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Page 44 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islammember. At the caliph’s command, these six had to elect one of themselves as the caliphduring three days after his death. In the meantime he stated his opinion about each oneof the members. He about Imam Ali (s): “Although Ali is eager for the caliphate but I knowthat he is the only one, who can manage it in the right way.” In spite of this confession, themembers of the committee did not give their votes to Imam Ali and Uthman held theposition because all of the members were Uthman’s relatives except Al-Zubayr. Any onecould understand it guessing that Imam Ali (s) was with minority and Uthman wouldeventually the successor of Umar. In briefly speaking that Abd-al-Rahmaan was giventhe right by the majority to choose the caliph between two persons, Ali (s) and Uthman.He said to Ali (s): “I pay homage to you on the condition that you will follow the book ofAllah (the Qur’an), the Sunnah of the Prophet and the policy of the two previous caliphsAbu-Bakr and Umar. Imam Ali (s) replied: “I will follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah of theProphet (s) but I act according to my own judgments. The proposal was repeated thriceand the answer was the same. Then Abd-al-Rahmaan turned to Uthman and asked him ifhe would accept the condition. Uthman agreed to follow the terms the condition and theypaid homage to him. Now it is important to know why the members of the committeeignored the Prophet's statements concerning Ali (s) again. The prophet said: “Ali is thewisest and superior to all of you. He is the best judge among all.”[2] When Imam Ali sawhis right being suppressed in this way, he said: “This is not the first time you wrong me,but patience is my only way. I swear by Allah that you have not paid homage to him(Uthman) but you expect of him to give you the caliphate later on when he is about toleave.” [1] Refer to Fadhlullah Roozbahan's Abtal al-Battil, ibn Hajar al-Asqalani'sTahtheeb at-Tahtheeb, ibn Hajar al-Makki's Sawa'iq p.p.78, as-Sayooti's Tareekh al-Khulafa' p.p.66, Nooruddeen as-Sabbagh al-Maliki's al-Fussool al-Muhimma p.p.18, Ahmadibn Hanbal's Musnad and Fadha'il and it was mentioned by many other Sunni scholars. [2]Refer to Ahmad's Musnad, al-Khawarizmi's Manaqib, Meer sayyid Ali Hamadani's.Mawaddatul Qurba and Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqi's SunanThe politico-economic state of the Muslims at the days of the caliphsAt the time of the Prophet, the Muslims were inspired with feelings of liberty and freedomby canceling partisanship and racial feelings. The Holy Qur’an addressed the Prophet bysaying: (Say: I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that your god is one God)18:110. Imam Ali (s) said: “Ruling over you means suffering the heaviest burden on my

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