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Page 7 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamID BookIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islam Author: Muhammad Husayn TahmasebiEditor: Abdullah al-ShahinPublisher: Ansariyan Publications – QumFirst Edition 1423-1381Negheen Press Quantity: 2000Number of Pages: 184 Size: 143 x 205ISBN: 964-438-377-XALL RIGHTS RECORDED AND RESERVED FOR THE PUBLISHERPREFACESo long as three great problems of the world; the degradation of man through indigenceand pauperism, the corruption of women through hunger, the ignorance and povertyexisting on earth, are unsolved; so long as spuriously creating hells amid the civilizationon earth and social suffocation is possible in any part of the world, the personality ofImam Ali (s) and his speeches and maxims collected in Nahj al-Bal¡ghah can not fail to beof use. Nowadays many people of the world are in easy circumstances because of theadvancement of learning and technique, but regretfully the morals and ideality are, at thesame time, disappearing among them and it seems that the world is badly in need ofmorals and spirituality. It is clear that the modern science is the result of a series ofquarrels occurred between church and the scientists during the Dark Ages. The peopleexpected that church would teach them the principles of religion and would direct thesociety to welfare and peacefulness, but it was contrary to their expectation that thechurch persisted in its opinion to protect its prestige and imposition of its pretended ideasas the divine religion. It surprised every scientific movement and consequently scientistsbecame involved in many difficulties. When they cleared the immoral acts of church, theywere put to torture and finally they were badly killed. As history says, Giardona Bruno thephilosopher and physicist of Italy was burnt to death before the crowed after spendingeight years in jail. Also Copernicus the famous mathematician was harassed by thechurch. Galilee, the famous astronomer was thrown into jail at the age of seventy andeventually got a temporary release when he fell down on his knees and asked for

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