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Page 52 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islam(s) said in his speech regarding the government's plan: “The public are hereby notifiedthat a decree will be issued against those who have made money in unlawful ways andtheir monies will be requisitioned. The offenders will be soon prosecuted ...” Those, whohad misappropriated certain things from the public treasury, were irritated when theyheard Imam Ali’s speech and felt sorry for paying the homage. Imam Ali believed that allclasses of people, whether Arab or non-Arab, black-skinned or white-skinned, were equalto each other before the law. He would never want a minority to act according to whatthey liked and to heap what they took from the majority by force. He would never becontent with a minority to be offensive against the majority of helpless and miserablepeople, who groaned under injustice with no rescue. Imam Ali (s) said: “Achieve equalityamong yourselves and do not discriminate against one another because hearts arealways ready to make mischief and dispute among you.” He also said: “I cannot toleratesuch injustice that a group of people, under the pretense of noble descent and lineage,takes the products of common people's labor and then scorn them.” When theceremonies of the homage were finished, Talhah and Al-Zubayr, contrary to theirexpectation, were not invited by Imam Ali (s) to co-operate in the affairs of the state.They determined on going to meet him and request the rule of Kufa and Basra. As Soonas they came into the caliphate house, Imam Ali (s), who was busy with official works,suddenly blew out the candle and lighted another one at once. When they asked aboutthe reason, he replied: “The first candle belongs to Bayt al-Mal (public treasury) and I wasbusy with the caliphate affairs and since you have come here for a private business, so Ilighted my own candle.” They looked at each other and left hopelessly. Many politicians,long ago, criticized Imam Ali (s) by saying that it was not expedient to rouse the greatinfluential companions by his decisions. Furthermore they said that why he did nothumored the previous walis that caused them to make troubles for him. Was it not tactfulfor him to wait until he overcame the state affairs and then to change the situationaccording to his desired plan? These objections are not acceptable because the Shiabelieve that Imam Ali (s) was the representative of God and His Apostle on the earth andhe was not of those who told people lies and deceived them to secure their own power. Asa matter of fact, the polity of the divine religions is not comparable to the other systemsof rule. Islam is based on humanity, equity, justice and other good qualities. Its mainpurpose is to direct people to monotheism and godliness. The Imamate is an infallibleposition. Consequently Imam Ali (s) would be responsible to God if he himself or one of his

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