord because the hearts are always ready to differ from each other.8-Receive people willingly, deal with them cheerfully and trustfully and be humble beforethem. 9-The ignorant is known by six characteristics: being angry without having virtue,talking idle talk, generosity out of its suitable place, unable to distinguish the friend fromthe enemy, disclosing the secrets and trusting in every body. 10- Pay the worker his duewages before his sweat is dried. 11- The greatest sin is aggression and violation. 12- Thehighest virtue of man is to avoid persecuting people and to be kind to them. 13- The onewho believes in resurrection won’t be greedy for the worldly wealth. 14- Everything can

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