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Page 56 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamfor the war. Although Abu Musa, the wali, Opposed and created many difficulties fordispatching the forces, seven thousand fighters joined Imam Ali's army. Some othersoldiers under various standards united with Imam Ali before he reached the field nearBasra. There were many great companions, many youths of the Hashemites and ImamAli’s sons; Imam Hasan, Imam Hussein and Mohammad ibn al-Hanafiyah among thearmy. Imam Ali (s) dismounted from his horse and offered a four rak’as prayer and thenhe prostrated himself on the ground. He was heard praying for his enemy and saying: “OGod, the Sustainer of the earth, grant us their good and protect us from their evil!” At firsthe ordered that no one of his men should attack the enemy before they made an attackon them. Then he, unarmed, came forward and called Talhah and Al-Zubayr to witnesswhen saying: “Both of you and A’ishah know that I am free from the guilt of Uthman'sblood and I would never say what you used to say about him. Did I force you to payhomage or you did willingly?” Al-Zubayr was affected by these words but Talhah gotangry and began to growl. A young man got permission to go before the enemy with acopy of the Qur’an but he was killed by an arrow. Thus they declared war. Ammar ibnYasir, the great Prophet’s companion, went to warn them of the consequences of the warbut they were impervious to his arguments and he also was answered by arrows. ImamAli (s) did not allow his men to attack the enemy yet. He believed in negotiation betweenthe both parties before beginning the war. He thought it was the only way to solve thequarrels; therefore his men were not allowed to start the war before the enemy. Theopposite army went on sending arrows like the rain. Some brave combatants of ImamAli's men were killed. Imam Ali came in front of the enemy without wearing armor andcalled out: “Where is Al-Zubayr?” When Al-Zubayr saw Ameer-al-Mu’mineen unarmed, hecame out and stood before him. Imam Ali said: “O Al-Zubayr, do you remember one daywhen the Prophet said to you that you would fight against me and that your side would bewrong?” Al-Zubayr replied: “Yes, he had said so.” Then Imam Ali (s) asked him: “Why haveyou come then into the battlefield?” He replied: “I have forgotten what the Prophet hadsaid. I would not have come here if I had recalled it.” Imam Ali (s) said: “It is well that nowyou recall it.” He said: “Yes.” After saying this, he went straight to A’ishah and after a shortconversation he turned the reins of his horse and left the field. When Imam Ali (s)returned to his army, he noticed that the enemy has attacked the right and left flanks ofhis army. He said: “Now the excuse is null.” He called for his son Mohammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah and said to him: “Attack the enemy now.” But the shower of the enemy's

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