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Page 65 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamreligion, declared the war against Mu’awiyah. In the thick of the battle, somecommandants of Imam Hasan’s army received a bribe from Mu’awiyah. They left ImamHasan and joined Mu’awiyah. Imam Hasan, facing many difficulties, was obliged to cometo terms with Mu’awiyah. Contrary to the agreement, Mu’awiyah decided to appoint hisson Yazid as his successor. Yazid was dissolute and ignominious. He was a mass of sinsand faults. Mu’awiyah poisoned Imam Hasan to clear clearing the way for his son. Finallyhe managed to appoint Yazid by force or by bribing the oppositionists when necessary.The brave rising of Imam Hussein, the other son of Imam Ali(s), which had a regretfulconsequence, was also the result of immorality spread among the people and the loss ofthe favorable atmosphere of the divine caliphate. It showed that people would prefermaterial concerns to principles.[2] Since Imam Hussein (s) was the greatest fighteragainst tyranny, I deem it my duty to remind the readers briefly how he sacrificed himselffor defeating injustice and oppression. After the death of Mu’awiyah, all the Muslims,willy-nilly, paid homage to Yazid except four persons. Imam Hussein was one of them.The people of Kufa invited Imam Hussein to reform the bad political and social situationsand to guide them to the right path. They sent him more than twenty-five thousandletters inviting him to set out towards Kufa. In the meanwhile he was offended by the waliof Medina to force him to pay homage to Yazid but he left Medina for Mecca at night withhis household. The Umayyads pursued their adversary even in Mecca. They intended toremove this obstacle by killing Imam Hussein. Imam Hussein, because of the reverenceof Kaabah and that he did not want any bloodshed to be committed inside it, left Meccatowards Kufa. He confronted a host of one thousand soldiers on the way to Kufa. Thecommander of them asked Imam Hussein to pay homage to Yazid; otherwise he wouldnot be allowed to enter the city. He refused the proposal and then he had to pitch tents ina torrid place named Karbala. The wali of Kufa dispatched an army of thirty thousandpersons to Karbala within four days to surround Imam Hussein and his household. Theyoccupied the watering places in order to force Imam Hussein to surrender when sufferingthirst. They were so hard-hearted that they did not pay any attention for the children’scrying because of thirst. There were one thousand persons with Imam Hussein when hegot at Karbala. He told them that they had the option to leave or to stay, because hewould be killed in that journey. They left him in groups and only seventy-two persons,including his sons, brothers and nephews accompanied by their wives and children,remained to support him. Every one of those devoted men made a short speech showing

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