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Page 54 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamof Syria, Abdullah ibn Umar, the son of the second caliph, and Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqass. Thelast two persons were good for nothing but Mu’awiyah was a sagacious man, who was inno way bound by morality and he did not heed the religious laws. He always had enmitytowards Imam and his utmost desire was to attain the position of caliphate. When he tookover Kufa at during the time of Imam Hasan, he said to the people: “I have not come hereto correct your religious problems. I have come to rule over you and to manage you.” Hebecame very powerful during twenty years of rule and especially at the reign of Uthman.Imam Ali (s), in conformity to religious standards, decided to depose Mu’awiyah. Someone said to him: “It is not wise to discharge Mu’awiyah so soon. It requires carefulhandling. Wait a bit until your rule gets strong then you do what you like?” Imam Alireplied: “This doesn't conform to my belief because I will be responsible to God ifMu’awiyah offends against law and deprives people of their rights during my ruling. I willbe answerable on the Day of Resurrection.” Now let us see what was going to take placein Mecca. Some of the rich and ex-officers believed A’ishah's pretenses. They came to anagreement to incite the people of Iraq against Imam Ali (s) especially the people of Basrabecause their tribes were living there and they might be of some help. At last an army ofthree thousands men, whose expenses were paid by the previous walis, marchedtowards Basra. When A’ishah was about to leave Mecca, she went to meet Ummu-Salamah (another wife of the Prophet) asking her to accompany her in this journey.Ummu-Salamah was a good and kind woman. She tried to remind A’ishah of some of theProphet's sayings about Imam Ali (s). She said to her: “One day, if you remember, theProphet and I came into your room and at the same time Ali (s) came in and whisperedwith the Prophet for a long time. You wanted to interrupt him and said to Ali: “It is my turntoday to be with the Prophet after nine days. Now you came here to turn his attentionfrom me to some other things.” I saw that the Prophet's face reddened with anger and hesaid: “Be quiet A’ishah! By God, whoever displeases Ali and bears him a grudge, is not oneof the believers.” Then you came back feeling sorry.” A’ishah said: “Yes, I remember.’Ummu-Salamah added: “Do you remember that one day you were washing the blessedhead of the Prophet (s) and I was cooking Hiss (a kind of Arabian soup), suddenly theProphet raised his head and said: “I wish I knew at which of you the dogs of Haw’ab[2]would bark. She certainly will be damned on the Day of Resurrection.” Then I said: “I seekrefuge in God and His Apostle if I would be that one.” Then the Prophet pointed to you andsaid: “Beware if you would be that one.” A’ishah said: “Yes, I remember.” Ummu-Salamah

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