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Page 64 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamwere killed except nine persons, who fled away to save their lives. Only eight persons ofImam Ali's army were martyred. Surprising it was! Who had suffered from oppressionmore than Imam Ali (s)? Those who encouraged people to kill Uthman, after killing him,they accused Imam Ali of being the guilty and tried heir best to avenge. Those, whoinsisted on him to stretch his hand to pay homage, broke their homage and waged thebattles of al-Jamal (the camel) and Nahrawan. They even threatened him with death if hewould not accept the arbitration and when he accepted it, he was charged with heresyand then they wanted him to repent. Above all, he was the first man in Islam, whosecertain right was usurped by political collusions. At the same time Mu’awiyah decided toextend his domain; therefore he sent his armies to different cities of Imam Ali'sdomination. He, hereby, created disorder and confusion so that Imam Ali (s) could find nopeace of mind. He sent many groups of marauders and killers to put down the oppositionand to obtain homage by force. The Prophet (s) had said to Imam Ali before: “After meyou will fight against the perfidious (those who fought in the battle of al-Jamal), theoppressors (Mu’awiyah’s followers) and the apostates (the Kharijites).” Mohammad, thegreat educator, trained the people of that time so that they could make the civilized worldof those submit to them days within half a century because they could control theirpersonal desires easily by virtue and abstinence. As a result of the social and moraleducation, those people never thought of achieving their own aims. They just thought ofthe benefit of the ummah. Really, the successive victories of the Muslims at the first ageof the Islamic state were due to their principles and morals. At the days of Abu-Bakr andUmar these principles were still protected but at the reign of Uthman, the people did notpay much attention to those principles. On the other hand, the Muslims obtained victoryover many countries and consequently they gained a lot of goods and spoils which ledthem to laze in luxury. They practiced the luxurious and splendid life of the Romans andthe Persians and made the new generation understand that no one could live at easewithout riches. Hereupon the policy of the Islamic caliphate was changed into monarchyand tyranny. This atmosphere was quite favorable for a man like Mu’awiyah, who wasambitious and wanted to found a hereditary sultanate instead of the Islamic caliphate.But Imam Ali (s) wanted to restore the Prophet's Sunnah and the simplicity of the lifeduring the time of the two caliphs; Abu-Bakr and Umar and this made him face troublesthat at last he was martyred. The people gathered in Syria to firm Mu’awiyah's rule. Thehistorians mentioned that Imam Hasan, the elder son of Imam Ali (s), who defended the

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