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Page 48 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamsatisfied and left here for Egypt. In this way the people of the other cities will not comehere and they will be quiet at their places.” Uthman did not want to tell such a lie butMarwan persisted in that until he accepted. Then he went straight to the Prophet'smosque. As soon as he expressed his thought, the people began to shout at Uthman:“Fear Allah! What is this lie? You have to repent.” At last he had to repent. He turned toKaabah and repented groaningly and went back to his house. Imam Ali (s), in order tomake these uprisings subside, advised Uthman to repent of his past misdeeds beforepeople in the mosque again, otherwise if the next day some other people came, Uthmanwould again cling to Imam Ali’s neck to rescue him from them. Therefore Uthman maderepentance in the mosque and swore to be more adequate in the future. He promised thepeople that when their representatives met him, he would solve their problems andwould satisfy their demands as soon as possible. When he got back home, Marwanwanted to say something but Uthman's wife interfered and said to Marwan: “For the sakeof God; keep quiet! You will cause him to be killed for such sayings.” Marwan said withfury: “You have no right to interfere in these matters. You are the daughter of that man,who did not know how to perform his ablution till the end of his life.” She said: “You arewrong ...” The dispute became more serious between them but Uthman stopped themand asked Marwan: “What did you want to say?” He said; “What was that you said in themosque and what repentance you made? In my opinion, committing a sin is much betterthan making repentance by force. The result of this notification is the crowding of peoplebefore your house. Now go forward and perform their demands.” Uthman said: “I am notable to deal with the people. Now you go and fulfill their demands. Marwan came out andspoke out: “Why have you gathered here? Do you want to attack or to plunder? You knowyou can not take the authority from our hands and no one can defeat us. Take your blackfaces away from here. Allah may damn you.” When the people saw this double-dealing,they got angry and went to meet Imam Ali (s) and explained to him the whole story. ImamAli went straight to Uthman's house and said to him angrily: “Good heavens! Why did youmisbehave towards the Muslims? You broke your promise for the sake of a faithless man(Marwan) and lost all your wit. At least you should respect your own promise. You knowthat Marwan will throw you in such a deep hell that you will never be able to come outform it. He has ridden on you and pulled you to wherever he wished. I shall neitherinterfere in your affairs nor tell the people anything.” Na’ila (Uthman's wife) confirmedImam Ali's words and asked her husband to follow Imam Ali’s advices. She said: “Neither

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