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Page 55 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamsaid: “I remind you again that one day I and you were with the Prophet (s) in a trip whenAbu-Bakr and Umar joined us to rest under a tree while Ali (s) was busy mending theProphet's shoes. They said to the Prophet(s): “May we ask you about who will be yoursuccessor and to whom we will resort after you?” The Prophet replied: “I know who he isand I show the evidence of his dignity and prudence, but if I inform you of his name, youwill keep off him as the Israelites when they kept off Aaron.” Then I asked the Prophet:“Who would be our Imam after you?” He said: “It is that man who is mending my shoes.”Then I and you ourselves saw that Ali was patching the shoes.” A’ishah said; “Yes, Iremember.” Ummu-Salamah said: “If it was so then why are you instigating people torevolt against Ali (s) under the pretext of avenging Uthman's blood?” She said: “I want toreform the Muslims’ affairs.”[3] As the Prophet had said, A’ishah on her way to Basra gotat a place where some dogs barked at her. It reminded her of the Prophet's admonition.She asked her camel driver about the name of that place. When she knew that it wasHaw’ab and that she was the one, whom the Prophet had talked about, she refused toproceed further. Talhah and Al-Zubayr gave a perjured witness that the place is notHaw’ab and they brought fifty persons to witness falsely that it was not Haw’ab. Finallyshe determined to proceed forward to Basra. It was a surprise to the people when theysaw her riding a camel to the battlefield. The Holy Qur’an, addressing the Prophet's wives,says: (And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of theignorance of yore) 33:33. She, in this manner, had missed her stateliness and honor. Whenthey arrived at the gate of Basra, Uthman ibn Hunayf, the wali, came out with his menand stopped in their way being ready for the war. They took the field and before longsome were killed from both sides. A’ishah intervened and stopped the fighting. Theycame to an agreement that the actual situation would remain as it was until Imam Ali (s)arrived at Basra. But after less than forty-eight hours they made a nightly attack on thewali of Basra and killed forty innocent men of his. Uthman was badly beaten and his beardwas plucked. Then they looted the public treasury and the grain stores and they alsokilled twenty guards. A noble man of Basra named Hakim ibn Jabalah met the chiefs ofthe invaders trying to convince them to stop the attack but the war raged between themand at last Hakim and Seventy persons of his companions were killed. When Imam Ali (s)knew about the march to Basra he, accompanied by five hundred of the Prophet’scompanions, left Medina for Basra. When he got at Thi-Qar, a place between Kufa andBasra, he sent his dear son Imam Hasan and Ammar ibn Yasir to Kufa to call the people

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