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Page 57 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamarrows made him stop. Imam Ali (s) Shouted: “Risk yourself and go ahead through thearrows and spears.” But he hesitated to attack because of a storm of arrows coming fromthe enemy. Imam Ali (s) said to him: “Why do not you go ahead.” He said: “Father, I do notfind a way to proceed through these showering arrows.” When Imam Ali (s) saw thisirresolution of his son Muhammad, he took the sword and the banner from him and madesuch an attack upon the enemy that disturbance and fright covered their ranks.Whichever side he attacked, it became clear. Heads and bodies were falling under thehooves of the horses. Then he returned and said to his son: “You must fight like this.”Mohammad took his sword and attacked the enemy with a group of Ansar. They leftheaps of dead bodies on the field.” On the other side of battlefield the men weresacrificing their lives around the camel (of A’ishah) devotedly in spite of the falling headsand bodies one over the other. Imam Ali (s) ordered his men by saying: “Cut off thecamel's leg. It is a devil.” Then he made a severe attack again and finally cries of “peace”were heard here and there. As soon as the camel fell down, the enemy ran away towardsthe desert and leaving A’ishah alone in the heat of the fight. But thousands of fighterswere killed for the sake of holding the rein of the camel. A’ishah was escorted by herbrother Mohammad ibn Abu-Bakr to the house of Safiyya bint [4] Harith in Basra and thenshe was sent to Medina respectfully. This war began at an afternoon and finished in thesame evening. One thousand and seventy men were killed from Imam Ali's army oftwenty-two thousand persons, whereas seventeen thousand persons were killed fromthe enemy out of thirty thousands. When Imam Ali captivated A’ishah, instead ofreproaching her, he was kind enough to her. He also overcame his most revengeful andobstinate enemies like Marwan, Abdullah ibn Al-Zubayr and others in this battle but theywere forgiven permitted to go wherever they like. In the same way the idolaters ofKoreish tribe were formerly forgiven when the Prophet (s) had conquered Mecca. Duringhis praying for the killed men, Imam Ali was heard praying for the enemy: “O God, if theyfought against me unknowingly or with intention of setting up the rightness and justice,they were innocent (I hope them to be remitted).” Throughout the history's memory, nocommander would ever act so generously when he won a victory. Imam Ali’s generosityand clemency were much more than to be counted. He wrote in his famous epistle toMalik al-Ashtar, the wali of Egypt: “People are usually subjected to weakness and theymay do wrong things on purpose or by mistake. You should forgive them if you would liketo be forgiven by God. Do not regret your forgiving someone and do not be pleased when

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