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Page 58 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islam:punishing someone.” NotesRefer to Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by ibn Abi'l-Hadeed, vol.2 p.p.77, Akhbar az-Zaman by [1]al-Mas'oodi, Khawass al-Umma by Sibt ibn aj-Jawzi and many other Sunni historians. [2] Aplace near Basra. [3] Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by ibn Abul Hadeed. [4] "Bint" means the.daughter of and "ibn" means the son ofDeposal of Mu’awiyahNeglecting the other troubles, the ruling of Mu’awiyah in Syria was the most complicatedmatter that Imam Ali (s) confronted at the beginning of his caliphate. When Syria wasconquered by the Muslims, Yazid, the elder brother of Mu’awiyah, was appointed as thewali by Abu-Bakr and then Mu’awiyah took it over at the reign of Umar. Therefore theUmayyads (Mu’awiyah's family) had ruled over Syria for twenty-four years before thecaliphate of Imam Ali (s). This long time was quite enough for a clever and sagacious manlike Mu’awiyah to prepare the first steps for ruling as a caliph over the Muslims and hesucceeded to do it at last. Mu’awiyah, by nature, had a great skill to put down hisopponents’ claims and he knew their hopes and wishes well. On the other hand, Syria wasthe richest country among the other Islamic territories and Mu’awiyah, who was carelessabout how to spend the public monies, could weather every difficulty easily. Those, whowanted to impose themselves upon people, gathered in Syria and did their best to firmthe foundation of his rule. Some critics criticized Imam Ali (s) and thought that he wasunable to handle the state affairs and did not know how to manage the task. But they didnot know that there was a great difference between the religious government and theother kinds of governments. The difference was that according to the religious laws,dishonesty, deception and even white lies were not acceptable. In this respect Imam Ali(s) could not agree with Mu’awiyah, who was indifferent to the religious matters.Furthermore he had refused to pay homage to Imam Ali (s) in spite of the fact that all theMuslims and the great companions of the Prophet had submitted to him willingly. At anyrate a few letters were exchanged between Imam Ali and Mu’awiyah but regretfully.Mu’awiyah was impervious to Imam Ali’s advices. Finally the battle of Siffeen took placeThe battle of SiffeenMu’awiyah made preparations for the war and set off towards Imam Ali's area with fortythousand soldiers. They got at a place called Siffeen between Syria and Iraq. Mu’awiyah

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