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Page 70 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islam.words and deeds was the very civilized Islam we tried to research onThe Vastness of Imam Ali's KnowledgeThe Shia think that the knowledge of the prophets is covert and that God has revealed itto him by inspiration and then they vest it in their successors at the last gasp. Imam Ali (s)said: “The Prophet, in his deathbed, whispered to me and taught me one thousandchapters of knowledge; each one of them contained one thousand chapters.” Of courseImam Ali’s scientific theories about monotheism, the creation of man, heavens, earth,stars, suns, mountains, clouds thunder, plants, philosophy of history, phylogeny and eventhe creation of the peacock and the bat. The interpretation of the Qur’an confirmed whathe had said about the mentioned above items. His speeches, his letters to his officers andhis scientific sayings (except jurisprudential traditions) had been compiled in a booknamed Nahj al-Balaghah, which was really next to the Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an is thewords of God. The great part of it deals with many branches of knowledge like theology,sociology, economy and others. This holy book needed to be interpreted by a pious andlearned man. Nahj al-Balaghah was the great work of Imam Ali (s) in this concern. It wasbelow the speech of God and higher than man's speech. Imam Ali was the father ofgnosis and many Islamic mystics have based their principles on his teachings. Hisreligious decrees and judgments were followed and obeyed by the previous caliphs asthe second caliph Umar often said: “I would have gone astray if Ali (s) had been nothere.”[1] Once he was asked what number was to be divided by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10without fraction. He answered quickly: “Multiply the number of the days of a year by thenumber of the days of a week to get the result.” 360 x 7 = 2520. Once again three personscame to him and said: “There are 17 camels that must be divided among us in thismanner; half of them for one of us, a third of them for the other and a ninth of them forthe last one. How can we divide live camels among us?” Imam Ali (s) added to them one ofhis own camels and then he said: “Now the half of the camels is 9 heads, the third is 6 andthe ninth is 2 heads.” 9+6+2=17. He answered their problem and then he took back his owncamel. In fact this was really a scientific masterpiece but the most important thing was hisdeep knowledge of monotheism, which had given him much importance. Certainlymonotheistic knowledge is connected with morality and it is affected by the call ofconscience. It consequently brings peace and comfort. It is neither destructive norruinous because it is not based on material concerns. Of course Islam provides such

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