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Page 53 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamofficers offended against the law. His natural morality and his religious duty would requirehim to ensure the enforcement of the divine law; therefore he always would speak outwhat was rightful and he would not care whether people were pleased or displeased.Those who had misused certain things from Bayt al-Mal at the days of Uthman expectedthat Imam Ali (s) would give them free rein in the state affairs or, at least, he wouldcounsel with them about the general decisions. Imam Ali (s) was well-known as a practicalman and people respected him so highly. However, a few of them hated hisrighteousness as he himself had said: “How do those, whom my justice is annoying,endure injustice?” On the other hand there was a dispute between Imam Ali (s) andA’ishah, the Prophet's wife, because of some misunderstanding. She always had a grudgeagainst him. She previously used to excite the people against Uthman because she wassure that Al-Zubayr, her sister's husband, or Talhah, her cousin, would be the successorof Uthman; therefore she often said the people: “Kill this old hyena! God may kill him. Hehas become apostate indeed.”[1]When she knew that the people had paid homage toImam Ali (s), she decided to defy. In order to carry out her intention, she left Medina forMecca to stay there in order to incite people against Imam Ali. She would say pityingly:“Uthman was oppressively killed and I would take vengeance on his killer. O people, riseand help me!” On hearing this, Talhah and Al-Zubayr went to meet Imam Ali (s) to takeleave of him to go to Mecca under the pretence of pilgrimage. Imam Ali (s) said: “I am surethat you have plots against me, but I do not bother you as long as you have not disturbedthe public peace.” They really wanted to take part in the plot, which was developedagainst Imam Ali (s) by A`ishah. In spite of the fact that Imam Ali knew their designs, hedid not restrain them because in Imam Ali's opinion it was not allowable to arrest one,who had just designed to commit a crime but had not put it in practice yet because onemight repent before committing the crime. Have you ever heard that a commanderignores a probable danger for the sake of the law? History often mentions that as soon asany ruler gets a hint of a plot against himself, he will immediately get rid of those whohave hatched the plot either by killing or imprisoning them. But Imam Ali said to them:“You are free to go wherever you wish but be careful not to disturb the public peace.” TheHoly Qur’an says: (There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has becomeclearly distinct from error ...) 2:256. Hereon Imam Ali (s) gave the Muslims the maximumfreedom to the extent that they would not encroach on the others’ freedom. All thecompanions and the ex-walis had paid homage to Imam Ali (s) except Mu’awiyah, the wali

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