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Page 51 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamNow the Muslims laid their heads together to select a competent person who could runthe caliphate in the right path and could restore their lost rights. They thought of Imam Ali(s), whose conduct was very reasonable during this long period since the Prophet's death.In the end they came to a conclusion that nobody else was well qualified for that taskexcept Ali ibn Abu-Talib. They rushed towards his house to pay homage to him as he hadsaid in one of his speeches: “They leapt upon me as camels leaping upon each other goingto drink water ... in a way that I thought they would kill me or would kill another onebefore me.” Imam Ali said to them: “Leave me alone and look for another one. It isimportant for you to know that the Qur’an and the Prophet's Sunnah will guide my actionsand I will never turn back from the right path in order to satisfy the interests of somecertain groups or to assure someone’s worldly wishes. Therefore, you can not toleratemy evenhanded policies and judgments. I will be as counselor for you better than to be achief. Do not urge me to be the caliph.” The people began to cry and shout loudly. Theysaid: “O Ameer-al-Mu’mineen (the master of believers) do you not see what complicatedproblems the Muslims are facing? Do you not see that Islam is going to collapse?” ButImam Ali refused to accept the offer because he knew that people would like to play withdivine caliphate as a means to gain their worldly desires and that it was impossible torestore the present circumstances as they were at the Prophet's time. When the peopleinsisted on him importunately, Imam Ali (s) delivered a speech to clear away all theexcuses they might cling to. He said: “If you want me for your worldly desires, leave mealone and choose another one who may realize your wishes. I will not give up theprinciples of Islam (equity, reverence for the law, human rights and the like) to secureneither my authority nor the interests of the others. With regard to the subject of therights and privileges enjoyed by every one, I do not care for the influential peoplebecause all the peoples are equal before God. If you have decided to pay homage to me,think it over and over because after the homage if you protest against me or putobstructions in my way, I will force you to come back to the right path. Bear in mind theseconditions, and then you can reach your heart's desires.” Of course the previous rulingclass and the rich, especially Talhah and Al-Zubayr, would not be content with thecaliphate of Imam Ali (s) but the glory and the greatness of the revolution made themkeep silent. Since they (Talhah and Al-Zubayr) were appointed as members of the councilestablished by Umar to select the caliph after his death, they considered themselves asImam Ali's equivalents, but they had to pay homage to him unwillingly. Next day Imam Ali

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