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Page 47 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamcompanions of high rank were beaten hard by Uthman's slaves because of theirremonstration against his bad treatment. The people of the big cities of Kufa, Egypt andBasra gathered in Medina to protest against the offending rulers to plead for justice.Their aim was just to improve their situations but regretfully it led to killing and bloodshed.If their complaints had been heard in time, such unexpected events would not havehappened. They had requested Uthman to replace some of his officers. Some of the greatcompanions had given Ammar ibn Yasir a letter so that Ammar would notify the caliph ofthe truth. When he saw Uthman at his doorway and gave him the letter, he at firstreceived an abrupt answer and then he was mercilessly beaten and injured seriously by.Uthman’s slaves that caused hernia to him. [1] Murooj ath-Thahab, vol.1 p.p.435The caliphate of UthmanIt was concluded according to the Islamic history that Uthman was a man of feeble willand credulous. His counselor Marwan, who was disrespectable and mean among theMuslims, used his undue influence upon the caliph. Time and again he promised thepeople to improve their affairs and time and again he broke his promise. Consequentlythe people gathered before his house and repeated their demands. When he saw thematter became so serious he asked Imam Ali (s) imploringly to quiet the people and tofind a suitable way for rescuing him. At the same time he authorized Imam Ali to bring themater to an end by negotiating with the people. The Egyptians insisted on Uthman toappoint Mohammad ibn Abu-Bakr in stead of ibn Abu Sarh, the wali of Egypt. Imam Ali (s)put their lawful demand before Uthman. Uthman accepted but asked for a three-daydeadline to manage it. For the other cities, more time was necessary until the caliph'sdecision would reach there. Imam Ali (s) came back and talked to the Egyptians. Theyagreed to get back on the condition that their demands should be carried out andMohammad ibn Abu-Bakr should become the wali after deposing ibn Abu Sarh. Uthman,by the mediation of Imam Ali, accepted this without any hesitation. The Egyptiansdispersed when Imam Ali (s) accepted the responsibility for doing that. Then some ofthem went to Egypt with Mohammad ibn Abu-Bakr and some went to stay in a valley nearMedina for a while. On the next day Marwan said to Uthman: “It is alright now. TheEgyptians have left. In order to stop people to come from the other cities, you have toissue a decree saying that there was some misunderstanding but when the Egyptiansknew that whatever they had heard was wrong, the whole matter ended and they were

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